Injured Guard
You go to the Living Caverns.Living Caverns
The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.
Scattered about in various perches and niches are fifty-one firelizards.
You see OOC NOTICE (look sign), Generic Sign-Up Sheet, Look at Me Postcard to Tatia, White Clay Egg Pot, Jaeshri, Large Picnic Rug, Kageri, and Gigi here.
Reiko, Niall, and Elehu are here.
Reiko eyes Niall for a long moment, eyes narrowed to emerald slits, the smirk not lost on her. As the bag is tossed, a hand darts out to intercept it, and she arches a brow at Niall as she quickly opens it and takes a long sniff. "More spiked klah?" She shakes her head and closes the bag, tossing it negligently back in his direction and turning to Elehu. "He's only hung over. And if he feels half as bad as /I/ did," - here she eyes him viciously - "leave him."
Elehu shudders softly and shakes her head to Niall. "Thank you, but I'll pass. Besides, I prefer my klah hot," she adds with a wink. She offers a quick wave to Kinecha as the guard walks in, but then her hand goes right back in to her pocket. It's safe there. She wrinkles up her nose a bit at Reiko and shrugs. "Well... sometimes that sort of Healing is best left undone, true..."
Elehu has grown into womanhood with quite a bit of success. She has curves in most of the right places, though her body is still a bit on the thin side. Her slender five and a half foot build has a faint gleam of golden bronze, the visage or a traveler. Her rich brown, shoulder-length hair contains streaks of gold, bleached by the sun, that seem to make her hazel-brown eyes shine with an inner fire. Her hands are small, but her fingers are slender and nimble, well built for her walk of life.
A thick skirt, the dark blue of dusk, with two deep pockets on either side falls loosely from Elehu's hips. Peeking out from underneath, just above her dark brown wherhide boots are a pair of leather trousers that look to be lined on the inside with fur. She wears an off-white blouse with wide, loose sleeves covering her arms. Over that there is a sturdy black vest made of oiled leather that falls just above her waist, a dark brown belt matching her boots encircles her waist, and a slender sheathed dagger, about six inches in length, hangs at her right hip, with a small wherhide pouch at her left. Watching closely from Elehu's shoulder is Ref.
A soft cord of the deepest purple winds itself around a similar cord of bright white in a single loop. Small strands of icy blue and shadowy black are intertwined intricately, a long tail of all four colors hanging from the knot, signifying that Elehu is a Healer Journeyman posted at High Reaches Weyr.
She is awake, but has been staring off into space for 3 minutes.
Elehu is 19 Turns, 9 months, and 21 days old.
Ceridwin arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Ceridwin raises one eyebrow at the number of people actually around today.. and heads for the food.. Cheese, bread, and redberry juice... Spying Elehu, she ehads that way and grins. "Mind if I join you?"
Hanging onto Tekin's shoulder Kinecha limps into the cavern, looking none too happy. "No, I don't need a healer," she mutters to the other guard as she slumps into the nearest chair. "I'm sure it's just a sprain... Just go get me a mug of klah," she tells the man, treating him as if he were her recruit again. Tekin, being a rather nice guy, shrugs and moves toward the hearth. Spotting Elehu on his way, he makes a change of course making for the healer instead. Bending down to the healer, he whispers to her, "Elehu, ma'am... She won't go to the infirmary." Nodding toward Necha, he looks at her with worry in his eyes. "Could you please tell her to do something about that ankle of hers?"
Niall sat back some, grinning at Elehu. This healer didn't seem to bad, but healers in general are not his favorite people. Blame his up bringing on it. "Yes it is," he answered Reiko, his smirk widening. "Still upset about that I see. Well I can't blame you, but I can't be either."
Elehu blinks idly at the other guard who comes towards her and nods quickly. "Well, of course. Sorry, Ceridwin, I have to go see to Kinecha. Since this guy here obviously would rather suffer." She starts to head over towards Kinecha while asking either one of the two guards, "Now just what happened?"
