You go to the Living Caverns.Living Caverns
The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.
Scattered about in various perches and niches are fifty-six firelizards.
You see OOC NOTICE (look sign), Generic Sign-Up Sheet, Look at Me Postcard to Tatia, White Clay Egg Pot, Jaeshri, Large Picnic Rug, Kageri, Chalea, Ini, Mara, and Gigi here.
Phea, Squaln, Xaner, and Shaela are here.
Squaln stuffs more food into his mouth and nods at Phea's reply. After he's finished chewing and sipping his juice, a friendly grin is given to Xaner. "Hey!" he says to the fellow Candidate. "We haven't officially met. I'm Squaln." Another sip of juice is taken and he goes back to eating; a friendly wave is also given to those just entering the cavern.
Coming into the caverns, Necha notices several people she does not know and falters slightly in her steps, remembering what was happening at the Weyr these days. "Oh no," she groans as she continues on to the hearth to pour a mug of klah, then finds a table all by herself, taking in the sight of the Candidates already arrived.
Phea snuggles into her blankets furthermore, now revealing her mouth as to able herself to eat. "Aw, Xaner, that's a pretty name! It's nice t'meet you, yep." A few more mouthfuls of her breakfast are taken; since both hands are occupied by utensils, she waves a fork toward Shaela and Kinecha in silent greeting.
Salea drifts in from the Central Bowl.
Shaela wanders in, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes -- one bad thing about having a weyr with a ground entrance is that you don't have to take that wake-up flight first thing in the morning. Or maybe that's a good thing.. hard to say. At any rate, she fairly stumbles into the caverns, and pours herself the first mug of tea she can find. "Morning, Candidates," she greets the new arrivals. They should be able to wake her up -- they're usually eager and excited.
Childish bone structure molds a merry face, almond-shaped eyes shaded in an aquatic emerald under their curtain of dark lashes and the nonchalant arch of eyebrows. Her nose is effiminately shaped in the classic length of pudginess, leading downward to naturally rosy lips of near doll-like proportions. The fair skin of her face is crowned by the faint gleam of rust, copper curls having been tamed into seeming compliance by sectioning them off into close-lying yet distinct rows, each lock separated from its neighbor by a small clip. Not fat, but decidedly not slender either, her limbs are chubby to the point of being cute, stout-fingered hands leading to pleasantly rounded wrists and arms, while small feet round off short legs.
Verdant preforms well in flattering her complexion: upper-half is clad in the typical tunica, neckline high to avoid any unessential peeks of cleavage. Skirts fall in multiple layers of lickable lime -- supported by a concealed belt at the waist -- which fall to just at the ankle. Here, traditional wherhide boots peek out, dusted in numerous materials from dirt to sand. Phea wears Phea's Listening Tube around her neck. Chittering irritably at nothing, nestled 'neath Phea's chin, is Exulcero. Multi-faceted optics alight with amusement, Risio is curled possessively around Phea's neck. Looming over some stolen morsel hidden 'twixt Phea's hair, is Praedo.
Whitewhitewhite: a solitary loop of alabaster is slung across her shoulder, the insignia of a candidate from High Reaches Weyr.
She is awake and looks alert.
Phea is 15 Turns and 5 days old.
Xaner gets a plate, and fills it with all the lovely things that are considered to Yum. Spinning 'round, he heads back to the table to sit with his fellow candidates, ending up waving his plate slightly at everyone else that is entering. Hey, he needs those hands to /hold/ the plate. Wouldn't want to clean up spilled food. He wants to eat it! Plop. So he sits down. There! Now his hands are free. "Good morning."
Light brown hair falls across the eyes of this young man, quickly being brushed back from time to time. Behind the curtain of brown locks, a pair of cerulean eyes look out upon the world; dull and lifeless. Thin lips form a mouth set expressionless; no smile, no frown. His build is lean, but finely-toned muscles are just visible on lightly tanned flesh. Standing at a height of six feet, his posture is tensed, back straight at all times. His hands are always moving, despite the rest of his still silence; picking at his clothes or flipping bangs from his eyes.
He is definately making the adjustment to the warmer weather, packed into a comfortably warm jacket and long pants bottomed with black boots. Perched on Xaner's shoulder is Anrui. Perched on Xaner's shoulder is Keera. Mutiny wraps about his neck, crispy blackened hide glimmering slightly.
Xaner wears the knot of a High Reaches Weyr Candidate.
He is awake and looks alert.
Xaner is 19 Turns and 7 days old.
