Later.. In the Baths:
If nowhere else in the Reaches, the baths always promise to be warm...
Steam enshrouds, a misty curtain that veils the room. Pools abound, water constantly swirling, warm and inviting; soapsand waits on nearby ledges for easy access. Racks of clothes stand by the door, freshly washed clothing hang from some, and bundles of yet to be washed clothes fill mutliple baskets beneath. Large cupboard doors open to reveal multitude of fresh, soft towels, and plenty of bathing items -- sponges, pumice stones, and back scrubbers.
Ducking steamclouds are Oceanus, Twanda, Amobarbital, Elena, Parekis, Tremayne, Quenn, and N'sync.
Cristen, Loren, and Surupa are here.
Marianne is but a blurr in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.
Hiliza is but a blurr in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.
Loren peers at Cristen, looking thoughtful. "Maybe. I dunno. I think I'll be able to see him. It took me five turns to get Searched again -- how much better could I've gotten, then?" She got grey hair; maybe the new-found sparkliness of her head is appealing, some how. "And I'd be able to see him, anyway. He's a weyrlingmaster. So I could see him, but not, like, have dinner with him. Alone, or anything." People can only trust a Lo'-with-R'ave as far as they can throw a Lo'-with-R'ave. Which probably isn't far. "Hum. Last time I got my hair dyed, we kind of rubbed it in like shampoo." A sage nod, and she nabs the bottles requested, peering at them carefully. "Hrm. Me, too. I don't remember how much I'm supposed to do." No use giving them a little too much color. "And I don't remember what she said to do." Whine.
And into the baths Marianne comes her eyes closed as her mouth spreads in a yawn, her hands busy at the crown of her head where she is busy taking down her long curls from their pins as they cascade down one by one, the pins getting tucked into Marianne's mouth and then into her pockets. Since her mouth is occupied when she sees people, the best she can do is on one foot twirl around in a graceful sort of waving spin with one foot off the ground waving and her eyes sparkling as the last of her hair comes down.
N'sync saunters in, stepping with that sway that all the 'cool' boys tend to adopt. You know - the one that looks rather silly and takes way more energy than a normal walk? His hands lift to snap at the color of his 'riding jacket, flipping it upward as he flashes a perfectly even, white smile toward the ladies already in the baths. "Well hel/lo/ there," he purrs, eyeing them before he bothers to glance around for an empty bench. After all, all that steam - and lack of clothes - make those white knots harder to notice. Not that N'sync actually leaves the candidates alone anyway.
Kinecha steps into the baths, almost wanting to spin around and walking right back out the way she came when she sees who's here. But alas, being sweaty and smelly, she shrugs, staying put and pulls off boots, tunic and trousers, then steps into the heated water. "Almost as hot as the Sands," she mutters as she shoots an icy stare at N'sync.
Surupa returns towards the baths, waving her hand in the steam as she gives the occupants a good look. "Still dying your hair?" She queries, her head tilted to one side. Perhaps she is back for another bath, or perhaps for her jacket which she left while running off towards the sands... Better yet, she is dropping off the towels that she took with her. However, there is someone there as well that causes her to pause, eyes narrowing as she gives N'sync a long look. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" She grunts, rolling a shoulder. Just another silly rider, most lightly. So she heads on over and picks up her jacket, moving towards the water as well.
Hyzen is but a blurr in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.
But being the friendly Harper girl that she is, it's in Marianne's nature to merely return the greeting.. once she rids herself of the pins in her mouth of course, disappeaering them into her pockets. Flashing whomever it is one of her normal, smooth, 'I am a Harper' smiles, Marianne turns her attention to the dying process. "So /this/ is what you all were working on earlier when we were in here.. before that bluerider dragged us out," Marianne sighs dramatically. "Ah, the things we do for the weyr.. sacrificing perfectly good baths..." And as she says this, she begins to undo her jumper, kicking off her boots to wiggle her toes on the side of the pool. "Mmmmm..."
Cristen frowns at Loren before taking both the blue a purple dye bottles, holding them up together and peering at them. "I'll do you first, Lo'." is declared from Cristen as she screws open the bottle of blue dye, turning it upside down and, with some difficulty, squeezing a wtih drip-drip-drips onto Loren's hair. "What do I do now, Loren?" is questioned nervously as said drips start sliding down silvery hair.
Hiliza saunters into the baths, again, her hair still not dry from eariler. "Shards an.." she stops cursing, coughs a little, and grins, "How nice to see a crowd in the baths almost constantly." Hiliza's never gonna get a bath without her clothes on. Only she's just wearing a towel this time. Cue head-to-toe blush. Wow, feet are cute all red-like. Whatever.
Loren has clothes on. Lo's bundled up in towels so she doesn't polka-dot herself with dye. She'll just ruin the weyr's towelsupply instead. N'sync gets a wary glance as he enters, and Lo' inches in whatever direction will take her Away from the scary brownrider. "Hello." And then she peers at her dye, again -- the pink one, at least, since Cristen's got the other two. "Huh? Oh. 'rupa. Yes. I want my hair to look nice so I'm dying it purple and blue." Spasticbeam. "Hiliza!" And there's a 'liza. "I dunno. 'liza, Cristen's dying my hair -- what should she do?" Hum.
