Snatched By Dsalth
Living Caverns
The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.
Scattered about in various perches and niches are fifty-one firelizards.
You see OOC NOTICE (look sign), BlackWood Harp, Generic Sign-Up Sheet, Look at Me Postcard to Tatia, White Clay Egg Pot, and Jaeshri here.
G'deon, Pyrene, and Sasha are here.
G'deon had just begun to pour himself a glass of juice when he stops to glance at Pyrene and Sasha as they enter. "Good morning, you two," he calls over. "Care for something to drink?" He finishes pouring the glass and takes a seat, nodding to Kinecha as she also enters.
Sasha ambles in happily grinning as she sees her friends. " Oh Yes please Gid, some juice would be lovely." with a grins she flings herself carelessly into a comfy chair and hangs her legs over one arm.
Pyrene slithers into a seat and sends G'deon a sunny beam. "How about a redfruit juice while you're pouring?" she asks sweetly. A wave goes to Sasha and Kinecha. "Come and sit down?" She's in a welcoming kind of mood.
Kinecha makes her way through tables and chairs to get an orangefruit from the sidetable, then turns and wanders over to join Pyrene at her table. "'ello," she says, trying to stifle a yawn, while cutting the peel of the fruit with her knife.
G'deon's own grin matches the others' as he pours a few more glasses of juice and hands them out. "Nice day, isn't it?" he asks, leaning back in his own chair. "This weather has just been perfect lately. I'll bet the Farmers are glad for the break from all that rain." Yep, Gid can shoot the breeze with the best of 'em. "What have you guys been up to lately?"
Pyrene stretches happily. "Very little. I've decided to go visit my parents though. Show them the brat. Let the brats at home gawp at Cadge. And then go home around the time they start sniping about the shallowness of the weyr." Now there's a plan.
Kinecha shrugs, putting her knife away, now the peel is off the orangefruit, using her fingers to rip out the slices. Glancing at Pyrene, she gives the rider a crooked smile. Not much chance of the guard visiting /her/ family. Even if she knew where they were.
Sasha chuckles softly. "Is that not just an excuse to dump poor Sephne on somebody else for a bit?" A sneaky smile is shot at Pyrene and is foolowed by a stretch and a sigh..." Not that I can blame you..."
G'deon barely stifles a snicker in Pyrene's direction. "Oh, now that sounds like fun. I can't imagine how they'd react to Nylanth and me back home." Insinuating of course that he hasn't been back to find out just yet. "Worth the reaction though I'd think. Imagine if you got the rest of the queens' wing to go with."
Pyrene shudders and shakes her head at G'deon. "No... I think me will be fine. I think my mother would pass out if she had to entertain the Sr Weyrwoman. I'm just her prodigal daughter. Besides, as it is, Cadge will have to wait on top of the cliffs for me. There's no room for her anywhere else." Sasha gets eyed. "It's easier dumping her on the nurseries which is where she usually is?"
Kinecha actually lets out a chuckle at G'deon's suggestion, turning glittering eyes at the bronzerider, as she pops a slice of orange into her mouth. Good idea that. Maybe she could 'borrow' a dragon and drop in on some of her familymembers. Which would demand her knowing where they were, so she shoves the thought away, as soon as it arises.
Sasha shakes her head silently, and chuckles. " You can try and deny it all you like but I've seen you spending more time than you admit with that little girl....." smiling at Gid and Kinecha she shrugs. " I don't have any family members to guys are it..and you guys have seen it all before!"
G'deon laughs softly and shrugs. "I suppose," he replies to Pyrene, a bit of a roguish smirk crossing his lips. "Still... it'd be fun to see. I'm a bit of a prodigal son myself, so I can at least imagine what might happen." He then winks at Kinecha and Sasha. "And you're certainly Impressive, dear green rider," he tells his clutchmate.
Kinecha nods, in agreement with Sasha. Pretty much the same way the guard felt, giving said greenrider a smile. She'd certainly seen enough of Sasha to be impressed. Sorta.
Sasha tosses her braid dramatically back over a shoulder..." Why thankyou, bronzerider...your not so dusty yourself!" she sighs..." Still it would be fun to show Bran off to people who don't get to see dragons so often..." she muses thoughtfully...
Pyrene wrinkles her nose at Sasha. "I see that she's being brought up properly with discipline and stuff. Cadgwith likes to see her everyday if possible. But.." dismissing her daughter with a shake of her head, she shrugs at Gid. "Well, I'm going back to my family, why don't you go back to yours?"
G'deon shrugs just a bit at Pyrene and leans back, taking a long drink from his glass. "No reason really," he finally says quietly. Nodding thoughtfully to Sasha, he frowns just a bit. "There are certainly enough areas like that. I've been to a few of the small cotholds where you'd think dragons /brought/ Thread to Pern."
Kinecha hmms, looking from one rider to the next, knowing that G'deon was right in his observation. She'd been to those cotholds too, only not on a dragon.. Didn't mean she hadn't heard the stories being told such places. Not exactly positive toward dragons and their riders.
Sasha raises a brow at G'deon's statement and shakes her head. Standing, she slowly and reluctantly heads for the door. "Maybe I should just drop in on a few then...sounds like they need some exposure!" And with that she makes her way out. Sasha exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Pyrene chuckles and shakes her head. "Well, it should be an interesting day. As long as they don't try and make it a regular occurrence. But I'll see you lot later." and with that (and her juice) she's gone. Pyrene goes home.
G'deon waves to Sasha as she leaves, then adds another wave for Pyrene. "Good luck," he calls over to her. With an amused shrug he finishes off his juice and glances at Kinecha. "So, how are the guards doing? Promishing recruits?"
Kinecha shrugs, giving a sort of nod at the same time. "Most of 'em, yeah... Tekin should be about ready for promosion." No secret that he was her favourite recruit, while the Terrible Two still presented problems for her. "Others might not be that lucky..." she says, and pops the last slice of orange in her mouth, giving the bronzerider a look. "How're you and Nylanth doing?" Quick change of subject. No need to talk about troublesome recruits when she was off duty.
"We're doing quite well, thank you." G'deon refills his glass and sits back again, obviously in a mood for relaxing. "With this weather it's such a relief to fly up higher. The air is just fantastic up there, and Nylanth certainly has his fun with the thermals."
Kinecha nods, suddenly envying the rider and his dragon. She was in her element when it was cold and windy. Meaning her favorite season was winter. Summer was just too... Hot and dusty. Which was why she didn't live down south. "Must be nice to be able to cool off like that whenever you want?"
G'deon shrugs a bit, wincing. "Nah... most of our work is still down where it's hot. Then there's always loads to be delivered, errands to run. It's not all fun and games, that's for sure."
