Pre-PC: Born into a family of criminals and conmen, Kinecha spent almost twenty years of her life, traveling from Hold to Hold, from Hall to Hall. Her mother, Anecha, had died giving birth to Kinecha and her father had been forced to take her with him because no one would foster her, as she was the child of a thief and a holdless woman. The rest of the family, Kinaraws eleven brothers were not particularly happy about having a baby with them, and a girl child at that! So, instead of being treated as the girl she was, Kinecha was brought up as if she were a boy; taught how to fight, cheat and steal, as was tradition in the Rhryn band. The only women Kinecha would come in contact with in those turns on the road, were the ones in the Holds and Halls, the band would frequent. As time went by, Kinecha found out that she was different, in many respects, from those in the Rhryn band, from her father and her uncles, and thus, when Kinaraw died (falling off his runner), she left the Rhryns, to seek out her own destiny. Post-PC: Kinechas first impulse was to get as far away from the Rhryns as possible, which is why she ended up at a Hold on Ista Isle, though she quickly found two major flaws with the place. One, Kinecha is gay, which holders have a hard time accepting, and two, the climate was far too hot for someone born and bred in the mountains of the North. So, after only a couple of months hiding out in the South, Kinecha trekked north again. To High Reaches Weyr, where she was sure no Rhrynian would come looking for her, since they had always had a deep seeded resentment and distrust of dragonriders, and anything associated with those. So shed be safe at a Weyr. Kinecha quickly settled in, though at first she had trouble trusting anyone, and said nothing about her past. Though she wouldnt admit to it, some of her upbringing still lingered in her personality, and trusting people was hard for her. Some time later, Candidates for Impression started filing into the Weyr, and one of them suggested to Kinecha that she would be an excellent guard. A notion that had never crossed her mind, in spite of her size and physique. She took the advise, though, and reported to the Guards headquarters the very next day, recruiting herself and joining the High Reaches Weyr Guard. Kinecha came to think of the Weyr as home soon after settling there. The friendly people of the place made her open up, made her feel safe, made her feel as if she had a home, for the first time in her life. So when her uncle, Ranawkin, showed up, looking for her, she was shocked and terrified. Nobody leaves, he said. Not alive anyway. Not from the Rhryn band. So, as things turned out, Ranawkin and Kinecha got into a knife fight, which Kinecha won with the help of her new-found friends of the Weyr. Neither Ranawkin or any other belonging to the Rhryn band has ever been seen in the Weyr since. After that incident, Kinecha knew that High Reaches Weyr, its residents, riders and dragons were her family, and that nothing, or no one, could make her leave. In the two turns of living at the Weyr, she has found her true family, a replacement "father" and a girlfriend.