After a few mugs of ale and glasses of wine...
Kinecha is still not drunk enough to even consider dancing, so she stands off to the side with Reiko, drinking her ale. "You know, I met most of the new riders back when they were candidate," she tells the woman.
Ilare snorts in vague amusement, disbelieving, but not arguing. "If you say so R'ave." Equally mindful of his feet stepping on hers, she frowns a second, before asking the question that's been plaguing her since the party began: "R'ave, deary? WHY are you dressed in.. well.. a dress?"
Sasha frowning a little as she is ushered past stops too at this point. "yeah...why R'ave? I mean its a very nice dresh and all, but its not really your usual mode of dressh..."
"Really?" Reiko actually looks impressed. Then her eyes scan the dancing riders again while she takes a long sip that empties her wineglass. "Been here that long?" She can't remember what Kinecha told her... if she did. Where's that wineskin?
Bailyn wanders on in from the lower meadows.
Kinecha nods, still sipping that ale. It felt so good to taste that again. "Aye, I came here just before the eggs clutched. So I was actually here when the first candidates came," she says nodding.
Elehu smiles softly at the other two women, then turns to watch the dancing crowd again, a slightly wistful look on her face. But, not one to stand around and do nothing... she goes for another glass of wine.
Bailyn walks in. Oh, if only she knew anyone here.
Sora headbobs cheerfully, looking for all the world like a pig-filled python until the roll makes it past her throat. "Sure we will." That, as she moves slowly. Better than before, at least.
R'ave pays a little more attention to where his death-heels come to rest as the dances comes to an end, releases Ilare reluctantly -- tugging at the thigh-highs. "Well, it's.. it's /involved/, that's what it is," he answers evasively, eyeing one silverish toe. "I lost a bet."
G'deon just laughs again and swings Sora about slowly, dipping and striding in their little corner of the dancing area. "All it really takes is practice," he rambles on. "And the willingness to let go. Relax." Unless you have a dragon climbing into a Hold. Then the motto is : Don't Panic!
A bet.. Ahh... Ilare doesn't see, but. She does. Poor Rave. Although.. the boots suit him.. *snicker* "Ah. Say no more." She really doesn't want to know.
Reiko grins. "Musta been a sight," she says, returning to Kinecha's side with a newly-filled glass.
R'ave is rather fond of his boots -- they earned him a new, generally positive nickname. "I won't," he murmurs, glaring toward Soquilith, who's currently cracking jokes at his expense. "You are /so/ not funny."
Lis gives up on glasses for now, slinging a half-empty bottle in one hand as she finds a rock to lean up against. She drops to her taffetta'd bottom, insulated by layers of fluff against any injury, and proceeds to take conservative sips from the bottle resting in her lap. In general, she managing to look the greenriders your mother warned you about.
Kinecha salutes Reiko, a twinkle in her eyes show that the last sevenday's events has been forgotten. "It was, I tell ya. 'Specially some of those pranks that was played..."
Takovic just sits there, observing. Why he's even at a party isn't quite clear to him, but he's there. Maybe he'll write a Kamikaze wing fanfare or something. As of now, though, he's just sitting, fidgeting with his spectacles and being small among the evening's celebrated few.
Ilare rather thinks he is, but it is unlikely Soquilith's rider would like to hear her say that. "Umm.. right.. 'kay. Thank you for the dance, R'ave." And now to avoid meeting.. *ugh* V'tor between getting back to her wine and the safety of.. the group.
Loren scuttles back R'avewards, clutching a skin close and looking at random, trailing not-quite-weyrbrats irritably. "/My/ skin. I got it, I'm drinking from it, and you can't have it, so go away." A glower, and the bakerlet sticks her tongue out, then managing to beam towards R'ave and wiggle her fingers Ilare-wards as she end up in the general area of her weyrmate. "I brought wine." Beam, glow. Lo's so proud of herself.
Delilah lets the last notes of the previous song die away in the wind before rising to goto the platform. A signal is given and the song begins slowly, a drum roll announcing the entrance of the pipes, played by Fennara. Fennara begins to pipe merrily, her fingers dancing on the insturment, a strong steady beat in the background kept by the drum. Pipes continue a jig like tune, happy and joyful, while Delilah opens her mouth to sing. Her soprano floats through the crowd, strong and joyful, winding around peoples legs, begging them to dance to this happy song. The notes sparkle in the air like little diamonds, glistening above the audiences' heads.
R'ave creeps away from his dragon, Ilare, and dancing in general, with a smile for the brownrider. Now to edge past Lis, who's looking like the greenrider incarnate of the Fonz. Takovic is noticed, as he usually is, and wagged a wave as he tugs at his boots, pouncing a susceptible wineskin. Which happens to be the one Loren's holding.
"I'm relaxed," Sora replies with a flash of a look Lis-ways, before she settles it back to the less-worrysome G'deon. "Yeah." And the Harpers get a head-tilt. "They're good, huh?"
"Indeed?" Emerald eyes are glittering, could Reiko be... relaxing? Hm. "Do tell." She turns to face Kinecha, ready to listen.
Bailyn grins, hearing a song. Glancing around at people, she gives them bright smiles. Maybe one will talk to her?
Tierza wanders on in from the lower meadows.
G'deon glances at the Harpers as they end the current song, then he grins down at Sora. "Not bad at all," he tells her with a bit of a wink.
Another figure is sort of standing to the side, finishing her cup of klah. She looks around and finally sets it down firmly on the table to stride over to a nearby group of people and gives them a bright smile of greeting. Well, it all has to start somewhere. She offers a bob of a curtsey and a her smile turns purely harper and professional. "Well, are you enjoying yourself tonight?" She asks brightly, nodding to her fellow harpers with a twinkling grin. "We've been doing our best... but circulating always gives you an idea of what people want to hear... hard to tell up there, sometimes," her smiles quirks slightly, a dimple flickering into existence. (Marianne)
R'ave may edge past Lis, but it doesn't keep her from noticing him - if only due to the sparkly flash of boot somewhere around her eyelevel. "Steeeems," she calls plaintively, offering hands up limply towards him. "Don't leave a poor girl hanging." Or lolling drunkenly. Same difference.
If V'tor is watchifying, then Ilare will simply stay and /blend/. By hiding beside her dragon. Yup. The only way to avoid.. Him. mRRF.
"Well, you see Sasha overthere?" Kinecha points to the greenrider. "She got her hair dyed, well blue actually." And that's about all she remembers, but grins to herself at the memory of Sasha's blue hair, and how she was threatening to kill the one who'd done it.
Elehu just sips at her wine slowly, eyes growing rather vacant as she seems to study the crowd, though her eyes aren't quite focused on it. She glances over at Kinecha and Reiko again, a curious look on her face.
Tierza eyes the space, looking for ehr graduating friends but doesn't seem either of them. If she begged a ride all the way up here just to miss them.. *sighs* and heads to the wine table, may as well enjoy something right? winks at G;deon as she passes him and smiles appreciatively.
Chanticoth seems to have lost interest in what's going on around him, and has laid eyes on a discarded wine bottle. With some wine still in it. Hmm....
V'tor is good at watchifying, oh yes. But to be successful, watchifying is not enough. One much seek, searchicate. How else, then, will one get any sort of credit, approval, or indeed, victory. He's not called V'tor for nothing. He can /sensicate/ when he's being thought of, and fully confidenticated by the wine, he seeks.
Sasha slowly makes her way towards the wine table, but before reaching it stops. "I'm not sho shure this ish a good idea, N'shync!" she faulters, on the verge of a slight totter. Sasha? Totter? Its so not in her nature. hearing her name mentioned she leans over to where kinecha is sitting and calls out "Thing is...i kinda like the blue goes well with Brannie's hide...hic!"
"Chan.." No answer for the brown rider as she takes shelter next to her lifemate, eyes sweeping the area again. "Chan..?" Bottle? What bott--ooooh, that one. "Chan, what you up to?" Voice is playful, as she rests a hand atop one of his ridges.
Bannon wanders on in from the lower meadows.
Delilah holds her gitar higher and begins to strum out some brisk major chords, plucking added for variation. No words adorn her song, just her voice, swaying around the scale, and swirling around the music of the pipes. The pipes have high notes that sweetly dance above the dancers heads, ruffling their hair and singing in their ears. The gitar slips through the crowd, while the steady beat of the drum crawls along the floor, teaching the beat to the dancers feet.
Loren's wineskin is pounced upon, and the bakerlet relenquishes it with a slight squawk. "..s'Benden," she states, beaming at the bronzer cheerfully. "There was some Tillek stuff, but I didn't know if you liked Tillek or not, so I got Benden."
Because she's a nice little weyrmate, yes she is. Lis is accorded with a wary -- if not also worried -- sort of blink, 'ren's chubby frame swaying slightly. "Help Lis, R'avey." Sniff-sniff. "And tell'er to go take a nap." Lo's new solution for everything: naptime. Even if she is trying to direct the comment to Lis.
"Oh my." Sasha gets a stare from her blueriding clutchmate, Sora slowing slightly. "Uhm. D'you think we should do something, Gid?"
Branwyth's eyes whirl in a dazed fashion...What is wrong with her Sasha? She just doesn't seem the same....
Reiko peers in the direction of Kinecha's finger, eyes growing wider as the bluerider in question approaches. Then actually giggles at Sasha's comment. "I guess it would," is all she says.
Chanticoth's not doing anything. Now. Of course he couldn't do anything sneakily with Ilare watching. Now why's she here. Hiding by him? Oh dear. V'tor around?
Bannon walks in with great pride as he eyes about, searching for people ha may know, then eases up abit and presumes to relax and enjoy.
G'deon grins at Sora and shrugs. "I'm sure she knows what she's doing though... I hardly think she needs more wine. Do you think we should, uh, politely let her know?"
R'ave exhales, liberating the wineskin. "Alright," he mutters, battling to get the pewter leather back where it's /supposed/ to be. "I'll.. tell her that, Loren." R'a may oblige, but it may not get him anywhere. "We'll have that wine later," he promises, flicking a palm to smooth the material at his hip as he squares his shoulders and support's the greenrider's limp hands with his. Alright, she's not hanging -- now what?
V'tor is around, and Recounth, too, though the blue seems to be busily fussing with something irrelevant and pointless. And the rider is thorougly...drunkified. So he may be seeking, but he's not sure what, trying to look "appealing" though obviously blundering about. Flying Under the Influence? No, not him...
