Drunken Guard
Living CavernsKalyssa arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Kinecha is brooding over a mug of klah, looking more or less lost to the world, though she does hear footsteps and glances up to see who's arrived, then peers into her lukewarm klah again.
Kalyssa stretches yet again as she enters the cavern and slowly makes her way to the klah pot. Pouring herself a mug, she inhales apprecitavely before settling at a seat. Looking up at the rooms other occupant she smiles, and remarks. "What I wont do for a good mug of klah in the morning"
Looking up again, Kinecha frowns, waving toward the hearth. "There's plenty in the pitcher over there," she says, picking out a piece of wherry from her plate. "Most of it should be hot," she continues, before popping the wherry in her mouth, chewing slowly.
Kalyssa grins and takes a sip from her own mug. "I think I already worked that one out, ducks" Her girn turns slightly speculative as she speaks again. "He must be one of a kind, Iffn you're that distracted." In her mind at least there is only one thing, or maybe two that would distract a girl so.
"He?!" Frowning, Kinecha lifts her head to look at the other, then her eyes widen as she realizes what Kalyssa's saying. "There's no he!" Looking rather disgusted, she lift her mug, downing the rest of her klah not even wincing at the lukewarmness of it.
"I'm sorry my mistake, I used to be a barmaid" Kalyssa chuckles, as if that explains everything. But irrepresable as ever she comes back with. "So is it a she then?" And winks, her finely tuned nose for gossip coming into play.
Kinecha grimaces, lifting the mug to swallow more klah, realizing that it was empty. "I don't really wanna talk 'bout it, 'kay?" Being interrogated by a virtual stranger wasn't something that agreed with the guard, and she gets up to refill her mug, though she pick out ale instead of klah this time. She was off duty now anyway..
Kalyssa grins wryly. "At least you arent moping anymore" Thats always good in Kaly's eyes. "And thats fine if ya dont want to talk about it I mean" She says before taking another sip from her mug and smaking her forehead with her free hand. "I'm Kalyssa by the way" she adds, oh the joys of new mother absentmindedness
"Kinecha," the guard replies, holding up her mug in a salute of sorts, then downs a rather large swig fairly emptying half the mug in one go.
Kalyssa's eyes widen in appreciation, as she watches the guard down the ale. "Any one who can drink like that is okay in my books" she grins, and raises her mug of klah in salute, though she doesnt try and drink the lot, rather a ladylike sip is taken instead.
"Oh..." Blinking, Kinecha takes her seat again (after having refilled the mug, of course), and looks over the table at the other woman. "Can't really drink as much as I used to. Recruit-time peeled that off me...." She looks as if that's something she regrets and takes another swig of the ale.
Kalyssa chuckles. "It doesnt show. Well not so you'd notice anyway." She sighs before continuing. "Sometimes I miss the bar" Now its her turn to look pensive and brooding. For a moment anyway before she shakes herself out of it.
"Well, I only just started," the guard says, her face looking more than sour at this point. "Klah.. I was drinking klah before." But now she was off duty and could have all the ale she wanted. "Bar? You had a bar?"
Kalyssa nods "Well not exactly, I was a barmaid before I came here, At the Flying mug in Ista. You heard of it?" She focuses her grey eyes on Kinecha. "I enjoyed it but there came a time where I just had to go you know" And thats all she's willing to say on the matter. "Yeah Klah, you never appreciate it properly until you are unable to drink it"
Miryake arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
"Nope, never heard of it.. Sorry," Necha says, lifting the mug once more. "We travelled the north. Never came to Ista before I ran off." Stopping dead in her speech, she looks as if she'd just said something she shouldn't have. Meaning something she didn't want too many others to know.
Treneere walks in from the Central Bowl.
Sinead arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Sinead wanders into the caverns and looks about a bit. "Hello," she greets before wandering over to get some klah.
Miryake slips in, hood up over her head as she grabs some klah from the hearth, perching on the edge of a chair. "Hullo everyone! Beautiful day isn' it?" she greets the cavern-full.
Kalyssa grins once again. "Thats no problem, it was a pretty rowdy bar, with all those miners and riders, You should go there sometime, I recommend it. In fact next time I visit you wanna come along?" She asks, any faux pas ignored for the moment. Waving at the new people to enter the weyr she nods. "Hello, yes its a great day isnt it?"
Sinead finishes getting her klah, which can take an amazingly long time, and wonders over to a table, where she sets her klah down and sits in a chair facing in to the cavern.
Treneere sits happily and dustily ever after under a table. "Is not," she contradicts Miryake.
Sinead chuckles, "It's to cold for my liking," she adds as a side note.
Miryake grins at Kalyssa, "I think so, I've even gotten used to the cold by now." she ducks her head to glance under the table Treneere's under, "Whyever not? Don't yeh like the snow? I'm findin' it very fun, never seen this much 'fore I came up 'round here."
Treneere has little to say of the snow. Nothing, in fact, besides; "It's /white/."
Kinecha shrugs, "maybe I will.. If I have the day off," she says, finishing her first mug of ale. "Don't much like Ista, though." Just a friendly warning that the guard wasn't particularly happy with hot climates.
Treneere objects to the fact that no one is bestowing her with pity. Did no one hear her? She repeats, again; "The snow. It's /white//." A bit of a theatric whine here.