Ceridwin nods to elehu, patients come first, no problem there. So, she sets sets her plate and glass down and begins to eat
Reiko eyes Niall coolly. "Upset? Whatever gave you /that/ idea?" Just because a 24-hour period of her life can only be remembered in bits and pieces, and she has less reason to trust him every time she sees him? She'll just leave poor nervous Elehu to her distractions - yes, Reiko /did/ notice - but wait, it seems Elehu is leaving Reiko. Hm. Guard and recruit are casually ignored, Ceri is randomly eyed. Finally, with a toss of her head, Reiko returns to her chair, long fingers drumming on her table in a rather agitated fashion as she proceeds to ignore everyone.
"Nothing happened," Kinecha says, shooting arrows at Tekin with her eyes, the poor man retreating to get her klah. "Just slipped is all.." Reaching out for the mug the other guard has brought her she takes a long swallow, while he turns to Elehu to explain. "We were drilling. She fell and hurt her ankle, even if she won't admit it I think it looks bad," he says, doing his best to ignore Necha icy stare.
Elehu nods slowly as she stops beside where Kinecha took a seat. "What kind of pain is it?" she asks Kinecha briskly, ignoring the guard's previous comments about not needing help. "Sharp? Dull? Throbbing? Has it started to swell or bruise?"
Niall blinked a few times and tried to bury his head into the chair he was sitting in. Pain from all the noise, and here is just where he happened to be. The pain wasn't as strong as it was when he first entered, but it was enough for him to reach out and grab the item he did have, to throw. He did throw it, in Reiko's direction, nowhere close to hitting anyone, as he stood up.
Ceridwin listens with interest to the healer chat.. maybe she would be needed? Maybe not, since Elehu was a full healer, but hey.. helping would be fine..
Reiko has already decided not to assist in this /particular/ bit of healing unless she's specifically asked, but her attention is distracted by movement from the corner of her eye as Niall - throws something? Her head whips around to glare narrowly at him, twisted smirk in place. "Crawling off to some quiet hole?" she guesses, a bit of a taunt evident in her voice. The -object- on the floor is eyed for a moment before she looks at him again. "Do you run as poorly as you throw?"
"It doesn't really hurt," the guard says, giving her colleague another sharp stare. Moving a bit in her chair, she invariably moves her leg as well, and a wince passes her face. Raising her hand in a dismissing motion, she sighs and looks up at Elehu, "sharp," she says, "'n I dunno if it's bruising, haven't checked it." Who would pull off their boots in the weather outside to check on an injuired ankle anyway?
Reiko took that? Wow, she must be getting mellow. Or she just really doen't liek Ceri. Either way, the masseuse is stunned that she didn't at least throw it back.
Tekin stands by, looking from the healer to Kinecha, his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking much as if he's standing guard against his colleague running. Not that she would get far, though..
Niall stops on his way to the nearest exit and snapped around. He eyed Reiko, and smirked. Slowly he walked over to her. Stopping at the item he threw, he picked it up, and sat it down on, as he crossed the gap between him and Reiko. "Some other time I'll show you how well I throw," Niall said, making sure he was near face to face with her. "But I should give you something before I go, just because I feel I should." With the way he felt, it wouldn't matter what she did to him for this. He kissed Reiko, fulfilling hit threat, and then left without giving anyone the opportunity to do anything about his actions.
Niall steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Elehu eyes Niall out of the corner of her eye and frowns, but shaking her head she glances back down at Kinecha. "Well then, I suggest you move your wounded self to the infirmary so that we can get you off your feet and take a look at that ankle."
Kinecha stares so hard at Niall's dissapearing back that she only faintly hears Elehu's order, then blinks and glances at Reiko before turning full attention back on the healer. "Very well," she says, setting the halffilled mug down on the table, then uses Tekin's shoulder to lean on, as they move toward the infirmary. Better off, getting away from this place right now.
Elehu steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Deeper, darker, narrower... passages kink and twist into the Weyr.
Glowlight bright reveals Healers' workplace.