N'sync isn't in any hurry to strip off his own clothes - not when there're such lovely ladies to leer at. Marianne is fixed on first, and the brownrider's lips quirk into another smile. A perfectly-calculated, charming smile. Hey, he /does/ get girls now and then, you know. They must fall for /something/. Just ask Hy. "Come, love, surely you don't find weyrlife all /that/ bad?" he questions, coaxing a boot off with his toes as he eyes the harper. "Surely there are some.. good.. aspects?" Cue the spotlight and growing music - it's gonna be him.
Khory is but a blurr in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.
"You're dying your hair?!" Kinecha exclaims, shaking her head, bringing up a hand to run through her own white-blonde short locks. "You'll not get me to do that." Better to say it now, before someone suggests it to her. Giving the rider another glance, she's thanks Faranth that he found a target, that's not her, and reaches out for some soapsand. "This isn't tainted, is it?" she asks, suspesious eyes falling on each of her fellow Candidates.
And why not a bath? Towel clad, Khory wanders into the steamy room, and hardly notices the /throng/ of people already in the water and scattered around... Even when he does see them, he doesn't think much of it.. Until he notices that.. they're.. Girls! Ahhh! Gulping, the blond messenger-candie begins to back up.. Maybe if he doesn't make a sound, they won't notice that he was here and....
Surupa shudders lightly towards all the dying candidates, looking up at the entering Hiliza. "I can't believe that... Soon 'nough, I'll be one of the only people that are different 'round here. I'll have /normal/ hair and" Gasp. "stand out." She shuffles towards the back and closer to the bath itself, taking clean towels and draping her jacket over the nearest seat. So she is actually going to take a true bath now? Stripping down, she quickly wraps herself in a towel as well, looking from the coloring candidates then back towards N'sync. Hrm...
Turning around with one raised eyebrow in N'sync's direction.. or the rider's direction in any case.. after all, Marianne hasn't been introduced, the Harper pauses with both of her straps over her shoulders, darn the rotten luck, only managing to.. er.. keep things up with a tight grip with one small hand. She noticed him too late, apparently. "I'm sure there are, from your.. point of view," Marianne says in her rich, inflected voice as she looks over at him with a smile flickering about her lips. "Unfortunately, there are.. other points of view to be had. Oh, by the by, 'love'," she puts a caressing, if skeptic emphasis on the word, fluttering her eyelashes in an exaggerated fashion. "Who on Pern /are/ you?" Oooh.. hit!
With a loud whistle, (of the canine sort) and a leering grin, S'tuff, rider of bronze Maximeth, decides to join in on the fun to be found in the baths. "Hello my darlings.." he positively croons to the lasses gathered about. One raised brow at the differing states of undress, and he too begins to strip, shoving by Khory in order to get to the water. "Well well well.. Looks like I've found where all the beauties are, have I not?" Grin. Leer. *SPLASH*
Hit me baby, one more time... Wait. Wrong band - but close enough? "Aw, dearheart, you wound me!" N'sync's eyes flash as he grasps at his heart, faking a wound before dropping his hands to his side and grinning at Marianne. "Just stick around a bit.. you'll learn to love it. Sure, the weyr can be a bit larger than life at the start... but you'll find the good points." Another grin, and his eyes linger on the harper again before he strips off his jacket, not self-consicious in the least. "N'sync, love, rider of Backstreeth. One of the better points of the weyr, if I do say so myself." Which he does, obviously. Pants follow jacket, and soon he's moving toward the edge of the pool where he pauses - not posing, surely? His eyes skim over the rest of the crowd, only to settle on Hyzen for a moment. Lips twist upward in a knowing smile. "Just ask Hyzen," he purrs before lowering himself into the water next to Marianne.
"Just ask Hyzen what?" comes Hyzen's wary question as she enters the baths, towel drapped over her shoulder and one brow cocked at the brownrider. The others are glanced at with a wide grin before it's back to the male that'd mentioned her. Shudder. Towel is deposited off to one side and she inches towards poor Marianne and N'sync, still fully clothed, mind you. Making sure she's out of male's reach range, she waits for an elaboration on his comment about her.
Kinecha is already starting to regret that she didn't just pivot around on her heel and dash right out of the baths when she'd first come in. Just stay away from this one particular Candidate and there'd be no need for a healer, hmmm? Soapsand in her hand is meticoulesly (sp) checked, by rubbing it into the palm of her hand. She'd heard the stories about dye in the soap and she didn't much feel like ending up with purple hair or worse. Cool glance are offered to N'sync and S'tuff before the guard-candie rubs the (hopefully) untainted soap into her hair.
Loren huffs at Kinecha. "If it is, I didn't do it." She's not so mean as to make someone /else/ look like R'sli's underwear. "And yes, I'm dying my hair. If it can't be brown, it'll be purple. That's a good color." Silver, too, but she'll survive without it to satiate her vanity. "And you won't be the only one, Surupa, Kinecha, too. Unless she dyes her hair. We should all dye our hair black and blue, just like High Reaches' colors." Marianne gets a hmph. "He's weird." Good introduction. And there's another weird one, too. "Cristen." Whine. "I dunno if we picked a good time to do this." Scary riders. Scary, scary riders. Can she run away? Without getting chores.