Kalyssa shrugs. "Well I guess its one of those things, that will either happen or not" she smiles as she finishes her klah. "Ah snows not that bad, you just gotta get used to it. Where are you from?" She asks the other girl who doesn appear to mind the snow.
Jonithan arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Good. Acknowledgement. "I live here," Trenny says with a scowl. Under the table, she hugs her scabby knees. "And I am /used/ to it. It's just as dull as toast." Weather should have some imagination, for once.
Sinead quietly sips at her klah as she listens to the others gathered in the cavern.
Miryake nods, "Of course it's white, it'd look awful silly purple don' you think? Whites a nice color too, what's wrong with white?" she asks, all chatty as usual. "I'm from a lot of places, my folks traveled, then I lived in Tillek with my brother 'fore comin' here to live with my sisiter."
Saisukei arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Jonithan strides into the caverns, empty knapsack over his shoulder from a run of messages. He finds a seat and slides into it with a sigh. Ahh to relax.
Treneere isn't so quick to agree. "Silly? Purple?" She looks mortally wounded. "Purple is the /best/." Ample pity is given to Miryake. "You have siblings too? Dreadfully sorry."
And...enter sister, stage left. Miryake's sister that is. She comes in with a rather sleepy look on her face. Waving to all she knows, and even those that she doesn't, she stomps in. Heading for a seat, near Miryake, where she throws herself into it, and pokes Miry. "Where's tha sun?" Saisukei asks, she's either talking about the lack of it, or asking what time of day it is. Fight over it.
Kinecha stares into her empty mug, pondering whether or not it was worth a trip to the sideboard to fill it up. And where'd all these people come from anyway?? Getting annoyed, the guard stays right in her seat, frowning at the crowd. Hrrmf.
Kalyssa exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Miryake shakes her head firmly, "Purple? Oh no, blues ever so much better." she moves one leg so her blue skirt swishes faintly, "It's pretty, like the water and...other thin's." she laughs softly, "No, my sisters good...hey!" she exclaims as the 'good sister' pokes her. "Mostly...sometimes not. And the suns outside silly, up high." there, she killed two wherries with one stone. It's around noon, and it's out. To Kinecha she bubbles, "Are you alrigh'? You look unhappy...is somethin' wrong?"
Treneere remains firmly under her table. Saisukei -- the friendly spastic stranger, who by now must certainly look silly, waving all around the room at every single person -- she gives an odd look. "Don't you know where the sun is?" Up! Miryake's statement is refuted. "Blue's okay. But not great. BBut you see blue everywhere." Especially in a weyr. "Anyway. Sisters are a pain. Especially mine. Trust me."
"I'm fine," Kinecha says, waving Miryake off as she pratically flies out of her chair toward the sideboard. More ale would be absolutely required by now. What with so many people crowding the cavern, chittering away.
Saisukei squints and grimaces as the obvious fact of the sun being UP is pointed out to her. You all know that wasn't what she meant, but okay, be cruel to her. And Saisukei is *not*...spasctic. She was hyper before, and perhaps spastic then, but...now she looks as though she were...dead. Eyes closed and skin pale, Saisukei is the generic dead person. Hearing the girl's -the one under the table- complaint about sisters, she states "No no...sisters are good. Always good punching bags..." She grumbles and pokes Miry again for emphasis.
Treneere snorts. "'Rene would make Uglydragon eat me if I punched her."
Sinead watches the bantering trio, a small smile playing across her face as they debated sisters.
Saisukei looks down at the girl under the table. "Pyrene?" Okay, dragon rider. "U'lydra'on?" Cadgewith. Whatever. The girl's comment is discarded, she never was good with kids anyway, and a concerned look is tossed at Kinecha. But as she doesn't wan't to disturb her, Saisukei simply takes Kinecha's mood as just that...a bad mood. Miry is poked again. "Why am I here?" she asks somewhat dumbly.
Miryake meeps and scoots away from Saisu, "Does that mean you git ta be /my/ punchin' bag?" she questions plaintivly, keeping a protective hand on her side. "You see blue everywhere 'cause it's beautiful." she states firmly. "An' yeah, they can be a pain." she agrees, shooting a resentful look, eyes smiling, towards Saisu. "If your sure..." that's to the guard.
Treneere goes home.
Kinecha takes a long swig from the mug, then refills it before returning to her table, managing to give off various glares to people on her way. Clearly her bodylanguage says: Stay Away!
Saisukei missing miry, as she shoves away from her. "No't does not mean ya can punch me..." She grumbles, and clasps her hands in front of her. Then she turns to her again. "oh, an' green is so much better tha' blue." Grumble, Grubmle.
Miryake looks at her sister curiously, "What do you mean why are yeh here? Yer here 'cause...yeh are. An' it's a nice place ta be." Miry-logic strikes again. "An' why can' I poke yeh if you can poke me? That's not fair. An' blue is better than green, green is too...green." so there.
Saisukei turns an evil eye to Miry. "Ah am here." She says with a growl. She doesn't particulary like Miry-logic. "An' ya can' poke meh 'cause...c-cause...Ah'm older then ye." Grumble Grumble. You might as well not listen to her when she's in these kind of moods. More utterances from Saisukei, and then she curls up in her chair. "Yeh, but green is powerful. Blue's kinda wussy like." She shrugs. "If yeh ask me."
