Visit from Ista
Ahah, so you found the little door that leads to a little ledge that leads to some teeny stairs that leads you out out out and eventually to...Central Bowl
Seven spindles brush the clouds -- quite literally -- overhead, a jagged, spired cotillion grey-stoned majesty. The bowl from here is expansively large, extending a full half mile in both directions, and although sometimes a bit of a stretch, most of the hubs of activity can be easily observed. Hard-packed ground shows the common pathways, all of them meandering about the craggy bunch of boulders that form a centerpiece: carven, hand-worn and foothold-full, it gives a bit of centerpoint to the otherwise vast emptiness of the area.
To the north lie the hatching grounds and leadership weyrs, while the lows of herdbeasts mark the feeding pens to the northeast. A flurry of ever-present activity marks the living caverns to the west, and another time-traveled path the ground weyrs just adjacent to the southwest. Southeast, a glint of blue shows the lake, glittering and cold.
It is a spring noon.
Clinging to footholds in the boulder-mound are twenty firelizards.
Green Kelitath, brown Revnath, green Zoryanth, brown Sevareth, bronze Rixesith, green Siulth, gold Tiareth, green Niamhyth, blue Mzadith, green Vespurath, Brown Dsalth, and blue Catiminith are here.
You see a wagonmaster, George Dubya bush, Trash n Treasures, Trey's Trumbling Wagon, Wagon Two, and Gigi here.
Whoooooosh. Spiraling down from above is Kaith, in all her dark, morbid green-ness. The giggling rider tucked 'tween her neckridges has the appearance and behavior of one who has had a bit too much to drink, perhaps, but after neatly dismounting, she shows no more of it, instead swaggering a few steps into the center of the bowl. "It's marvelous, isn't it?" Naomi asks of her darling lifemate, who broods silently off to the side. "I agree entirely. It isn't."
Jade-green eyes, their color growing brighter in the light, are set evenly spaced upon the girl's face, almond shaped and fringed with blonde lashes. Their wide, curious state gives her face a more childish appearance- one only reinforced by a baby's button-shaped nose. Peach-tinted skin, with often rosy cheeks, and honey-colored hair, cut to chin-length and hopelessly frizzy, complete Naomi's face. At just below average stature, most of Naomi's height is in her legs, and a little extra weight is apparent in the form of muscle and pudginess on various portions of her body. Hands and feet calloused through work- or the efforts exerted to avoid it- give her an all-around roughened appearance, though her look is still one of petite cuteness, a fun-loving smile often twisting her lips.
Black and orange may not be dear Naomi's best colors, but despite the rather eye-catching hues of her weyrling attire, the style is perfectly uniform for someone of her position. Black as night, her pants are tight enough to show the curves of her legs, but loose enough to allow her movement; or at least -some- movement. And an equally tight shirt tucks into the waistline of the pants, a fiery orange, sleeves short enough to display some muscles formed on her arms. Hair, of course, is a frazzled mass around her head, far too short and too curly at this point to be manageable. And still, her trusty old boots remain, beneath the hems of her pants.
Black, orange, and green mesh together in the knot resting on Naomi's shoulder, clashing horribly. Two cords of orange and black mark her as a Wingrider of Ista Weyr, while a green ribbon displays her lifemate's color.
She is awake, but has been staring off into space for 2 minutes.
Naomi is 23 Turns, 8 months, and 27 days old.
Just out of the caverns, wearing newly washed tunic, and here comes a dragon beating up dust. "Hey, watch it," Kinecha says, eyeing the green and her rider. Not anyone one she knew, but eying the knot on her shoulder explained that. "Ista," she mutters, stepping further into the Bowl.
Dsalth grumbles from his sunny corner. Grumble and snort and roll those eyes. More greens. Real good. Kaith you've just made his day. Not.
Kezenex steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
"/You/ watch it," Naomi returns, hands on her hips as she swivels around to regard Kinecha coolly. It doesn't matter that the candidate has yet to do anything wrong -- this greenrider needs not a reason to be snappish. Kaith shies away from Dsalth, perfectly disgusted, and does nothing to hide her rather low opinion of him. "Who are you, anyways?" There's that Istan rider again, babbling along at Kinecha. Poor girl. Kezenex has not yet been noticed, but... no one's safe for long.
Tamber steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Khory steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Kezenex wanders out looking...sullen? Well, you really have to excuse the poor boy. He jsut had his physical which was positively un-fun. Espeicaly with a toddler running around and causing trouble. "Hey Nech-Uh..." The Herder stops mid-greeting and eyes the greenrider and guard candie. Erm, maybe this is the sorta thing one doesn't get involved in...He'll just be sneaking away now...
"Me watch it?" Shaking her head, Kinecha crosses her arms in front of her chest, taking a step or two toward the rider. So she might be a rider, and have a big dragon to protect her, and Necha might be just a candidate, but that's no reason to be nasty, now is it? "Excuse me, but I'm not the one beating up dust, soiling my clean tunic?" No introductions made as Kez interrupts and she wasn't going to give up her name anyway. "Hey, Kez," she says before the fellow candidate could escape.
Tamber caught sight of the form of one Kezenex leaving the caverns and followed...only to stop short behind Kez. "Kez,, rider." Thats his idea of a greeting.