A tall adequately built lad is what the average person sees. But, look a little closer and you'll see the real gleam of impishness in his vibrant blue eyes. His hair his some what shaggy, and a plain chestnut brown, giving him that beatnik look which he loves. His complexion is tanned from his Turns of being out and about in Rukbats rays and his face has very little markings on it; making him look considerably handsome. Muscular upper arms and a nice frame give a strong sense of security to those who are in his company. For a personality, Squaln is quite the charmer at his young age. He enjoys the company of his many girl 'friends' and is known for really working over the Gathers.
Wearing a beige shirt which isn't too big for his frame, Squaln looks older for his Turns than he really is. His pants are of a darker brown, maybe even black, and they contrast well with his rugged boots of which his adores. A certain trademark that he has is his single five fingered glove that he wears on his right hand; why? Well, simply because the lad wants to be different and he knows he attracts most people's attention with it. He also wears a handkerchief around his head for those times when he feels utterly sinister; which happens to be every other day.
Draped around his shoulder is the yellow and white knot, indicating that he is a proud Herder Apprentice; and just above that is the white Candidate knot for High Reaches Weyr.
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for a minute.
Squaln is 18 Turns, 1 month, and 9 days old.
Salea hurried in after Shae, looking a little more awake than normal. "Ah Candidates!" she says with a grin. "Just wait till they start putting all of you to work..." Noticing Kinecha, she grabs a mug of klah and finds a seat nearby. "And how goes it, Guardian of the Wer?" she teases.
Phea is destined to always be eager and excited, Candidate-or-not. She's just weird like that. "Goooooood morning!" She carols back at Shaela, still flapping her fork at the weyrwoman. "Y'all have good food here, mmmhmm. 'Specially the eggs." Salea belatedly receives a blithe beam and fork-wave, but no sing-song'd greeting. Food denies that quite well. "How's everyone today?" The sunshine of the living caverns.
Giving Salea a crooked grin, Kinecha shrugs, "oh, I was just fine," she says, glancing over at the candidates, "till I came in here..." Finding that candidates had already begun to arrive. Narrowing her eyes, her gaze comes to rest on the hyper-active girl, talking about eggs. "Other than that.. I'm feeling good. Had a good night's sleep." Since the snoring Peytan had had the night watch.
Short cropped hazel hair spreads everywhere, while sea green eyes look out from underneath the frizz. A moon face and a petite, almost pert nose gives the impression of youth. Small in stature, but now more mature in years, Salea no longer has her willowly thin body; only traces linger. A shining grin flees across her lips, but just as quickly, disappears. An inside joke? Perhaps. Her compact frame is well muscled, telling of years in her chosen profession.
Salea is wearing a simple outfit of riding breeches and tunic. Both are made out of hardy hide, and have been dyed a dark brown.
A double cord of black and blue entwine completely, leading to a double loop. A dangling tassle swishes with the gentlest of movement. A silver thread runs through the knot, denoting Salea as a High Reaches Assistant Weyrlingmaster. In the center of the knot lies her wing badge, that of Inferno.
She is awake, but has been staring off into space for a minute.
Salea is 42 Turns, 5 months, and 5 days old.
Squaln nods to those coming in and continues to munch on his morning meal. Acknowledging Phea's question, he grins. "I'm alright so far. But the cot I slept on last night was.. even worse." he says with a snicker. "I'll have to pile on more blankets to soften it up a bit." Sipping his juice again, he finishes and looks at those entering. "Hey, you people can come sit with us! We don't bite.. hard.." Innocent grin.
Shaela mumbles something about not enough stickybuns made yet, but does agree that, "Yuh.. the food is good. Just wait until you get to the cookies." There's somethign about the Reachian cookies that just knock the socks off of everywhere else. Socks! That's what Shaela forgot.. "Salea," she whines at the brownrider, "It's morning and I'm tired and there's no stickybuns made yet and I forgot my socks." She points to her booted feet, and the lining around the top where the fold of her socks should be.
Xaner peers at Phea with his fork in his mouth. She's definately an odd one. But then...he knew that already. No surprises there. Ah well. Utensil is taken from his mouth..since talking with it in there would be a little...hard. Yeah. Mmfh Mnfhh! "And I'm good too. Though well..I don't know about your cot Squaln, but I was comfortable." So what if he was awake most of the night!
Salea wrinkles her nose at Shaela, "Listen young thing - I was here before your parents even met each other and if you think I'm going to get any socks for you well - you can find a candidate to do that." Wirhc a chuckle, she adds, "One with a lot of common sense..." Turning her attention to her drink, she pauses.."I do have something new to show you - and anyone else interested" she adds. "I've got a new set of leathers for Fallanth - a little more resistent to the cold" she explains. "want to come have a look?"