Jonithan falls asleep.
Miryake tilts her head at her sister, "That's not a good reason." she states firmly, ignoring the evil eye. "An' why're you in such a bad mood? It's a nice day, the snows nice, the suns pretty, and blue is /not/ wussy!" she exclaims, ending her rattling on to look reproachfully at Saisu.
Sinead grins at the sisters as the debate whether green or blue was the better color.
Saisukei looks wildly about at Kinecha and Sinead. "Well the'. Don' either of ya thin' green is better?" She says, shrugging off her sisters look. Then turning to her. "An' yea, that's good 'nough reason." Blink. "Ye jes' don' punch older sister's." Being the eldest at the moment always helps though. Say, if she were back home around her other thirteen or fifteen brothers, she'd be talking differently.
"No," Kinecha says flat-out, draining more ale from her mug, eyeing Sukei over the rim, "brown's better. Dragons, firelizards, whatever.. Brown's best!" There. That whole thing settle, the guard returns to her glowering, thinking the whole thing silly, since colors shouldn't really matter. Even if she /did/ prefer brown.
Sinead idly disagrees to the belief that brown's better, "I personally like both blue and green, though if I had to pick a preference, green." Her two marks added Sinead returns to glaring at her klah.
Saisukei looks over at Kinecha. "Brown? Yeah, Dragon wise, dragons like 'Salth." she nods slowly. "I still like the colour green." Then she gives Sinead a rather, well, nice wide grin. "Thank ya, Green. See Mir, she thin's green." She waves her hands about in the air for a moment. Perhaps she better get some Klah into her...
Miryake folds her arms over her chest, looking mildly grumpy. "That's just not fair...I'm th' littlest sister, I don' have one to punch." yep, cause all her younger sibs. are boys. Kinecha gets a studying look, "Depends on the shade of brown.." she notes before sapphire gaze rests on Sinead, just for a moment though. "Fine," she says, "Blue-greens best." she beams, see? Everyone happy now.
Saisukei throw her hands in the air, and stands. "Fine..." She storms out of the caverns, looking for somehwere to rest her head... Saisukei goes home.
"'salth's nice," Kinecha mumbles to herself, twirling the ale around in her mug. At least he was still her friend, as was his lifemate, of course. P'rru had never let her down. More ale enters her system by way of her mouth, preventing her from saying anything more. Which was probably a good thing, because she didn't have much good to say right now.
Sinead goes home.
Miryake looks curious, "Whose Salth?" she questions the grumpy lady. "What'd he do that was nice?"
Lhana scampers in from the Central Bowl.
Kinecha eyerolls, feeling more and more annoyed with everybody. "/Dsalth/ is only the nicest dragon in the Weyr!" Slouching back in her chair, the guard sighs downing more ale. Almost empty again. Maybe she should've just brought the pitcher to her table?
Lhana stomps into the cavern, obviously fuming. Her right hand is clenched very tightly on the handle of black case decorated with images of various haircutting appliances. Her usually immaculate hair is horrendously dissheveled, her bun really only half together at all. She steps forward and announces fervently, "I - hate - CHILDREN!"
Miryake ooohs...and eyes the grumpy lady once more. Definetly /not/ a good time to chit chat. Lhana enters and Miry grins at her...grin fading as it becomes obvious /she's/ in a bad mood too. "Why is that?" she asks anyway. "Did yeh just work in the nusery or somethin'? That can get fusteratin' after a while, I had ta take care of my little siblin's and they got annoyin'."
"Hah! You're not the only one!" Getting up from her chair, Kinecha makes her way - without too much wobbling - to the sideboard to pick out a full pitcher of ale, bringing it back to her table where she promptly fills her mug, lifting it to pour more of the beverage into her stomach. "Ahhhh.."
Lhana slams the case onto a nearby table, and lets down her hair. Producing a pink comb from a coat pocket, she commences combing it with quick agitated strokes. "I had to cut this 5-turn-old brat's hair today. We - her mother and I - finally get her to sit still, right, and she starts screaming the instant the scissors /touch/ her hair. Then, out of nowhere, she jumps up, grabs my best combs and races off with them. Her mother, of course, wouldn't do a thing. So, I had to chase her myself through the snow for /forever/." She gives a frustrated sigh. "And they hardly paid me anything."
Miryake makes a face, "Sounds awful." she states. "Didja try ta bribe th' little girl with sweetsticks? My little brother always did just 'bout anythin' for those." she notes. Interest follows..."You cut peoples hair? Or was that a one time thin'?"
Kinecha snorts. "See? That is why I stay as far away from /children/ as I can," she says, drinking more ale and then just for the heck of it swallows another swig. "Unfortunately, sometimes they're impossible to avoid.." Grumble.
Lhana stops, giving the girl a shocked look. "/Reward/ her? For that kind of behavior? Not bloody likely." She returns to combing her hair, the action calming in itself. "Yes, I cut hair. If you need yours trimmed, I can do that for you any time. Which reminds me," she says, turning to Kinecha, "I believe you agreed to get yours cut a while back, didn't you?"
"I did not!" Shaking her head furiously, Kinecha eyes the younger woman through narrow slits. "I don't need no fancy haircut when me knife can do the job jus' fine." And with that statement the guard produces her beltknife, slamming it onto the table, while lifting her mug to her lips. All at the same time. See? Her coordination still worked.