Naomi pivots on her heels, viewing the area with a disdainful, often arrogant look on her face. "Ew." What eloquence that one syllable holds -- or not. But then, she's not the type to show off any kind of vocabulary, anyways. "Yeah, you watch it! Who do you think you are, anyways?" Knot gets a glance, and she snorts. "I didn't beat up the dust, /Kaith/ did. And if you've got a problem with it, take it up with her." The green bares her teeth. Yeah. Try her. Kezenex is the next to receive appraisal. "Ooh. A /boy/." Attention shifts to Tamber. "And 'nother boy." Tongue pokes out of her mouth and runs over her lips. Uh-oh.
Dsalth hauls himself out of his warm patch and wanders, unsheathed claws ticking on the ground, towards candidates. Well he's here to offer Kinecha a moist whuffle. And peer at the other candidates. Pointedly ignoring Kaith too.
Khory follows Kezenex out, feeling similar. Physicals are very /not/ fun. Still blushing from the experience, he nearly bumps into the other candidate when he suddenly stops short. "Hey! Woah!" Luckily, a crash is averted. He then sees those gathered nearby, and peeks around Kez to offer up a wave. "Hey there." Is it just him, or does he just happen to bump into candidates /everywhere/ in the weyr lately? Hearing the words being passed between guard-candie and rider, he blinks. Uh-oh..
Who does she think she is? Well, she's Necha, and Necha-in-a-bad-mood even, so don't tick her off. "I'm Kinecha, and who may I ask are you?" is commented at the rider, head turning around to gives Dsalth a glance as the dragon whuffles her. "Hey there, Dsalth, didn't see you there." Turning back to the rider, she tilts her head, taking up a somewhat defensive posture, "well?"
Kezenex darns, muttering under his breath and turns around. "Oh, Hello there...And how're you?" Make pleantries. Right. Err....Unconciosuly he takes a step back. Scary rider..."Hey, Tamber...Khory!" Other people! Whoo! "Oh, sorry...I need break signals, or something," the Herder says, grinning. It's not the first time Kez has almost been run into when he suddenly decides to stop. Kez groans and rolls his eyes at Necha and Rider. Uh-oh is right...
Dsalth draws himself kinda up around Kinecha. Yeah, backup. Sorrel and khaki spreads out behind the guard candidate, possesive in posture as he turns to regard the rider pointedly. Take it up with him.
Trying to hold back the yawn that's threatening to come out, Khory finally gives in and lets sleep take him where it may. 'Goodnight..' he mumbles.
"I'm /Khaye/! Who are /you/?" Naomi doesn't seem to realize that the name she's given is that of a wingmate rather than her own, and she also doesn't seem to notice that Kinecha has previously offered her name. Kaith has taken on a certain fascination with Dsalth now, for Faranth-only-knows-what-reason, and lets out a low, rumbling sort of purr at him. Can we say 'moodswing'? Either way, Nao regains her previous interest in anything male and human present, hands on her hips. "Who're you all? Candidates, I suppose?" An extended finger indicates each Candidate's knot.
Hynolonie steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
"I /used/ to be a guard here," Kinecha says, refusing to repeat her name and giving the rider amble warning that she could defend herself if it came to that. Jutting her chin out toward the rider, she tilts her head even more, noting from the corner of her eye that Dsalth curling up behind her. "I am a Candidate, yes. Have a problem with that?" Ohhh, Necha's mood is worsening. Be careful now..
Hynolonie wanders outside and raises an eyebrow at the small gather. She inches her way over and tilts her head to one side, bewildered by the whole set up. She just remains silent for the time being, and wrinkles her nose at the whole lot.
Tamber swallows very loudly. "Yes." He's a candidate, that is. As for simply being a boy, well, normally he'd be ecstatic to have a girl's attention, but she's a greenrider. Eyeing Kaith askance he pokes Kezenex, "You don't think she's...proddy? Do you?" He tenses as the situation between Necha and the rider seems to worsen.
Kezenex gives 'Khaye' an pointed look, and raises a brow. "No you're not," he states simply. "I know Khaye, and you're not Khaye." Whoops. Kez /is/ a Herder, after all. "Yeah, we're Candidates." His expression is innocent, his tone is 'What're you gonna make of it'. So far this day seems to be goign from bad to worse. Just shakign his head, Kez shifts his weight a little and shrugs at Tamber. Hynolonie! Oh no..'Run!' he mouths at her, hoping she gets the message.
Naomi snorts lightly, flicking fingers in a dismissive gesture to Kinecha. "Oh, do lighten up, darling. I have no problems with any Candidates. I wouldn't be a very good rider if I didn't absolutely adore them. Which I do." Lashes are batted at Tamber, hips swiveling a bit as she moves over. "No, no... dear, you have nothing to worry about. Kaith doesn't go proddy. She's not a 'real' green." Kezenex gets a scowl. "Well, then who in Faranth's name /am/ I?" And then Hynolonie gets a glance. "Hello there, sweetheart. What's your name?"
Tamber pales, but manages a smile, relieved that at least the green isn't proddy. "Well...thats good." Oh yes, he's very eloquent today. He steps aside rather quickly as the rider's attention goes to the newcomer. "Hynolonie!" he answers for her, his voice raised a little too much.