Surupa isn't just about to get into the water with those rider-types around, and she carefully crosses her arms and wanders away from the water's edge in her toweled self. Marianne can take care of herself, it seems, and she isn't just about to go that way /now/. "I come 'ere for a peaceful bath and this is what I get?" She grumbles, moving away even further and only to give the other candidates a glance. Perhaps as uncomfortable as she is? Those that are dying their hair are not really paid any attention, since she is mostly wary to those male-rider-types. Well, the male-types especially.
Since no one seems to be paying him any mind, Khory decides to back up just a little quietly as possible.. And *bump* into someone he crashes! "Um. Oh.. Sorry," he mumbles, after being shoved forward, into the crowd. Ok.. so now he's right amongst everyone.. Better mingle. "Hi Surupa," he says to the closest candie, holding his towel closer about his waist. "Everyone decide to bath at one or something?"
Cristen drops arms with dye bottle aimed at Loren's hair is quick agreement, along with a firm nodnod. "'Courses, 'Lo. We can do it later, 'cause wtih all these people around the dye might get spilled or soemthing." is solemnly said along with slow nod. Cap is fumbled with and retrieved, screwed tightly back onto the bottle. "I don't know if I want to stay here, the riders are too queer." Nodnod.
Oh, are you showing us the shape of your.. er.. heart? Sure, that's exactly what Marianne was thinking, too as she watches N'sync as he sits down... oh, a prima donna.. or prima daniel, would it be? Dancing, sparkling eyes look down to the rider as her face seems to start to glow just a bit. Oh, dearie me.. Marianne the actress has taken over. Talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shift... "N'sync, is it? I"m so glad that you aren't one of those riders with self-esteem problems," Marianne says in a rich voice with.. naw, that's not sarcasm.. it's all innocence and fluttering compliments, though her eyes do sparkle as she looks over to Hyzen in all wide-eyed innocence and then over at Loren. "Yes, dear.. he is weird. But you shouldn't say that until he leaves," she says in a mock stage whisper before looking back to Hyzen. "I'm just asking you.. what/ever/ is this shameless man talking about?" Marianne walks down to the water in her casual stride.
S'tuff, meanwhile, dashes a grin off to his fellow rider N'sync. You know, them charming boys need to stick together.. Whether they be bands or popular magazines.. Ahem. "Yo 'Sync," he calls, sliding into the warmth of the water, and then ducking his head to drench his hair... "Seems you've found the ladies yet again.. Tell me, how many you gonna try to bring back to your Weyr this time?" Wink wink, nudge nudge.. "I could tell you some good pick-up lines, ya know.. Got pages and pages of 'em.."
Loren pauses, blinking at Cristen. "Wait. If we stop, is my hair going to be striped with blue?" Blink, blink. "What'll happen with the stuff already in my hair?" To Marianne: "Not like it matters. If he's weird, he has the right to know about it." Lo' nods, ever-so-helpful. She's helping them get past the weirdness thing by insulting them to their faces, she is.
Surupa doesn't have much to do now with the rider-types infesting the baths, and she is quite the patient candidate as well. She gives S'tuff a glance, nose scrunching up towards those two male-riders as she quietly mutters something to herself. However, her eyes are taken away from that seen as someone seems to greet her. "G'day, Khory," she mumbles towards the other candidate, still shifting slightly uncomfortable on her feet, eyes moving away from him in order to look at everything at once... Glance here, glance there, and making sure that no one else is sneaking around.
N'sync shrugs slightly, lifting one well-formed shoulder above the water. "About the good points of the weyr, Hyz, love," he intones easily, settling back with that boyish grin that makes so many girls swoon when he walks into the caverns. C'mon.. you know you want to make off with a sock or a pair of undies while he's bathing - think of the stories you could tell your friends! His gaze shifts back to Marianne, eyes echoing her glow as they slide downward.. and then back up, as if he remembers which part of her anatomy he should be speaking to. "It is, isn't it, love?" N'sync draws, simply eyeing Loren in amusement at her comment. "Makes things /much/ easier." Dr. Jekyll and My. Hyde, is it? Just be carefull... N'sync's not one to play games with. Just.. Quite playing games with his heart. S'tuff is eyed swiftly, gaze narrowing as a swift bespeaking takes place - N'sync to Backstreeth to Maximeth to S'tuff - << Shut /up!/ >> As in, what good are the pickup lines if you let the ladies know you're using them? "I'm just down here for a bath, my man," he replies slowly.
Hiliza blinks, and suddenly starts paying attention again, and finds herself protectively grasping towel to her body. "Erm, what's going on?" She slips around the edge of the room, avoiding a gaze that might be trained on her, not letting go of her towel or her blush.
S'tuff simply shrugs at the mental rebuttal, and grins. Can't help if he's as straightforward as a book written for all attention starved *cough* men across Pern... Brow lowers as calloused hands run through his shoulder length dark hair.. "Well, be sure to share.. that's all I ask.." Another sly wink. Turning to the nearest lady in waiting... Namely Kinecha, the rider smoozes up and asks, "So .. Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" How is he to know he's asking the /wrong/ gal?