Ilare nods slightly. He's over /there/. He's PLAGUING her. Or watching her at least. Same thing, right? And he's not going to play dragonic spin-the-bottle is he? **fear**
N'sync slides in next to Sasha quickly..."Of course its a good idea! Its lovely would be a shame to miss out on it....come on I'll pour you some more." Is that evil glinting in his eyes?
Tierza nods to Takovic and heads over to him, wine safely in hand.."Hey, you never came to look at my gardens!" She's not quite pouting, but. she worked hard on that maze...
Bailyn looks around, finally finding someone with a know of High Reaches. Walking up to Takovic, she ask, "Could you help me?" Bright Grin. Please help me!
Lis leans on R'ave a bit - a /lot/ - to get to her feet, grinning rather drunkenly at him. "I want a dance, Stems," she informs him throatily, unfocused eyes sparkling. "Then I'll take a nap. /Promise/," she states, solemenly, if just a little too loud, with a significant glance in Loren's direction.
Kinecha grins too, as she destinctly remembers how much the greenrider had hated her blue hair at the time. "Tha's great, Sasha," she calls out and turns back to the others. "What colors d'you like? Me, I actually like blue."
Sweet soprano vocals slide up the scale to hold a crystal teardrop note at the top of the scale, while beneath her the gitar plucks it's fast jib and Fennara pipes out something made especially to make peoples feet itch with the need to dance. The high note is held for a handful of heartbeats before it falters a little and does a brisk downward fall to brush the bottom and sweep back to the middle.
Takovic looks up abruptly, adjusting his spectacles as he tries to identify who spoke first. To Tierza, he smiles slightly, sheepishly indeed, then stutters apologetically--and honestly--"I'm sorry, you know, very sorry. As it were, I, so to speak, forgot, you know, forgot..." Hoping Tierza won't be mad, he looks up at Bailyn now, just blinking a few times and offering a small, "So to speak, what do you need?"
Chanticoth glances over to V'tor, growls softly and then proceeds to ignore the blue rider. He's here. And Chanti will squish any mean blue riders that presume to annoy his Ilare. Tail is raised threateningly to prove the point.
Dancing! Now that's a great idea. Tie looks about for a suitable partner to harrass, um ask for a dance. She just wnats to dancce, is that so much to ask anyone?
Bannon goes home.
Bailyn grins. "Could you please tell me how far away this is from Ista?" She blushes slightly at how funny she might sound. "I came with a Dragon Rider, who was at Ista and was taking people, but I don't know how far away I really am..."
Colors? "Colors of what?" Reiko looks confused. She takes another sip. "In general? Blue's nice." With a grin, she points to her tunic. "I like it fine."
Loren pauses, expression more than a bit miffed and visibly regretful. Lo had to go be all.. helpful-esque, didn't she? "Yes, Lis, that's a good idea. Have a dance, and then go take a nap." And then she'll just go steal her weyrmate back and be a happy camper. "I wanna dance, too, later, if you don't mind, R'avey?" A vague beam, and then she contents herself with emptying the 'skin.
G'deon saunters over to Sasha and her... escort. "Uh, hi you two. How's it going?" he asks, not at all upset at having butted into their conversation. "Enjoying yourselves?"
V'tor, however, takes one second of not being ignored to be a second of getting attention. Beaming fumishly at the brown, he doesn't at all acknowledge the chance of being flattenicated.
Kinecha nods, "yeah, just colors in general," she says grinning. If you'd asked her what color dragons she liked, she'd most likely have said brown, not blue.
Tierza eyes G'deon again.. he's not bad.. maybe he will dance? He doesn't look to be the shy type at all, either.
R'ave smirks unevenly, lamenting the realization that only taffetta and sisal seperate his personal boundries from Lis'. "If you promise," he murmurs, the wineless contract made, a testiment that even when sober, the bronze doesn't always think clearly. "Of course, Loren," he calls over the greenrider's shoulder, arms absently folding around her waist.
/bronze/bronzer .. What a difference a little 'r' can make.
Takovic blinks at Bailyn again, now brushing his bangs back from across his forehead. "You know, it's very far, so to speak, very very far."
Whimper. Get a CLUE, V'tor. Don't make Ilare and Chanticoth teach you a lesson in accepting No for an answer. For one, both'd enjoy it just a liiiiittle too much. yup.
Sasha glances up from the impossibly large glass of wine that has been poured for her and sighs. "Oh Hey Gid! Isn't this a nice party! N'sync has been ever so friendly....." she sways a little bit,a tad unsteady on her feet now. "
Bailyn frowns, eyes getting large. "Oh.Am I in trouble now!" She hits her head, "Evan is going to /kill/ me.."
Falcone walks in, glancing about, curiously.
Reiko chuckles. "Yeah, blue's just fine." She goes to take another sip from her wineglass, frowning to find it empty. "Hang on, Kinecha. I'm gonna get another... you want more ale?"
Lis manages to sling her arms around R'ave's neck without poking him in any orfice, entirely happy with those arms around her waist, whoever's they are. "Now, R'ave," Hey, look - it's the first time she hasn't called him 'Stems'. "I've got a proposition for you." Somehow, this is stated with utter serious, no leers or nothin', despite the lack of enunciation and general nasal slur.
The pluckity voice of the gitar begins to lapse into chords, until it gives one last one and falls silent, leaving the music to Delilah and her voice, the drum, and Fennara and her pipes. The pipes string of sound twines up the scale like a vine on a pole, swirling up to the top where it trills delicatly. The soprano vocal swirls in a dizzying twirl to fall right under the trill, where it fades away. The trill is held a breath longer and then is abruptly cut off. One last thump of the drums and the music is gone...for this song at least.
G'deon frowns suddenly at the greenrider, then glances at N'sync. "Um... yes, it's been a nice party, Sasha. Good thing it's winding down now, right?" For some of us anyway. He hesitates from a brief moment, then looks at her again. "Say... how much wine have you had tonight?" he asks softly, a calculating look given N'sync. "I'd hate to see you get sick... or anything else like that... that you wouldn't want."
V'tor honestly at this point doesn't know WHO he's botherating--and he wouldn't even consider it botherating. He's just...being V'tor. Which deserves its own lesson...
Fennara packs her pipes into her carry sack and waving, with a slight frown to her friend Sasha, who is looking a little worse for wear, shrugs and makes her way out of the meadows and back to the weyr.
Kinecha smiles broadly at the offering, "please, Reiko, that'd be great," she says and hands the woman her mug. Then she slumbs down on the grass, as her knees seem to have stopped working very well.
Fennara heads back down the trail towards the weyr.
Loren just peers after the pair, beaming swoonily R'ave-wards with the promise of a dance and toddling Sasha-wards for no apparent reason as she convinces herself, somewhow, that Lis is a safe person. A vague beam towards no one in particular, and then she sips at her wine again, still toddling. Randomly. Because.. that's just what she's doing.
Elehu smiles at Reiko and holds out a hand. "Here, I could get a refill for you. I need once myself..." she offers.
Ilare tries ignoring the Blue Rider. Mostly because he doesn't deserve ANY of her attention. Applause is given the harpers, pleasure at the lovely music produced evident in her smile. For as long as that smile remains at least.
Reiko takes mug and glass and turns toward the table, nearly running right into Elehu. "Hey, thanks," she says, handing Kinecha's mug to the healer and starting off more or less steadily in the directon of the table.
Takovic's expression begins to be less attentive again, generally focused, though, in the direction of the Harpers. Good that he's not got his project unrolled now. They might notice, and what then?
Marianne goes home.
R'ave tilts his head slightly, spreading his palms carefully against the swale of her lower back in attempt to steady her without being accused of groping. Good touch, bad touch. Yeah. "Ah.. a proposition, eh?" he repeats needlessly, a brow risen before a nervous glance slants at Loren, returning to Lis as pink blooms in his cheeks. "Alright, what sort of proposition?"
Elehu's smile widens slightly as she walks along after Reiko, quickly getting a glass of wine and a refill of the ale for Kinecha. "Lovely music tonight, isn't it?" she asks after returning to the guard, handing her the mug. "What was that about colors earlier?" she then adds with an amused grin.
Tierza turns to Takovic and smiles.. watching his face glow witht he music. "Tak, why aren't you a harper? It's obvious you love music."
"Business proposition," Lis explains secretively, her voice hushed as she leans in closer to R'ave. "Alright. I want your dress. And those boots. So, I'm thinking, I'm hearin about you wanting to be tapped - am I right?" Wing assignments for a wardrobe? Hey, stranger things have happened...
Falcone walks around, smiling and random people who happen to look at her.
Reiko returns with her filled wineglass, and a wineskin. Her glass must have a hole in it, since it's always empty, and why walk if you don't have to. She sits down on the grass near Kinecha and Elehu. "Nice music," she echoes, grinning at the healer. "Kinecha wanted t'know what colors we liked. I like blue."
Kinecha shrug, leaning her elbows on her drawup knees as she looks up at the healer, and gives her a smile. "We were just discussing the pranks that were pulled when the new riders where still candidates. And I remembered that Sasha's hair had been dyed blue once..." She reaches up and takes the mug with a nod of 'thank you'.
Loren just beams towards R'ave, content with toddling around and drinking as she waits for Lis to finish her dance. A few more beams towards random-folks, and then she pauses near a few random 'brats, involving herself in conversations about foodstuffs in return for a creampuff. Food. Yum.
Tierza drinks deeply of ehr wine and waits, eyes wide and not missing a thing.. just taking it all in.. Hope that greenrider gets what she wants.. the one draped all over the other one. Looks.. 'interesting', anyway.
Elehu nods slowly and grins at the other two. "Yes, I was actually here for that," she replies with a soft laugh. "Not a bad color really, though I would have gone for green shade. Not that I'd color my hair." On purpose that is. While sober. She settles herself on the ground beside them and leans back, watching the dancing as she idly sips at her wine.
N'sync looks with some annoyance at the Bronzerider and then back at his prey "Sasha's not sick, are you honey....just having a really good time."
"They thought did cross my mind," R'ave mumbles, shaking his head and simply /looking/ at the greenrider, miscolored brown askew. "... my clothes for wing appointment?" How terribly venerable. "Do you want them now?" Then again, R'ave never -was- very dignified.