Phea berates Squaln mockingly, waggling her spoon (her fork is currently buried beneath the mountain of food) at the fellow candidate. "Squally, we don't bite! You're not supposed to scare people away /yet./" After all, it's only her first day at the weyr. Attention returns to Shaela at the word 'cookie'. "Cookies? Mmmm. I usually eat sweetsticks, but cookies 'ill be good too." Hey, Phea slavers over any food, from fish to pies. Candidate peeks over at Salea, beaming radiantly. "Oh, what color are they? Are they oorraaaaange?" Awed, she is, apparently. And to think, Salea used to be nice to Shaela. "I guess I'll just go back and sit in my weyr for awhile, find some socks -- one of you Candidates come find me if the stickybuns come out, eh?" she says, slowly creaking back to her feet. The way she's playing it up, you'd think she'd been around another hundred turns beyond her true twenty-four.
"Me?" The guard asks, frowning as she swallows another large gulp of klah, being much more interested in sitting here for a while tending to her klah. And if that there hyper-candie was going there was nothing else she'd want to do. But then, who was she to say 'no' to a (somewhat) senior dragonrider. "New leathers... Sure why not," Kinecha finally says, doing her best to sound sincere.
Xaner smirks and looks at Squaln for a moment. "Besides. I don't bite. I nibble." Nibble nibble... He shakes his head a bit at that, and immediately stuffs more food into his mouth, leaving his fork there for a moment as he turns his head to peer at Salea. Muffled words come out around the eating utensil before he pulls it out again. "Orange? Why orange? Why" Pink is a good color! Whee!
Squaln is /not/ scary! Well maybe a little, eh? You'll learn to love and live with him; evil cackle! As for the candidate duty that awaits him later today, he's all ready and for it - a little hard work never hurt anybody, right? Well, /nothing/ can be worse than latrine duty or mucking Caprine stalls. Shudder.. "I bite." he admits with a smirk. "Right Phea?" Snicker.
Salea smiles at Phea, trying to envision how orange straps would look on a mudball-colored dragon. "See - that's just the problem." she admits. "I want them to look - well - like camouflage." Turning to Kinecha, she grabs her jacket. "Kinecha - would you mind having a look? I though as a guard, you might have some ideas about how to make them blend in...more hidden-looking.."Discarding her klah, she grins, " pink, but if any of you Candidates would like to give them a look, I can try explaining how they work...give you a head start on lessons," she winks.
Phea likes socks, especially her special pair with flowers on them. "You wanna borrow some of my socks? They're really pretty, mmmhmm. I'll make sure to find ya a pair that Stella didn't eat the toes out of." Poor, dense Phea is unable to realize that Shaela and herself probably don't have the same foot size. But, you never know, they might? "Pink is okay, too, but orange is the best. See?" After flaunting the orange blankets she's entombed in at Xaver, she continues to eat complacently at her food. Oh, yay, Salea invited her to see straps! "Ooo. Are they.. flower-camoflouge? So you can't see them if you're in flowers?"
"Yeah, sure.. Camouflage," she says, her face betraying her emotion being of flattery and surprise. Well Kinecha might be a guard, but it's not like she was a fashion expert. "Maybe something... Green and brown," she mumbles as she follows Salea. "That would prolly blend in well with brown hide..." She's hypothesizing now, thinking at the same time that the rider should ask a weaver instead of a guard.
Xaner chuckles to himself. We have a biter candidate, and a nibbler candidate! Does Phea gum people? Who knows! More food is munched on..or..perhaps nibbled, and he contines to peer towards Salea with a hint of interest in azure eyes. Hm. Should he look? Will looking require his brain to function?
Salea shepards the group towards the cavern entrance, glancing back at Shae, "Well come on lazy-bones!" she says teasingly. "I think I hace some extra socks in my kit...but that's with Fallanth outside."
Salea exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Shaela has itty-bitty feet, to match the itty-bitty rest of her. And has never been keen on borrowing other peoples' clothes, "Mm.." she hesitates, thought process running slow, "I thikn I'll just go get a pair of my own. Maybe after seeing Salea's straps, though.. colours tend to be my thing." Especially red and crimson. Shaela exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Bundle up 'gainst snow or sun! The bowl is open to seasons' wrath.