Hyzen goes home.
At first, Marianne's eyes were just dancing out of a pure impishness of spirit, and now there is some definite wickedness as N'sync's eyes trail none-too subtely downward.. and so Marianne squats downwards to that level with the innocent remark of, "Oh, I'm sorry, was that too high for you to look up to from where you were sitting? Your eyes did seem to have a problem staying up that far," Marianne remarks with an innocent flutter, nearly purring in her rich, musically lilting voice before the rider turns away. And /into/ the water goes the Harper turned candie, her shirt and her jumper and everything before N'sync can turn around to look at her. Ah-hah! Safe at last and covered by the water. Good barrier, that. Looking over to Loren, she remarks with a faint smile, "It is easier, dear.. but you see in the Harpers, that's what we make our living off of. Making fun of people so they don't know about it in performance and making them laugh," Marianne's eyes dance as she splashes water about her face, ducking under to rise up again, shaking out the hairs from her face.
Kinecha ducks her head underwater to rinse the soap out of it, the water seemingly clear as she comes up. No dye seems to be in it at least. Coming up a rider, a /male/ rider at that, is suddenly very near her and she turns an angry eye on him. "Just /what/ d'you think you're doing?" she says, not really asking as it's obvious what he's doing. She stays put though, refusing to move away from him, since this space was occupied by her first.
Left hand comes down to join the right at his towel's hem, and Khory simply stands and blushes, his eyes doing pretty much the same as 'Rupa's. Not staying /anywhere/ for too long. "Hey.. Ah.. Um.. You bathing too huh?" Like, no kidding.. Messenger ducks his head at his sudden onset of pure and blatant stupidity, and then mumbles someting around the lines of 'Of course you are..' Why else would the other candie be here? Of course, she is fully dressed.. soo. That gets a curious look.
Loren wants to steal N'sync's socks, and does so, pilfering them carefully and shoving them in her pockets with a spastic beam on her face. She didn't do it. Not at all. Eyeing gets an eyeroll, and then she waves a hand at Hiliza. "Come help me with my hair. It's blue-streaked and I wanna finish it up before it gets all... odd."
N'sync isn't easily embarrassed - and he rarely has a shortage of swooning females anxious to warm his weyr. Which means that Marianne's only given an amused glance as he drops his gaze quite pointedly again. "Don't worry, love, there's nothing wrong with /my/ eyesight." That said, he promptly turns his back to her, the action so close on the heels of the words that it'd be impossible /not/ to wonder about the significance of the two. His gaze slides toward Hiliza, instead, and lips purse for a slow whistle toward the nanny. "Hiliza, love. Come keep me company, eh?"
S'tuff holds up two hands, grin widening as he appraises the guard-candie before him. "Oooh, a fiesty one, eh? I like that.." Page 102 in Circus Maximus: how to tame the shrew.. Ahem. "So tell me.. What's a gal like you doing in a place like this? Come here nekked often?" He's just cruising for a bruising, ain't he?
Surupa is actually still in her towel, leaning back towards the shadows where she may hide. If she only knew that there was going to be such a large crowd here... "I /was/ 'bout to take a bath. Then /they/ showed up." And she juts her chin out towards the water and the two male riders, shifting upon her feet once again. She doesn't dare shoot a look towards the blushing candidate close to her, and she never will. She is keeping her eyes around the water at the moment, caustious. "I would knock up over the head if the come close 'nough to me." Dye and the other little group of females and then those that are a victim towards the ignorant pair of riders. She would try to get closer to her own clothes, though that is still by the water's edge which means going /closer/ over there.
Hiliza is clinging to her towel for dear life, and scuttles slowly toward Loren, gaze going sideways to N'sync, "Oh no, I remember you. Someone else will keepyou company." She sticks out her tongue at the rider, but wigglers her hips a little more in the scuttle to Loren, "What else do you want, Lo'? Blue is nifty.." Her voice drops, "Why does N'sync hafta be in here? Can't he bathe in the lake.. y'know, cold water?" So her voice dropped, that doesn't make her inaudible.
Khory spies where Rupa's eyes dart, and sees the set of clothes that look oddly familiar in the corner. "Well.. Um.. If you come and keep me company, I'll.. ah.. shield you?" Trust him, you don't have anything to worry from the messenger-candie. Well, not as much as you may have to fear the riders, that is.. He may blush to death before you, but that's about it. "I really had a good time at the chores today, and /really/ need to bathe.." In other words, please oh please don't let him go in there alone!
"So still take a bath, Rupa!" Marianne encourages, splashing about in her safe space in the waters and sending a contemptuous little negeglient wave over towards said rider and his friend S'tuff. "They don't matter.. and they won't look at you. Because they know if they do, they'll be given lots of bruises by many people, and then they wouldn't have their bodies to show off to the fluttering females," Marianne winks over at Rupa and sends a splash in her direction. "Come in! The water is absolutely wonderful.." Looking over in N'sync's direction, Marianne sends a mock sympathetic look over there along with a 'tsk tsking' noise.. "Oh, dear, N'sync.. it appears that you're going to be rather lonely. I am /so/ terribly sorry.." So says that laughing tone. Really it does.