Reiko giggles. Green hair. That's kind of funny. Another sip of her wine... okay, a swig. "I don't think I /could/ dye my hair," she remarks. What can you do with black?
Lis simply shakes her head at R'ave, smirking at his wonderful offer. "As much as I'd enjoy that, I think the /rest/ of the party would rather you didn't. So, I'll get a knot from Tai, and I'll drop by and hand it over for the boots. 'Gradulations." Slurring drunkenly, merrily, she gives the bronzer a surreptitious, suffocating hug.
Kinecha might consider coloring her hair. Right at this moment, while she was drunk. "Maybe a nice black," she mumbles. A total switch from the stark white of what she has now. She takes a good long sip of her ale, and looks up at the dancers.
G'deon smiles politely to N'sync and takes a step back. After all, it's really none of his business. And the wine is running out. "Alright, I trust you N'sync." Right... "I'll just... leave you two alone then." He quickly turns, heading for the farthest edge of the dwindling crowd, and the nearest wine table as the chance may be. He does glance back at the group of Harpers however, a considering glance at that...
A simple fast waltz is being played, a gitars sound jumps through the crowd while the lilting sound of a flute flies around.
Tierza watches G'deon move away from anyone and makes her small move over to him.. "Hello... My name is Tierza. But I go by Tie, mostly."
Sasha looks over to Branwyth who is gazing at her with a concerned expression. "Maybe I should go home now...."she looks suddenly very tired. Staggering a little she allows N'sync to help her over to where Branwyth is preparing to fly.
Falcone begins to hum softly to the music, her voice happy and sweet. She grins quietly.
Reiko takes a good look at Kinecha through narrowed eyes, trying to imagine the guard with black hair. "Nah," she says finally. "Wouldn't suit you." Then giggles again, apparently at the mental picture, and takes another drink.
Takovic leans forward, elbows resting on knees and chin resting in the cupped palms of his hands. His grey eyes stare ahead rather unfocused; one who knows him could deduce he's just concentrating on the music. So much that his own project, rolled up, lies untended to beside him.
Ilare is hidden, well.. almost, by her dragon's head, but the two seem at a loss - V'tor is still stumbling in his.. well.. politically incorrect, drunken fashion towards them. Hmm... Think anyone would mind if they hit over the head with a bottle? It seems though as if the brown pair won't get a chance, as V'tor slips on the very bottle that had caught Chanticoth's attention earlier. Hmm. Well, what do you know?
R'ave squeaks now, happy enough with the transaction -- though even when sated, he still appreciates the value of oxygen. "Thanks, Lis," he manages, munificently patting at the greenrider's back. "Um. R'ave can't breath," the bronzer quips after a moment, voice small.
Elehu smiles softly, tipping back the rest of the wine with a satisfied sigh. "Now /that/ was good wine," she muses to herself quietly, setting the glass down safely beside her. "Not that I'd know at this point," she then mutters, a sudden look of irritation at herself shadowing her face. "I don't know, Necha," she then replies with a soft giggle. "It's up to you though." She begins hauling herself to her feet, none too steadily.
Loren pauses with the hug, blinking once and mumbling something under her breath before toddling, once more, food-wards. Because she wants food, and all that sort of thing, you know? Yeah. Food. Toddle-toddle. A bit less soberly than she was doing in the first place. Wine's like that, and all. You know?
"You don't think so?" Kinecha says, turning to Reiko. Grinning, she takes another good sip of her ale, "what color d'you think would then?" The question goes out to both of them. A challenge perhaps?
Ilare carefully sidesteps the fallen blue rider, before not quite running towards the others. And rejoices in the fact V'tor isn't following. And that Chan will bap him if he tries. Mwaahahah.
Elehu just grins and shrugs to the guard. "Well... I kind of like it the way it is..."
G'deon pauses in the act of taking a sip from his glass as Tierza walks up to him. He smiles softly and nods. "G'deon, rider of bronze Nylanth," he replies quietly, eyes darting to a small sort of commotion over where the dragons have assembled. "Um... what brings you to Ista?"
"Oh, right. Breathing tends to keep you alive, and we like our wingriders living," observes Lis toughtfully, letting R'ave go and presumably breathe. "See, Loren?" she calls over at the imbibing girl. "I brought him back, all safe and sound." No teeth marks, even. Grinning lopsidedly, she starts to move away, giving the bronzerider a pat on the back - just, you know, below the waist.
Reiko takes another good look at Kinecha. "Prolly orange," she muses, her words slurring a bit. "Yeah." She seems satisfied with orange, and nods emphatically as if to prove the point.
Sasha waves to her friends, hardly noticing if anyone is waving back and then, climbs onto Bran's back. N'sync quickly mounts Backstreeth.
Clambering up Branwyth's misty green flank, Sasha settles as comfortably as possible between her sharply spiked, mistletoe hued neckridges.
G'deon turns to wave to Sasha and N'sync as they depart for the night... together. Or at the same time anyway.
Tierza says, "Well met, dragonrider, I was looking for Tatia or Cayl but I guess they left the party already. Do you know if either will back?"
"Orange? Nah, I don't like orange," Kinecha says, so maybe she's not that brave after all. "And I don't think Tafne'd be very happy if I showed up with orange hair..." But she salutes Reiko for making a brave attempt at a suggestion. A salute that almost hits her eye.
The music picks up speed, the tune swinging through the crowd. A drummer makes the beat slightly more erratic, and the flute sends it's voice around, through peoples ears and flitting out.
Takovic continues just sitting and staring, motionless except for his fingers tapping against the side of his cheek, in rhythm with the Harpers' tune.
G'deon shakes his head to Tierza slowly. "No, I'm afraid I don't know where they went, or when they'll be back," he replies quietly, wine studied idly in his glass before he glances back up.
From Branwyth's neck, Backstreeth lunches into the air and steadily keeps pace with Branwyth as she carries her lifemate home to their weyr.
Branwyth bunches powerful muscles, wings pumping with strength, before leaping into the air.
Tierza sighs and stands there.. guess she knows when she has been put in her place. "Well, thank you anyway.." And finishing the wine in her glass, helps herself to another glassfull.
Ilare glances back at her dragon, rolling her eyes a little, before making her way towards the few riders left she knows. Slowly, she comes to a halt near G'deon and Tierza, smiling as she listens to the conversation. Not time to but in or anything..
Delilah puts her gitar down, and begins to filter through the crowd, smiling and nodding at people, beging generally harper-y. The music flies through the air, gradually fading away into a slower, softer tune.
Reiko scowls. She'd been so sure orange would be perfect. Another long sip drains her glass, and she reaches for the wineskin to refill it.
Lis uses a twiggy forelimb to climb up onto Alymath's silver-brushed neck.
Above, Branwyth :battles through the whipping winds, intent on reaching the weyr.
R'ave twitches forward a step, tilting a relatively decadent grin toward the greenrider. "And we all appreciate that," he murmurs, carefully pulling the leather back around his upper, uppermost thigh. Soon-to-Tsunami-bronzerider says, "Have a nice naptime," in manner that's both flirtatious and a prompt to the drunken greener.
Elehu winces slightly as Kinecha almost injures herself. "Well, whatever you choose, I'm sure it'd be fine," she tells her, then nods to both Necha and Reiko. "I'm afraid this little Healer's had her fill of wine for the afternoon. I'd better go back down to the weyr and... eat, or sleep. Which ever comes first." She nods again, hesitating just a moment before heading west, back down the mountain, though she tends to wander from side to side... just a bit.
"Hey, don't get mad," Kinecha says to Reiko. Not when the guard had finally got into a good mood. "You really like orange? I might be persuaded to dye it orange." So her judgement was a little compromised right now, so it would probably be easy to persuade her. Looking up at Elehu as she leaves she waves and shouts "I'll come by in the morning, Ele!"
Alymath grumbles as Lis finally get aboard, no doubt berating her for the troubble she's gotten herself into. Huffing, she springs into the air and heads straight home.
Alymath bunches powerful muscles, wings pumping with strength, before leaping into the air.
G'deon smiles slightly, pausing slightly before he raises a hand, waving Ilare over. "Ilare, have you met Tierza? She's from... uh, I don't know actually."
Elehu heads back down the trail towards the weyr.
Loren sways towards R'ave, beaming Lis-wards and managing a semi-grateful "That's good" before taking another sip of from the wineskin. ", you're.." A faint hiccup, and the bakerlet blinks, rubbing at her nose. "Hmph. I must've drunk too fast. ..anyway. You're tapped now? Or something?" A sudden, faint giggle, and then a chubby finger taps at his shoulder with a beam. "You got tapped? I'm.." Another hiccup, and another rub at button nose. "..proud of you." Yes, Loren is the imbibing girl. Hey, if everyone else can get drunk, she can, too.
Tierza extends a hand to the woman and smiles.. "I'm from Gar, actually.. I caught a ride up to see Tatia graduate, but apparently I missed it and her. Well met."
R'ave squints slightly after Alymath, Soquilith quiet little nicker the only proof that the bronze isn't asleep. "Loren, are you drunk?" he asks, eyes following her hand and nose crinkling at her hiccups. "Well, yeah, I'm tapped." In exchange for his boots, that is.
Ilare peers at the unfamiliar face, smiling regardless. "Well met. I'm Ilare, Chanticoth's rider." Big brown that led the whole dancing.. thing.. Accepting the hand, she shakes, nodding. "Ah, shame. She was here, but Vesp got scored," scowl Would happen when she's NOT there with the.. wasn't there for the wing. "She went to the ground weyrs to rest and such.." Glancing at the harpers, she ponders in silence, before grinning at G'deon. "I owe you a dance.."
Reiko looks up from her wineglass, beaming at Kinecha. "Really?" Yeah, that'd be good. What were they talking about again? Then she looks back at the glass. Empty again? And feels around on the grass for the 'skin.
Tierza says, "oh no! I hadn't heard about that. Is she alright?.. and please, don't let me interfere with a dance.. very important thing.. dancing!"
Loren sways, frowning and tilting closer to the bronzer. "I am /not/ drunk." She's inebriated. Because it sounds better. "I do /not/ get drunk. Nope." A slight shake of the head, and Lo takes another sip from her 'skin. "I /am/ happy for you, though, because you got tapped, and everything. You'll make a nice wingrider. Just like you make a nice everything else." Beam, glow, hiccup.