Kinecha leans back, looking the bronzer over. She just couldn't believe that it would or could be routine to be a dragonrider. "Still, you've got the option.." Lot's of people didn't. The majority in fact, and the guard being part of that majority was maybe a little jealous. Though you'd never get her to admit to it.
G'deon nods slowly, brows drawn together a bit. "I guess I just take it for granted sometimes. Of course, there are always riders off duty around here. I'll bet you can always find one to take you up if you need to cool off. The meadows always work well for that too. My favorite hide-out as a kid."
Kinecha nods, giving G'deon a smile. "The meadows, eh?" She'd never really thought of that before. And how long had she been here now? More than two turns. Unbelievable. But getting a ride up to the cooler air sounded more appealing to the guard. "You grew up here, right? So howcome you went to the SmithHall?"
G'deon laughs softly, and amused look crossing his face. "Aye, grew up mostly at High Reaches. Then I was asked to Stand, and... sort of got left there. Then I figured I was getting older and I didn't want to be a messenger all my life, so I set off for Ista Isle and the Smithhall."
Twanda suddenly disappears ::between::!
Amobarbital suddenly disappears ::between::!
Kinecha nods, somehow understanding, though her story was somewhat the opposite, since she needed somewhere to stop moving around. And the Weyr had welcomed her with open arms. "Well, I for one is glad you didn't stay down there," she says, giving him a smile. How would they ever have become friends? And who would've suggested to her that she become a guard?
G'deon glances around the large cavern slowly, a soft smile on his face. "As am I," he replies quietly before glancing back at the guard. "Better weather, that's for sure," he adds, winking at her.
Kinecha chuckles, nodding with exaggerated movements. "Too hot down south," she agrees. The longest she'd been down there was a couple of sevenday, and that had been by far enough. Of course, she'd been dragged down there on occation by well-meaning dragonriders, which she didn't really mind, since it included a ride on a dragon. "And no snow there either," she continues after a long pause.
"Aye, winter just isn't winter without snow," G'deon replies, propping his feet up on the chair across from him. "Turn's End just isn't the same. You can't go sledding, no skating contests, snow sculpting contests."
Khory arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Kinecha chuckles, shaking her head slightly. "I just like the landscape in winter... Just not the same in the south," she says, letting out a small sigh. Being very un-Necha-like as of late, she was. Too happy and positive. Just don't bring up the recruits again.
Azia skips happily, kitten in trail, in from the Central Bowl.
Khory steps out from hallway to large cavern, his long legs taking him past a group of giggling weyrlings and to the nearest klah pitcher. Whistling, he pours himself a mug of the steaming drink, before turning and saluting a higher ranking messenger who just passed him by. Wandering over to Kinecha and G'deon, he bobs his head again in greeting and states, "Hey there.. How goes it this fine day?" Seems the guard isn't the only one in a good mood.
Ceridwin arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Azia strides in, idly brushing off her riding pants with a grimace. Ick. Mess. Fine, black strands of hair cling messily to her face, and she pushes them behind her ears with a curious grin, eyes roving over the Caverns. They said he was here. If she could only remember what he looked like.. she knows his name, his voice. But not his face. The girl edges shyly around the riders and perches on the edge of a wooden stool, staring disconcertingly. Come out, come out.. wherever you are.
Ceridwin says, "Hey Gid, Necha!" Sends a warm smile Khory and Azia-ward, she hasn't met these folk yet, but Ceri is almost always polite. After grabbing some juice, she heads to G'deon's table. "Mind if i join you for a bit?"
G'deon grins at Kinecha and nods. "Quite true." He laughs softly at Khory and waves him towards a seat. "Fine indeed, Messenger," he replies. "Great weather for you line of work." And Gid would know. He waves to Azia and Ceridwin as they enter. "Bit on the warm side, but a dip in the lake always cures that pretty quickly." He smiles at Ceridwin and waves her towards a seat as well. "Of course!" Yes, good moods abound today.
"Hey Khory, Ceri," Kinecha says, offering Azia a glance before returning her gaze to those around the table. "Doing fine, thanks, Ceri." Smile. "How 'bout you?"
MoniqueBean blinks in from ::between::!
Ceridwin says, "Pretty well, Necha.. Been a bit busy, but I managed to get in my swim. I cna't imagine missing that during this great weather." Settles in a chair and pushes ehr still damp hair behind her, letting it swing down the back of the chair. "What's up with you lately? I haven't heard anymore complaints about 'the terrible two.""
Khory still has his back turned to the other people in the room, but sipping carefully from his steaming cup, he slowly turns to face them. A brow raises at the older woman, and a smile is given to the younger girl. After replying, "Yes.. certainly good weather.. Yep.." the messenger nods his head to the others. "Well met," he tells them, slightly butting in on the conversation. "The name is Khory, and you'd be?" Another smile, especially when he recognizes Ceri's knot. Ah! A masseuse!
Ceridwin says, "Well met Khory? I am Ceridwin or Ceri. Are you new to the weyr or have I just managed to miss you in the crowds?"
Azia's eyes fly open. Is that.. him? No.. he's too tall. And his hair is.. right. As her vision adjusts to fit this man into a five-turn younger body, her face breaks into a wide grin. "I knew someone named Khory once.." she drawls hesitantly. "It must have been.. been 5 turns, I'd hazard". Her eyes seem to look right through him for a moment. "Yes. 5 turns. Before I went to southern. A nanny, at Paradise." May as well test the waters before jumping in.. There could be two Khorys.
Kinecha's face turns sour for a moment at the mentioning of the Two. "Well, I guess I've more or less decided not to let them get to me," she mumbles. Even if they /did/, at times. Though now was not one of the times. "So I gather you've had no trouble with your clients, Ceri?"
Khory is about to answer Ceridwin's query, until Azia's is heard. "Well.." he drawls, "I was a nanny at Paradise... And who might you be?" The girl looks oddly familiar, but after all the charges he cared for, it'd be hard to guess at who she might have been way back then.
Ceridwin says, "no, thank Faranth and Nolas! he takes his job as my bouncer/bodyguard extremely seriously. It certainly has cut down on alot of possible incidents. Glad those two seem to have backed off you." Starts to chuckle and her eyes twinkle. "You know, I /could/ find some muscular problems to keep them in their barracks if you ever need the assistance..."
Azia wiggles down from her chair, dropping to the ground with a scrape of her boot heels. The ten-turner attempts to appear smaller and combs her bangs back over her eyes, settling the beaded headstrap further forward and dropping her eyes. "Recognise me yet?" she asks with a chuckle. "Or do I need to attack you with a stuffed f'lizard before you know who I am?"
Kinecha chuckles at Ceri's offer, as she watches the strange girl and Khory talking. "Well, I'm not sure I'll need something that drastic, but I'll keep it in mind," she says turning her gaze back on Ceri. "Thanks for the offer, though."