Central Bowl
Seven spindles brush the clouds -- quite literally -- overhead, a jagged, spired cotillion grey-stoned majesty. The bowl from here is expansively large, extending a full half mile in both directions, and although sometimes a bit of a stretch, most of the hubs of activity can be easily observed. Hard-packed ground shows the common pathways, all of them meandering about the craggy bunch of boulders that form a centerpiece: carven, hand-worn and foothold-full, it gives a bit of centerpoint to the otherwise vast emptiness of the area.
To the north lie the hatching grounds and leadership weyrs, while the lows of herdbeasts mark the feeding pens to the northeast. A flurry of ever-present activity marks the living caverns to the west, and another time-traveled path the ground weyrs just adjacent to the southwest. Southeast, a glint of blue shows the lake, glittering and cold.
It is a winter before dawn. The moons have set, and darkness holds Pern in its cold grasp. A hint of light is almost visible in the east. A stiff wind blows in from the north, chilling the air even more than usual.
Clinging to footholds in the boulder-mound are sixteen firelizards.
Green Kelitath, brown Revnath, green Zoryanth, brown Sevareth, bronze Rixesith, green Siulth, Brown Dsalth, brown Druseth, gold Tiareth, and brown Fallanth are here.
You see a wagonmaster, George Dubya bush, Trash n Treasures, Trey's Trumbling Wagon, Thunder Wagon, and Taesha here.
Salea and Shaela are here.
Earth's moist, loamy colors slide mud across muscled haunches and lean, low-lying belly, cascading down the coil of his tail and up beneath neck's spikey spine.
Overlaid, autumn's fire falls in a riotous pattern of forest hues: deep reds, pale bronze, and a variegated jumble of brown paint mayhem across his broad, dizzying sails. Below this canopy of chaos, refined power in sleek curves and tempered muscles are held steady, more restless than the sedate satisfaction most evident in those oversized eyes.
Well used and oiled, the riding straps are dyed to match Fallanth's color, and are not obvious on a quick inspection. V shaped, the style potrays Fallanth's wish for comfortable gear.
Fallanth is 25 Turns, 2 months, and 19 days old.
He is 66 feet (22m) long, with a wingspan of 110 feet (36m).
Fallanth seems to be listening.
Phea steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Xaner steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Fallanth wuffles, proudly showing off his new straps. Pose, turn left, Pose again. Who would have thought he'd be a fashion plate? Salea is whuffled as she retrieves a small satchel from his straps, then he turns whirling eyes back to the crowd.
Squaln steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Finding her gloves inside a pocket of her jacket, Kinecha tugs the heavy wherhide over her hands and fingers. Only a fool would run around outside without protection for their fingers when at Reaches. Looking the large dragon over she shrugs, trying to figure out how best to dye leather for him. "I dunno, Salea," she says, looking at the woman, "like I said before... Green - dark green - and brown.." It's not like her job include wearing camouflage colors.
Salea rifles through her bag, tossing Shaela a pair of overly lumpy woolen socks. "So I have them died just brown right now - sort of boring..." she almost apologizes. "Is there something I can do with them, Kinecha? Please - have a look. I don't think the dye took so well near his left wing..."
Xaner drifts quietly into slumber.
Squaln shuffles to the Caverns.
Oh, well, Shaela's loss. Who doesn't like Phea-socks? Besides normal people, that is. As she meets the frigid weather of the bowl, Phea nestles herself deeper into the blankets, now shielding everything but her eyes. "Oh, green is pretty too. Dye 'em green! I mean, if you won't dye 'em orange.."
So Salea comes through after all. Finding shelter from the cold wind, Shaela collapses onto a bench and tugs on the borrowed woolies. "You know, a nice forest green might go well with Fallanth," she suggests, calling over to the little group of people, and the very big dragon.
Kinecha walks closer to the dragon, not wanting to ignore the whim of a dragonrider asking for her advise. Even if she really had none to give. "He doesn't mind," she asks, looking over her shoulder at Salea, "if I come closer to him?" Better to ask, than get trampeled by a dragon.
Fallanth stops idly scanning the crowd, and sniffs, nose low to the ground and intently following what must be a very interesting odor. All thoughts of posing aside, he moves forward, as if to present his wing for Kinecha's inspection.
Salea nods to Kinecha, herself content enough to stand to one side. "Go right ahead - he's quite vain you know - likes only the best..."
Phea observes Kinecha's inspection silently, shivering beneath her blanket, envisiong Fallanth in leathers colored in a range of colors from gray to brightbrightbright yellow. Eek. "I shoulda' brought my pastry with me," she mutters, sniffling.