Echoing and austere, blank stone walls are vaulted high to overshadow the row of white-curtained cots along the back wall. Ancient metal gleams steel-bright in the form of sinks and examination table, lit relentlessly by bright glows and reflecting the colours of bottles and jars shelved above. Padlocked cabinets hide the more dangerous drugs and implements, whilst healer paraphenalia litters one solid oak table with sweetly-fragranced herbs and tattered scrolls. A small hearth contains a fire usually banked low, several cauldrons set ready nearby to for heating water. A dark staircase twists up from one corner to the dragonhealer's lair; one low door leads into the lower caverns, another to weyrhealers' quarters.
Barn-sized doors open inwards with creak of hinges from the ground weyr.
Comfortable on top of a cupboard are Sploink, Caerulus, Risidan, D'argo, Pudge, Hermes, Enjolras, Klee, and Fluker.
You see examination area here.
Elehu is here.
Elehu smiles quickly and waves the guards towards the nearest cot. "Just make yourself comfortable," she tells Kinecha. "Now tell me, what happened exactly. And don't leave out any parts of it," she warns as both guards receive a warning look. "I can't help you if I don't know what happened," she then adds, softer, but just by a little.
Hanzatsu blinks in from ::between::!
Wincing as she sits down, Kinecha waves Tekin off, making him stand off to the side. "Well, we were doing hand-to-hand, and one of the other guys took my legs away from under me," she says, hesitating in telling the full story, being more or less imbarrassed at being injured from such a little thing. Tekin is given a look saying 'if you tell anyone about this...'. "Guess I musta twisted it going down..." And that was that. Best she could explain, best she could remember.
Elehu sets a small kettle in the fireplace to start heating before she heads over towards Kinecha. "Are you able to take your boot off, or do you need help with that?" she asks while taking a small pile of towels from one of the cabinets.
Kinecha watches Elehu getting her stuff together, then peers down at her kneehigh boot, up again and then eyes Tekin, still standing in the corner. "Tek, would you please?" she says, pointing at the right boot, the other guard jumping to attention, grabbing the long boot with both hands. "Careful!" Necha exclaims, wincing as the footwear comes off. "Thanks, Tek. You can go now. I'm sure I can make it back myself..." Giving Elehu a glance, Tekin shrugs and leaves by way of the ground weyrs.
Elehu nods quickly to Tekin and kneels beside the foot of the bed, carefully taking Kinecha's foot in her hands as she studies it for a long couple minutes from every angle. "Okay... I'm going to try to be gentle, but let me know where your ankle hurts the most," she instructs quietly, fingers starting at the front of the ankle and working backwards.
Kinecha nods slowly, eyeing the healer prodding her ankle as she leans back on her hands, trying not to show too much pain on her face. "I dunno.. Ouw!" she almost pulls her leg away from Elehu's grasp, as she jumps, "yeah, right there. On the top." Grinning weakly, she looks up at the healer again, looking more or less sheepishly at her.
Elehu grins up at Kinecha and nods quickly. "Good, no break then, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to move that ankle," she comments cheerfully. "I'll put numbweed on your ankle now though so that I can finish my examination." With that, she stands again and dunks her hands in a small bowl of redwort solution. Then she brings a jar of numbweed over and quickly begins rubbing it into Kinecha's ankle. "This should feel much better," she tells the guard with a smile.
Wincing ever so slightly as the numbweed starts to take effect, she says. "better, yeah." But Kinecha's not entirely comfortable with not being able to feel her ankle anymore. "Glad it's not broken, though..." That would have been horrendous, and would have suspended her from duty. For have long? She didn't want to know. "So how're you doing, Ele?" she asks, making idle conversation to keep her mind off how long she'll be out of action. how long, not have long...
"Oh... all right. Busy, the usual," Elehu answers, her fingers again rubbing at Kinecha's ankle but a bit more thoroughly this time. "There are always the little bumps and bruises," she adds slowly as she lets Kinecha's foot rest once more on the cot. "But all in all, things have remained rather quiet. I'm even catching up with some of the work I'd been putting off so long."