Ceridwin says, "oh, I wouldn't hurt them.. just make them think they were hurt. I don't believe in causing pain.. just.. 'finding it'" See, ceri didn't have to take the Healer's Oath to 'do no harm' to be a Healer student. Only the apprentices do that. "So, just let me know, always glad to be of assistance."
Khory continues to look over the young woman, shaking his head and thinking. Idly, he finally replies to Ceri. "Oh, I'm recently new hereabouts. Only been for a few months. New messenger.." Brows are still scrunched in thought, until a brief memory passes through his mind. "Azia?" he breathes, eyes widening.. "But.. but.. You're so BIG!" he exclaims, before reaching out to grab the child in a big hug, swinging her 'round as he laughs. "It really is YOU! What are you /doing/ here?!?" And now everyone can see just how great he used to be with the children as a nanny... Just like one of them, he was,...
P'rru clips in from the Central Bowl.
"I'll be sure to keep it in mind," Kinecha says grinning slightly again. Not like she had to take one of those 'do no harm' oths either. Just avoid it, if at all possible. Turning back to Khory and the girl, as he starts yelling, her brow furrows slightly, and she manages to miss P'rru's entry.
Azia shrieks with laughter, throwing her arms 'round Khory's shoulders. Finally, she drops to the ground and beams up at him, pushing her hair back from her eyes. "I came to see you, wherry-head! Why'd you leave us?" True, she left too. But.. oh well. "I've been in Southern for the last 5 turns. I only returned last sevenday, must be." And her trip has obviously changed her. No longer does she hide behind a curtain of hair nor stand smaller than the other kidlets. Her skin glows with a healthy tan and she's grown. Grown a lot. She drawls with new confidence. "Kellmari will have my head on a platter when she learns how I got here" the kidlet chatters idly. "Good thing the 'Riders like Paradise beaches." Beam. She scammed a ride.. and hopefully she can scam one back.
Ceridwin eyes wandering to Khory and Azia..and enjoying the reunion in front of her. "I love seeing folks get re-aquainted. Oh, hey P'rru, join us?
P'rru bats at the rusted tail that follows him through the doorway. "Go back to your sunbasking great sharding bag of bones..." brownrider mumbles, almost tripping over the tailtip as it winds back outside. Khory (or E'ren's lad as he remembers him) and the girl are watched with a lopsided faint smile, weathered old dude snapped out of his reverie by an invitation "Oh much appreciated, Ceridwin, how are you today?" Kinecha gets one of those rare beams "Kinecha, looking lovely as always"
Khory pokes at his chest with a thumb. "Me? But.. why?" At the query of where he went.. well.. "Ahh.. well.. It wasn't for me anymore.." he simply replies. No use telling her the whole story.. she surely must have heard something about Gi by now... "Anyway.. That's besides the point. Kella must be furious that you've snuck off.." He shakes his head, chuckling, "And with a dragon rider, non the less! And here I thought you'd have rushed for the runners.. you were always so crazy over'em.."
Azia jerks a thumb in the direction of the bowl with a grin. "Got 'un" she states. "Kella gave me Timor until I get my own. I've seen her already. She's a beaut." A slight wince at the mention of Kella. "Yes sir, she'll tan my hide. But she won't find out for a little while, no? Not before I've had something to eat." Yeah, she only comes for the food. "So, Nannying wasn't for you? You gave up on us all" she chuckles jokingly. "So what, are you a rider now? WHy'd you come all the way up this end of Pern?"
G'deon goes home.
Kinecha swiwels her head around at the sound of P'rru's voice, leaving Khory and the girl, Azia, was that her name, to their reunion. "Doing just fine thank, P'rru," she says giving the brownrider a wide smile. Must've gotten past the tired stage and into the overly tired stage. "How're you and Dsalth?" Maybe she should tell P'rru that his dragon had been acting strange lately.
Ceridwin says, "Things are well with me P'rru. How is Dsalth?" She isn't about to tell him that his brown is 'bossy', but... "And since I am about to get some food, may I bring either of you anything?"
Khory takes a seat at a nearby table and places his mug upon it's top, both hands circling it, as he thinks up how to reply. "Well... You remember Argiod, right?" he asks. Without waiting for the young girl's reply, he goes on, spilling the whole story about how Gi, one of his main charges, got hurt while under his care. Though it wasn't his fault, Gi's mom still decided to leave with Gi back to Ista, and Khory had wanted to come along, but was refused. "It took me a while to understand that it wasn't my fault, but during that time, I travelled a lot.. Finally found myself here, and well.. here I am."
Azia slides into a chair opposite Khory, leaning her elbows on the tabletop. "Being a nanny?" So Azia's not all up-to-date, she's been South for 5 turns. "I was fostered with the Southern stablemaster. He taught me to ride and herd. I had tremendous fun, and the weather was always warm. Everybody was very pleasant, though I did miss Paradise cove. I came back on a fisherman's boat, and Kella was there to meet me." There's Azia's life story. The kidlet takes a crescent-shaped bite from her cookie and swallows quickly. "Everyone misses you back home.." she prods. "And besides, when am I ever supposed to get anywhere? Kella's busy, and I'm too old for a nanny now." So she scams rides. "I could use a.. chaperone."
P'rru shakes his head "No, I'm fine thanks, dear" he smiles at Ceridwin. "We are marvelous as alwasy Kinecha- perhaps he's sulking a little - he and Chanticoth had words over some minor disagreement" brownrider shrugs off the seriousness.
Kinecha nods slowly, at P'rru statement. "I know," she mumbles. She'd been there, more or less as a hostage of Dsalth, the brown having pinned her between his foreleg and, very, heavy head. "D'you know what that was all about? Ilare wouldn't tell me...." And she was curious about that incident.
Khory smiles down at the girl. "I'm sorry Az.. and trust me, I miss them all too.." Leaving Paradise was one of the hardest things he ever had to do. "But I can't go back.. I'm settled here now, as a messenger.. With friends and everything." Eyes crinkle with sadness, but he replies, "And you don't need a chaperone. You're a good girl, with a good head on your shoulders, and I"m sure you'd never do anything that would place yourself in danger..." In other words, he can't leave.
Azia drums her fingers on the table. "I know" she states. Dontcha know, she knows everything? "Will you come visit, though?" A hopeful beam is sent to Khory as the kidlet takes another chunk from the cookie. "'Course I'm not in danger. 'Less the drag'n takes a bite out of me. But I think I'd bite him back." She probably would, too. "So, get lotsa work here?"
P'rru scratches his stubbled chin, cheeks glowing faintly pink "Well let's just say that Dsalth regards Ilare highly...and Chanticoth didn't like the far as I can tell Dsalth was hoping I'd agree, and plainly I did not" rider manages to explain as best he can without dying of embarassment. Dsalth is the boss. Everyone knows that he knows best.