Right, the guard says to herself, taking a deep breath going about 'inspecting' Fallanth's leathers. "Look fine to me, y'know," she mutters, whether to dragon or rider, she didn't really care. Kinecha had been know to tell off dragons when they got in her way or were just there. "I think, if you blend some green in there, it'll get just that more.. 'Interesting'?" Was that the right word to use for a fighting dragon's leathers.
Jesika steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Shaela will likely be forever with the laces of her boots -- the problem with have them made near knee-high for deep snow. But she does listen, and add in her two cents: "Salea, forest green, klah brown, those are good colours. I could get a tanner to do them up for you right quick." She has contacts, y'see.
Light turns darker as Fallanth easily extends his wings to their full height, encompassing the ground in his shadow. With a fluid movement he brings his left wing down, softly cuddling Kinecha in a draconic embrace. Safe, sound, and in his...wings...Not to be easily let go.
Jesika looks slightly startled as she strides out and sees the guard embraces by a brown dragon, though she gawks briefly before looking over to the riders. Stammering as she regains her voice, she introduces herself to those she dosn't know. "I'm Jesika." is all that's said before the girl falls silent once more.
Salea bellows - a short, surprised yell as Kinecha is...'hugged'. "Fallanth!" Annoyance turns to gentle delight as the true meaning of her dragon's movements become clear.
"What're you doing?!" A sharp look from Kinecha goes toward the dragon as she's suddenly embraced by him. Looking to his rider, she frowns, crossing her arms in front of her chest, glancing at Fallanth's face every now and then. "Would you be so kind as to let me go, Fallanth?" Speaking directly to the dragon again. It worked on Dsalth (on occasion), so why not, Fallanth?
"I still think you should dye 'em /orange/," Phea sniffs, slipping dragonward slowly to examine herself. Not too close, mind you. "Eek. Is he gonna.. eat her?" She's still wary of that. "Or squish her?"
Shaela finishes up her boot-lacing, and, as she gets to her feet and strides over, seems to have woken up a touch. It's all those alarm bells Chayath is echoing to her, sent from Fallanth himself. "Salea, looks like your lifemate's got a bit of an attachment to this one, eh? Unless he really likes my colour suggestions.." Hey, they /were/ good colours choices.
Jesika folds her arms across her chest at the sight of the guard with the dragon. Shifting her weight around, she twists her head to look at some other people, ones whom she can talk to at this moment. Yet she stays silent, keenly interested in the scene unveiling before her.
Attachment?! Kinecha certainly wasn't attached to this dragon. If there was any dragon in the weyr /she/ was attached to it was.. Well, Dsalth. "I'm done here, Fallanth," she says, almost ready to pounce the dragon as the situation reminded her of a certain other 'incident'. "You can let me go now..." Her voice turning hoarse and demanding as her foot starts tapping in the snow.
Fallanth gently stands protectively over his 'catch', snugly displaying her for all to see. Salea steps forward, scratching the back of her neck pensively.
"Um...Kinecha - I don't think I ever told you that Fallanth often...well..rides search. And every time he finds someone he goes into this overly protective must-keep-them-safe routine." Grinning mischieviously, she adds, "It can sometimes last for days..." Winking to Kinecha, she adds, "Unless of course, you become a Candidate. Unless of course, you like having an overprotective guard-dragon?" Salea grins, easily leaning against Fallanth's side, but not yet "rescuing" Kinecha.
"/What??!!/" the guard shouts, losing her composure, as her head comes round to stare at Salea. "You can't be serious?!" Search? Candidate? Overprotective guard-dragon? Kinecha blinks, slowly as was her costum when she was surprised and taken off-guard. "But, but..." Lost for words, she reaches out an arm to lean against the brown bulk beside her.
Above, Orbyth arrives from ::between:: in an explosion of burning energy.
Orbyth drops in from above, landing with a light *thud*.
Zi'n uses a coppery-tinged shoulder to slide to the ground, aided by an impatient flicker.
Fallanth acts the part, guarding the guard from all the perils the central bowl can offer. A wing to keep the snow off and a warm body to ward off the cold. Fallanth, ultimate protector cum wall...
Phea squeaks at Kinecha and Fallanth, managing to beam through the chill causing her lips to quiver. "Oh, yay! Another Candidate! You should stand, mmhmm, you can be with Squally and Xaner and Surupa and Kezenex and Hiliza and me!" And whoever else comes along. How could you resist?
Zi'n dismounts from Orbyth, a couple of candidates in tow. "Just come down now, Lorsa, Essie! And follow me."
Lorsalia uses a coppery-tinged shoulder to slide to the ground, aided by an impatient flicker.
Zi'n rushes to the Caverns.
Lorsalia steps to the Caverns.