Dsalth leans out over Kinecha-candie towards Kaith, nostrils flaring as he sniffs at her. She looks like a green, smells like a green...must be a green. And old bag of bones grumbles, unhappily, and inches closer into the ex-guard again.
Hynolonie raises an eyebrow and blinks up at the greenrider. Sure, she was probably a little young for the lady, but some people's tastes must be like that. She shrugs and purses her lips. she blinks over at Tamber and furrows her brow before stepping forward and presenting a hand to Naomi. "Yes.. My name is Hynolonie. I'm Hannah's sister." She wrinkles her nose once more, having had already noticed the knot on Naomi's shoulder, and deciding that she had to know Hannah.
Proddy. Definately proddy. From what Necha had seen of proddiness, it was highly likely that this rider was suffering from it. Taking a step back to get further away from the rider now that the moodswing were explained, she steps into Dsalth's forearm. "Oh, sorry 'salth," she mutters, then turns to the nameless rider. Since it wasn't Khaye. "Well, we know it's not Khaye," she says, shrugging.
Not a real green? Kez cocks his head at that, but shakes it soon enoguh and shrugs at the Rider. "Shells, how should I know? I don't know you, but I do know Khaye. That's the only reason-" Pause. "Hey, why did you say Khaye? I mean, what's so bad about your name?" Maybe that could've been worded better...But before he gets to try again Hyn steps in and makes her presance known. Oh well, he tried to warn her.
Tamber gives Kez a warning look, though he doubts the other candie saw it. Why is he tempting trouble? Everyone knows greenriders are crazy. He simply stands aside and lifts an eyebrow, wondering what the not-Khaye rider will do next.
Naomi squints at Tamber, tapping a finger from cheek to jaw, considering. "I don't think I'm Hynolonie," she replies finally after a long pause. "She is, I think." Finger points to the real Hynolonie. "Nice to meet you, dear. Hannah? Oh, Hannah's simply /darling/. Very good. I like you." She pats the girl's head, then turns back to glance at Kinecha. "And not Hynolonie," she adds helpfully, shifting her outfit a bit and then sending a wink to Kezenex. "I thought I was Khaye. I used to be Khaelyn... and since Khaelyn is now Khaye, I figured I must be Khaye." No explanation given. Kaith, meanwhile, pads on over to Dsalth, eyes whirling violet as she circles the older brown. Mrrrrowr.
Dsalth neatly swivels, joints and bones creaking like a big old mac truck, as he follows Kaith's prowling. Ooh ain't she little. He'd pat her on the head too if she'd just stop moving for a moment. With Kinecha-in-the-middle, brown bag of bones extends his tail, encompassing the nearest candidate aswell. See? They are -all- his. All of em. Not Kaiths. Dsalth's. Definately.
Ohh noo.. This was /not/ going to happen. She was /not going to get trapped between two dragons. Ducking under Dsalth's neck, Kinecha moves out of the way of the two, leaving them to do their own business. Eyeing the greenrider her anger and resentment turns to worry. What if she really didn't remember her name. "Think it's her first time proddy?" she asks the other Candidates, whispering and hoping the rider didn't overhear.
Hynolonie nods slowly.. and purses her lips. She lets her hand fall with out a handshake or any type of real greeting. She stands there for a moment, arms crossed across her chest and an odd twinkle in her eye. "I'm a harper," She continues, to no one in particular smiling a little at Kinecha, then to Kez, wondering why they had brought down the greenrider's wrath. "I was stationed at Ista before I came back here. I was also at my sister's hatching." She supposes she could come right out and say that she would most likely be able to guess Naomi's real name if she had to, but, lets just leave it at that for now. "More than likely, Kinecha."
Tamber rolls his eyes. Crazy. If she isn't proddy she is obviously crazy. "No, I know she's Hyno..." he trails off, giving up. And he's confused now. Is she proddy? Or is she crazy? He's not sure he wants to find out. He gives his fellow candies a sympathetic look.
Kezenex knows greenriders are crazy, and that greens themselves are stubborn, but this fact seems to have slipped from the candie's mind at the moment. He'll blame the Healer for poking around in his ears. "What?" Blink-blink. This greenrider reall /is/ crazy. "'re not!" He states again, confused beyond the point of beign fixed. Uhhhhh....Kez blinks again, this time at Necha and shrugs. "Maybe she's just insane," He whispers back. After all, she's parading around in someone else's name.
Crazy and Naomi are synonymous. But she won't say so -- no, this greenrider finds it all terribly amusing. So, while Kaith stalks about Dsalth with that man-hungry look in her eyes, Nao struts about the crowd. "Lovely bunch you are... Wanna come and live with me? I need more weyrmates." Head cocks to the side as she looks at Hynolonie once again. "You're such a dear. What was your name, again? Hannah?"
"Well, she /is/ from Ista," Kinecha mutters, eyeing Kez sideways, most of her attention on the rider, though. And Dsalth. And Kaith. Maybe they should just all run and hide, before this got any further? "Maybe you should ask your dragon what your name is?" she asks the greenrider, trying to be helpful. Though the green seemed rather preoccupied with Dsalth.