"I see," Kinecha says, watching the brownrider. It hadn't exactly been comfortable to be in the middle of that... Errm, exchange of words. Words she couldn't hear. Leaning closer to P'rru she whispers, "could you just tell 'im to keep his head off my lap?" Him being Dsalth, of course.
The messenger nods his head. "I promise, I will.. You'll see.." He laughingly ignores the 'biting the dragon back' comment though. "Aye ya, I've been kept busy, running to and fro with notes and announcements and the like, but it's not so bad." Reaching over to ruffle the girl's hair, he adds, "Not as bad as when I had to keep track of all you gals at once.. Especially when you'd get ahold of paints or charcoal.." He shakes his head at the memory.. "But tell me, will you be staying with us for a while? Or do you have to leave right quick?"
Ceridwin settles back after rummaging on the food table and listens while she eats her bread and fruit.. shells, she forgot the cheese.. oh well.. there is always later. She doesn't wnat to over-do it anyway.
Azia smirks. "I should probably leave" she states, polishing off the cookie crumbs. "If Kellamari finds out that I hitched a ride with a Bronzer, it'll be mucking for me." Not to mention how long she'll be up to her ankles in.. yeah. "I still get ahold of paints" she chuckles wryly, tipping her chair back. "I just know what to do with them now. Have you seen any of the others?" she queries, trying to recall the names of her playmates. "I haven't really settled back in down at Paradise. Tossed my stuff into my old room and said hello to as many people I could find. Then scammed up here." Her eyes rove curiously around the room. "Weyr-life fun, is it?" Is that a scheme hatching behind her eyes? Oh, I definitely think so..
P'rru furrows his brow slightly "His head on your lap?" clearly, it's one part of the incident that the lughead had 'forgotten' to tell the rider. But Purr does accede with a nod "I'll let him know, but perhaps he'd listen if it was you that told him" and then he grunts. Not fair, his own dragon heeding someone else's advice before his own riders. But you get that. "I hope riders and such aren't keeping you so busy you can't enjoy the warm weather Ceridwin.." ah a change in topic.
Mellow blinks in from ::between::!
Kinecha leans back, tilting her head a little while her brow furrows slightly. Sure, she talked to Dsalth all the time, even gave him orders. Which on occation had been obeyed. But she'd never thought that he would listen to /her/ over his lifemate.
Ceridwin says, "Not at all P'rru, I get my daily swim every day.. sometimes twice. Though I do find I am busier as the weather gets warmer and people think they are capable of much more then they should be doing.. without a proper warm-up, anyway." He should have known better then to get her started... "But, it's fine, really."
You sense that Dsalth slowly mists in, interrupting any conversation that could have been occuring. <<Kinecha...>> Crisp musty mist softly echoes, then quickly turning into a vivid sound. <<P'rru doesn't really care for my hide... Care to come and scrub?>>
Khory thinks back to his own latest experiences around the weyr, and nods his head. "Yep.. Fun.. that it is.." he replies. Shaking his head, as though to clear out the thoughts therein, he then adds, "Nope, I haven't seen anyone from there since I left half a turn ago." And you can tell by his voice that he'd much rather not see that many of 'em either. Brings back some sad memories. "Well, if you're to be going, you make sure you eat something hardy before hand, you hear? Going ::between:: is hardly a fun thing to do on a full stomach, let alone on an empty one."
P'rru fans a hand over his brow, drawing away peppery grey hair. "Aye, true Ceridwin, we rider types think we are unbreakable" a slightl tease to the masseuse with a wink to accompany it. Kinecha is blinked at rapidly "Now what's going on?" brownriders are confused esaily it seems.
"What?" Kinecha says, her eyes narrowing in confusion, as she turns to P'rru. "What's going on, P'rru?" She echoes his words, probably more confused and unsettled than him.
Ceridwin says, "But P'rru, it's not just you riders.. Everyone around here has forgotten the fairly sedentary winter." She's not complaining, rather be busy then not.."I just wish they weren't hurting themselves. "
P'rru leans back into his chair with a sigh "You know better than me, love, he doesn't tell me much these days" and brownrider shrugs again before turning his attention to Ceridwin "Aye, perhaps excercise programs inside for when we are snowed in? There's not really much we can do with weather closing in around us in the colder months"
Ceridwin says, "Oh, whata great idea, I bet I can put soem basic stretching classes together so there is less muscle damage happening."
Kinecha shakes her head, glancing toward the Bowl, wondering what to do. Go there, or stay here with the others. Considering how much hide Dsalth has... But then the lake would be a good way to cool off a bit. Right. Leaning back, she ponders the choise, while looking from the Bowl entrance to P'rru and Ceridwin.
You sense that Dsalth pushes through again, filling your mind with a warm rumble which echoes off and sending the slight crisp smell into oblivion. <<Come on out! The water is /great/! And I /need/ you to scrub me by now... P'rru won't even care, just hop on out.>> Tone changes to a more rapid pace, more impatient into getting washed by now.
P'rru nods at Ceridwin. See? Old crusty brownriders often have ideas don't they? "Aye, good idea" he murmers. But then he turns to regard Kinecha. "Yes, love?" he questions. Being looked at always makes him ask why.
Who could argue with a dragon? Especially if he bespeaks you with such an urgency in his 'voice'. "Seems Dsalth needs me, P'rru," Kinecha says, getting out of her chair, giving the brownrider a long look. "He wants me to scrub him?" Just checking that she got it right. Not accusing the rider of anything.
P'rru lifts his shoulders "How that lughead can demand attention from others is beyond me" he offers. There's really no hope for the wingsecond is there? "Well I might aswell come too- just in case he decides to take you for another swim" Purr gives the guard a wink and rises from his chair. "Care to join us Ceridwin? That's if you don't have any demanding appointments.."
Khory turns back to his now cold klah. "Just make sure you eat something," he repeats sternly, though his eyes are still light and friendly. Finished with the drink, he pushes his chair back and excuses himself. "Now, I must run.. Azia, you cannot believe how happy I am to see you, and though I wish you could stay, I do understand the fact that you have to leave.." Therefore, leaning down, he gives the girl another brotherly hug, before standing back up and blinking a few times. "Be good.." he adds, before turning towards the bowl and exiting.
Azia exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Kinecha winces, ever so slightly at the swimming comment. "I've learnt to swim, P'rru," she grins, her eyes twinkling slightly at the memory of the first time she'd had the 'pleasure' of scrubbing Dsalth.
Khory exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Ceridwin exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
P'rru chuckles, fixing the collar of his shirt "A terribly useful thing to learn when around my old bag of bones" he replies dryly with a smile. "He's really a most insistent old bugger isn't he?" and there's a fond look in his eyes. Damm hard to hide! But brownrider heads out now, offering his arm to the guard "Best not keep him waiting"
Bundle up 'gainst snow or sun! The bowl is open to seasons' wrath.