Watching Elehu's fingers move over her ankle, Kinecha nods, "I've had more free time myself lately," she says, looking up at the healer, giving her a halfsmile. "Since the recruits were promoted I haven't had nearly as much training to do." Which might just be the reason she was here now. Could she really be out of shape? No way? Not with all the patrolling she'd been doing lately.
"Oh, there aren't any new recruits?" Elehu asks as she sticks a towel in the heated water above the fireplace. She then holds the towel in the air to allow it to cool a bit before she walks back over to Kinecha. "My what I wouldn't give for more free time these days," she comments idly before wrapping the heated towel around Kinecha's ankle. "This is just to help circulation," she explains quickly. "Sometimes there are problems with the hands and feet. Anyway... what was it... oh, freetime! I've been hoping to get a look at the surrounding countryside. There's so much to see, so many herbs and flowers to look for in the spring and summer. I haven't had a chance to since I was a girl."
Kinecha hmms. Not too interested in flowers or herbs, but she nods anyway, giving the healer a smile. "Been a while since I got a chance to just trek myself... Not since I became a guard here, really." Shrugging, she looks down at her ankle again, "how long d'you think it'll be before it's healed?" Back to business. The guard in her is none too happy about being inabled for even a short amount of time.
Elehu takes one last peek at the ankle before covering it up again and taking a seat on the cot beside the one Kinecha is on. "Well... I'd prefer that you stay off that ankle completely for the next day or two. And I'm talking bed rest, either here or in the barracks. The only reason is because you're so active, I'm afraid that if you don't give your body a chance to recover that you'll do permanent damage. And that... would not be good, to say the least," she comments quietly with a sympathetic smile. "The other reason is that it looks like you may have bruised your ankle bad enough to cause what we call a bone bruise. If you stay in here for the next couple days, I can make sure you get regular herbal packs put on the ankle which will help this quite a bit. Think you can sit still for a day or so?" she asks, now grinning just a bit.
Kinecha groans as she flops back on the cot, covering her eyes with her arm. Lying like that for a while, she finally gets up on one elbow, grimacing at the healer. "I'll never do drills with him again," she mumbles, shaking her head. Talking about the guard who'd tackled her, of course. "If I have to, I s'pose I can stay off my feet..." For a while anyway. Not to say that she will stay in bed for a full two days.
Elehu nods quickly, quite pleased. "Sounds good. I have my green there trained rather well to watch the patients, so if you move she'll let me know right away so that I can come help," she informs the guard. "And... actually, maybe this is a good chance to let you relax a little. A spell in the baths would do that ankle a lot of good as well."
"But didn't you just tell me to stay off my feet," Kinecha says, managing to put a bit of a teasing tone into her voice as she eyes first the green lizard then the healer. Grinning, she pulls herself up in a seated position, not feeling any pain from her ankle, which is still under the influence of numbweed. "How am I to get there?" She was /not/ having anybody carry her there, that's for sure!
Elehu giggles softly and nods. "Of course. But all I need to do is find another Healer to help me carry you. Or maybe one of your guards." She pulls her legs up to sit cross-legged on the cot. "I suppose I could find crutches too, though they're quite heavy. That would also require a much more burdensome splint on your ankle, which I'm sure you're not interested in..."
Amisha ducks in from the inner caverns.
Giving Elehu a long look at the mentioning of recruiting one of the guards to carry her, Kinecha shakes her head. "I'd rather stay here, than have any of those brutes carry me. They'd ridicule me forever about that..." No, then she'd much rather go without a soak in the baths. Looking up she sees Amisha come in and gives the girl a slight nod, before turning back to Elehu. "Seems you have another client..."
Amisha shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I... I was just looking in. I'm sorry." Fidgets with her hair and turns to leave.
Elehu turns as Amisha enters, then waves the girl over. "Hello there Amisha, how are your hands doing?"
Watching Elehu busy herself with Amisha, Kinecha takes her chance to peek under the towel to look at her ankle. Grimacing, she folds it back around the injured joint, looking back up at the healer. "Good thing I can't feel anything," she mumbles. Not that the guard was afraid of pain, or bruising. If she was she couldn't be a guard, could she?