Salea nods, for the moment very serious. "We of course won't coerse you....your choice. He's never chosen incorrectly before" Salea adds, affectionately smoothing the straps on her lifemate. "Kinecha, will you accept?"
Jesika looks after the departed rider, and then still to the scene roving onwards. Yet, as Kinecha is asked the question, she looks joyful. "Say yes, Kin!" Inside Thunder Wagon, Raisha has left.
Orbyth goes home.
"Congratulations, Kinecha," Shaela says, still shaking her head a bit at Fallanth -- every dragon has a unique personality, and this brown is no exception. "You think maybe he could let her go a bit, so we can get her set up in the barracks, though? If she accepts, fo course," the rider inquires. Of course, going back in the Weyr also means she can check on the stickybun situation.
Meral steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
The Candie-hater being a Candidate herself? This just doesn't happen, does it? Kinecha tries to regain her composure, taking a deep breath, feeling the cold hair rush to her lungs and cooling her head. "Stand? For Cadgwith's clutch?" She wasn't sure, she'd heard right, but when asked directly, she nods slowly. What other choise did she have? "Yeah... Okay."
Jesika awaits Kin's answer, before shuffling her feet to move to the living caverns where it's warm. Sending a farewell wave to the others, she makes off with a grin on her face. For what reason? Who knows.
Fallanth reluctantly raises his wing, setting Kinecha 'free'. Moving back, he watches, almost mournfully, as Salea waves Shaela forward. "Shae, we have training for the Senior Weyrlings soon - could you take over?" Salea sighs, grinning to kinecha. "I think you've made the right decision...and if there's anything Fallanth - or I - can do, just call."
Salea lightly scales up Fallanth's mountainous neck and mounts safely between the ridges, ready to enjoy the ride.
Do you believe that? All these people getting Searched out here, and Meral doesn't see a single face he knows. Well, that's not right -- but... not a single face he recognizes as a friend. Danging with ever-annoying firelizards, the boy steps out, eyes slipping about. "Oohh... More candidates." he chirps, a grin rearing itself on his face. More people to bother with his happy-ness... and cracking voice.
"Yeah," the guard... errr, Candidate mumbles, swaying a bit where she stands watching Salea and Fallanth moving away. "This... is certainly a.. surprise," Kinecha mumbles, shaking her head.
Jesika wraps her arms about her torso, freeing one hand to wave to the brownrider and Kin before wrapping her arms once more about herself snuggly. A look is sent over to Meral, a confused expression lying flat upon her face.
"Of course," Shaela steps forward as Salea and Fallanth begin to move off. "Where's your things, Kinecha? You'll want to get as much as you need and bring it to the Candidate barracks."
Phea skips up to Kinecha, beaming blithely. "C'mon, c'mon! We're nice candidates, and we won't bite. Even if Squally /did/ say that.. This is gonna be fun!" The blankets are tugged up onto her shoulders moreso, as she awaits the move to the barracks. Whee!
From Fallanth's neck, Salea sighs, tightening her riding straps. "If anyone does want to learn about straps later, just catch me in the living caverns." she waves to the other Candidates. "See you all around."
Fallanth takes off.
Above, Fallanth takes off from Central Bowl
Above, From Fallanth's neck, Salea falls asleep.
"Phea, of course, if you could help, I'm sure Kinecha here would appreciate it." Shaela didn't have anyone to help her, really, last time she moved into the barracks. And with her wardrobe, that meant a whole lot of lugging for one little person.
"Over there," she says, waving in the general direction of the Guard barracks: Her eyes doesn't seem to be working right now as they're staring into the snow down in front of her as she's still trying to regain her balance. Looking up, she grins foolishly at Shaela, "I thought I was too old...."
Meral glances back to Jesika, eyebrows making a high arc than usual. Why is that girl confused? It's Candidates! There's gonna be a hatching, what's so confusing about that? Mwinda twitters from her perch, nudging her humanpet in the cheek. It means more noise, and pranks, too.
Tamashi steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Phea bobs her head at Shaela, continuing to dance in place. "Sure, sure, I'll help her. What'd want me t'help you with, Kinecha? Just tell me what to do!" Phea didn't have many possessions to heft, so she fared well enough.
Jesika looks once more over to Meral, quirking an eyebrow high. Sahara chirps in his usual manner, fanning his wings to stay balanced as Jes shifts around in the snow.
"Well, evidently Fallanth thinks you're just ripe," the goldrider says with her signature blink-wink. "Off to the barracks, then?" Shaela says, turning back to encourage Phea to follow.
Sahara blinks in from ::between::!