Central Bowl
Seven spindles brush the clouds -- quite literally -- overhead, a jagged, spired cotillion grey-stoned majesty. The bowl from here is expansively large, extending a full half mile in both directions, and although sometimes a bit of a stretch, most of the hubs of activity can be easily observed. Hard-packed ground shows the common pathways, all of them meandering about the craggy bunch of boulders that form a centerpiece: carven, hand-worn and foothold-full, it gives a bit of centerpoint to the otherwise vast emptiness of the area.
To the north lie the hatching grounds and leadership weyrs, while the lows of herdbeasts mark the feeding pens to the northeast. A flurry of ever-present activity marks the living caverns to the west, and another time-traveled path the ground weyrs just adjacent to the southwest. Southeast, a glint of blue shows the lake, glittering and cold.
It is a summer afternoon.
Clinging to footholds in the boulder-mound are eleven firelizards.
Green Zoryanth, green Kelitath, brown Revnath, green Miravith, brown Sevareth, blue Decuth, brown Druseth, blue Catiminith, Brown Dsalth, green Jhiateshyrth, bronze Orbyth, and bronze Nylanth are here.
You see a wagonmaster, George Dubya bush, and Wagon One here.
Khory and Ceridwin are here.
P'rru steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Khory turns to the masseuse. "Yes.. I did, actually.. Even though I was roped into taking the position at first." He explains about how he had came to Paradise, all youthful and energetic, but rather scared of runners and ovines. "And so, since the choice was between a stable hand, or a nanny, I ended up taking the latter.." The now messenger grins at the memory. "I tell ya though, I certainly wasn't happy about it.. until the kids kinda.. well.. grew on me, ya know?"
Dsalth has been waiting, it appears, hindquarters firmly on the ground and yet his front half leaning down as he pears at the living caverns caustiously. On the sight of his rider and the followers... Oooh. The brown leaps to his feet, as if about the pounce upon the group; however, instead he simply circles once and twice, finally facing the direction of the lake. Understood? A loud bugle erupts from him, his wings fanning out in an impatient manner as he takes a step or two foward before craning back his neck to see if the others follow. Hurry!
Ceridwin says, "I do know. I have always liked kidlets and babies. For the longest time I was mad at my parents for not having more. It wasn't until I was older that I realized it /wasn't/ their choice."
P'rru shades his eyes from the sun as he wanders into the bowl. "You so impateint, you old bag of bones least you could do was greet our friends properly!" Purr might sound out of sorts but he now struts towards the lake, following orders unconsciously. "It's not as if you haven't been washed in the last sevenday!" pout. He tries to keep him clean, honest!
Kinecha comes out of the caverns, squinting at the glare from the sun. "Well, it's a good thing I already changed out of my uniform," she mumbles looking toward the lake, shrugging, then at the noisy brown. "Coming, Dsalth.. Just keep it down, will ya?" She's not mad at his, she never could be, but he was rather loud. Ceridwin cringes slightly and covers her ears.. "Not for nothing P'rru, but he is one loud dragon!"
Carver walks in.
Ceridwin says, "Carver! I am so sorry I missed you today.. I ahd several last minute clients and one was in a lot of pain.. had to spend over an hour with him.. I hope you aren't mad?"
Khory grins at the rumbling brown, and eyes the rider and guard as they depart for the lake. Leaning against the nearest wall, he continues to chat with Ceridwin. "Hmm, well you see, I come from a large family, myself. Lots of siblings and cousins.." he shrugs. "Sometimes it was fun, but most of the time, it was loud and we'd always be fighting.." He doesn't need to mention the years of hand-me-down clothes. With a nod towards the beach, he asks the woman, "So, are you planning on going with them, or can I ask a favour of you?" He lifts his right shoulder and rolls it, as the muscle there underneath has been bothering him for some time lately.
Dsalth appears to pause, listening to the words of his rider. Not only is Kinecha eyed, but so are Ceridwin and Khory; his whirling eyes watching them all. Greet our friends properly? Well, as proper as a dragon can greet, he stretches out his wings and extends his neck to the sky before dropping maw and letting loose quite a loug bugle that should be a well enough welcome for one dragon to another-- from a long distance. He vibrates with the sound, ending it in a soft rumble as tail lashes back and forth, eyes furiously whirling those his mood is just... calm?
P'rru clamps hands over his ears. Ok he really did ask for that. "I never meant for him to take it literally" he whispers at Kinecha with a rueful grin. "He's just saying hello, Ceridwin- Khory you of course must be used to excitedable dragons with Xeth and all" rider ring this out louder so his voice can reach the other small group.
Kinecha blinks, moving her hands to her ears. Too late, though. They're already ringing from the sound of Dsalth's bugle. "What're you doing?!" she shouts, trying to hear her own words over the ringing in her ears. "Trying to deafen us?" P'rru's comment goes unnoticed, as she simply doesn't hear it.
Carver tries to at least look like he's mad at Ceri, but can't. He'd suspected that something had come up. "Not a problem Ceri, it's an occupational hazard." After Dsalth finishes bugling his welcome, and the ringing clears from his ears, Carver smiles and asks,"Perhaps we could try again some time?"
Ceridwin says, "what did you need Khory? Is there something I can do for you?"
Khory turns to smile at Carver, then eyes dart back to Ceridwin. "Oh.. um.. it was nothing," he replies, not sure if she'd mind a massage now, seing that her friend is here. "I mea..I was going to ask if you'd mind checking out my shoulder.. It's been paining me for the last few days.. but.. if you'd got other plans.." He winks in Carver's direction, "I'll understand."
Dsalth is too /innocent/ to try and hurt poor Kinecha or any other person walking among the bowl. Of course mostly every pair of eyes have been turned to him, his voice finally dropping into silence as he turns a confused look from P'rru to Kinecha to... others. Yes, even /they/ have to come to the lake and help scrup him. This he clearly states with a rumble in their direction, his movements finally dragging him closer so he is able to snake a tail out towards a Ceridwin or perhaps a bit closer to Khory, though the gap is still too wide. Turquoise optics glance back at P'rru and the lake. Perhaps he should just go... But /he/ is the one to be in the spotlight.
Jhiateshyrth goes home.
Ceridwin says, "Well, what did you do to it? which one? The right?" Sighs as she approaches the afore-mentioned shoulder. "If it has been inpain for a few days.. you shouldn't wait. did you fall on it, or lift something?"
P'rru simply drops his head into his hands and sighs. "What am I ever to do with him, Kinecha?" of course there's an egdge of amused tone to the brownriders voice as he now regards his dragon. "Perhaps he'll forget about this scrubbing?" if pigs fly and hell freezes over?