Kinecha stares. Cold eyes not wavering from the rider with the bad pickup lines, her head tilting forward a bit to look at S'tuff though hooded lids. "It won't work, y'know?" she says, voice dripping ice, even in the steam flowing through the baths. Maybe she should warn the poor rider, before he receives a black eye? Or worse..
MoniqueBean blinks in from ::between::!
S'tuff is tuff. S'tuff is smooozy. S'tuff is.. About to get the brush off? Wha the? No text ever told how to climb out of the whole you dug for yourself.. Yipes! However, bronze rider keeps his cool. "Heya sweets, I'm just offering up some chit chat, that's all.. No harm in that, is there?" Hands still raised, he smartly pulls them away from the guard-candie and darts a look out of the corner of his eye for other possible bait.. er.. interests.
Surupa frowns from her position in the shadows, first at Khory and then towards Marianne. "I still smell like a runner's stall. I wasn't able to wash well 'nough 'fore D'renn came in and pushed us towards the sands." She sags her head down, looking from the brownrider and then back towards the one that is still with poor Kinecha. At least it isn't her. "I'll come into the water once /they/ leave," she hisses, eyes narrowing even as her amber eyes darken. She turns her head at last towards Khory, head bobbing. "An' I know how it is, fine, I'll stay 'round for a bit 'nyways." That is, if she'll keep him company unless something else happens around here. Arms are still crossed, hands clutching at the towel around herself as she slips away from the splashing water. Hiss?
N'sync simply smiles, perfectly white teeth flashing again as he turns his gaze to Surupa, though he's speaking to Marianne. "Love, I'm never lonely. I leave that for candidates and weyrlings." He shifts, sliding along the wall of the pool until he's resting near Khory and Surupa, facing outward. He lifts his arms - well-muscled, of course - to cross them on the ledge, chin lowering to rest atop them. "Now don't tell me.. but I swear I've seen you somewhere," he intones smoothly, watching Surupa. His head tilts with a cocky, self-assured movement, and a self-satisfied smile builds again. "Aw, love, you're not talking about me 'n S'tuff, now are you?" And doesn't he do the puppy-dog bit well?
Khory nods. Good 'nough for him. At least he won't have to deal with the riders trying to drag him into their.. ah.. smoozing is it? "Ok then," he replies, sliding down against the wall and taking a seat beside her. Raising a hand to wipe the sweat from his brow, he asks, "So.. um.. done any good chores lately?" Oh gosh! Did he just utter one of S'tuff's pick up lines? Thankfully, it was all by mistake. Not intent there. It's not like he has even the slightest thing in common with the well-read rider!
"I think he's afraid of cold water," is Loren's response to Hiliza, candidate nodding sagely as she hands over the appropriate dye containers. "I want blue bangs," the bangs are speckled, at least. "And the rest of it purple. Dark blue and dark purple. Is that okay?" It'd better be. Lo' wants prettiful colors. And ... she's already speckled in blue.
Kinecha leans just a bit closer to S'tuff, her eyes shooting arrows by now. No she's not being friendly or even the least bit impressed with the rider, no she's leaning closer to whisper a warning in his ear. "Go.. Away!" So low that no one else is likely to hear it, she gives the rider this warning, then leans back waiting from him to respond, eyes watching him coldly from under wet bangs, clinging to her forehead.
Surupa drops her head down, glaring towards N'sync quickly and simply taking the nearest towel randomly tossed on the ground, damp as it is, and kicking it at the brownrider. "Yes, I do rememeber now," she growls, and going on with a glare. "I was talking 'bout you and.. S'tuff of course. Don't get any thoughts in that mind of yours, 'cause there isn't 'nything on Pern that will get me into the water with you two 'round." And with that she slips closer towards the wall, her eyes glaring towards the riders before she goes ahead to push them out of her mind. She has learned to do that lately, simply ignoring them. And perhaps she still curses lightly under her breath? Gaze settles towards Khory, head bobbing. "Mucking the stables as usual." Nothing more said.
Large splash of water. And I am talking large.. makes it's way over to hit N'sync with just enough force to cover him and only get a few drips on Surupa and Khory. Geeee.. guess who that came from? But the green eyed Harper that it could possibly have been from has disappeared beneath the waters for the moment and staying there for a few more moments until she bursts out again, just in time to here N'sync's comments and shooting off a quick, "Your eyes are ridiculous, and you don't look anywhere near close to a cute canine, N'sync. And besides, if you are determined to be such a gentleman.. than you wouldn't mind schooching your oh-so-charming self to make way for the lady who wants to bathe would you?" OH, yes, it's Marianne the champion of all fellow candidates, using her rich, toned harper's voice and subtle inflections for all it's worth.
Hiliza is almost offended. He didn't even try again? Well, she's good, then. A bob toward Loren, and one hand unclings from her towel to reach for dye. "More blue in the bangs or do you think you've got enough?" In the meantime, purple is slathered into the rest of Loren's hair, Hiliza's palms instantly dyed the color-to-be of Loren's hair. A sidelong glance to Kinecha's prediciment. Isn't he doubly wasting him\s time or.. something?