Above, Fallanth flies back home.
"I don't need help," the recently ex-guard, now Candidate says to Phea, narrowing her eyes, not really wanting that girl to follow her around. "Barracks, yeah sure.. I'll get my stuff later," Kinecha mutters, following Shaela even if she /did/ know where those barracks were.
Phea shrugs, then, merrily flouncing after weyrwoman and candidate. "Okay, then! I'll follow along, mmhmm." Fingers are waggled in farewell to those present in the bowl, and she trails along after Kinecha.
Above, Chanticoth takes off from Chanticoth's ledge.
"Phea, do you want to lead the way?" Shaela offers the Candidate the opportunity, as it provides her a chance to hang back and whisper to Kinecha, "You'll have to live and work with these people for the next couple weeks, and it you impress, the rest of your life. Might as well start making strong ties now." Just a little something she's learned in her twelve turns as Candidate, then rider.
Meral adverts his attention back to the two new candidates. It is decided that he won't interrupt with a greeting or congratulations. Just... watch everyone.
Phea nods happily at Shaela, heading off to the barracks -- heedless of the whispering going on behind her. "Sure thing, ma'am!" To the barracks.
Phea bounds, with childish glee, to the Caverns.
Shaela walks to the Caverns.
"Yeah, sure..." Kinecha was still somewhat out of it, still not sure she could make it as a Candidate, wondering if she'd ever get used to it. "I'll try 'n be good," she says a slight grin on her face. Not a chance that she would ever become friends with Phea, though. She doubted that very much.
You go to the Living Caverns.
Phea steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Deeper, darker, narrower... passages kink and twist into the Weyr.
Shaela moves in from the Caverns.
Phea opts for the white-washed entrances to the Candidates' barracks.
Shaela opts for the white-washed entrances to the Candidates' barracks.
You survived! Escaping through the heavy canvas curtain you arrive here...
Candidate Barracks
Serviceable, this low-ceiling'd room runs right and left from the heavy canvas curtains that function as a door: relatively bare of ornamentation, tidy glows light the few worn tapestries that adorn the walls and depict a variety of dragons in flight or at rest. But it is the cots, lots and lots of cots, that distinguish this room from the others, their blue or black coverlets tucked neatly over relatively fresh rushes.
Candidate's haven, this is their escape from the bustling world of chores and Weyr; visitors are welcome if invited.
Resting atop the doorframe are Tremayne, Danio, Lox, Oria, Rhyn, Maeve, Proof, Aztek, Amulet, Rydia, Yupyup, and Stella.
You see It, Flighty Hidee Benuded Bebe!, Name Board, Kezenex's Cot, Squaln's Cot, Hiliza's Happy Hammock-Imposter, Xaner's Cot, Khory's Cot, Surupa's Cot, Phea's Cot, Ogera's Cot, Lorrie's Cot, and Lorsalia's Cot here.
You notice Khory, Lylia, Kezenex, Ogera, Surupa, and Xaner asleep here.
Squaln, Tyara, Lorsalia, Phea, and Shaela are here.
Lorsalia and her pal Essie are setting up their things under a pair of cots side by side when others enter.
Shaela smiles happily, and then encourages Kinecha to go a step ahead of her as they make their way through the door to the Candidate barracks. "Good thing, because I may have to get Salea to put Fallanth on you again if you don't." Once in the barracks, she takes a quick look around, and spots a few empty cots down the far end. "You can pick your cot," she says, then raises her voice to do the introduction. "Candidates, this is Kinecha. Play nice with her, okay?"
Shaela sends a drudge running for a cot. After a few minutes the drudge returns dragging a big heavy cot for Kinecha.
Phea sliiiides into the barracks, dutifully singing "Hiiiiiiiiiii, Kinecha!" as is polite. Even if she has been in her company for a while now. Waddling to her own cot, she passes by Lorsalia and Esse, flapping a hand in greeting. "Hiiiiiiiii! I'm Phea! And, um, I'm a candidate too!"
Kinecha nods to the Candidates already here. Lots of Candidates. "That was fast," she mutters under her breath, looking around at the unknown faces as she saunters to a cot close to the backwall. Where she can keep a close eye on what goes on. Grimacing, she squints as the hypergirl starts screeching. Almost worse than the snoring guards.
Lorsalia giggles, flopping back on her new cot while Essie gives a miniature bow. "Hi Phea. I'm Essie." She introduces herself before going back to organizing her things under the smallish thing. "I'm Lorsalia!" The other girl bounces, eyes flashing with laughter. "Zi'n and Orbyth and Ilare and, uh, Chanticoth searched us a little while ago."