Amisha turns and looks at Elehu, then walks over towards her. She holds out her hands, which aren't bandaged anymore, and are almost completely healed now, with only a some skin peeling. She looks at Kinecha, wondering what happened to bring her to the infirmary. She looks back at Elehu, "They are healed now, except for some peeling skin."
Amisha is a pretty young woman, with chocolate colored eyes that are constantly looking around in curiousity, and light brown hair that has been cut short, just even with her chin. She stands about 5'4 tall, and has a medium build that looks just right on her.
She is wearing a rose colored gown, with matching ribbons in her hair. A delicate gold necklace with a small pendant hanging from it, a gift from her father.
A single loop of cord of shimmering dark blue and glistening black braided together, circles Amishas shoulder.
She is awake and looks alert.
Amisha is 13 Turns, 2 months, and 25 days old.
Elehu grins at Amisha and nods. "Let me find some of that ointment. That should help quite a bit with the peeling," she comments as she stands to go wash her hands off before rummaging around in a cabinet. Finding the correct bottle she brings it over to Amisha and holds it out. "There you go, that should help quite a bit."
Kinecha gives the girl a slight smile again, doing her best to seem sincere, though probably failing misarably. Not only did she not like children, but she was also injured and incapacitated, which only made her feel even more misarable, having been confined to bed for at least two days. "Hope you feel better'n I do, Amisha," she says, glancing at Elehu, before looking back at the girl.
Amisha smiles at Kinecha as she takes the ointment. She looks at Elehu. "Thank you, ma'am, for helping with my hands. I'm very grateful."
Elehu smiles, nodding to Amisha as she moves back over to Kinecha and leans down, removing the towel from her foot. "Ah ha! See these lines here?" she asks, pointing out some thin, light lines in red. "You've strained a muscle in your ankle. This is certainly good news. So, next we can either move you to the baths to soak a bit or I'll just whip up own of my herbal remedies. And no worries, I was teasing about carrying you. Though I'd add a helping hand if you need it."
Kinecha chuckles, shaking her head as she looks from the bruising on her ankle to the healer. "A bath wouldn't be bad... Haven't had a chance to soak for quite some time," she says, scratching the back of her head. Nothing more than cold washes for at least a sevenday, but lets not tell anyone that, eh?
Amisha watches the goings on curiously, not meaning to be rude, just interested in what's going on.
Elehu smiles brightly at Kinecha and nods. "Well then, let me see if I can find a pair of crutches. Nothing wrong with pampering yourself now and then," she adds with a wink. She turns to Amisha, a curious grin on her face. "Anything else i can help you with?"
Amisha blinks and looks up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare... I... well... it looks interesting, is all. I'm sorry." She blushes and fidgets with her hair.
"I don't s'pose so," the guard mumbles as she removes her other boot. Might as well do it here rather than in the baths, and cold feet weren't going to bother her much. Pampering yourself... When was the last time she'd done that, anyway? Not counting getting seriously drunk. She gives Amisha a questioning look, not having noticed her staring. "I've just had... An accident," she explains to the girl, giving her another slight smile. (Necha)
Elehu grins at Amisha and waves away her concern. "Don't worry about it, Amisha. I'm just helping out one of our guards here." She takes a pair of crutches out of one of the larger closets near the exit to the caverns and starts checking the bindings. "Can't have these falling apart on you," she explains to Kinecha.
Amisha wants to stay and watch, but doesn't know if it's allowed, and doesn't want to get in trouble for being where she shouldn't be.
Kinecha grins as she swings her legs out of the cot, getting ready to stand again, glad that she'd sent Tekin away long ago. "I'm sure I could manage if they did," she says, giving Elehu a wink as she waits for the healer to get done with her inspection of the crutches. "It's not that far to the baths..."
Elehu holds our the first crutch to Kinecha, checks the second, then holds that one out as well. "There you go. Do you think you can manage or should I make sure you don't run into anything?" she teases lightly. "Either way you're coming back here for that herbal pack to be put on your ankle, so don't think you can sneak away that easily."