S'tuff does exactly that.. Goes away, that is. Backing off, he winks one last time at Kinecha, blowing her a kiss as he swims over to the other side of the bath, grinning as N'sync as he passes. He ends up halting near Loren and Hiliza. "So ladies. What brings you to this little part of the wonderful wild world of the weyr?" Leer. "And what's with the hair lassie? I mean, you don't have to go through great lengths to get my attention.. I notice the more subtler things about a woman.." Like the curve of her hips.. and her lips.. And where, exactly, are his eyes glued to right now anyway?
"A little more -- it's sort of splotchy." Loren nods a bit, beaming as the rest of her hair's dyed such a pretty purple shade. She's so loverly. S'tuff gets a blink, though, and Lo' quirks an eyebrow, eyes narrowing. "Subtle, obviously, since you don't seem to get obvious hints at when you're not wanted." A hand waves idly. "And I'm dying my hair so I'll stand out and R'ave'll be able to see me at the Hatching. And some of my cousins, if they come." She doesn't, though, try to shoo him away. She'll just kick him in the shin once she gets tired of talking to him. Just as good as using witty get-away-from-me lines, and it doesn't require so much brainpower. That, of course, is good for Lo'.
Khory's toes get covered by the wave, but that's pretty much it.. Thankfully.. "Hey!" he nearly squeals, and then coughs. "Ahem. I mean.. Hey.." he then tries again, this time in a lower tone. A tempered glare at N'sync and then a blush at Marianne. Um, thanks? He's not sure if he should be thankful though.. He nearly got his towel soaked, and /then/ where would he be? Wet, that's where.. and that's no fun when you're not in a bath.. Baths, yes.. Actual tub, no. "Surupa and I were.. ah.. just discussing our chores," he adds in, which is true enough... Though it wasn't all they were talking 'bout.
Kinecha halfstands, in waistdeep water, glaring in the direction of S'tuff as he leaves. Winks and airkisses? Well, at least that wasn't as bad now that he was gone, right? No more males clinging to her side, trying out their pickup lines. A glance goes to N'sync, though as she settles down again, leaning against the edge. Just stay away, you! Is the look she gives to the other malerider, before turning her head toward S'tuff again. And don't you come back!
Hiliza grins as her fingers and the dye making squelchy sounds in Loren's hair. Over Loren's purpling head and at S'tuff and quirking an eyebrow, she says, "Another one? Do I look really good in this towel for some reason, were you talking to Loren, or, Faranth forbid, do you like picking up poor candidates you can't do anything with that, at least in my case, look like they're twelve turns old?" Hiliza sticks out her tongue again and says, "Okay, Lo', you have to rinse this out or it'll get all gunky and I'll do your bangs.
Hit the road, Jack.. er.. S'tuff.. and dontcha come back no morreee.. Marianne winks over to Kinecha and sends her a hi5 in midair as she does send the boy running. After candidacy.. who knows what the Harper's attittude is going to be.. from the twinkle in her eye, it could be quite different.. but now, when the rules are down against it.. bruising male pride isn't a bad activity! "Dying hair?" Marianne looks interestedly over to Loren and Hiliza, her eyes lighting up. "Well. I"ve not tried that before! Do you mind if I join you? What colour do you think?" She gestures to her long curls with a thoughtful expression.
Surupa isn't alone with N'sync at least, and she simply rolls her eyes towards Marianne. "Yes, thanks." But of course that ends with a grunt, as she pouts in the shadows and keeps as quiet as she can. She continues to clutch at her towel, wary glance given to each rider as she tenses quietly. She is ready to punch, kick, nail, push, bite, or anything if they dare speak to her in anyway. If something wrong is pushed on her, she will go in an insane rampage and... Well, who really cares if they are dragonrider, right? She dips her head down in agreement with Khory. "Yeah, chores." Whatever? She is more concerned about the people in the baths than anything.
N'sync frowns, the expression marring his boyish good looks as his flicks a hand through wet hair and rises swiftly. "Shards.. I don't know /what/ the dragons were thinking when they dragged you lot in," the brownrider states as he saunters toward a towel. "But you really ought to learn to... loosen up a bit." That said, he slithers into leathers and toward the door - greenern pastures, perhaps. Didn't Quara mention that she had a new skin of Benden? Or at anyrate, N'sync can swear he heard she had - as good an excuse as any. With that, he disappears through the door.
S'tuff simply continues to grin at Hiliza and the half dyed Loren. "Oh please ladies.. Don't let me disturb your toilette. I'll just sit here and enjoy the view for a while, before passing on." As Marianne arrives, the rider's smiles widens even /more!/. Let's see if he can succeed where N'sync failed. "Ah, and speaking of a wonderful view.. Here comes another perfect example of all that's beautiful on Pern."
Loren frowns at S'tuff. "Hmph." Then, to Hiliza, "Alrighty." Lo' bobs her head, wandering over to a bathing pool and dunking her head in it again, scrubbing out stray dye-stuff carefully. Scrubadub, and the response Marianne gets to whatever she might've said is, "Glub."