Miryake shakes her head quickly, "Not reward, bribe." she clarifies. "An' I'll keep that in mind...'bout the trimming." she glances at the whispy locks that grow from her head. They deffinatly need some work. She eyes the gaurd as she slams her knife around, "Might want ta be careful with that." she adds quietly.
Lhana, surprised, raises her hands up defensively. "Okay, okay!" She eyes the jagged cut critically as she recommences working the tangles from her own hair. "But really, it'd be /way/ better for your hair if you'd let me use actual scissors on it. I'm not saying I'd make it 'fancy' or anything, just...healthy." On the last word, she winces a bit, noting the obvious abuse the hair must be taking from such treatment.
Rolling her eyes, Kinecha leans forward, pushing her knife to the side, as she leans on the table, glaring at Lhana, "I've cut my hair like this all me life," she says, her eyes a cold gray by now, "'n ain't nobody told be it'd be more /healthy/ to do any other way...." The guard's mood was way down in the basement by now, though surely the ale didn't help, she swallows more of the liquid, simply ignoring the other girl's comment on her knife handling.
Miryake keeps quiet in all of this, for once anyway, glancing between gaurd and...hair-cutter, both getting wary looks.
Lhana isn't in a much better of a mood, and leans on the nearby table, looking Kinecha squarely in the eyes. "Well, I'm telling you now. Your hair could be simply beautiful if you'd only treat it correctly once in a while. Keep cutting it with that, and it's likely to fall out one of these days." Giving her a burning look, she shifts her attention to the other girl. Her expression brightens a bit, and she smiles. "Well, I'll consider using a bribe next time, I suppose. Just to keep her calm." She shrugs.
Arutha walks in from the Central Bowl.
Miryake nods, speaking up now that all the anger stuff is passed...she hopes anyway, "It works like a charm, trust me. Used it all th' time." she looks warily at Kenecha a last time, hesitently offering, "Maybe yeh should...take a nap, or a nice long walk. Calm yeh down, yeh don' look like yer in a very good mood." she's very observent...yepyep.
Arutha walks in rubbing his eyes and looks around for his mate. Not seeing her he heads for the klah and hopes that Anyaline is being looked after by the nannies he is to tired to watch her right now. Noticing Kinecha he smiles to himself trying to remember a time when she was in a good mood.
P'rru clips in from the Central Bowl.
"Bah!" Waving her hand at the woman, Kinecha leans back in her chair, nursing her ale as the other one tells her to calm down. Calm down?! "Well, ain't you observant? I'll tell you something, I'll sit here if I want, for as long as I want, and ain't nobody gonna have me leave!"
P'rru is wearing his winter garb- bright orange beanie with generous pom pom, and huge purple scarf that winds 3 times around his neck and still manages to trail on the ground. Hmph. "Sharding snow" he mutters, but it's hard for him to /see/ anyone with orange wool over his eyes.
Lhana considers the advice, seeming to deem it valid, and nods. "I'll remember that." She turns to Kinecha and says somewhat angrily, "No one's trying to make you leave. You can sit there all you want." Turning away, she offers the new entries a wave and a smile.
Kinecha will do just that. Pouring more ale into her mug, she spots the brownrider entering and spills over the table, as she breaks into a smile (still in a bad mood, though). "P'rru, s'good t' see ya," she calls out, waving a hand while the other brings the mug to her lips.
Arutha watches Lhana and Kenecha and knows better than to get in the middle of that. Watching P'rru walk in he smiles a little thinking that the orange makes him stand out even more. Clutching his klah a little he waits for someone to pull at him to join in the conversation.
Miryake nods in agreement, "I'm just tryin to help yeh git in a better mood. 'Cause bad moods are just...bad. An' if you cheer up /you'll/ feel better and so will everyone else." Miry completes, looking thoroughly pleased with her wisdom. The new arrivals get waves, and the much bundled P'rru gets a sort of odd glance, but nevertheless both of them also get a cheery, "Hullo!"
P'rru peels back orange and purple from his face, smiling. "Kinecha my dear, it's not you making all that racket is it?" brownrider clips over towards the guard now, hands still wrestling with the scarf. "I've just come back from sweeps, my muscles are cold and tired and my head hurts- so keep it down" he delivers the request like an order, but still with that old guy smile.
Raisha walks in from the Central Bowl.
"Who says I wanna feel better," Kinecha snaps, narrowing her eyes to shoot arrows at the girl. Turning back to P'rru, she eyes him too, though even if she's drunk and cranky she can't shout at him. "Want some ale, then?" she asks brownrider, motioning toward the pitcher, standing on the table within her reach. "It's excellent!"
Raisha fairly bounces in, instant friendly smile on her face when she sees guess what, /people!/, in the caverns. "Hi, I'm Raisha!" she grins 'round. "Mind if I join you?" Ahem. Trader girl equals not many manners.
Arutha goes home.
Lhana finishes combing out her long black strands, restoring them to order. Carefully, she begins styling it into a loose, spiralling bun at the back of her head. Her bangs, left down, are given a few extra strokes to insure they will stay styled, and she turns to face the way-too happy girl and can't help but smile back. "Sure, Raisha. Come join us over here, if you'd like."