Ilare blinks, then nods rapidly. "Oh, she's alright. Healing nicely." Yup. Both of 'em. "Nothing to worry about." Beam.
Kinecha grins, "yeah, maybe," she says and adds more ale to what's already in her system. "I mean, I can't I hate having orange hair when I've n'er tried it can I?" In fact she'd never had any haircolor, besides her natural one, so why not give it a try? "Don't have any dye, thou'."
The music still floats still the air. A gitar is strummed lightly, giving a slow gentle mealody. A soft alto sings along, while soft thumps on a drum keep the beat.
Takovic is still listening.
Tierza goes home.
R'ave sighs quietly, petulantly tugging at his boots. They must not like him -- the keep sliding downward -- and when boots are one's only protection from outside eyes and wind and things one appreciates them staying up. "You /are/ drunk," he confirms, only mildly affected by the played music. "Thanks, though.."
G'deon smiles softly at Ilare and holds out an arm. "Well, I guess you do own me a dance at that," he replies softly. "Shall we?"
Delilah hops back up on the platform, joining in the vocals. Her soft soprano gently gives a lighter edge to the middle toned alto. The gitar gives the two voices an undercurrent, soft strings being plucked everysooften.
Falcone watches everyone dancing and playing, a light smile on her face.
Oh, yes. Orange hair. That's what they were talking about. Beam. Reiko finds the skin at long last and fills her glass again, managing somehow not to spill too much. All her concentration is momentarily on getting a little more wine into herself, then she looks back up at Kinecha blankly. "What?"
"We shall," amused dignity fills Ilare's reply, accepting the offered arm, winking, before moving onto the dancefloor.. errr.. area. Yes. And Chan ISN'T babbling in the back of her head. Really.
"Am not," Loren retorts, carefully slinging an arm around his shoulders and snuggling close. "I most /certainly/ am not /drunk." An irritable frown, and then she giggles, standing on tiptoe to nuzzle his cheek. "That's okay. I like compli--" Hiccup. "--complimenting you."
G'deon's smiles grows slightly... roguish. "Well, that's good. I'd hate to think I'd gone to the trouble of fitting into this outfit for nothing," he tells Ilare with a grin. He glances once towards the Harpers, then back towards the brownrider. "How about nice and slow...?"
Kinecha has pretty much managed to convice herself, by now, that orange hair was a good idea. "I don't have any orange dye," she says and hiccups, trying to focus on the other woman.
Ilare shrugs slightly, not minding at all. "If you think so..?" She's not been dancing that much, you know. Practically the only time was about the training grounds last autumn.. Head tilts and she looks over the outfit G'deon is wearing, nodding her approval. "It suits you."
Reiko giggles. "Orange?" She looks around. "Um... I dunno where t'get dye..." She spots R'ave, sitting in his... dress? and tugging on his boots and calls drunkenly over to him. "Heyyyy.... um.... " What's his name again? Oh yeah. "R'aaaaaave. Where d'ya get orange dye?" He oughtta know, right?
G'deon laughs suddenly, glancing down at himself. "You think so?" he asks Ilare. I think I look ridiculous, but your vote certainly counts." He glances one time out at Chanticoth and Nylanth, then back down at Ilare, then starts into a soft, steady dance. Simple, yet elegant.
The combined vocals pick up speed, the alto dipping low and the soprano soaring up. A flute trills and lilts in the middle of the two, picking up a perfect dancing mealody.
Kinecha looks into her mug. Empty, and the ale was all the way over there on the table, "Can I have some of that wine, Reik," she says to the woman next to her, holding her mug out, waiting to get it filled.
"You don't," Ilare chuckles reassuringly, stepping close and moving with both her partner and the music. Hmm.. Seems she hasn't lost what little help she had from.. lessons.. back... Waaay back, now it seems.
R'ave wraps an arm 'round the bakerlet's waist, glancing toward Reiko. "Uh.. it was an accident, actually.. it was /found/ in the baths, though." Go ahead, be orange. "Careful though, you wake up one morning, and your hair is gone and you're orange and it's strange." And he's not even drunk. "Wanna go home, Lo'?" he asks, tone lowered.
G'deon moves a little closer to his dance partner. It's the crowds, surely. "I here you were tapped for Zephyr wing?" he comments after a moment. "You'll do very well there I think," he then adds, pausing only for a brief transition in the dance. "Thesy is an excellent wingleader, and she could use some more brownriders like you who know what they're doing..." He smiles again, twirling Ilare slightly, all in time with the music.
"I like your hair," Loren giggles, ruffling a hand through the aformentioned attribute cheerfully. And then a blink as the bakerlet attempts to digest the inquiry. "..home?" Blink, blink. "..ooh. Okay. Can we take the wine? Maybe?" Innocent-nondrunk-beam.
Reiko turns the skin upside down over Kinecha's mug, mostly getting the wine into it and not spilling /too/ much. She grins at R'ave's answer, turning wicked eyes to Kinecha, as she manages to remember what they're talking about for more than a few sips... seconds.
R'ave grins brilliantly at Ilare and G'deon, looking all the world like a pleased wherryhen. Except that he's R'ave. "Yes, yes, we can take the wine," he mumbles, hailing his big bronze bus. Taxi...
Loren beams again, snuggling close and toddling carefully Soquilith-wards. Hopefully. "Okay, then," bakerlet murmurs eventually, managing a fingerwiggle towards G'deon and Ilare as she shuffles away. "We'll take the wine." Beam.
Kinecha blinks, and looks up at R'ave, suddenly very attracted to that orange color for some reason. "I'd like to have orange hair," she says, having completely forgotten that just moments ago, she had hated orange. She sniffs at the wine and then downs a gulp, as if it had been ale.
The desert-red dune of Soquilith's shoulder inclines, a foreleg providing Loren secure support.
Ilare chuckles softly, shrugging. "I dunno about that, there are lots more riders far better than I.. but I'm looking forward to it.." Chuckling, she glances over at R'ave and Loren, and would wave... but she's dancing. And they're going! Ah well. "And I heard you're part of Inferno's wing?" Grand ol' Istan tradition of benden wine theft there..
An almost jig like tune picks up, flutes and pipes taking the lead.
R'ave grins lopsided at Kinecha. Doesn't everyone? "I suggest streaking orange first, or you might be shocked." And ending looking like you have a head full of fire. Soquilith keeps an eye on Loren as his rider throws kisses and hand-wags and varieties of things at his clutchmates. "Congrats, y'all!"
The desert-red dune of Soquilith's shoulder inclines, a foreleg providing R'ave secure support.
Soquilith bunches powerful muscles, wings pumping with strength, before leaping into the air.
G'deon nods quickly and grins. "I'd been wondering why Quara kept stopping by to talk whenever Nyls and I were doing drills... I guess now I know." As the music shifts into a faster beat, he arches an eyebrow at Ilare.
Reiko looks surprised to find her glass empty again. She picks up the skin, only to find that that's empty too... guess Kinecha's mug was bigger than she'd thought. She gets to her feet, swaying slightly.
Ilare chuckles faintly, shrugging. Faster, is it? Or just more difficult? She's no clue.. Chuckle.. "Aye, I'd noticed that Quara was around a lot. Got a bit nervewracking occasionally."
The jig keeps up, a pipe doing a complex trill, the flute moving to try and match it. The drum keeps the brisk beat while the flute and pipe chase each other up and down the scale.
"Hey, where're ya going," Kinecha calls out to Reiko as she gets up, finding that her legs actually works as she follows the woman. Leaning on the table she finishes the wine and fills the mug with good ol' ale again. "Tha's better..."
G'deon gently moves into this new dance, a hand moving securely around Ilare's waist. "Did it?" he asks curiously, brows knitting slightly. "I'm sorry, Ila, I hadn't noticed... well, at least we won't have to worry about it anymore..."
Takovic still watches the Harpers, completely enthralled in the music, still managing to keep time with his fingers.
Reiko has managed to refill her glass, and she greets Kinecha with a grin as the guard arrives at the table. "Streaks, huh?" Still thinking about this orange thing. Not that she has any idea where to find orange dye... maybe the kitchens...
Ilare nods slightly, smiling broadly. "Aye, no more worries on that score, at least. Although hopefully our wing schedules won;t clash too horrendously.." Smiling as they twirl about the area in time with the beat, she stifles the barest hint of a yawn. Tired? So soon?
Kinecha smiles broadly, "sound's good to me," she says, her words only slightly slurred by the alcohol. "I think we should find some dye..." And she sips the ale, looking over the rim at Reiko, trying to get a positive that she's in on it.
G'deon glances up at the afternoon sky then grins at the rider beside him. "It's been a long day, hasn't it?" he says softly. "Would you rather just go back to your weyr? I know Nylanth and I have plenty to keep us busy..."
The flute rises to trill playfully, while the pipes wind vines around it. A gitar has picked up, quickly chording.
Takovic is still listening to the music, same pose as before.
Reiko laughs... one sharp, almost cackle, emerald eyes twinkling. "Let's go, then." She tops off her glass and half-walks, half-stumbles down the path back to the Weyr.
Kinecha pushes off the table and almost loses her balance. Taking the mug with her, since it's still halffull (no reason to waste good ale), she follows Reiko down the path.
Reiko heads back down the trail towards the weyr.
Ilare winces vaguely. "S'been a quite a day for all of us." Slowly, they dancing brings them to a slow halt, and she sighs. "I think I'd better. I'm more tired than I thought!" A hint of humour tinges her words.
Back at the Living Caverns....
Elehu glances up from her table, and the untouched meal in front of her. "Oh! Reiko! Is the dancing done already?"
Reiko stumbles in with a half-filled... or is it half-empty? wineglass, intent on some purpose which is interrupted by someone calling her name. She tries to focus... "'Lo, Elehu," she calls brightly. "Who's dancing?" She looks around the caverns suspiciously.
Elehu waves to Kinecha as well, smiling at the both of them. "No, not here. It's pretty quite here. Everyone's up at the meadows dancing..."
Kinecha comes slowly, carefully across the floor, a mug still in her hand. "Hiya, Ele. I never dance, Ele," she says, pulling out a chair. "D'you know where to get orange dye, Ele?" Her mission not forgotten. Orange hair had gotten her firm attention.
Takovic walks jerkily in from the Central Bowl.