Hynolonie raises an eyebrow at Kezenex and almost glares at him. "Dragonriders are never insane." What he said was sacrilage or something. She glares for a moment longer before she sighs to clear the anger from her face. she blinks innocently up at Naomi and shrugs. "I haven't seen her since she Impressed. I was going to go down there for her graduation, but i was brought up to High reaches instead. IS Dhiammarath better yet? I heard she took ill." Distraction was the best policy, wasn't it?
Dsalth chooses Kezenex. Yup. His rusted tail floats out towards the candidate, haunches quivering as the older dragon back away from Kaith...and further towards the crowd of people. Who cares if he squishes them? He's got a green circling like a shark here.
Tamber shifts nervously. Weyrmates? For one brief moment (of insanity) he considers the offer. Well, the fear of not Impressing is heavy on his mind lately and he's open to might be better than going back to the simply life of minecraft gruntworker apprentice! But no, on second thought sacking firestone does sound more appealing than living with a madwoman. "Ah, thank you for the offer." he says politely, having taken her remark very seriously.
Kezenex, personally, thinks the 'Reaches has it's fair share of crazies, but he's not going ot say so jsut then. Instead he nods at 'Necha, looking as if he's thinking this over seriously. "Uh...Thanks? Erm, no thanks?" Kez grins lopsided at the Rider. Err...Hyn gets the 'look'. It's not sacrilage, it's true! It's-Herder squeaks as Dsalth's tails snakes out towards him. "Now none of that," he says, frowning at the Brown. "I'm not saving you from that green." He still has to save himself fro mthe Rider. She really is crazy! Really!
"She's not a green," Naomi corrects absently, slipping an arm in around Hynolonie's shoulders. "Listen, love, Dhia's going to be just fine. Don't worry. I don't know if she's better yet, but she will get better." Comforting coming from a headcase like her, eh? Kezenex gets her attention now. "You sure? You're kind of cute..." Leer. Tamber gets another wink, and Kinecha a glare. "What's wrong with Ista, eh?" She looks to Kaith. "Kaith thought I was Khaye," she notes after a moment. "It's not /my/ fault, anyways." Meanwhile, that shark-like green croons to Dsalth. C'mere, bay-bee.
Above, Briganth blinks in from ::between::!
Briganth drops in from above, landing with a light *thud*.
"Dsalth! Leave him alone!" Kinecha injects her own warning to the brown as he makes a move for Kez. Dsalth /did/ listen to her. Occationally. But who knew, when there was a proddy female dragon in the Bowl? "And where's P'rru, anyway?" He was the one who was supposed to deal with the rider, not the Candidates. Right? Giving the greenrider a shrug she, eyerolls slightly, "Ista's hot!" 'nuff said.
From Briganth's neck, Teza clings to Briganth, riding leathers askew and laces loose, as they land. "Briga-a-anth," the greenrider whines, squinting at their surroundings and then down at the people as well. "I do too get out - sometimes," she grouses in response to a voice only she can hear, dismounting when a roll of the green's shoulder forces her to either do it herself of get dumped.
Teza slides from Briganth's neck and lands gently on the ground.
Hynolonie smiles a little as Naomi comforts her. She's obviously not completely crazy, if she's got the sense to comfort a kid like Lonie, about a situation going on halfway across Pern. All Lonie knows is that its not really good for candidates to be around riders when they get proddy. HOw would they be able to follow the rules if they were. She wrinkles her nose and eyes Briganth as Teza as they fly in, eyes lighting up a bit, hoping from relief from some of this craziness.
Dsalth turns an eye on Kinecha, blinking for a moment before he removes his tail , wrapping it around his haunches. Alright enough of this. Wth a creeeeeak and a rumble he draws himself to full height, before blustery a wet, stinky whuffle at Kaith. Buzz off little one.
Kezenex raises an eyebrow, glancing at Kaith speculatively. She looks green to him. Maybe she's sick? "Um, uh, that is I'd rather not. I'm much happier going back to my hayloft, thanks..." Trading a mental issue like Nao for hay? Why, yes...Of course. Who wouldn't? "Err...P'rru?" Kez questions, looking at Kinecha gratefully, "Don't know..." He hasn't seen him since the, uh, weyr-painting incedent....Cough. Oh great. The Herder groans. Now /two/ greenriders? Bah. Like one wasn't band enough. Maybe he can run when no one's looking...
Tamber watches the landing of a second green with interest. He alternates between hope and fear. Whats to make this greenrider any less crazy than the one already with them? Dsalth gets a startled glance, what /is/ he doing? Oh, hopefully chasing the proddy greens away. "Kez...what should we do?" he whispers, looking to the older candidate for advice.
"Oh, you bet it's hot," Naomi purrs at Kinecha, leaning in dangerously close and grinning wickedly. "You sure you don't wanna take a little trip to my weyr...?" Oh, Nao doesn't need proddiness to chase after innocent bystanders. "Ooh. Where's my P'rru?" Head twists over as she watches Briganth arrive. "Teeeza! They think I'm proddy! Make 'em stop!" Meanwhile, Kaith spins away from Dsalth and approaches Briganth, that same lusty look in her eyes. Somebody's a little confused here, seems. She struts over to Kezenex, idly touching his hair. "I like you," she whispers, giggling some.