P'rru just gives the new occupants a smile before hands hit hips and he just towers of Kinecha. "Your drunk" he notes, the master of the obvious, "Why are you drunk, dearest, it's not like you..." and then the brownrider grabs the pitcher of ale and settles himself in a chair opposite Kinecha. But he doesn't take a swig, no, he's stealing it from her.
"Thanks," is the cheerful reply to the offer, as Raish promptly propels her hyper-active self over to the group. "Whatcha talking 'bout?" she asks, if not bluntly, then at least cheerily. Left hand goes up to absently brush back her long hair as she finally makes it across to take a seat.
Miryake shrugs, "Most people do I would think." but that's where she has the sense to just shut up. Raisha gets a big grin, "Hullo, I'm Miryake...'course you can." it seems she already has so the short girl continues, "Aren' talkin' bout much, just this an' that." she peers at the older girls knot, "Yer from Ista? What's it like there? Warmer?"
Saisukei arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Kinecha just.. Stares at the brownrider. He's got her ale, and since that's all she manages to focus on right now, she doesn't notice the cheery one come in. "Aye, 'm drunk. What about it?" Didn't she have a right to be drunk? After all, she wasn't a recruit anymore, was she? "I wanna be drunk," she adds, after emptying her mug, staring jealously at the pitcher in P'rru hand.
Raisha smiles at Miryake as she simultaneously nods and replies, "Well met, Miryake. Yup, I'm from Ista... definitely much warmer there." Reaching over for a meatroll or two, she adds, "'Fore Ista, I was at the Telgar area though." That said, she immediately munches into said meatroll. No lady, this one.
"Why do you want to be drunk, love?" the brownrider asks the guard straight faced. "If it's business in the barracks it's no way to go about sorting it out..." oh he's a meddlesome old guy, isn't he. P'rru blinks a smile at Raisha again, out of courtesy but then it's all eyes on Necha again. Ooh and he's still got the pitcher, nyah nyah nyah.
Saisukei steps in, stopping at the threshold to the Living caverns, and leaning on the wall. Crossing her arms, and blinking she stands there, silent. Then brow is furrowed at the Ale jug, Kinecha and P'rru. Add in one of the two people being drunk, and you get...well one of the two people being drunk. But she's used to it. It wasn't often her father came home sober, so this scene isn't really bothering her much.
Lhana smiles at Raisha, and she adds, "My name's Lhana, by the way. And we can talk about whatever. That goes for you too," she says to the man hovering around the drinks and the girl who just entered. "Come join us over here, will you? Before the conversation gets rolling." She sits - finally - and crosses her long, boot-clad legs in front of her. Her comb is returned to a pocket, and she waits.
Raisha looks up from the meatroll she just gobbled up, and she smiles, friendly-like, at the newcomers. Not that she isn't one hereself, but you know. "Excuse me for being so wound-up today," she apologises, half-laughing. "I think I had /way/ too much klah." 'Nuff said.
Miryake grins, "I was in Telgar once...long time ago. I don' r'member much of it though, I was pretty little." she tells Raisha. A bright wave is given to her sister, "Hullo Saisu...yer not mad still are yeh?" she asks cheerily. "Even if yeh are, or if yer not, come on and sit with us." she invites.
"Nottin' t' do with the barracks," Kinecha says, eyes swimming up to look the brownrider square(?) in the eye. "I jus' wanna be drunk. Is that so bad?" She leans forward try to snatch the pitcher from P'rru, but miscalculates the distance and grabs his knee instead. "C'mon, P'rru. Lemme have s'more ale..." Almost a whine.
Renrow skitters, with a mischevious smirk, in from the Central Bowl.
Saisukei edges along the wall, eyes still watching Kinecha, P'rru and the ale pitcher. She looks at Miryake, and sits somewhere in her vicinity. "No, not mad anymore." She shrugs, and squints. "But I don't think I'm in the mood to talk much." She says, this directed more towards Lhana, however. Eyes go back to P'rru and Kinecha. She's nosy. Sue her.
Lhana shrugs. "I've been just about everywhere, I'd say. But High Reaches is my favorite place yet. So what do you do, Raisha, that has you travelling about so much?" Toying with the laces on her high boots, she shrugs at the other girl...Saisu, was it? "Whatever."
P'rru holds the pitcher above his head, childish, but shes the one whining. "Not until you tell me why your so surly..." Lhana is motioned at "Has she been surly?" he asks the girl of Kinecha of course. Back-up. Saisukei is nodded at in acknowledgement but he's just not in a situation to talk right now.
Pulling a cloak that's slightly too big for him tighter around his small frame with one last shudder, Renrow slides the hood off of his head, tousled hair the normal look for him, but only to those that know him. His curious brown eyes sweep over the room, edging towards the Klah pot as soon as it's spotted.
Miryake nods, "That's good...oh." she shuts up. She's loosing all the people she can talk to...oh look more people! The entering Renrow gets a cheerful, "Hullo!" from the girl and a little wave.
After draining his mug of Klah quite quickly, Renrow refills it again as his mouth drops open to release the heat that such an action left sliding down his throat. He straightens, and with another sip of his Klah and glance around the room, he flashes a grin towards Miryake as he skitters out.
"I'm not... Surly," Kinecha states, quite sourly, the corners of her mouth tugged rather much /down/, as she reaches out for the pitcher again. Missing again. "'n since when was it not 'lowed to be surly anyway?" It /was/ the guard's trademark to be surly. Or at least broody. "'m jus' a little upset," she finally whispers, her face coming quite close to P'rru's to make sure no one overhears.