Kinecha shrugs, her eyes resting on the brown. What would she know about what went on in a dragon's head? Even if it /was/ Dsalth, the one dragon she was closest to. "Put 'im through guard-training," she says teasingly, turning to give P'rru a grin. Only thing she could think of saying at the moment.
Carver watches as Ceridwin moves to check on Khory, and sighs quietly. One of these days he's going to have to arrange a bit of time alone with her; if of course she doesn't object. He nods to Khory, and heads off to the living caverns to see what work is left for the day. Carver walks to the Caverns.
The messenger swivels his shoulder once more. "Oh.. ugh.. Yeah, lifted something too heavy," he replies after a moment. A shrug is given in reply to Carver's nod, as though to say, 'Hey, I tried to let it pass.' But now that he has her attention, Khory adds, "And it's not a sharp pain.. more like a dull one.. and my muscle's been stiff. Can you do anything to fix it?"
Dsalth lets out a dull grunt, turning his back on the others with somewhat of a headtoss. Feminine? Purr and all the females this old brown has hanged around with is finally affecting him... Wings give a russle, finally folded back neatly against his sides as he quickly pushes the others' out from his mind and he returns to Kinecha and his lifemate. They will pay attention to him, right? Muzzle drops, only to give his P'rru a soft nudge as he quickly continues towards the lake.
P'rru clips to the Lakeside.
Dsalth paces with regimental gait to the Lakeside.
Ceridwin's eyes light up.. "Of course I can.. But I am going to telly you right now.. No swimming in the cold lake waters.. if you have an need for water, soak in the baths. Heat is good for loosing up sore muscles." Lightly runs her hands over the shoulder in question and nods.. "It's swollen.. and a bit hot. I would guess you tore some part of it. I can help it quite a bit. But I'll need my oils and get you sitting or lying down comfortably.. without your shirt. Where would you like to do this?
Ancient dunes have been flattened by the endless parade of people and dragons that tramp northwest across the bowl, leaving a mere skiff of sand here along lake's beaten edge. Footprints litter the curve of beach, some left turns ago and caught frozen in the heavy clay earth near the water's edge. As the sun sets, shadows invade, creeping like fingers across the gently sloping ground and darkening the distant ledges on the far side of the lake.
To the north, dust rises from the redolent pens while the flattened disc of the main bowl is just a step to the northwest.
It is a summer afternoon.
Darting here and there are nine firelizards.
Brown Zenzorath, blue Wiranth, and Brown Dsalth are here.
You see Ayashii, Atticus, and Nacoma here.
P'rru is here.
P'rru rubs a fond hand over Dsalth's flank as he wanders in, sidestepping a great muddy hole in the bank of the lake. "Nevermind, lughead, we'll give you all the attention- the others just don't appreciate you do they" awww. A little quiet moment between dragon and rider before eyes flip towards Kinecha. "Your dressed for scrubbing, how about I just watch?" he has to give it a try yknow.
Kinecha follows behind the dragon and his rider. At a respectful distance, then turns a suspecious eye to P'rru. "So you're out for slavelabour, eh, brownrider?" she says jokingly as she leans against a rock, to take off her boots. "Got a brush or something?" It wasn't as if a brush was standard issue for a guard.
Dsalth shuffles foward, his head hanged carefully as he releases a great and heavy sigh before drifting off into the waves. Here he appears to brighten, head lifted before dropping to see the water lining his claws, sand soon covering them as he rest there on the shoreline. Eyes turn back to the silver-lined waters as he finally turns his head back to see which of the two follow-- and hopefully the one he had to drag out from her seat. Snout lowers and whuffles towards the sand-covered talons, his tounge slipping out in Kinecha's direction. Sand. That is all she needs; and on into the water he goes!
P'rru lifts his hands "No brush..." and then he begins to peel away layers of clothing- light riding jacket, shirt, pants...leaving him far from naked! In a sleeveless undershirt and a pair of decent shorts. "But I'll help, can't expect you to take care of the residents here and scrub and entire dragon by yourself, love!" and so he wades out into the water up to his knees. "How's Reiko by the way? Haven't seen you girl for awhile now" mood turns conversational as he too scoops up handfuls of sand.
"Yeah," Kinecha says, taking a deep breath, then follows the dragon. Not the first time she'd been roped into scrubbing a dragon. And where had Ceri gone? Wasn't she supposed to help out? "Alright, 'salth, just hold still, okay?" She reaches down for a handful of sand, bringing it up to start on the brown side. "She's busy," she says to the comment on Reiko. Guard hadn't seen her in a while either.
Dsalth has to hold still? The thought simply makes the dragon twitch gently, his tail sending wave after wave towards the scrubbing Kinecha and wings just about to fan out. This dragon has something... He sways his head back and forth, as if some annoying itch is in an unreachable place. Which perhaps could be the answer. Wings finally unfold, and a soft pitiful whine emits to the woman scrubbing him and then towards his rider. Quicker? The faster this scrubbing could be done with, the faster this brown could be relieved.
Banzai blinks in from ::between::!
P'rru scrubs much harder to keep up with the demand, finding himself more drenched as time goes on. "Sand gets stuck under your fingernails too?" he asks the guard, pausing to eye his right hand. And then eyes shift. "Kinecha your more spry than me, could you perhaps clamber up and get to that spot right between his first few neckridges?" brownrider is lazy, yes after doing this chore for 23 turns now, you get lazy.
Banzai swoops down to where his big brown cousin is being scrubbed. Fun! Circling once, twice, he sails down to land high on Dsalth's neck, gleefully joining in the scrubbing fun.
Kinecha is soaked to the bone now, but she nods to P'rru. looking up there. "Err, gimme a leg up will ya," she says, grabbing a handful of sand before lifting her right leg up, for the rider to give her a push up.
Dsalth shifts his weight carefully, sending another wave after his lifemate in order to allow the climb much easier. Sweet brown dragon, isn't he? Tail curls carefully, refusing to whip out any longer so he may disturb either his P'rru or nice Kinecha. Orbs study the pair carefully, his hide twitching in every itchy patch where said and awaiting to be scrubbed well by either rider or guard.
P'rru flops backawrds into the water thanks to that well-placed wave. But instead of fuming he scrambles to his feet and locks his hands together and steadies Kinecha's foot, lifting her up easily of course. (she's only a little guard afterall). "Yes, yes lughead, I know- it's between the neckridges where I usually sit apparently" he offers in help.
With a helpful bolster from Dsalth's tail, you climb up to sit comfortable between geometric neckridges.
Dsalth [Beach]
Restrained strands of sorrel and khaki overlap the lithe body of this dragon in a regimental pattern undermined by escaping tendrils of amber. Near enough in shade to blend with the design, they curl against it, flickering against the sharp line of his jaw before escaping down the geometric line of his neckridges. Ancient pale primrose -- the hue of old, forgotten books - curls down his spine in a uniformed march towards the similarly stained wingbones. Heavy ginger drapes, wing membrane made more substantial by its darkness, an abandoned blazer carefully hung from the long length of his wings. Mustard floats over his tail, musty mist lifting towards haunches reinforced by the strength of rusty iron.