Amisha slips through the door to the inner caverns.
"Wanna come stand guard over me," Kinecha says, her voice equally teasing as she stands to grap the crutches, tugging them into place, favoring her left leg as she grins at Elehu. See, no problem at all. At least not standing..
Elehu laughs softly and shrugs. "Like I said, I'll make sure you don't run into anything or hurt yourself more," she replies, grabbing a few towels on her way towards the door which she holds open for Kinecha.
"Very well," Kinecha says, moving forward on the crutches, making a clack-clack sound as she goes. "No more sneaking up on people, I s'pose," she mumbes, moving past Elehu into the inner caverns.
Wafts of sweet-mint follow you out of the infirmary.
Elehu slips out from the infirmary, followed by herbal aromas.
Elehu slips down the steps, into the steam of the Weyr-baths.
If nowhere else in the Reaches, the baths always promise to be warm...
Steam enshrouds, a misty curtain that veils the room. Pools abound, water constantly swirling, warm and inviting; soapsand waits on nearby ledges for easy access. Racks of clothes stand by the door, freshly washed clothing hang from some, and bundles of yet to be washed clothes fill mutliple baskets beneath. Large cupboard doors open to reveal multitude of fresh, soft towels, and plenty of bathing items -- sponges, pumice stones, and back scrubbers.
Ducking steamclouds are Oceanus, Twanda, Amobarbital, Elena, and Parekis.
You notice Kalette asleep here.
Elehu is here.
Elehu sets a towel down on one of the nearest benches and takes a seat. Can't have her getting wet after all. "There now, no mishaps so far," she comments with a grin.
"I'll be an expert at this is no time," Kinecha says, sitting next to the healer carefully putting the crutches down on the floor, then pulls her tunic off, placing it next to her on the bench after folding it carefully. Now the pants presented somewhat more of a problem being tightfitting and usually needing to be peeled off. Standing, she hops on one leg as she pulls them down to her knees, then sits to tug them off completely. "There!"
Reaching a height of almost 6 feet, this woman is taller than most. Her features are somewhat like those of a man, with hardened arm and leg muscels. Her short hair, whiteblonde, has been cut with a knife making the ends ragged and uneven. Long brows curve over wide grayish green eyes with dark lashes. Her cheekbones and chin are angular and her nose is long and narrow with only a little bend at the middle, where it once was broken. On her right cheek is a 2 inch scar which runs just below her cheekbone, and around her body are several other scars, the largest running along her lower abdomin at a length of 5 inches. Her face is slighty tanned, a light bronzing of the skin, a result of many hours in the sun, stands in constrast to her hair. Her hands, with strong, long fingers, are callused and scarred. All in all, this woman is very masculine.
At the moment this tall woman is wearing nothing. Her skin is pale as clothes cover her body most of the year, which leave only a slight tan on her face and hands. Her skin is soft apart from a couple of place where she has scars, one large one on her back, and one across her abdomen. Her breasts are small and wellrounded, her thighs and upper arms are welltrained, and hardened.
She is awake and looks alert.
Kinecha is 22 Turns, 2 months, and 9 days old.
Elehu swings her legs slowly and watches the guard's ankle critically, making sure she keeps her weight off it. "Need any help getting to the water?" she asks idly, smiling up at the guard.
"No-oo," the guard says frowning, as she hops to the water, crouching on one leg the other, injured one, stretched out in front of her. Sitting down on the edge of the pool, she slides in, giving a sigh of relief as she leans against the side. "Y'know, this wasn't such a bad idea," Kinecha says, looking up over her shoulder at Elehu, giving her a broad smile. First one today.
Elehu laughs softly and nods. "It's very nice having the baths so close to the infirmary actually. I've sent quite a few patients here. It's amazing how much good the hot water can do."
Kinecha mmmms as she leans her head against the pools edge, closing her eyes. "It certainly is relaxing," she mumbles, lying as still as she can in the hot water, letting the heat soak through her body.