Renrow steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Raisha hrms as the second meatroll is crammed into her mouth and vigourously chewed, then swallowed. "Telgar's pretty neat. 'Cept I didn't stay all in one place so I wouldn't know 'bout specific areas," she explains to Miryake. Saisukei is given a closer look, before she declares, "I remember you! I met you when I was here with Trellix, right?"
Yes. Saisu it was. Or at least that's what Miry calls her. Pet names, y'know the like. Miryake calls Saisukei, Saisu, and Saisukei calls Miryake, Miry. It's all relative. Really. A small nods is sent back to P'rru, and she turns away. Finallly knowing what's her business, and what's not. Looking back over to the crowd she's sitting with she's met by a declaration from Raisha. "Yes." She nods somberly, concerned look still on her face. She'll talk, but every once in a while she'll cast a worried look back to Kinecha and P'rru. Believe it or not, she cares.
Lhana nods in response to P'rru's question. "Yes she has," she says, in a definite tone. She turns back to the others. "So you travel around a lot, huh?" she says to Raisha, "I used to do that. So how do you like High Reaches?" The buttons on her coat are played with now, as if she's considering whether to unbutton them or not.
P'rru hands the pitcher towards Kinecha at that admittance and he too leans forwards. "Upset about what, Kinecha" he asks, concerned now. "Have another drink and come sit by the fire and tell me" brownrider pats the guard on the knee and leans back, pom pom on his head bouncing in all it's orange yellow fluffyness. Hehe. Lhana gets a little bow of his head "I apologise then" for Kinecha's surliness you just have to assume.
"Sure do," the trader girl responds to Lhana's query. "Traders do that, ya know." Duh. "Been a trader since I was born, practically," Raish adds, for no apparent reason. Beam is directed in Saisukei's direction. "Well then, nice to meet you again." Nicknames eh? She knows about that. She's called 'thunder girl' most days.
Lhana adjusts her position in the chair, sitting up straighter, uncrossing her ankles. "Oh, you're a trader. Must be an interesting life." She turns to Saisukei. "My name's Lhana, by the way. It's nice to meet you." P'rru, finally, is accorded a shrug for the apology. It's not like it was /his/ fault.
Kinecha sighs, starting to refill her mug, then thinks twice about it, setting the pitcher away on the table beside her, taking her knife in the same movement, putting it away in its sheath. Not sure it's something she should discuss in a cavern full of people she leans closer to P'rru. "It's Reiko," she whispers, eyes narrowing again. "She's spent a lot of time with this musician fella..." There. It was said. The word was out, and somehow her foul mood turned to a sad one.
Miryake actually calls her sister a lot of things, that's clear as the girls nickname changes every sentence or so, "Somethin' wrong Sukei?" she questions, peering at the girl. Something seems wrong, so it's always good to check. Miry's never-ending energy actually seems to be fading, as she doesn't chatter constantly right now, choosing to sit quietly for the most part. It's a mircale.
Saisukei puts out a hand to Lhana, absently, and takes Lhana's hand. "Well met Lhana. I'm Saisukei." Then turning to Miry with a rather 'i'm not all here at the moment' look she shakes her head. "Nah, fine. Jus' thinkin'." she mutters, then pulls her feet up onto her chair. "Telgar, eh?" She's a little slow. Wasn't Telgar already discussed?
P'rru waves vaguely at Lhana before sighing at Kinecha. "Oh my dear, you mustn't dwell on things you have no way of changing- it's taken me 40 odd turns to discover that.." brownrider reaches out to pat her shoulder consolingly. "Who'se this musician anyway?"
Lhana shifts in her chair again, sitting diagonally now. Saisukei is given a somewhat absent sort of a nod. Casting her eyes about, she notices the klah pot, as if for the first time, and wordlessly stands to fill herself a cup. Having done so, she practically dashes back to her seat. She takes an indulgent sip.
Raisha beams slightly belatedly at Lhana. "Oh, it /is/ a rather interesting life. 'Specially if you can't stand being tied down in one place like me." Could you tell, huh? Nod is given to Saisukei. "Yup, that's where I'm from." Just to humour the girl. Hand goes up to flick back her black hair.
"Oh, I dunno!" Reaching for her mug again, Kinecha stops short, pretending that she was only going to lean her arm on the table. "Every time I see 'im he's with 'er." Her being Reiko of course. "Flirtin' with 'er... 'n she don' seem t' care much." At least not from the guard's point of view.
P'rru schools his expression to a softer one, those wrinkles appearing instantly on his forehead "Have you thought it is because she does not care? Perhaps she just ignores this man's efforts eh? Reiko's not the type to go behind your back, there's not a deceitful bone in her body.." Purr hopes at least.
Saisukei looks over at Raisha. "Oh, I hate traveling." She mutters. "Every four yea's or so, I'd spend a yea' travelin' in a 'van." Then putting up ten fingers, and then adding on three after she's displayed the ten, she says. "With fifteen or so other kids." Well, nobody said you needed to count to be a 'Reachien. "All of them yellin'...i'jus' loud."