An assistant enters, then whispers hastily to Shaela before running off again. A frown appears on the goldriders face, and she turns to Kinecha, "I'm going to have to go. Something about weavers and not enough fabric and it being my fault. Bah! Don't forget to gather your things from the Barracks -- take someone along to help you, hmm?" Just a suggestion. And then, with a final wave to all the Candidates and a special "thanks!" to Phea, she's gone. Durned weavers.
Shaela slips back out to the caverns.
Squaln shuffles into the Barracks and notices the new Candidates who have arrived. With a wave of the hand, the lad grins and greets them all. "Aylo, Aylo." he says to the girls. His grin widens and he kicks back on his cot; an occasional glance goes back to the girls. Oh how he loves Candidacy. Innocent grin.
"Sure," Kinecha says to Shaela's back as the rider leaves. Sitting on her new cot, she's more than a little quiet, still in a state of shock from what had just happened. What /had/ happened, anyway?
Lorsalia glances at Squaln kicking back and suppresses a squeal. She checks to make sure Essie is alright, then quickly smoothes back her hair and stands to hip-swing towards Squaln. "Who're you?" She asks, ignoring the rudeness in her own voice when it comes to a cutie that may take Emmett's place while in the Weyr. "Y'can call me Lorsa if you like." She babbles on, sliding down to an empty cot near the herder's.
Kinecha sighs as she lets herself flob back on the cot, hiding her face behind her palms. "This just cannot be happening," she mutters, pulling up her legs as she tries to calm herself completely. Too much of a shock for her that she was picked by a dragon no less to Stand..
Phea is sprawled across her cot, conversing merrily with her container of sweetner. "Yep, I'm glad I remembered to bring you, too, dear. No, no, no, I can't make it any warmer in here. Yes, yes, yes, it /is/ cold, I know!" Candidate continues to chat away, occassionally glancing 'round the barracks to grin lopsidedly at people. Isn't she just the cutest?
Dystopia blinks in from ::between::!
Essie finishes organizing her things and settles onto her cot to watch the other candidates. Phea receives an odd look and the asst nanny can't help but ask, "What, or to whom are you talking, girl?"
Phea blinks over at Essie, dumbfounded, as if it were typical to talk to containers of sweetner. "Lennie, yep, his name is Lennie. Lennie, meet Esse, Esse, meet Lennie." A hand idly gesticulates the the jar. "Isn't he the cutest?"
Essie steps back from the Healer, her eyes wide. "You're talking about a jar of sweetening." She states, her jaw dropped slightly. "You must be joking with me."
Phea sniffs, pathetically, hurt. "Nuh-uh! He's /Lennie/, and he is my bestest-best-bestest-of-best friend." She pats the jar fondly, bending over to award it a smooch. "See? He said he luffed me."
Kinecha is just wondering whether she should stay here, go for that interrupted breakfast, or go get her stuff in the Guard barracks. "'m just gonna take a nap," she mutters, rolling over on her side, forgetting all about taking of boots and jacket.
Message 12 of 13 on *High Reaches News (#7862):
Date: Mon Jul 2 12:48:08 2001 CDT
From: Shaela (#8028)
To: *High Reaches News (#7862)
Subject: Whee!
Fallanth needed new straps. But he wanted ones coloured like camoflauge. Which left Salea with a bit of a problem: what colours would look good on Fallanth, but also be camoflauge against his brown hide? Not sure what would be best, she decided to seek the expert opinion of a Weyr guard named Kinecha. Kinecha, of course, barely even got to make a suggestion before Fallanth covered her in a wing and declared that this one should stand for Cadgwith's clutch. After a slightly reluctant acceptance -- Kinecha's not too fond of candidates, it seems -- the guard changed her title to High Reaches Candidate, and moved into her new home.
Congratulations, Kinecha!
~~Shaela ~~
Date: Mon Jul 2 15:32:59 2001 CDT
From: Kinecha (#20839)
To: *Hrw-Candidates (#8866)
Subject: Necha
See Necha go give Salea advise on how Fallanth's new straps should be dyed. See Necha get Searched. See Necha almost refuse.
That's Necha in a nut-shell. She never ever expected to be Searched, so she won't really be very optimistic about Impressing either. She's probably one of the oldest Candidates and thus more 'mature', and won't be partaking in pranks, unless she's /really/ plastered (which has been know to happen). She's a broody, grumpy kind of person and doesn't get along well with those who're overly cheerful.
The rest.. You'll just have to learn as time goes by.
Necha - the Anti-Candie.