P'rru walks in.
A satisfied smile spreads on Necha's lips as Dsalth retreats from the Candidates. Good, he still listened to her. Smile soon fades, though as a second green lands in the Bowl, and the first rider still wants them to leave with her. "We can't leave the Weyr," she says, quite sensible as she eyes the rider. "Not now, with the eggs hardening." See, she still knows how to think, and isn't really intimidated by an oncoming greenrider.
Ah, but Teza's always looking when younger men - or women - to be seen. Kez gets an appraising once over, as does Hynolonie. "Good morning!" Voice overly cheerful, the older rider slinks to Naomi's side and throws an arm around the younger girls shoulders. "She's not proddy," Tez assures the others. "She's always like this." A too-bright smile is thrown in for good measure, then she goes back to sizing up the candidates against Faranth only knows what standards.
P'rru wanders in from the lake way, hands in pockets, new leathers spick and span and shiney. And then he spies his dragon (who could mistake that wrinkley khaki hide for anything else) in a jumble of people and dragons and eww. So picking up the pace, brownrider trots over. "Hello hello"
An age has seemed to sweep his face, those lines of scaring and ruggedness so attractive in his youth now just signal the passage of time. Inherent wiley strength is noticeable in the stringy'ed muscles of his arms and legs, broad back and vaulted chest. His 6ft height is reduced in obviousness by his unconscious slouching, shoulders rolled forward combined with a loping step. His features, chiseled from a rock now weathering away include a narrow nose that drives from between spikey eyebrows and hazel eyes, almost out of place in their brightness perhaps a window to his usual guarded self. Cheeks are sallow, his complexion pale, suprisingly plump lips drawn into a determined line. Light brown hair is efficiently cut short to fit under a riding cap, peppered with greying flecks- a testament to time.
P'rru's leathers are a study in classic fashion, with a time-honored color scheme of warm earth tones.The short jacket, colored rich russet brown, has a high collar and long sleeves and reaches just below his waist.A rectangular badge on the left shoulder proclaims his membership in the Mudslide Wing of High Reaches Weyr. A bit of the tan fur lining can be seen peeping around the edge of cuffs, collar and button-up front.His pants are a moderately darker shade than the jacket, with a nicely tailored fit, and there are pockets in front perfectly sized to hold his klah colored, fur-lined gloves. A fingerwidth strip of braided cord, dyed the deep hue of aged Benden red wine, stripes the outer seams of the pantlegs and likewise runs down the sleeves of the jacket, giving some eye-pleasing color contrast to his outfit. Sturdy boots are the same color as the jacket, with tiny decorative pieces over the toe in burgundy.
A double cord of ebon black and navy blue twist into a single loop with a long tail, silver threaded within it. Purr is a wingsecond of Mudslide, and proud of it, an even ribbon of chesnut brown winding through it to represent the 'bag of bones' lifemate.
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for a minute.
P'rru is 44 Turns, 3 months, and 26 days old.
Tamber takes this opportunity to skoot over from Kez's side to that of P'rru. "P'rru! Hi! What are you up to?" Fawning? Well, with good reason...namely two crazy greenriders in uncomfortably close proximity. Good, the second one apparently hasn't noticed him yet. Maybe he can hide by Dsalth.
"Aw. Pity. Canni come to your weyrs, then?" Candidates have weyrs, right? That little flicker of hope in Naomi's eyes will /not/ die. "Teza? I don't remember who I am. Do you? I thought I was Khaye, but he--" She sends an accusing look to Kezenex. "Said I'm not. What a dimglow he is..." And she likes 'em like that. "You /sure/ you wanna be a candidate? My weyr's real nice." P'rru's entrance triggers a suggestive whistle, though Nao doesn't move away from her fellow greenrider's side, instead holding her own arm around Tez's waist, squeezing slightly. "Don't get that one -- he's mine." Fingerpoint to Kezenex.
Kezenex shrugs at Tamber like 'What /can/ we do?'. Run? It sounds good to this candidate. Choke. "I didn't say proddy, I said crazy," he states before realizing that's not much better. Oops. "Uuuhhhh...Thanks?" He smiles nervously - and confusidly - at the Rider. Duhh. "Ohhhh," Kez nods his head at Teza. That explains it..Or does it? "P'rru!" He looks over at the browrider. Help! Insanity is running rampped here! "Uh-uh," Kez says over and over again, "But...You're not Khaye! And I'm not yours!" Poor lad's so confused at this point, he may not be able to walk strait.
Surupa steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
"P'rru," Kinecha notes, nodding to the brownrider as she uncrosses her arms to jam fists into her belt. Two greenriders, a brownrider and several Candidates. Poor P'rru. "You should maybe consider leaving here fast," she mutters, as she moves closer to her brownrider friend.
"You're name's, ah..." Ever helpful, Teza casts a look about for an inspiration for Naomi's new name. "You're Rock-i-a. Rockia! That's right. Darling of Ista. You're in charge of the wherries, don't you remember?" Helpful as always, she plays along with an impish grin curving her lips, dark eyes gleaming wickedly. Gaze turning to follow the point of Naomi's finger, the older greenrider affects a pout. "No fair calling him a'ready, I haven't gotten to meet him yet." A flutter of her fingers at all assembled, and a coy, "Hi." Age-denial.