"Well..." Elehu glances first at Kinecha, then Reiko, then waves to Takovic as he enters. "The weavers would have some, I'm sure. You might want to use the baths though, in case you spill."
Reiko grins widely. Weavers! Why hadn't she thought of that? "I'll go," she says brightly, starting off unsteadily in some random direction, then stopping. "Um. Where's the weavers?"
Kinecha gets up to follow Reiko, and realizes that she's never been to the weavers, in a whole Turn here. And she's supposed to guard the entire Weyr. Who's embarrassed now?
Elehu nods towards the Crafting Area. "Up the steps there," she offers helpfully as she turns the glass on the table in front of her, fingers light on the stem as the red liquid swishes slowly.
Reiko waves. "Thanksh," she calls cheerfully, setting off toward the stairs.
Reiko opts for broad stairs that lead up to the Crafting rooms above the inner caverns.
Kinecha follows Reiko carefully up the stairs, keeping to the side where she has something to lean on.
A few moments later...
Kinecha walk carefully down the stairs again supporting herself on the wall. How she was ever going to take her shift would be a mystery even to herself if she remembered it.
Reiko stumbles down the stairs behind Kinecha, giggling, and waves at the others cheerfully before heading off to the inner caverns.
Elehu eyes Reiko and Kinecha curiously, a soft smile on her lips. "Are you two alright?" she calls out.
Reiko stops at the entranceway to wait, turning to beam at Elehu. "Sure," she says. "Why?"
Kinecha grins, just fine, and happy, happy, happy. Which she hadn't been for a long time. "Yeah, we're fine," she says and almost runs into Reiko at the inner caverns' entranceway.
Elehu smiles again and shrugs. "I'm a Healer, it's my job to ask?" she replies, winking at the two. "Have fun."
Reiko waves brightly and disappears.
If nowhere else in the Reaches, the baths always promise to be warm...
Steam enshrouds, a misty curtain that veils the room. Pools abound, water constantly swirling, warm and inviting; soapsand waits on nearby ledges for easy access. Racks of clothes stand by the door, freshly washed clothing hang from some, and bundles of yet to be washed clothes fill mutliple baskets beneath. Large cupboard doors open to reveal multitude of fresh, soft towels, and plenty of bathing items -- sponges, pumice stones, and back scrubbers.
Ducking steamclouds are Parekis, Oceanus, Marp, and Kyoei.
Kinecha sits down on the stone floor, and removes her boots, grinning as she does so. Pulling of her socks one by one she doesn't give much thought to keeping them dry so she leaves them on the wet floor. She shrugs out of the pants and leaves them in a heap, along with her shirts that follow. "Ready," she says, cheerily, and moves into the water.
Reiko gahs at the heat, a flush coming to her face... or is it the wine? She sets her glass down on the floor and tugs off her boots, shrugging out of her clothing with a sigh. Much better. What are they doing again? She looks around, finally spying the mug of ale... no, orange dye. Yeah. She picks it up, holding it carefully in both hands, and steps down into the bathing pool.
Kinecha lets her head underwater. Hot water, not the best way to get sober fast. But at least now her hair was wet, right? "You got the dye," she asks of Reiko her eyes swimming and trying to focus, both from alcohol and steam. "This'll be beautiful, dontcha think?" Yup, newly appointed guard has now completely convinced herself that orange hair is a great thing.
Reiko beams. "Yup." To both questions. She moves closer, then hesitates, looking from white-blond hair to orange dye and back, not sure of the best way to bring the two together.
Kinecha looks at the orange dye too. "Guess, it just goes in huh?" she states, not knowing a thing about dying hair. Only leathers, has she tried to dye once. "Just kinda rub it in?" She's ready for it at any rate. She wants her orange hair now!
Reiko giggles and pours, having to reach up a bit to get the mug over the taller woman's head, and is promptly rewarded with a streak of flaming orange over
Kinecha's right ear, and a slick of orange dye spreading across the surface of the water. "Oooh. Your hair dyes /easy/," she croons, reaching up to pour again. Hopefully in a different spot. It's kind of hard to focus her eyes.
Kinecha grins widely, "great, I reckon it'll be great," she says, trying to screw her eyes around to see the top of her head. Which, of course, is impossible. But she does she the dye in the water and tries to catch it with her fingers. "Ahh, this is a /great/ color!"
Reiko pours again, resulting in a slightly crooked streak on the other side of Kinecha's head. Oops, the mug is almost empty! She looks down at the slick of color on the surface of the water, and tries to pick some of it up... so she's not thinking rationally... and rubs her now-orange hand over Kinecha's head.
Kinecha giggles, and tries to do the same herself. Picking up some of that orange color from the water and rubbing it into her own hair. "This is goood," she croons, and then giggles again. How very un-Necha-like.
Reiko giggles too and dumps the rest of the dye over Kinecha's head, letting it drip in flame-orange rivulets down her face and neck. "Put your head under," she suggests, pointing to the slick of dye. "'fore it washes away."
Kinecha takes a deep breath and dunks her head under the dye floating on the water. She shakes it around, before coming up for air, and then turns to Reiko. "How's it look, Reik?" Her eyes glitter with amusement, and she stands ever so wobbly in the water.
Reiko beams. "Beautiful." Well, to her drunken eyes anyway. It might be a little uneven. She dunks her own head into what's left of the dye floating on the water, coming up with the barest of a flame-orange sheen highlighting jet black hair. "Can't do much with mine," she laments, holding a bit out to examine it.
"Guess not," Kinecha says with a little saddness in her eyes. "But your hair is beautiful as it is." She smiles, goes to the edge and crawl out of the baths and finds a towel. Rubbing her hair furiously with it, it comes away screaming orange. "Oops," she mutters, then grins and shrugs. Who cares about an orange towel when you have orange hair?
Reiko beams again. "Y'think so?" 'Course, it's plastered to her head and dripping at the moment, but a compliment's a compliment. Now she's really feeling that wine, plus the heat of the baths, and just lounges back on a bench, still up to her neck in the steaming water. Nice.
"Absolutely," Kinecha says, nodding, still holding the soiled towel in her hands. "Thou' I could never understand how girl could manage long hair." She looks down at the towel again, then shrugs and rubs her hair once more, then throws it away to the side and moves to her clothes and starts dressing.
Reiko chuckles drowsily. "Not long," she says. It's only to her chin, after all. 'Course, compared to Kinecha's... but that's a bit extreme.
Kinecha grins, and reaches down to get her boots on, coming off balance and almost headdives into the basin. She manages to stop the fall, though and sits down on her butt, to pull her boots on. "Y'know, I could do with some juice right 'round now." She grins up at Reiko. No more alcohol for sure, since she was still feeling the effects of... How much ale? And wine?
Reiko mmms. "Klah." Yeah, that'd be good. She drags herself reluctantly out of the water and goes to dry off. Hm. Why's her towel orange too? Oh, yeah. Not that it'll show. Sigh. She pulls her clothes back on, then her boots. "Okay."
"Yeah," Kinecha says and gets off the wet floor. "Ready?" She moves slowly to the exit, finding that if she just moved slowly, she could move - fairly - straight.
Reiko keeps one hand on the wall, fingers just barely touching stone as she moves along. Just that little bit to steady her. And follows.
Back at the Living Caverns...
Tatia leans forward slightly, lips already parting for another question. G'deon's really amazingly interesting tonight. "V'tor? You danced with..." And suddenly, midquestion, the greenrider is distracted, and she leans back to offer an amazingly bright smile to the entering bronzerider. "R'ave! Did /you/ get to dance much today?" Oh look. /Two/ of them.
Kinecha stumbles in, looking behind her to make sure Reiko is with her. "Tha' was great, Reik," she says and moves slowly to the counter to get a glass of juice.
R'ave saunters into the caverns, looking a fraction more manly in pink leathers -- pink /pants/, rather than a dress. "Yep, I guess I did," he drawls, subdued by the dormancy of his lifemate. Kinecha, Reiko, and Desyana tossed a smile as he weaves toward G'd and Tat.
Reiko makes her way in no less unsteadily, a bit dismayed at having to let go of the wall to cross the caverns, but it's the only way to get to the klah pot. She somehow crosses the room without falling down, and pours herself a mug. Much better.
Kinecha moves to a table, her orange-streaked hair still dripping. She practically falls into a chair and looks around the cavern trying to put names to those slurred faces, but is somehow unable to do so.
"Wonderful," Tatia draws, voice slipping so low it's nearly a purr. The pair of females gets a sharp glance over R'ave's shoulder before her eyes move back to him. In pink. But Tat's not particular. "It's really too bad I had to leave.. I would have been sure to grab you for a dance..."
G'deon smiles at Kinecha and Reiko as the pair enter, waving to them both before he returns his wineglass to his lips.
Desyana laughs silently at the image of Tat and R'ave. Almost as amusing as Lis and R'ave earlier tonight. But hey, it's a weyr...
Reiko's hair is dripping, too, but it's still jet black. Can't do much with that, nope. She moves to a chair not far from Kinecha, holding her mug tightly in both hands as if it might slip through her fingers.
R'ave is a force to be reckoned with. In pink. Don't laugh? "Ah.. you would've?" he questions offhandedly, fiddlign with the fleecy cuff of his jacket. "Tat, you're drunk, aren't you?" He'd rather assume drunk, because proddyTat is scary.
Elehu quickly but quietly walks in from the Central Bowl.
Tatia nods swiftly, head bobbing as it tilts again. "Of /course/ I would've," she replies before her eyes widen in denial. And it's actual denial, too. "I am /not/! I haven't had a drop to drink!" Her tone, however, is far from scolding as her mug is lifted in proof. Tea. See? Sorry, try option number two..
G'deon glances up just as Elehu enters. He waves her over quickly and smiles, then finally manages to get ahold of a drudge. "Hey, hun, how are you?" he asks quietly. "Would you like anything to eat? Drink?"
Kinecha leans across the table, her arms stretching out in front of her. Tired? Not really, just that her head is spinning or is it the cavern that's spinning?
Elehu walks over to G'deon, a faint smile on her lips. "Hi, Gideon, and a glass of wine would great right now." She falls into the chair next to the bronzerider as she nods to the others.