Thick leather straps, fastidiously cared for wrap around Dsalth's neck, well worn and supple. Their deep chesnut colour appears almost part of the dragon's body, for they fit so snugly against his hide. Buckles, shiney and meticulously polished reflect the sun's rays, or the moon's mysterious hues while flaxen stiches are sewn firmly along the strap's length suiting practicality rather than decoration.
Dsalth seems to be listening.
Kinecha settles herself between neckridges, putting a bit of the sand in one hand to scrub between two ridges, then looks up to see a lizard on the dragon's neck. "Well, hello there," she says regocnizing the brown. "Where's you 'pet?" Grinning her hands keep moving in circles along the ridges of the larger brown, while grinning down at P'rru. "He sure does like water, doesn't he?"
Banzai chirrups quizzically, vaulting into the air and whizzing around Kinecha's head before abruptly disappearing.
Banzai suddenly disappears ::between::!
Banzai glides in from the Central Bowl.
Reiko walks in from the Central Bowl.
Dsalth finally lets out a croon of relief, his wings finally folding back into place and his nervous twitches seizing control at once. Carefully, the brown whuffles into the water and settles down carefully, eyes fixed on his rider as he questions himself carefully. In that position he remains for quite some time, his head finally lifting up yet again to turn and look towards Kinecha between his neckridges. She is there? Oh yeah...
Reiko stalks down the beach, muttering darkly about annoying firelizards and how could she ever have been so stupid as to feed one, when she suddenly notices Dsalth apparently mid-bath. Drawing up short, she stares out at the scene in the lake rather stupidly.
"Dsalth didn't even see the ocean till he was about 3 turns old, Kinecha..Igen is rather inland...but after that I guess there was no helping him, at least he'd prefer to swim than lie about like some lazy blues I know" P'rru notes setting to scrubbing round his lifemate's chest. But he blinks up, almost questioning the quetion posed to him by the dragon. "Whatever you feel like, lughead.." no use in arguing.
Dsalth turns his entire self around, either to have P'rru scrub his other side or to drown him; though of course he doesn't mean the latter. Quickly the brown looks up towards the sky, eyes closing slightly to the sky as if this old brown is actually doing some mental math in his mind-- possible? A great rumble erupts, vibrating through his entire body, and his wings fan out quickly with the next part of the plan. Up, up, and away! The brown quickly hops in the water once and gets his wings pumping to take to the skies with his rider... Down there. Oh well?
Kicking up sand, you leap into flight.
Above the Lake
A panorama unfolds beneath: the bowl beaten flat as it curves out from the lake's chalky waters, dusky earth 'neath the endless stretch of sky above before the Weyr's spindles break the view. Milky blue-green waters swirl below, tempering the 'lizard filled air with gentle thermals that flow and eddy through the Walls' many cracks and crevices. Scattered ledges mark the nearby rocks, endless layers of Weyrs tucked into the wall as it sweeps right up to the Star Stones high above.
It is a summer afternoon.
P'rru ends up sitting in the water, lake lapping round him. "Dsalth!" he calls as the great lughead takes off. Too late. Rider on his feet, fuming in a moment. "Reiko did you see that? He just took off to my weyr without me...and with Kinecha!" eyes haze furiously "And he refuses to come back down!" pout.
Reiko blinks, staring after Dsalth for a good couple of minutes before P'rru's words reach her ears. Blinking again, she walks the rest of the way to the water's edge. "I saw it," she says simply. Doesn't understand it, but she saw it. P'rru is like a drowned rat, shorts and tshirt soaked through. "I can't...shells, poor Kinecha...he'd better not corner her the poor love, she'll never forgive me" and impotently the rider wades out of the water and drops onto the sand. "I can't walk around in these clothes all day!"
Reiko arches an eyebrow. "Corner her?" Admittedly she doesn't know a lot about dragons, but why on Pern would one corner Kinecha? Emerald eyes flicker over the 'rider appraisingly, then she shrugs. "I certainly don't have any clothes that would fit you. Sun'll dry you. Or you could sit by the hearth."
P'rru folds his hands over his knees "I'll have to get Jhiateshyrth to take me back to my ledge, Kwa is about today I've noticed" rider says to himself. "And of course I'll have to explain Kinecha's absense to her superiors at headquarters, the guards will not like that one bit.." notice how Purr has already resigned himself to not saving Kinecha from the clutches of his dragon? Pushover.
Reiko smirks. "Sounds like fun." Whether she's talking about riding Jhia or explaining to superiors may be left to the imagination. At least she's not wet. Emerald eyes scan the ledges, unsure which is Dsalth's, then return to the dripping wet P'rru. "So it looks like you're getting a weyrmate of sorts after all." She narrowly manages not to laugh out loud. Yes, Kinecha would be a perfect weyrmate for Purr. Not.
P'rru lets out a ragged sigh. "Oh I don't know where he got the idea from...I explained to him that Kinecha is not for me...she's much too young apart from the fact that she's spoken for...and I couldn't feel that way about her if I was knocked on the head and turned into a woman" P'rru isn't at his best when he's mad at his dragon, forgive the old codger. "But Dsalth can't be swayed once he's set his mind to something Reiko" now the brownrider looks up at the woman "I'm terribly sorry...I'll have stern words to him when I get up there!"
Reiko covers a laugh with a cough. As if she'd been worried. Thread will fall /up/ before Kinecha weyrmates a /man/. "It must be a terrible trial for you," she murmurs mildly, folding her arms across her chest. But really now that she's started picturing P'rru as a woman, she's a little... distracted.
P'rru scrubs his stubbled chin with gnarled fingers. "The only solution to this problem Reiko, is to find me a weyrmate for long enough to satisfy Dsalth, and allow him to forget this nonsense!" with a sense of purpose he straightens to a stand. "So, you will keep an eye out for me, Reiko any eligible girl you think will pass Dsalth's inspection- aye it does not have to be real, only pretend...enough to convince him to move on to other things" a plan! a masterplan!
Reiko shakes her head, a twisted smile curling the corners of her mouth. "Really too bad about that starcrafter," she remarks idly, tapping one long finger on her opposite elbow as she considers. "Don't you have a preference at all?"
P'rru waves his hand in the air "Of course not, I'm not the weyrmating type myself, Reiko, it really wouldn't fit in with my lifestyle- Kaorru and Skylark take up too much room for me to let someone else in.....but Dsalth needs to think he's won, y'see, love?" brownrider is animated at least now. Eyes shift and he groans audibly. "He is refusing to come down, as such..."