P'rru bounces his eyebrows at the whistle before giving Tamber a rangey nod. "Oh aye, hello lad, I'm just about to ask the same thing of all of you. Skipping out on chores hrm?" he's a mean old bugger aint he? No rest for candidates in his mind. He closes the gap between himself and lifemate, a little unsettled they should all be calling out his name, like he's any protection against the likes of Istan greenies. Well they are nicer than HRW actually. "So why does High Reaches deserve a visit from two smashing Istan riders today?" he says aloud, more confident and charming. Who knows why.
Hynolonie purses her lips again and smiles at Teza. Oh well. its not like she was an expert on dragons. She never met Naomi before either, so how could she tell one way or another. Must be rough though, to always appear proddy. She follows Naomi over to Teza and itches her leg, pretending to remain innocent. She smiles boldy at P'rru and wrinkles her nose. This should be fun, if she doesn't assigned things to do.
Naomi slips her index finger into her mouth, then draws it out again and holds it up -- then, points it towards P'rru. "He's your type." Because he's oldest. Hah. Kezenex gets a flutter of lashes again. "You don't want her... she's wrinkly under her clothes." And how does Nao know this? Pern may never know. Hynolonie gets a sweet little smile. "You're so cute!" Greenrider-pedophile reaches out her free arm to slip it around the girl, before turning back to look at P'rru. "Heeey. I know you. I was just here to visit... Some of your candidates are pretty cute." Okay, so P'rru seeks refuges with his lifemate. Smart man, but it didn't help the Candidates much, now did it? "Rockia, then," Kinecha says, nodding to the younger greenrider. "You're sure now that that's your name? Is that her name," she continues, lifting a questioning eyebrow at the older rider.
Surupa steps out to the bowl, not really interested to the food and the chatter that might be going on in the living caverns. Perhaps she should have turned back? She glances over towards the crowd around, carefully approaching the small group of candidates scattered there as well as the other riders. Amber eyes glance from one to the other, head bowing down in respect before she leans back on her heels. "I must have missed something, haven't I?" She heaves a sigh, slumping down her shoulders quietly.
Kezenex just looks from greenrider to greenrider stupidly. Huh? "Rockia?" He's not sure that's her name either, but he'll go with it because he's tired of arguing. The brownrider recives a happy smile. Ooo. Looks like P'rru might distract the crazy riders away? Please? "I'll just take you word for it," he says, looking at Nao strangely. Wait, that's the way he's been looking at her since he saw her. Kez whirls around at hearing Rupa's voice, "/Run/!" He whispers, "Go! Save yourself!" It's too late for the rest of them...
Teza watches Naomi's scientific test to see just who -is- her type with wide eyes, then turns one her more charming - and less lecherous - grins on the older rider. "What brings us here?" Pause. "Er, I have no idea," she finally says, head tipped to the side with an innocent smile. "Brig said I needed to get out more." Imagine that. "But yes, Na--Rockia, they do have such darling candidates." Her fingers twitch as if restraining an impulse to reach out and pinch some cheeks, the horrible aunt one would pray you never have.
Tamber throws his head back and mouths something at the sky when he sees Surupa. "Rupa!" he hisses, dashing over and grabbing her arm, "We've got to escape! They want to kidnap all of us and make is into their weyrslaves!" he gestures wildly at the greenriders.
Naomi slouches a little, nodding to Teza slowly. "Rockia... yeah, that sounds familiar..." Perhaps because Teza just said it. Kinecha gets a simple nod. "Rockia. I take care of the wherries. And Kaith -- she's just my pet." This sets the green in a /very/ sour mood, and she growls, trudging over to the candidates and sniffing over the lot of them. Anything tasty here? Next in line is Surupa -- who all seem to be turning to at the moment. "Hello there! Who might you be?" Kezenex is now forgotten, as is Hynolonie, and Teza, Nao now slipping over to offer Surupa a hand. "I'm Khaye."
Dsalth takes the opportunity to grin back down at Hynolonie. The old bag of bones likes the littler ones. Dragon scooches down, head propped on forepaws, maw slightly agape. Cute right? Right? Purr though steps forwards slightly, recognition flashing across his face. "Rockia? No no,'s Kaith and...Naomi!" bounce. The brownrider got it right and he wags a finger at the greenrider accusingly. "Naomi is who you are lass. And I am P'rru" yes let's now applaud the guy for knowing this. He beams up at his dragon before giving the same happy puppy dog face to Teza aswell. "You'd best all come inside, have a cookie, or somethng to eat..Candidates why had none of you offered visiting riders cookies?" Politeness is key. He's going off the deep end.
Surupa pauses in her rocking motion, eyes staring directly at Kezenex. Run, did he say? "Why's that?" She glances towards the greenriders, and then the familiar brownrider. No need to look at the other candidates since she already knows them rather well. "I see no reason to run at all." So she plants her boots down, crossing her arms against her chest and jutting her chin curiously. That is, until she has a Tamber grabbing onto her arms. "Kidnap all of us?" Blink. "That doesn't sound too bad." She'll just ignore the rest of it, really. Blink. Khaye? "Khae? You're not Khae. Khaelyn an' I are good friends for a long time, you're not her. 'M Rupa." Nothing more said there, only a glance over towards P'rru.