Shandre arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Sydelle arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Kinecha frowns, trying to keep P'rru's face focused in her field of vision. "Well, no...." But if the mucisian had been flirting that relentlessly with the guard, she'd have decked him eventually. And she hadn't even seen Reiko tell him off. Not as she recollected in her drunken state.
Lhana smiles. "I'm with you," she says to Sasukei, "sort of. I travelled for so long, whether I liked the place or not, that I just kind of...got tired of it. And it wasn't like a trader, it was like every couple of months or sometimes turns." A sip of klah is taken. "I make too many friends to want to leave all the time."
"Well, I wouldn't half mind that," Raish says mildly to Saisukei, with a bit of a smile on her face. "Grew up like that. Guess I kinda got used to it. Liked it, in fact. More boys to play rough with," she explains, grinning. Smile is flashed at the two newcomers, along with a "Hi, I'm Raisha. C'mon over and join us!" Too much klah you had, Raish.
Amisha arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
P'rru chuckles slowly "Well don't worry yourself until you talk to Reiko about it, dearest, there's no point in getting yourself fussed for nothing..." don't point out he's being highly hypocritical here. Brownrider folds one leg over the other, head nodding. See? He's an expert.
Trellix comes down from the workrooms above.
Saisukei nods slowly. "Miry knows how I feel." Then looking to Raisha she nods. "Too many boys. There's only Miry and me, then the rest are boys." Grumble. "There was one though-." She says and seems to go off, lost in thought.
Raisha waves to Trellix as he emerges from Faranth-knows-where. "Hey there!" she grins. "How're ya today? Have a meatroll? Oh, klah?" she grins mischieviously, left hand now brushing back her hair again.
Loren steps, gait confident and marred by the vaguest swing of slim hips, in from the Central Bowl.
Talk to Reiko about it? Now there was a thought. Kinecha's hand comes up to rub the back of her neck, eyes swinging 'round to see the crowd suddenly having come together in the cavern. "P'rru? Where'd all these people come from?" The usually oh-so-observant guard hadn't noticed the influx of people while she'd been talking with the brownrider.
Trellix smiles and waves back to Raisha he takes a meatroll and heads for the klah. "Heya Raisha."
Raisha turns back to Saisukei, grinning. "Well, if'n you're like me, you hate the girls and prefer the boys. Dresses and all that - yuck. Ryan 'n me had lots more fun than any of the other girls could have with their sisters." To Trellix, she asks innocently, "How didja like the bracelet?" with a twinkle in her hazel eyes.
Amisha steps into the room, straightening her newly acquired dress as she goes Loren wanders in. Ack. Crowded. But she moves towards the creampuffs, hauling R'ave along ever-so-lovingly. "People. Eh." Sob.
P'rru takes the chance to blink about the caverns. "Aye" he says, eyes widening. "Do you want to get out of here, Kinecha?" blink.
Sydelle trots in, large brown eyes already curiously darting around the room taking note of everything. She sighs as she realizes that there are mostly older people and tries not to disturb any discussions and what-not.
Trellix smiles and nods, taking a long sip of klah. "Loved it, and thanks again Raisha. It was just thing thing." he nods a thank you before going back to his klah and roll.
Raisha smiles. "Pleasure, dahling," she drawls, then presses on. "Do tell me she's somewhere in this crowd," she laughs, waving her hand around the cavern to emphasize her point. People everywhere.
Tevya arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Shandre sits quietly by the fire, even in this crowd, lost in a reverie, fingering first one then another of the charms on her beautiful gift..
"Think that might be an idea, P'rru," Kinecha say. Trying to stand, she finds her head swimming, grabbing the back of the chair for support. "Y'know.. I never asked you how 'salth is doing today?" She grins to the old brownrider as she sways from side to side.
Saisukei turning to look over at all the recently entered she takes in the crowd. Woah. Now that's big. Anyway. Looking to Lhana and Raisha. "Well ya see, me and my broth'rs, and Mir of course where a real' tigh' group." She waves her hands in the air. "I never did like wearing dresses too much, but this skirt" her black torn skirt is waved at, and the ends plucked at. "was all I was left with when I 'escaped'." Escaped is emphasised with a hand twist.
Amisha glances around the room, seeing people that she hasn't seen before
Lhana gives Raisha a sideways look. Enthusiastic, much? But, she shrugs. Whatever works. Liquid-brown eyes widen as she notes just how many people seem to be coming in at once. She waves cheerily at all of them, delighted to meet so many new people. "Hi," she says to Trellix, who seems to be the nearest at the moment, "I'm Lhana."
Miryake seems to snap into relaity again, from her day-dream land, enough to chime in, "Too many boys. An' Sais got out 'fore the number went up. An' it was hard ta wear dresses with all the work yeh had ta do." she was the one who tried to walk beside the wagon instead of ride in it.
P'rru jumps to his feet to wrap an arm around Kinecha's waist in support. "I know, dear, he's doing well of course, happy and well fed.." the brownrider smiles at his favouritest guard as he half-carries her towards the door.
Near frozen, nose red and runny, Tevya makes her grand entrance into the caverns. Two pups close on her heels head straight for the hearth and plop down infront of the fire. Hazel eyes sweep the crowd, wide with astonishment as she spots the largest crowd she's ever seen in this room. Vague nods are given to those she knows, namely Kinecha, P'rru, and Loren. Though, the need for warmth soon takes over her primary wish to hide in the corners, so with determined steps she heads for the hearth to grab a bowl of stew.