R'ave kicks a leg over the arm of his chair, affording Tatia a supreme look of terror. That culminates in an eloquent squeak. "Don't.. don't tell me you're..." He has proddy-radar, you see. Twitch/
Desyana is tempted to slip over to that table as well.. ohhh, wouldn't Tatia just grow wings! What fun to see that happen.. Picking up her wine, she does just that. "Hello again G'deon." Nods to the newcomer and completely ignores the dragonrider as she sits.
Kinecha groans at the sound of someone wanting wine. No more of such thing for her, and she wraps her arms around her head, and her newly dyed orange hair. She can't even get herself to drink the juice she'd poured feeling a sudden nausia come over her.
Kariel arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
G'deon murmurs an order to the drudge who slowly makes his way to the kitchens, returning a minute or two later with a rather large skin of wine, cool to the touch. "How about some white wine out of Paradise Island?" he says to the Healer with a grin, grabbing a clean glass and filling it for her before topping off his own. "You look rather... tired." He glances over to Desyana and smiles. "Hello again, Syan. Have you met Elehu here? She's a Healer out of Ista, visiting right now." He smiles over at the said Healer and drapes an arm around her shoulders.
Tatia's gaze whips around sharply. Poor R'ave.. he's getting ignored for the moment. Because, you see, G'deon's not paying attention to her anymore, and other females are lurking near. "G'deon. You never did tell me why you were dancing with V'tor..."
Reiko sips her klah slowly. Carefully. As if it were supremely important. She looks up suddenly as Kinecha groans and starts to look worried. "You're not gonna... um... get sick, or anything, are you?" Not in the middle of all these people. Eating. Ew.
R'ave doesn't mind -- he's had his share of proddiness for the day. There's only so much a guy can take before his brain explodes and drizzles out his ears, you see.
Kariel is all droopyish. Becuase he's a man in the doghouse. And is sleeping on the Infirmary cots at the moment. Which isn't pleasant, when you know you have a nice warm bed you /could/ be in. And thus, he grabs an innocent, sickeningly sweet glass of redfruit juice and sips mournfully. If only KAlette hadn't been there when he drank the wine. Alas.
Elehu giggles softly at the mention of V'tor. "I must admit, Gids, I was wondering the same thing." She nods in thanks for the glass of wine, from which she takes a careful sip.
"'Course not," Kinecha states with absolute certainty. "I jus' shouldn't have mixed ale and wine, 's all." Makes her feel lousy, but not so sick that she'd throw up, or anything. 'Sides she was too proud of her new orange hair and wanted to show it to more people. (While she's still drunk)
Desyana says, "Well met Elehu, welcome to the wonderful weyr of High Reaches. Although I do think I saw you earlier at the party. What brings you up this high?"
The corner of G'deon's mouth quirks up in a grin as he glances first at Tatia, then at Elehu. "I was, um, rescuing someone. From V'tor." That should explain it, no? He drains half his glass and lets it sit on the table. For now.
Elehu smiles warmly at Desyana and nods. "Aye, I was up there alright. The ship I've been posted to is docked down at the Hold for repairs. I figured since we'd be there for a while I'd come up to the Weyr and visit my old friends," at which G'deon gets a jab in the side. "Besides, I like it up here. It reminds me of home." She glances over at Kinecha and smiles slightly, an eyebrow arching at the sight of the orange hair.
Oh. Ohhh. Look at all the happy little people and their wine. They're so... /happy/. Sipping redfruit juice a bit more, Kare scuttles closer to the group to at least breathe the alcoholic fumes of joy... he might could get drunk off of that, couldn't he? If he's really good and breathes deeply?
Tatia's eyes narrow slightly. Elehu just isn't taking the hint. "G'deon," she tries again, managing to lean toward the bronzerider. "He couldn't possibly have been a good dancer... it's really too bad I had to leave." Eyes narrow further. Rescuing someone? This is not good. "You were rescuing.. who?" she questions, voice low, nearly grating. Ahh, and R'ave.. Tatia tosses him a quick smile and another question. She can juggle. See? "I hope /you/ didn't have to dance with anyone like.. V'tor?"
Desyana says, "I think I need to meet this 'V'ctor. I already saw N'sync in action, somehow missed this character." Grins at G'deon and raises ehr glass in a small salute. "From all the ladies here, I thank you."
"Nah, V'tor didn't like my dress," R'ave answers the greener, in all seriousness. "Lis, Py, and Loren." So no, he didn't get any boys in the mix -- if only because his dress was too type.
Desyana turns at glares at the 'healer' hanging about them. As if he needs any wine? He needs to make his wits sharper, not duller. She still isn't sleeping properly, but at least she found someone to help with her stomach. Another healer gave her some herbal teas.
Kinecha leans back in her chair, staring at the still full glass of juice sitting there. She just couldn't get herself to drink it and wondered why she'd even poured it.
Reiko's eyes are glazed over, staring dully into her klah mug.
G'deon doesn't waste time really. Nor wine, having just finished off his glass, filling it with the chilled skin of white wine on the table. "Well, honestly.... he wasn't that bad of a dancer." And Gids would know. "Not quite my type though," he adds, winking at the greenrider. At Elehu's comment he tightens his grip on her slightly and smiles. "Just couldn't stay away, huh?" He glances up in time to see
Desyana's glance, and he frowns slightly. So maybe this bronzer isn't so bright...
Kariel is a very good healer. Whine. But when someone comes in with stomach problems, he automatically assumes pregnancy anymore. It's no offense to her. How was he supposed to know there was still an illusive virgin lurking about? Harumph. And so he continues to breathe the fumes... see, what is misunderstood here, is that Kariel is crazy /without/ wine. Call it a necessity. Or a tolerance. Or whatever.
Elehu turns to study Kinecha for a moment, a worried look passing over her features. "Does Necha look alright to you?" she whispers to G'deon. Never mind she's the Healer, not him. She shivers slightly and takes another sip of her wine. "Say... this isn't that bad, Gid..." Distraction... good.
Kinecha just can't gather herself enough to go to the HQ. In her oppinion it might as well be on the other side of Pern, for all her legs were doing for her. So she just sits there, waiting for her legs to start working again. *hic*
Tatia's not sure R'ave's list is any better.. and she's /certainly/ not happy about the lack of attention still being paid to her. Headache seems to have mysteriously vanished with her new focus. Maybe if she tries one at a time? The greenrider's not used to this... and she's certainly not sure /why/.. but she won't be happy til every eye is on her.. at least, the male ones. "Well /I/ thought the dress was rather... flattering," she returns quickly. That's it. Start with R'ave. Less competition in that direction.
Desyana says, "May I try it as well? My glass is empty and my stomach has much improved since S'nor brought that healer from Ista to me." Offers her glass to G'deon with a bit of a smouldering look, and no.. she doesn't have a proddy gren.. she's just being her. "Thank you."
P'rru marches with clipped steps in from the Central Bowl.
G'deon nods to Desyana and quickly complies, her glass and his own topped off with the white substance. "An Istan Healer?" he asks curiously, eyes drifting to Kinecha, then Reiko, then over to Tatia and R'ave.
P'rru seems rather happy with himself as he strides inside, boots freshly polished and clacking on the floor. Oh and there's that new knot too, gleaming on his shoulder. Leathers aside, the brownrider heads for the klah pots, giving a few recogniseable faces a nod and smile.
Elehu also seems to perk at the mention of this. "Istan? Which Healer?" she asks curiously, leaning forward, her elbows resting on the table. Her own gaze as well rests on the two women across the cavern, both of whom seem a bit reluctant to drink anything...
Reiko rouses herself enough to take another sip from her rapidly cooling mug, barely noticing that there's even anyone else in the room. Except Kinecha. Can't miss that hair. And she's right in front of her, after all.
R'ave interrupts a short examination of his boots to lift a wry gaze to the greenrider, mouth kinking into a lopsided smile. "It was the boots," he amends, a sweep of crimson coloring his cheeks. "It's too bad you didn't feel well.."
Desyana says, "Yes, I've been staying with S'nor and he was getting concerned about the problems I have been having. After he heard about the lack of help I got here, he brought a friend of his up to help me. He didn't wnat me going ::between::. Her name was Aerrin, do you know her?"
Kariel feels hurt. And pain. "You went to another Healer?" Gawk. Whine. He apologized for thinking she was pregnant. Geez louiiise. And he was replaced. Whine. Gimme wine. No. Wine means more time on the couch... and less time in his room and... oh, screw it.
Kinecha draws the juice towards her and sniffs it. Wincing she discards it and calls for a drudge to bring her klah insted. Maybe that'll go down better. Steaming hot klah. Yeah, that'd be good.
P'rru has not got a proddy-radar. Instead, old brownrider is just wary of all greenriders that have dragons old enough to get to that glowing stage. Nevertheless he fills a mug and wanders by the ex-weyrlings "R'ave, G'deon, Tatia.." he names them before folding into a chair beside Kinecha, eyes lingering on her hair. "Interesting colour" he mentions, taking a sup "Though I wouldn't have chosen it myself...." ahem.
Desyana turns and stares at Kariel. "Possibly you apologised, but you also did /nothing/ for me. You never even offereed a solution of any sort. I needed help, not idiotic diagnosis taken from face value and no questions asked. And.. you were /rude/ about it as well."
"You thought she was pregnant?" Elehu asks, finally joining the conversation. She just blinks for a moment at Desyana, then G'deon. "And yes, I know Aerrin... is she still here?" she adds, giving Syan a warm smile.
"Huh?" Kinecha says and then beams him a smile. Still not sober enough to regret the choise herself. "Yeah, it's great isn't it?" Her klah arrives and she holds the mug in her hands, sniffing it. Yeah, definately better'n juice.
Tatia lifts that one shoulder again in a shrug, this time even managing a hint of coyness to the movement. She's learning.. give her time. "Well, at least Vesp got to stay," she notes lowly before dropping her gaze to the indicated boots. Her gaze rakes upward slowly in a look that is most /definately/ not usual Tat-fare, and eyes settle on R'ave's. Smoldering? Ah yes, that's a good word. "I don't know.. I don't think the /boots/ are all that nice." And those still smoldering eyes lift to P'rru. Another one.. is she ready for two? Never hurts to try. "G'day," she greets, offering a tilting smile.
Reiko beams unsteadily at P'rru, kind of even remembering him, but she's not sure. "Isn't it /pretty/?"
Kariel shrugs. "She came in escorted by a male dragonrider complaining of prolonged stomach pain. And it's a weyr." Humph. "Of /course/ I thought she was pregnant." And then he sighs... and glares a little. "I would have helped. IF you hadn't of gotten mad at me. Hmph." Poutpout/pout/.