Kinecha eyes Tamber and Kez sideways as she makes her way closer to the other Candidates. Safety in numbers, right? "They won't kidnap us. I personally won't allow it," she says, shrugging casually. She'd been a guard, after all, before she'd been dragged off to the Candidates Barracks. Lifting both eyebrows at the younger greenrider, she grins, "oh, it's back to Khaye now, is it?" As P'rru speaks up, she breaks into a fullfledged smile. "Naomi, huh?"
Kezenex has that Aunt, he doesn't need another. No-thank-you. He takes an involuntary step back from the greenriders and towards the caverns. A few more steps to safety...This whole deal is really much to confusing for the Herder to fathom. Kez makes fleeing and running motions over Nao's shoulder as she turns from him. /Run/ Rupa! Go! Blink. Wait..."I thought we decided you were Rockia?" Watch his brain fizzle and burn, tryign to figure this all out. Is that smoke coming out of his ears? "Naomi?" P'rru gets a glance. Ow. Thinking hurts.
Teza's arm is all lonely and such without a Naomi to be slipped around, so the rider begins to slink Tamber-wards. "Weyrslaves? What a lovely idea!" And she didn't even think of it. P'rru is shot a pout, Tez lowering her eyelashes over her eyes and looking up through them in her best 'cute girl' imitation - which isn't that great. "It's -Rockia-." She's dense as a rock, after all. "Honest." That's forgotten at the offer of food, of course. "Ooh, cookies?" And with food, drinks: "And something to drink, like, oh, wine?" Wine goes with everything, after all.
Naomi blinks a few times, head tilting to one side. "Oh, that's right. Naomi. That's what Lib called me this morning when I stepped on her face." The greenrider gives a wry grin, then looks back to Surupa. "Ooh! You know Khaye! I'm in love with her. Isn't she adorable?" Now the truth comes out. She pads on away from Rupa to look at P'rru, reaching out to lightly tap his cheek. "I know. I know you, after all. Hello." And then a look goes back to Kinecha. "What? I'm not kidnapping anyone. Except maybe her..." She nods to indicate Surupa. "The rest of you are tiresome." Now that Teza's nabbed herself another playmate, Nao seems faintly jealous, once again moving up to her and burying her face in the older woman's shoulder. "Will you be my weyrmate? I don't think these kids love me enough."
Tamber goes wide-eyed as a distinctly feminine shape slinks in his direction. "Ah..." he tries to speak but it all comes out dry. Filled with fear yet rooted with...well, some embarassingly 16 turn old symptom that comes from being a male and spending half your time thinking only of females...he is helpless.
P'rru blinks at Naomi, shrugs, and then turns on his heels for the caverns. "Dsalth remember not to abduct anyone, and please do not chase anything glowing today- do it for me" brownrider says standing on tip toes to peer over his dragon, scanning the bowl for any proddy greens. "Hello Surupa, my dear, don't you go about doing any chores today eh? Your looking much too tired for any of that" suprise! Purr gives his candidate a wink. He's still here...hang on. He's sposed to be going to the caverns.
Surupa rolls her eyes calmly at the other Herder-candidate, and she can only grunt a moment before she gives the bowl a quick glance around. "Khaye isn't here, though?" Pause and she looks up to give Naomi a few blinks. "Oh. That's interesting..." Cough. Perhaps she should take the advice to run already, slowly shuffling back as she does so. "What are two Istan riders doin' 'ere at 'Reaches?" Questions Rupa to Tamber, attempting to shrink back now before she straightens up again to her full height and leaning forward. She isn't about to be afraid of a dragonrider. "So it's Naomi, is it? Ah..." She gives P'rru a bob of her head, smiling carefully. "I'll take that advice." Which means she can skip her chores, right?
Well, only a good thing that she's being ignored by the two greenriders, Kinecha thinks and promptly turns toward P'rru, as he notes that Dsalth doesn't kidnap people. "Dsalth remembers not to kidnap anyone?!" she exclaims, giving the dragon a long sideways look. Strolling towards the brownrider she shakes her head, "was that before or after he snagged me?"
"We're not kidnapping anyone?" Teza echoes the younger Istan, just reaching Tamber's side in time to slide her arm around his shoulder as Naomi's joins her. "But he's awful cute. But we're not allowed to kidnap -candidates-, I suppose," she adds thoughtfully, lips still curved in a near-permanant smirk. "Do you promise to visit, then?" Again using the 'look up through your eyelashes' trick, the greenrider makes use of her lack of height to try and appear small and cute. The effect is ruined when she flashes Naomi a bright smile. "Of course you can be my weyrmate. More the merrier, as Sya and Lli say, right?" Just picture four greenriders instead of three.
Weyrslaves! Kez glares at Tamber. Stupid. Givign them ideas. "Um, I don't think we'd make good slaves..." That's probably not true, but he's reaching here. Back to Rockia? Or is it really Naomi? The Herder thinks for, oh, ten seconds and decides to trust P'rru. Naomi it is. "Uhh..." Confusing addlign his brain again Kez decides to sit down. Ugh. He cant' stand /and/ think. "Yes, yes..tiresome." Normally, that might be a bad thing, but not now! No sir! Looking miserable - tryign to think will do that to you - the male candie crosses his legs and decides just to watch from down here...and pretend hes' not here. Maybe they'll go away if he ignores them?