Trellix smiles and nods. "Well met Lhana, names Trellix."
Raisha nods at Saisukei. "I see," she smiles. "But boys are much more fun to play with. The girls /hated/ climbing -- 'sides me, 'course. Ryan and me /loved/ to do that," she explains, grinning widely. "Enjoying yourself, Lhana?" the trader asks abruptly, still grinning.
"Ohh, tha's good t' hear," Kinecha says leaning her head on P'rru's shoulder, closing her eyes and trusting him to lead the way. If only things would stop spinning, then she could make her own way back to the barracks.
Amisha walks towards Trellix, as one of the people she recognizes from before
Amisha smiles
Then smiling back at Miry, Saisukei says "'cept Leon of 'course." Beam. Then the departing P'rru and Kinecha are eyed, with a look of relief. At least the guard-type seems to be doing better. Then she frowns slightly. "I hope papa doesn't fin' out, Miry." Then clasping Miry's hands with a frightened look on her face. "Wha' happens w'en papa find out that Leon helped!?" She says in a whisper, clinging to Miry. This is all very unsettling.
Lhana smiles brightly at Trellix, then stands, deeming the room warm enough to do without her coat, and begins unbuttoning it. "I like dresses just fine, personally," she says as the short white one she has on at the moment is revealed. "They aren't as practical as pants, of course," she pulls one sleeve out, then the other, "but I like the way they look." She folds the coat over her chair behind her, adding, "And yes, I'm having a wonderful time."
Amisha looks at Lhana, smiling at her as well
P'rru motions to Kinecha on his shoulder to Tevya, as if explaining his exit quietly, and then h heads outside. P'rru exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Bundle up 'gainst snow or sun! The bowl is open to seasons' wrath.
Central Bowl
P'rru pushes the hair back from Kinecha's forhead gently. "Should I take you into the barracks? Might be best for you to sleep this off.." he asks in a hoarse whisper.
The cold hits the guard like a sledgehammer and only the fact that she's clinging to P'rru keeps her from falling to the ground. "Cold," she manages to say, opening her eyes to look at P'rru. "Wouldya?" She eyes the barracks, way over there on the other side of the Bowl, then looks down at her feet, unsure of whether she could make that trip herself.
P'rru chuckles. "Course I will" he replies, and with a very gallant manner, bends down to pull Kinecha right up into his arms. "It might be easier If I just carry you, pet" he says with one of those goofy smiles. Snow piles are orienteered around slowly, as the rider heads for the barracks.
"Carry me?!" Kinecha exclaims rather loudly, the word ringing off the walls of the Bowl. Peering around the place she doesn't anyone nearby, so she looks more calmly from P'rru to the barracks and back again. "Carry me? Y'sure of that?" she asks more calmly, eyeing his frame, not sure he could... No offence. The guard is drunk.
P'rru clears his throat. "I have carried a lot more than you before...your not as heavy as a few sacks of firestone" the rider argues, flexing stringy muscles in his arms. "Stop that fussing right now" he add strenly, forehead furrowing gently. "Just hold still.."
Just hold still.. Right. No problem with that. Maybe the Weyr'd stop spinning if she held still. Closing her eyes again, Kinecha prepares herself for.. Whatever.
P'rru picks the guard up gently, groaning with the strain of having to lift her fat behind..."Alright, see it's not a problem" he says, one arm under her knees and the other around her mid-back. "To the barracks then!"
Kinecha's head fairly swirls as her feet leaves the ground, her stomach wanting to spill all of its contens over the brownrider and only a massive effort of will on the guard's part prevents that.
You puke, You Walk. That's the general rule. But P'rru manages to get to the barracks with little jolting, Dsalth lumbering behind him with whuffles of concern. "She's fine, lughead, just a little drunk...yes from ale...I know you don't like it- and don't bespeak her with your opinion either, she's not of a mind to listen!" rider says aloud to his dragon before coaxing open the barrack doors with his foot.
Kinecha opens her eyes to look at the dragon over the riders shoulder, giving him a wide grin. She's okay, see? Just drunk. As a skunk. "'m 'kay, 'salth," she says. So what if she couldn't speak cleanly. Surely the dragon understood her anyway?
P'rru clips to the Guards HQ. You go to the Guards Headquarters.
Guards Headquarters
With the guard still in his arms, the brownrider scowls off inquiring recruits quickly. "Alright, where shall I set you down, Kinecha?" Purr asks, the row of cots too much for him to comphrehend. A bluster through the doorway follows them and he mutters "You can't fit inside, Dsalth, don't even try it"
"Ohh, jus' over there," Kinecha says waving in the general direction of her cot, peering over the rider's shoulder even if it does make her rather dizzy. "Don' ya dare, 'salth," she joins in P'rru's warning. Still trying to keep her stomach from losing its contens.
P'rru pads over to a cot, hopefully the right one, and lowers the guard down onto it. "See? That wasn't so hard, dear" he rolls his shoulders back, as if pulling the tension out of them. "Now can I fetch you a glass of water or...a bucket?"
Kinecha snores. Her eyes closed and head tilted back, she's fast asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, not even managing to thank P'rru for bringing her back. Smacking her lips, she turns her head slightly making it fit with a dent in the pillow. Snore...
P'rru goes home.