P'rru cranks an eyebrow as he studies the young guard, tongue clucking. "Well, you'll learn.." is all the sage advice he offers before Tatia's purring voice draws his attention "Hello, Tatia..." he replies vaguely. Ahem. Leave him out of proddy games. Jhia was bad enough.
R'ave wags a hand at P'rru benignly, jaw gone slack at the look he's getting from Tat. "You're Oren-infected, just like Lis," he points out blandly, an absent gesture made by the flicker of his fingers. "Cute, Tat, care for a little whiskey?" He has the strangest urge to drink..
"Learn," she mumbles, her gaze moving to Reiko, refocusing them before seeing the woman clearly, "learn what?" As if Reiko had that answer.
Desyana says, "You never even asked /how/ prolonged or what my medical history might be or if there was anything else. As it turns out I may be the last virgin in this weyr, but I would expect you to treat any woman as such until you get a pertinent history. And saying 'Okay, just spread your legs' is far from being polite about it." Oh she is on a tear now. Probably shouldn't have gotten her started. "And as I recall, you never asked after I told you that one little fact if there might have been anything I ate or drank or not, anything at all..."
Reiko's lost, too, don't ask her. Past sleepy, she's just sitting there with a giddy, stupid smile on her face. "I dunno." Klah's cold... but she drinks it anyhow. Yeah. It's there.
Elehu frowns slightly, shifting in her chair as she crosses one leg over the other, her wine glass held firmly between her fingertips. "Assuming a diagnosis... but, you asked the normal questions right?" Not that she knows /all/ of them, she's a Mindhealer after all. She glances at Syan and quiets, just leaning back again. Not her business anyway.
"I'm /what/?" That accusation is enough to bring a bit of the normal Tatia back, and she snaps the question quickly. Proddy or not.. and she'll claim not.. Tat's not putting up with comparisions to Oren. Or Lis. Or whatever the case may be. She pouts, prettily, even, eyes flashing at R'ave. "That's not a nice thing to say." His offer of whiskey is barely noticed, for the moment.
Kinecha gaze swings back to P'rru, her vision blurred from the slight movement. "Learn what, P'rru," she asks the brownrider, her voice not nearly as blurred as it had been.
Desyana looks to elehu.. "oh he asked nothing.. I told him I was having problems sleeping and some stomach cramps and he decided I was pregnant. simple as that. And then when I explained that wasn't possible, he went silent and that was that. Nothing more from him.
P'rru lifts his shoulders in an easy shrug "Many things Kinecha, one of which alcohol in excess is never enjoyable in the morning after..." speaking from experience, he's an old fusty fart remember, and doesn't ever get drunk. Oy.
R'ave grins, fumbling for a shotglass -- no, a mug, and spashling the toe-curlingly strong liquid therewithin. "I said you were cute, too," he objects, the whiskey-skin held by the neck and extended to the greenrider. "Your headache will go away completely." Just get tipsy.
Kariel glares in his most steadfast of manners, eyes narrowing. "You are at a weyr. I get at least a person a day who's pregnant around here." And he sniffs the air... then plainly raspberries at the girl. Haha. Mean people get raspberries. Indeed. And so he flops into his chair and continues to breathe the alcoholic fumes.
Kinecha grins broadly, "oh, alcohol. Well, I though I had something to celebrate," she says and nods *hic*. "After all, I'm finally a guard and I haven't been drinking in, in.... In over a Turn." So there. She had a right to get drunk this day. And what better way to do than with friend of hers, who were graduating to full riders?
Elehu shifts again, the frown on her face growing slightly. "Um... still..." The corner of her mouth quirks slightly in some sort of grimace. "Assumption gets you nothing but trouble. Even though you think you know what the diagnosis is, you should still go through all the proper steps... That's why we have them." Lecture by Ele now over.
Desyana says, "And that 'sir' is so very professional. I am most impressed. I believe that I will be doing my healer business with my new found friend Aerrin. She has a reasonable and professional manner. Thank Faranth for that. How did /you/ slip through the Hall's cracks, one has to wonder?"
Tipsy? That's a new one for Tatia, but if it holds the bronzerider's attention... Hey, she can't help it if lash-fluttering and low voices don't come naturally to her. "Cute? Really?" There's actual disbelief in her question, but a hint of a pleased purr as well. She takes the skin with a slightly suspicious glance, gazing down at it. "I've never heard a healer recomend alcohol for a headache..." Shards. Yes, the greenrider must analyze everything.
Kariel points to Elehu and mutters incoherantly. "Hey! I outrank you." And then he just wines, curling up into a ball in his chair. "I want my bed baaaaack." Randomness? Of /course/ not.
Elehu arches an eyebrow suddenly. "Oh do you?" she asks quietly. A little too quietly. "Just how do you explain that? And how does that mean I can't point out a correction on Hall business. You /are/ still in the Healer Craft, Weyrhealer."
R'ave grumbles softly. "Kariel's got two pregnant women on his hands, cut him a little slack, guys, it's just your pride. Pride is /stupid/." Ask anyone, R'a has little to speak of. "Of course they don't, Tat. When you drink, you get drunk. Healers can't recommend inebriation." They can, however, make moral judgements of others, it seems. Glare.
P'rru has been listening to Desyana's gripes and shoots her a sympathetic face. "S'nor will have good news for you" he makes mention, trying to shift to something less confrontational. As always.
Kariel raspberries again. And slinks further into his chair. And then simply blinks. Eh? R'ave is defending him. Maybe he successfully got drunk? Eyes peeping over his chair arm, he looks to R'ave curiously... and then hees. "Thanks, R'ave. Can you make Kalette give me my bed back?" Because he surely can't.
Oren arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Desyana noe glares at the rider in pink. "I would cut him slack except he is a healer and my health was in his care and he did /not/ do his job anywhere near properly. Please, you know nothing about it!"
Oren clears his throat. "Hey, move aside, move aside, man with a mission here," says Oren, looking like he just tumbled out of bed. (Since he kinda...did.) A lazy, sleepy leer is thrown at the ladies in the room as he grabs a flask of wine and promptly starts chugging. "Aaah. Thassa way to wake up."
"/Two/ pregnant women... I see," Elehu replies to R'ave. "Very interesting. And... this is impairing his performance in the Weyr? Most unfortunate." Her tone could almost be icy if she'd keep from drinking that wine.
Tatia frowns. Paying attention to healers is not paying attention to her.. though at least this one's not female. "R'ave," she begins, leaning toward the bronzerider to gain his attention. Of course. "I thought it tended to /cause/ headaches.. not get rid of them?" Sigh. And still, argumentative at heart.
Hyzen meekly steps in from the Central Bowl.
G'deon shifts slightly in his chair, his arm leaving from Elehu's shoulders as he scoots his chair back, long legs stretching under the table. This is definitely not his area of expertise.
Kinecha slides further down her chair, one hand scratching her orange hair and the other holding that klah-mug tight. Noticing Oren, she rolls her eyes and wishes someone would help her get back to the HQ.
"Only one belongs to me." Kare insists, looking to Elehu and crinkling his nose. "Leave me alone. No one else is dissatisfied." And without his wine, Kare lookses all tact... looking at Desy and harumphing. "Get bent. Leave me 'lone. Wanna sleep." Drowsy eyes.
P'rru huffs rather pronouncedly. Here he was ready for some quiet chit chat in the caverns and there's an argument, brewed and ready. "Kinecha, Dsalth wouldn't mind seeing you if you've got time..." yep brownrider will slip out.
R'ave snorts. "There are some miracles even I can't perform," cuts the bronzerider sarcastically. Is that an Oren in the far distance? "One's his, and Oren," R'a points out for Elehu's benefit, "got his ex-girlfriend knocked up." He's only usuing these terms to irritate, you see. Tatia is a greenrider however, and she's more important than priggish holders -- at least at the moment. "Only if you get /very/ drunk, and I wouldn't let you get that drunk, Tat." His promise is his word, after all, even when his expression is leery.
Desyana stands up and stalks over to the slouching healer.. "Excuse me????? did you dare say what I believe I just heard? I demand you apologise this instant. I have done nothing to deserve this treatment of you and I will report it to your superiors."
Kinecha looks up, still trying to get her vision to function, "see me?" Oh, the hair, right? Her newly dyed, beautiful orange hair. "Thanks, P'rru, I think I need some fresh air anyways," she says and gets out of her chair, finding that her legs actually works! And are only slightly wobbly. Waving to Reiko she says, "thanks for the help, Reik. I'll see you?"
Reiko's head swings around widely and unsteadily at the raised voices, emerald eyes widening as she becomes aware of the gathering crowd. Wow. She looks into her empty mug a little sadly, then hears her name and swings her head around again. "Oh... seeya, Necha." Beam. Klah...
Elehu just stares at Kariel for a moment, her mouth in a thin line. She just shakes her head though, her face relaxing as she waves to Kinecha.
P'rru gets all fatherly and wraps an arm around Kinecha's waist. "Come along then, lass, out we go..."
P'rru exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Oren brings the wine flask with him, swigging every couple of seconds. He whips back unruly fiery red hair, flashing white teeth in a rakish grin at Desyana. "Hey gorgeous. You know, I do love a sassy girl that looks good when she's mad. And're /mad/ beautiful." Wait. Does that make sense? Ah, well. As a backup, he gives Reiko a cheeky wink. And then he gives Tatia a nasty little leer. Because he's Oren.
Central Bowl
Seven spindles brush the clouds -- quite literally -- overhead, a jagged, spired cotillion grey-stoned majesty. The bowl from here is expansively large, extending a full half mile in both directions, and although sometimes a bit of a stretch, most of the hubs of activity can be easily observed. Hard-packed ground shows the common pathways, all of them meandering about the craggy bunch of boulders that form a centerpiece: carven, hand-worn and foothold-full, it gives a bit of centerpoint to the otherwise vast emptiness of the area.
To the north lie the hatching grounds and leadership weyrs, while the lows of herdbeasts mark the feeding pens to the northeast. A flurry of ever-present activity marks the living caverns to the west, and another time-traveled path the ground weyrs just adjacent to the southwest. Southeast, a glint of blue shows the lake, glittering and cold.