Tamber trembles slightly as an arm goes around his shoulders. From fear or that annoying boyish delight at having a pretty face so close? Probably both. Kez's comments, and Necha's, are barely heard. Tamb's mind is a little preoccupied at the moment. "Ah, I don't think I would be allowed to go back to your weyr with you." he says to Teza in a voice just above a whisper. There is the distinct sound of relief in his voice...but also a tinge of regret as his young mind races through the possibilities. Did she say /three/ greenriders?
"But what about Lib?" Naomi starts nervously, knotting fingers in front of her. "I /love/ Lib--" What about Khaye? "And she's my half-weyrmate. How 'bout you'n'Sya'n'Lli just come and live with us? We can have /five/ greenriders. Though my weyr's a little small..." She ponders this, tapping her finger against her lips. "I like greenriders a lot. I like Yla, too. Not E'an, though, 'cause he's a boy. Sorta." Confusion flickers through her eyes, and then she creeps over to Kezenex's side. "What'd you say your name was?"
Teza gleefully makes use of her influence - hormones or fear, she doesn't care - on Tamber and leans in with a flutter of her lashes, enjoying this all immensely. "Aww, then you have to visit. There, you promised." Of course he did, in her mind. Distracted, again she turns to Naomi with her cheery smile. "My weyr's plenty big. Bring Lib too, she rides green, right? Perfect!" And where will the dragons all go, of course, is the question. "And get Yla to come. She's cute." Mouth open, undoubtedly to suggest more for the greenrider harem, she snaps it shut audibly and levels a glare at her dragon. "What do you -mean- Lli wants us to come back?" Sliding her arm off Tamber reluctantly, she sends a last wink at the candidate, a blown kiss for Naomi, and a wave for all others. "Lovely meeting you," she calls, not waiting for the reply. Of course they'd agree it was 'lovely' meeting her.
Teza clambers up Briganth's neck and settles in between two neckridges.
Briganth takes off.
Surupa tilts her head and blinks towards the awkward Kezenex, amber eyes simply blinking. "They haven't done 'nything wrong to you, have they Kez? You're all right?" He's sitting on the floor, that's one thing and he isn't taking his own advice to run? "'M sure that there are a few candidates back in the barracks that would love to be taken as weyrslaves. Told me 'emselves, really." And you might find them at times trying to get Rupa into the muck pile at the stables. You can't miss them, right? She gives greenrider and Tamber a glance, carefully shuffling out of the way and towards.. the lake. The stables can be found over there, and it is much safer.
Kezenex raises an eyebrow at Tamber, who seems to want to go with them? No wait he doesn't, wait he...Argh. This is too much mental works for the Herder. Five greenriders? No, no...He doesn't want to think about /that/ either. Loft Boy smiles at Rupa. See? He's fine. He's just gonna sit here and ignore-Eep! Kez jumps as Nao suddenly appears by him again. "I didn't say, but it's Kez." Now shoo. Hey...That almost worked. Wrong greenrider, but there's one less and that's what counts.
P'rru clears his throat, momentarily involved in heavy conversation with his lifemate. Dsalth snorts, ending an argument and the brownrider peers back at the group. "Kinecha? Escape?" too many candidates, and Purr thumbs towards the caverns.
Naomi sends a faintly wistful glance up to Teza and Briganth as they leave, sighing slightly. But the hope of a new crowd of weyrmates certainly gives her something to smile about. She puts her arm around Kez. No, sweet thing, you're not getting away yet. "Kez. That's very pretty." As P'rru points to the caverns, she stands. "Canni come, too?"
Tamber sinks down next to Kezenex as the presence of the greenrider who so skillfully addled his wits is removed from his side. He lets out a long sigh and gives Kez a look that seems torn between relief and, well, wistfulness. "It might not have been /that/ bad." Geeze, he really /did/ have his wits rattled.
Kinecha nods slowly to the brownrider, giving him a crooked grin. "Sure, P'rru, but I expect most of 'em will follow," she says, winking at him. Feel honored brownrider, the guard-candie doesn't hand out many winks, when she's sober.
Surupa looks from one to the other, the only person that has nothing to escape from at the moment. So she simply crosses her arms, shifts her weight to one side and watches this little scene. "Going to the 'caverns now?" She doesn't appear to want to head on over there, bobbing her head carefully and shifting closer towards the group as well. "Guess that I'll just... Find something to do." She gazes over to Kezenex and then Tamber, curious to know if they are going to follow the riders to the caverns as well, then. The greenrider wants to go that way... Do they want to follow Naomi?
Kezenex blinks. It's only three letters, how's that pretty? But he just kidna nods and smiles still managing to look nervous. Is she gonna eat him? Or is Kaith gonna eat him? Who knows...Peer. Tamber gets a look. Weren't you just telling Rupa to run? "Follow?" Kez's brains are addled, but that's because he was trying to think.
P'rru smiles charmingly back at Kinecha and takes off towards the caverns, waving a hand at Naomi. "Come if you like, lass" he tosses over his shoulder.
P'rru clips to the Caverns.