Khory manages to keep his sigh of relief in check until /after/ N'sync has departed. "One down, one more to go," he whispers to Surupa, actually grinning. Maybe this one won't be so hard to get rid of either? Well, they can only hope.. Maybe Marianne will save them yet again, and emit some subtly scathing comment which will cause the bronze rider to follow his kin out of the door and away from here.. Then maybe then can bathe, finally!
Khory manages to keep his sigh of relief in check until /after/ N'sync has departed. "One down, one more to go," he whispers to Surupa, actually grinning. Maybe this one won't be so hard to get rid of either? Well, they can only hope.. Maybe Marianne will save them yet again, and emit some subtly scathing comment which will cause the bronze rider to follow his kin out of the door and away from here.. Then maybe then can bathe, finally!
Shaking her head at the various trying-to-pick-up-girls riders, Kinecha scrambles out of the water, making her way to the towel rack, wrapping one around her body while using another to dry off her hair. "No dye," she mutters, eyeing the white towel after rubbing her hair with it. "Good.." After toweling off the rest of her body, the guard-candie dresses quickly and with her back turned to the baths. No reason to give S'tuff anything more to look at, now was there?
Ah, ha! One down, and one to go! Marianne watches N'sync leave the bathing area with an innocent flutter of her eyes, calling after him in sweet tones, "Why, good-bye rider! I do hope you had a pleasant time here.. it was such /fun/ to meet you!" Well, it was on her side, anyway... and with that, she turns back to the other candidates, looking sideways to Loren for a moment. "Glub. I do not know this colour. But I think I'll pass.." Just by the sound.. it sonds like a latrine word. Wrinkle of nose.. until her face clears once more as she turns back to S'tuff with that same 'helpless maiden' look and a helpless flutter in S'tuff's direction. "And yet again, a nameless flatterer addresses me. I'm wondering whether I should be insulted... this must be my night." Oh, just wait, Khory. Just wait! Marianne sends a subtle wink over in his direction.
Surupa looks towards the departing N'sync with relief, shuddering before she actually turns back to look at the one that is left. "We can always /make/ 'im leave, right?" Yes, just gang up and then kick him out. But she isn't about to say any of her ideas yet, as she gives Khory a glance and a nod. "He doesn't seem as difficult as the brownrider." Which is given another growl. "They actually made me dance with 'im a few turns ago... Or was it only a turn ago?" She really can't put her mind straight, and simply shrugs her shoulders quietly. "'Nyways, at least /he/ is gone, and this S'tuff doesn't appear to be as bad." Does that mean that Rupa should carefully sneak closer towards the water's edge?
Hiliza looks down at herself at S'tuff's words and then gives him a sharp look, "Nobody Raevs can enjoy this view, sir, I'm sorry.... Oh, Marianne, how about light pink. Not bright like mine.. softer?" She pauses, rinsing off her hands one at a time as best to hold her towel on, "Loren, are you ready for the blue now?"
Turning back to the baths after dressing, Kinecha grins at Rupa's comment. "I could bring 'im with me?" At least out of the baths. She /was/ a guard, after all. She knew how to get rid of unwanted people. And riders.
Loren goes home.
Khory nods his head. S'tuff doesn't seem so bad.. And he /is/ on the other side of the bath.. soo.. Reaching over to gently grip Surupa's arm, he tugs a little towards the water. "Come on.. I'm sure those girls will chase him off sooner or later.." Or perhaps Kinecha will help? Anyway, Khor's starting to smell, he needs to bathe that badly. And speaking of which, 'Rupa, you don't smell so great either. Come on.. Time to get wet!
S'tuff continues prattling on, pick up lines, meant-to-be-impressive tales, and supposedly charming anecdotes flowing likes honey, (Or is that manure?) from his lips. Seeing Necha getting ready to leave the baths, he grins and excuses himself from the others. Maybe he has a chance afterall, if he can corner this fiesty one all alone?
"Pink?" Marianne questions, bringing a hand to her hair as she does so and wrinkling her nose with a little laugh in Hiliza's direction. "Well.. I don't know, dear. I'm going to end up looking something like a stuffed-toy Marianne if I paint myself /that/ colour... What do you think of a forest green?" Marianne's eyes wander as S'tuff appears to be leaving with an almost disappointed look in her eyes. And she didn't even get to pull another routine on him. How disappointing it all is!
Kinecha sees that look on S'tuff's face, and crosses her arms shaking her head at the rider. Don't even /think/ about it, guy! She'd tear his head off if he tried anything. "Let's go," she says, holding out an arm to show the bronzer the way out of the baths. "No more harrassing people." Acting the guard again, even if that position wasn't officially hers anymore.
The steam makes you damp, even if you did not bathe, so don't catch cold!
After Necha left
Hiliza finished up Loren and turns to Marianne, giving a non-leering flicker over her fellow candidate. "Forest green? That's pretty sounding.. and you could hide lizards... but I don't know why you would." She shakes her shoulders. "But so long as those /riders/ are gone, I'm going to get a proper bath." And she dips into the water, not abandoning the towel until she's safe. From whom?