Reiko hms, setting her mind to the ... problem. "Well, you made room for Kaorru." The twisted smirk crosses her face briefly, then she just shakes her head. "But I really haven't a clue what sort of girl will pass Dsalth's inspection," she finally says. "I mean... if he thought Kinecha..." Really, that's too funny. Her eyes scan the ledges again. "Can't you just meet a nice girl? How hard can it be?"
P'rru rolls his eyes "For 23 turns I've been looking for such a one, Reiko, and ah I've never come across one" rider is also resigned to the fate of being an eternal bachelor, but perhaps that is what he likes! "Nevertheless I am going to sek out Kwa, see if her dragon can talk some sense into Dsalth...or at least take me up there to sort this out..."
Reiko blinks slowly at the realization that 23 turns is longer than she's been alive, then shakes her head, smirk returning. "Good luck."
P'rru goes home.
Reiko goes home.
Meanwhile, on Dsalth's Ledge...
Dsalth's Lookout Ledge
With the routine sweeping it recieves, this ledge rarely collects dust or dirt, a sign of fastidious rider and equally fastidious dragon, where only the best will do.
It is a summer afternoon.
You see Dsalth's Couch here.
Kinecha is unprepared for this flight, and almost slides off the side of the dragon, her eyes wide with surprise, rather that fear. "'salth?! What are you doing?" she shouts, regaining her balance, as they land on the ledge.
Dsalth shivers sending a spray of waterdroplets all over the ledge. He hunkers down immediately, almost smugly snorting to himself, shoulders drooping to allow Kinecha to dismount. Ahah, finally did it he did!
Kinecha blinks. Slowly. As she always does, when surprised, and caught off guard. Not knowing what else to do she swings her leg over the neck of the dragon and slides down to the ledge.
You sense that Dsalth sends out a teasing testing spiral of amber plumes, dotted with chuckles of blue laughter <<Now you will have to stay on my couch tonight, Kinecha, it was wonderful to have you scrub me clean...aren't you tired now? Let's sleep, Purr can busy himself down there without us>>
Under a watchful eye you ease yourself down Dsalth's broad shoulders and plant your feet firmly on the ground.
"I'm wet, Dsalth... And I have no dry clothes," Kinecha mumbles, crossing her arms in front of her chest, looking at the brown rather seriously. Lets not mention that the sun would probably dry her out soon enough. "And what will Nalla say to this? I'm on duty tonight...." Rambling. She'd never seen this coming, though she knew the dragon had tried to get her onto his ledge before. "You're sneaky, you know that," she mumbles, looking at Dsalth, though narrowed eyes.
Dsalth curls on his ledge luxuriously, blinking half lidded eyes at her. Wings flutter, and he purrs oh so sweetly. But mustard dipped lughead was clever wasn't he? And his tail nudges at Kinecha, trying to push her into the sunny spot on his ledge. She'll dry quickly that way.
Kinecha shakes her head, staying right where she is, though she can't keep her eyes off the view from up here. "You shouldn't have done this, Dsalth," she goes on, her foot starting to tap in a rapid motion. "And you should really bring me back down to the Bowl," she rambles on, her eyes still fixed on the view below. Not often a simple guard, got to see the view from a weyr, though she'd been on the rim more than once. Not really the same, though, was it?
Dsalth demures himself, curling up around the guard and rumbling louder, vibrations tingling up his spine and making those neckridges swish back and forth gently. Nice view. She should see the view from inside Purr's bed...ahem weyr..
Kinecha sighs, her foot still tapping, and a drop of water hanging of the tip of her nose. "Don't even think about it, 'salth," she says, her eyes falling on the dragon, suddenly thinking she's got the answer to what the brown had been up to, whuffling all those girls. "You'll not... Not, have me..." she can't even get herself to finish that sentence.
You sense that Dsalth lets a whoosh of warm cosey comforting heat meld the senses, keeping everything safe in amber and mahogany mist <<I already have you Kinecha, see? How will you get down? Last time I looked you had not grown wings>> smug bugger.
Dsalth studies Kinecha with rampant regard, rosewood headknobs switched this way and that as his head tilts and turns. He inches closer, heavy flanks butting against the side of the ledge, maw nudging careful into the small of her back. The sun. The View. My Purr.
Kinecha loses whatever composure she has left and thumps Dsalth's side with a fist, glaring at him at the same time. "So you're /not/ bringing me down? Is that it?" But she's not letting him move her into the weyr itself, so she abruptly sits down, water still dripping from her clothes and hair.
Dsalth shirnks back as far as he can go, rumblings turning into pathetic little snorts and clucks and oh, whoah is he, she /hit/ him! Snuffling his head into his paws, he dramatically throws himself towards the opposite edge of the ledge letting his tail hang from it. She /hit/ him! Oh, no dragon abuse! Sniffle, sob, wail!
Kinecha pivots around on her bottom, turning her back to the dragon, listening to the sad (?) noises he's making. No! This time the brown had gone too far. She could forgive a lot of his antics, but this?! Maybe some day, but not right now. "Stop that, Dsalth," she mumbles over her shoulder, then turns back to look out over the Bowl, seeing if she could spot P'rru down there.
Dsalth creeps to the edge of his ledge and /bellows/ a sad, ragged sound that reverberates off the lake and towards the bowl. A few curious dragons bugle back a questioning reply and Dsalth slumps, letting his head and forepaws slip over the side of the ledge as he peers down.
You sense that Dsalth whispers meekly and quietly, a tiny child-like voice winding through drizzle <<You do not like me anymore Kinecha? Purr's other female friend>> and he spins an undertone image of Kezzra in << doesn't not like me anymore, and it is always my fault- is my Purr so awful that no-one except greenriders will stay with him?>> Guilt trip indeed.
Kinecha fairly jumps as Dsalth bugles, turning around to look at him, surprise and something akin to fright in her eyes, "what /are/ you doing?!" She'd never come to understand dragons. She knew that now. Getting stolen away by one, who then refused to bring her back down to the Bowl, and now was screaming all over the Weyr. Dragons didn't /do/ that, did they? Then her face falls as he speaks to her. "Well, of course I like P'rru. But...." How did you explain to a dragon that men weren't her preferences? "I, I... I s'pose you could say that I'm like female brownriders..." Most female brownriders preferred other women, didn't they? Well, maybe not Ilare, but otherwise.
You sense that Dsalth draws back off the ledge, head canting. <<You are like Druseth's rider...and Mzadith's rider then>> he replies, more calmly. <<But still you are staying here with me now, you are not needed back for awhile>>
Kinecha lies back on the sunwarmed ledge, somehow knowing that Dsalth wasn't bringing her down today.. Well, it was kinda nice up here, and she had an excuse for not coming on duty tonight. Wasn't her idea to come up here, now was it? And like Dsalth had said, she didn't have wings...