It is a summer evening. The light fades, and the first stars begin to peek through the night sky. The moons begin to rise, bathing the land in their cooler glow.
Clinging to footholds in the boulder-mound are fifteen firelizards.
Brown Revnath, blue Lainnoth, green Yshanth, brown Fallanth, bronze Soquilith, Brown Dsalth, green Imbriath, and blue Erranth are here.
Annalee and P'rru are here.
Annalee strides to the Caverns.
Kinecha comes out, more or less steadied by P'rru. Maybe she /did/ have too much to drink tonight. But she /used/ to be able to hold her liquor? "Thanks, P'rru," she says and takes a deep breath of the evening air.
Dsalth lifts sorrel head from forelegs, glancing over towards his P'rru and the towards Kinecha. Musty rumble echoes audibly around the bowl, large bulk rising and slowly trudging closer towards the two with a slightly concerned look.
P'rru keeps a watchful eye on Kinecha as they round closer to his lifemate. "Yes, old lughead, here she is...and please don't tell me you actually /like/ that hair colour on her either" he teases, a smile broadening wrinkled features. Fingers reach up to connect with sorrel muzzle, hands scrubbing. "So tell me Kinecha, when did this promotion to full guard occur? Sorry I missed it..."
"Heyy, Dsalth, you looking good tonight," Kinecha says cheerfully to the dragon and then turns to P'rru. "Just a few days ago, so I figured this was a fine excuse to celebrate." She smiles at him, but her legs are still a little wobbly. "And it was actually fun." Yup, the guard had fun for once, and hadn't worried about others or family or anything. Just having fun. "Ya know, P'rru, you've been a really good friend..."
Dsalth whuffles along Kinecha's face gently, before he literally plonks out a forepaw and pushes her down to sit on it with his rusted tail. P'rru smiles "Thank you, Kinecha, but really I have done rather little..." modest to the core. Fingers continue their scrubbing along dragon's maw as the bag of bones snorts gently towards the guard.
Kinecha actually giggles as she's pushed down to sit. Too drunk to worry about her tough-image, her eyes sparkle and she looks up at P'rru. "Well, I ain't never had a friend like you..."
Purr is one of a kind- stuffy, stodgy and fatherly to almost every young person that comes into view. "Please, Kinecha, fellows like me are a mark a dozen" he continues denying it. "Your a marvelous person yourself..." Dsalth purrs, vibrations making his neckridges bristle in agreement.
Annalee steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Reiko stumbles out of the caverns a little unsteadily.
Kinecha is not someone who takes compliments easily and her face turns red, making her whole head look like a sunset. "Thanks.. I guess," she says hesitantly, feeling all the more sober, all of a sudden.
Annalee looks first at P'rru, then at Kinecha, then winks at her wingsecond. "Behave yourself, Purr."
Dsalth curls around Kinecha before his head lifts, eyes whirring at the bluerider. P'rru smiles at Annalee "Always do, always do" indeed there's never any unsaid motives to his behaviour! Quick to trade another glance at Reiko, however, the brownrider waves at her. "Looks like you helped our guard here celebrate.."
Reiko looks up, beaming foolishly. "Yup." She makes her way over to them. "Hey." Well, it's kind of a greeting. "I got the dye. Isn't it /pretty/?" One hand tugs at her own, stubbornly black, hair. "I tried t'do mine to, but it wouldn't ta-ake." Pout.
Annalee just chuckles quietly, then slips up onto Erranth and heads back to her weyr.
Above, Pilloeth takes off from Pilloeth's ledge.
Erranth huddles close to the ground, offering one cushiony arm to boost Annalee up as she clambers up the straps, settling between harper-blue neck ridges.
Above, Pilloeth drops down towards the Bowl.
Pilloeth drops in from above, landing with a light *thud*.
S'nor slides from Pilloeth's neck and lands gently on the ground.
Elehu steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Settled 'tween Erranth's harper-blue ridges, Annalee waves down at S'nor before silently urging Erranth upwards.
S'nor gracefully 'falls' from his dragon's neck and smiles over at P'rru, "G'day to you P'rru," he bows as he limp/stagger's toward the LC..
Erranth takes off.
P'rru chuckles at Reiko, Dsalth rumbling to the incoming Pilloeth from his snuggled heap around Kinecha. "S'nor..." P'rru replies to the wingsecond. Obviously he'd had that whole wineskin to himself. A vague smile sweeps over his features before he's analysing Reiko's hair. "I'd suggest you'd lighten it first- go see the dye woman in Ista, she'll make it light brown, then you could go orange..."
Elehu stops just outside, rather surprised perhaps to find it's evening already. She nods to the others still in the bowl as she's careful not to waver too much.
Kinecha tries to get up from the ground, finding her legs more steady now, although not completely so. "It was Reik, who thought orange would be a great color. And she was right, dontcha think?" Still happy, yup. Although, sobering up too.
Reiko beams at Kinecha's day-glo hair. "It's /pretty/." So she's repeating herself. Then she picks at her own hair again. Lighten? Hm.
Elehu smiles at Kinecha and Reiko. "Fancy meeting you here," she says softly. She then waves to P'rru. "Beautiful night..." As Kinecha struggles to get to her feet however, the Healer frowns and takes a few steps towards her. "Necha, are you doing alright?"
P'rru leans against Dsalth's shoulders as the brown leans forward, sniffing at Elehu. "Aye, it's pretty" he tells the girls a slight white lie, no harm in it right? "And it's a rather nice night, not at all chilly" well, not much anyway. It is high reaches afterall.
Kinecha waves the healer off with a broad grin on her face. "I'm jus' drunk, Ele... Used to be I could drink anyone under the table..." Not anymore it seems, and isn't that a shame?
Not a shame at all, Reiko thinks. If Necha wasn't so drunk, she'd never have that /pretty/ hair. Whee. "I'm drunk, too," she says helpfully, as if that weren't obvious.
Elehu smiles at P'rru and nods her agreement. Then at Kinecha's comment she shrugs softly. "Well... I guess you'll be alright then," she replies quietly, grinning over at Reiko as well. "Well, if I'm not needed here I suppose I have other thinks to do..." Right.
Right. Other things to do. Like sleep. Kinecha needed sleep now, and she gives a long look at the HQ, wondering if she could make it there and into her cot.
Dsalth stretches lazily back down near P'rru's feet. "Off to bed is it then?" he notes, catching Kinecha's glance towards her home. "Sure you'll get there alright?"
Reiko beams brightly. "I'll help ya," she offers. Right. She can barely stand up herself. But it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
Kinecha nods slowly. If she puts her mind to it, she'll get there without accident. "I'll see ya later. Bye P'rru, bye Reik, bye Ele." That was everybody right. Oh no, one more, "bye Dsalth," she says and grins at Reiko offering to help, and leans against her. Counterbalance, right? They'll get there, no problem.
Elehu does linger for a moment... just a moment, in case of any accidents or something...
You sense that Dsalth snorts <<Your hair is nice>> a field of cactus's spike sharpley <<You would be better sleeping in my couch, then I could make sure you are alright>> can he keep you? puhlease? :P
Reiko, amazingly, doesn't fall down when Kinecha leans into her. Whee! With a wave to 'rider and healer, she starts off with Necha toward the HQ. It might take a little while, and they might not take the most direct /path/, but...
Kinecha is already halfway to the HQ, when she turns to stare at the brown. "What did you say?!"
P'rru blinks down at his lifemate's rather rosewood head. "Nevermind him.." he pales slightly. "He's just smitten" ahem. Dsalth purrs contendtedly once more, orbs whirring vaguely pink.
Reiko loses her balance when Kinecha turns, falling heavily to the ground. She looks up, bewildered. "What?"
You sense that Dsalth sends plumes of vagrant yellows <<You must listen harder, little Kinecha>> a green dash mingles <<I said my couch is comfortable, it has fresh furs on it, Purr cleans it every day>>
Kinecha's eyes widen. Smitten? That wasn't exactly something she'd expected from a dragon. "Dsalth wants me to sleep on his couch," she whispers to Reiko, then shakes her head, and waves the dragon off. How would she even get up there?!
Elehu shifts her rucksack on her shoulder, and with a glance at the others she begins to shuffle away. "Alright, I'll... I'll just be going. Necha, remember to stop by in the morning for those stitches.."
You sense that Dsalth lazily stretches his wings. <<I would fly, that is how my purr does it all the time...>>
Above, Nylanth takes off from Nylanth's ledge.
Above, Nylanth drops down towards the Bowl.
Nylanth drops in from above, landing with a light *thud*.
Elehu abandons the bowl for ground weyr's shelter.
P'rru idly kicks at Dsalth's snout with a gentle toe. "Leave her be you great lughead!" he stirrs, hands folding across his chest. "We do not have room for a hundred people in my weyr- and she can not sleep on your couch with your smelly firestone breath in her face" the brownrider blinks sheepishly at Kinecha.
Reiko gets slowly to her feet. Yeah, she'll be wondering what hit her in the morning. Vaguely confused, she looks from Kinecha to P'rru and back, then looks hard at Dsalth.
Kinecha tilts her head, actually considering the... proposal?.. for a moment, then shakes her head, as common sense returns to her, however briefly. 'I need to be in the HQ, in case of emergency' she sends to the dragon, and turns to go that way again, supporting herself on Reiko.
You sense that Dsalth snuffles, disapointment descending like a dull grey mist over amber words <<I will watch you from the door then...>> he states <<It is a warm night, I will be ok>> sniffle.
P'rru turns to crane at the caverns. "Sleep well, girls" he calls after them, feetin carrying him to the doorway once more.
P'rru marches with clipped steps to the Caverns.
Kinecha smiles gratefully, "thank you, Dsalth, but you don't have to do that. I'm jus' drunk." Okay, here's the door, now to open it and find the cot that is hers. "And thank you, Reik... For everything." Beam, smile and she gives the woman a hug. Very un-Necha-like.
Dsalth lurches to his feet, closely pacing behind Kinecha. Head sways gently before he settles once more, watching and whuffling.
"Sure." Reiko's a little out of it, indeed, and thinking longing thoughts of her own cot... well, the one she's using in the dorms. Sigh. "Night." She stumbles back to the caverns, going the long way around Dsalth, who seems to be hovering protectively around her friend...
"Be careful," Kinecha calls out to Reiko, before entering the HQ in search of her cot, and sleep. "Night!"