Surupa looks towards Kinecha, the idea wandering in her mind as she ponders... Oh, but she is being tugged towards the water now? "Yeah, I'll go... He doesn't appear to look difficult at all, 'nyways." To S'tuff of course, as she carefully follows Khory towards the water's edge. It's not like she is suppose to smell nice after being pushed into a pile of muck, and now all she can do is simply sink her feet towards the water. Oh, how nuce, 'Necha took away the evil bronzerider! Well, now that took care of everything. "Much better."
S'tuff grins wide and nearly flies out of the water. At last, success! (Or so he thinks..) Winking at those left behind, he follows the guard-candie, and then reaches out an arm to lay against her shoulder as they pass through the door. "So darling.. Tell me, did the bath do anything to warm you?" Smooch smoochie..
Muffled voices are heard from outside the baths, growing louder each moment and then a shout from a female voice, "don't you /ever/ do that again!!" Smack! A sound of fist against face is heard and the male voice cries out; "that hurt!"
Cristen goes home.
Khory smiles as the other rider also disappears, and towel is finally removes.. Leaving him.. No, not naked, but shorts clad. That still causes him to blush beet red. Dive into the water as fast as possible, in order to hide his half-clothed state... Ooh, nice water. Warm water.. Cleaning water... As he's enjoying the soak, he hears he sound of a smack and Necha's voice echo from the hall, he winces. "Seems like S'tuff got something after all.. Though I doubt it was what he was looking for.."
And then there were two! Marianne grins at the sounds from outside the baths, applauding from where she is as she hoists herself onto the side of the waters. Unclothed? Absolutely... but her long hair more than adequately covers most things.. besides, no one's looking, right? She pads over to the cupboard to grab a towel with cackling glee as she looks over to Khory. "No, I don't think it was. But I'm almost sorry Kinecha got to be the one to give it to him....." Pause. Oh, dear.. what does she want now? "Khory, you're male. Tell me.. do they actually think that they're charming when they're like that?" She plops down and looks at Khory with her head cocked, sending an absentminded, "yes.. but my lizzens are brown and bronze..." over to hiliza.
Surupa tilts her head with a grin as she listens to the sounds coming from outside. That was very pleasant to hear, actually. However, all this young woman has on is the towel, and she isn't about to go slip in the water like that, well, that is she does slip in the water /with/ the towel on. She heaves a sigh, dropping her head to get her hair soaked, and then looking back out towards Marianne. "I really doubt it, though... Seems like they enjoy being a pack of wherries that way." She huffs lightly, leaning on the side of the baths as she simply deposits the towel to the side, though under the water from her chin down. She feels more comfortable that way? Sweetsand is taken and she begins to rub it into her own hair.
You survived! Escaping through the heavy canvas curtain you arrive here...
*** Disconnected ***
Message 72 of 72 on *Hrw-Candidates (#8866):
Date: Fri Jul 20 19:39:14 2001 CDT
From: Khory (#21475)
To: *Hrw-Candidates (#8866)
Subject: Bathtime buddies?
Actually, Bathtime buddies isn't the exact thing.. Especially after what happened between one certain guard-candie and one certain smoozy bronze rider. Let's just say that the guard-candie is looking a little more smug today, and the rider is sporting a brand new, shiny black eye!
And yes, by the way, S'tuff is me.. Who'd a thunk!?! :)
Messenger/Candie boy, Khory!
Message 73 of 73 on *Hrw-Candidates (#8866):
Date: Sat Jul 21 08:55:22 2001 CDT
From: Marianne (#20478)
To: *Hrw-Candidates (#8866)
Subject: And you thought girly things were wimpy, too....
Last night, when chores were done, needles put away.. or most of them, anyway... and the cold was escaped by a large group of female candidates by escaping to the steam and the warmth of the baths.. there were interesting goings on that proceeded. Now, this wouldn't be so unusual.. after all, this is HRW we are talking about.. but with the arrival of two male riders, the oozingly arrogant N'sync, and the pushingly charming S'tuff, things got just a bit more interesting than usual...
For in the baths with people in half clad.. and less.. states, and those who were fully clothed and blushing to the roots of their hair a battle ensued between the sexes as the riders were hit from all sides by volleys of female disapproval... (the poor dears, you say? Not really...) at their oooozing ways as they slunk about the baths, attempting to charm all the females present, those being Marianne, Hiliza, Surupa, Loren, and Kinecha respectively.. all of whom gave their brands of 'no'... ranging from laughing insults disguised as compliments to outright insults that weren't disguised as anything. (oooh.. hit them baby one more time!)
When at last the battle was won... one rider driven off,and the other.. well.. slapped off after his determined pursuit of a certain guard-candidate... the girls indulged in some late night girl activites, ranging from hair dyeing, to robe style discussing... to deciding on the perfect qualities in a man. So, fellow HRW residents, if you see a group of very tired, but very satisfied looking candidates.. and perhaps a few riders with more than a marginally bruised ego.. or eye.. ask them where they were last night. You might get a more unconventional answer than you would expect from a question like that...
~Marianne the player, and her so-angelic character, Marianne~ --------------------------