Elehu nods as well, leaning back against the wall. "Though... a bit warm," she teases, removing her tunic and rolling up the sleeves of her blouse. "Relaxing your muscles helps with blood flow," she informs Kinecha, in case the guard is interested in Healer stuff. "And the blood is supposed to help with healing. That's why sometimes when you're injured the area swells up."
"I see," Kinecha says, opening her eyes, trying to focus on the swollen ankle through the water without much luck, though. "I've had too many injuries to count, but I never really paid any notice to that," she continues, turning around to look at Elehu, her smile more genuine by now. "Y'know, I always felt I could talk to you, Ele. Without having to put on a face..."
Elehu smiles softly, even blushing slightly though it could just be the humidity. "Thank you, Kinecha. That means a lot. I'd like to /think/ I'm easy to talk to, but you never know," she says with a light laugh. She folds her hands idly in her lap and stretches her legs out slowly. "Of course, I might just have an ego problem too."
Kinecha chuckles, shaking her head, eyes searching out the healer's, "I've never experienced that," she says, pulling herself out of the water again. "This really is hot," she mumbles, running her hands through hair wet from the steam. "Could you hand me a towel," she says as she tries to get to her feet again.
Elehu nods quickly as she grabs one of the extra towels and takes it over to Kinecha. "Need a hand up?" she asks quickly, "don't want to step on that ankle just yet..."
"Thanks," she says, reaching for the towel and Elehu's hand. "Doesn't really hurt very much." Though whether that was from the hot water or the numbweed applied earlier, Kinecha didn't know.
"That's good to hear," Elehu replies softly, offering to help Kinecha over to the bench. "Now, back to the infirmary for that herbal pack?"
Kinecha wraps the towel around her body, picking up her bundle of clothes, eyeing the crutches with questioning eyes. Okay, how to use those and carry a bundle of clothes at the same time?
Elehu laughs softly and picks up the crutches. "I'll take these, you take your clothes and lean on me. How does that work?" she asks the guard in an amused tone. "Once we're back at the infirmary I can give you a robe or gown to wear until it's easier to put those back on," she adds, nodding towards the pile of clothes.
"Sounds good," Kinecha says, giving Elehu a grateful smile as she transfers the bundle of clothes to one arm, while the other is placed around the healer's shoulder. "Okay," she says, taking a deep breath of the steaming air, "ready..."
Elehu escapes the clinging steam of the baths.
Kinecha is led in by Elehu.
Elehu ducks in from the inner caverns.
Kinecha is led in by Elehu.
Elehu sets the crutches up against the wall nearest one of the cots and helps Kinecha over. "Okay... so, something to wear, first of all, will you need anything else, other than the herbs?"
Looking at the goosebumps forming on her skin, Kinecha heartily agrees with something to wear first of all. Starting to shiver visibly she looks up at Ele, nodding, "a robe or something would be nice... Other than that, I'm fine, thanks."
Elehu quickly moves towards the linens closet and removes a long flannel gown. "There... this should do I hope? Very suitable for this weather." She sets that down on the cot and moves to mix together a rather wet glob of herbs. "This should help your ankle heal. We'll keep this on for now, change it every few hours or so when it dries out," she informs Kinecha, bringing the bowl of pasty stuff over. "Will you want numbweed first, or is the first application still working?"
"It's fine thanks," she says, regarding the herb mixture the healer brews up, "it hardly hurts at all." Putting on the robe, Kinecha smiles at Elehu again, wrapping it around her as she uses the wet towel to try and dry her damp hair.
Elehu makes quick work of applying the herbs, then lays another towel over that, warm from the hot water over the fire. "Alright. Well... I can't think of anything else," Elehu comments, while covering a shallow yawn. "Most of the Healers who aren't on duty in here are through that door," she says quickly, pointing towards the Healers' Quarters. "Just holler and one of us will come to help you. But as for me... I'm long overdue for some sleep I think. These late night shifts are finally getting to me." She sets some extra towels and blankets on the floor next to the cot and smiles. "Good luck," she wishes the guard with a wink. "I know it'll be hard to sit still, but do try. Can't have you limping for the rest of your days."