Impressing a Firelizard
Living Caverns
Bower arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
G'deon quietly strides in from the Central Bowl.
G'deon saunters in, quickly making his way to the table with an array of various drinks. He pours himself a glass of juice, then walks over to Kinecha and Bower, nodding to them. "Good day." What is this, a greeting? A comment? Who knows.
Kinecha looks up from her task of drinking klah. "Morning G'deon, how are you and Nylanth," she says and takes another sip of her mug.
Ceridwin arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
"Fantastic!" G'deon replies to Kinecha as he flops into a seat. "I swear, he's /still/ getting stronger everyday, even if he seems to have stopped growing. How are you?" he asks, giving Bower a curious glance before he waves to Ceridwin with a smile.
Ceridwin yawns and rubs her eyes as she enters the cavern.. heading straight for the klah and food. Yup, she likes being lazy again... and she likes this place to /be/ lazy in. "G'morning all" smiling at Gid and Necha and the newer person she has yet to meet. But that's no surprise, she is new herself and for all she knows, everyone else has been here forever.
"I'm fine, thanks," Kinecha says, nodding. Except for her orange hair is all. She's still regretting having all that ale and wine at the party. "Morning, Ceri," she calls out to the young woman.
Ceridwin waves her mug in response and wanders over to G'deon. "May I join you?" And waits patiently for an answer. Yup, she was /scared/ by those proddy greenrider-types and has decided to be really polite.
G'deon waves a young drudge over and asks her for a plate of heated meatrolls and soup. He glances at the others, nodding to Ceri with a grin. "Would anyone else like anything?"
Ceridwin says, "Oww, some meatrolls for myself as well, please And soup sounds great. I'm chilled today. Thank you."
Kinecha shakes her head slightly, "I've eaten already. But thanks for offering," she says, leaning back in her chair, stretching her legs out in front of her.
G'deon gives the grudge a grin and waves her off, then settles back in his chair. "So, Ceri, how are you? You must have been in the caverns all morning if you're still chilled. The sun is beautiful outside... not to mention hot."
Ceridwin smiles at G'deon. "It's going well, and I confess to just having woken up. I am still 'recovering' from my time as a 'phineer." Laughs lightly at herself. "Hot, huh? Maybe after I eat I will head for the lake then. What is your schedule today?"
Aekki and Aztek have brewed up a batch of eggs.. rehearsal is over, it's time for the show! To grab a ticket, page Cayl and Aerrin (yes, both at the same time) with your favorite Shakespearean character and /one/ sentance telling us why. We'll grab 8 to join us and page you with directions.
-- entered by Aerrin on 2001-02-16 15:39 MOO Time.
-> From afar, Kinecha pages, "Lady MacBeth, because she's such a bitch (excuse my french)" [to: Cayl and Aerrin]
Aerrin pages, "Make your way to Aerrin's Room... @go heal, hgh, hl, jmh, fdh, ar"
"Well, my day is pretty much free actually," G'deon replies to Ceridwin. "Nyls and I had the night shift of sweeps, then our drills were this morning." He takes a sip from his juice and smiles as the drudge returns with the requested food.
A Short Journey Later…
Aerrin's Room
The room has been transformed into a herbalist's workroom, and space once taken up by wardrobe and clothes press is now filled with tables. Along one wall, several racks stand stacked on top of each other and are most always covered in various herbs, while the ceiling above is decorated with herbs tied to a small beam and left to dry. Immediately next to the racks sits a small, though entirely serviceable desk that usually contains a clutter of scrolls and mugs.
Bookshelves reach up and over the door to completely line one of the room's walls and cover a good portion of a second, leaving only enough space between for two long windows. Beneath one window is a cushioned chest that fits neatly into the space between shelves, and a small table lined with pots full of soil and sprouting plants sets beneath the other. Larger plants occupy much of the room's free surfaces, and several are even tucked at the ends of shelves. The shelves themselves are filled with a clutter of objects that only Aerrin can identify; scrolls, hides, small knickknacks, and various bottles and packets fill most the space. A large fireplace stretches to fill most of yet another wall, surrounded by a comfortable arrangement of small tables and thickly cushioned chairs, couches, and pillows.
The room itself is utterly pervaded by a Healer's art, from the bottles tucked on shelves to the scent of herbs that always hangs in the air
Resting on a high shelf are Aekki, Aztek, Tympani, Rialie, Rei, and Thessalonike.
You see Weeping Brook Egg, Cauldron of Conspiracy Egg, Honey of Love, Venom of Deceit Egg, Shades of Light and Darkness Egg, Shadows of Dreams Egg, OOC Rules (read OOC), and Painting here
Inya, Pia, Salome, Mosiah, Tierza, and Eleia are here.
Glenin walks in from the Further Down the Journeymen and Masters Hall.
Mosiah steps into the room, oggling the place plainly. "Ohhhh, so this is where she lives. I never knew." Fingers itch with the need to touch this thing and that. Stuttering steps take him in one direction, later on he will swear he didn't know what he was doing, hands reaching for a rack of herbs, fingers poised to do their worst. "Nobody will-" He cuts off at noise from the others in the room -that and rocking eggs.
Seael walks in from the Further Down the Journeymen and Masters Hall.
Inya steps in quietly and pauses, blinking. Er. " Wrong turn," she mutters, looking down at her fingers as she begins to count. " Maybe?" As more people enter, the rider turns, blinking innocently at them. " Er... where are we?" Don't mind the confused expression on the bluerider's face... she always looks like that.
Seael trails in after Inya having wondered where she was going anyway.. He stopps abruptly almost nuding into her at the entrance to look about himself "This looks interesting..." is the only comment made as the two 'lizzen upon his shoulders hum softly..
Shadows of Dreams Egg shifts away from its clutchmates, giving a slight twirl. Oh.. this is /fun/.
Shadows of Dreams Egg shall not be outmatched! Touche and all that stuff. Does a bad actor lie beneath these folds of ebon shell? Wait and see! *TwitchWobbleShake*
Salome smiles to the others as they enter the room, eyeing the eggs after the silent greeting. She takes a small shoulderbag off her shoulder and starts to dig through it. A small bag rests in it, stuffed full of meat, supplied by the kitchens at the hall. She opens the small bag and wonders which treat the first little hatchling will prefer.
Errr, what was it she was doing here anyway. "Where was it I was going?" she asks to no-one but herself really. She stops short at all the people gathered here, not really recognizing any faces. (by Necha)
"Hmmm..." mutters Pia in mildly spoken consternation. "This doesn't seem to be Fali's room..." A slip of paper in her hand is consulted again, followed by a soft "shards, I turned left instead of right." Glancing up to apologize, or at least get better directions, she spies the pile of twitching eggs. Ooo.
Seael snickers softly from his spot at the back of everyone and starts to make his way forward the sounds of cooing and wonderment that could only mean one thing.. okay more than one but eggs was usually it. The 'lizzens on his shoulders are shooed away with an absent swat. "You know being short was never an asset.."
Eleia walks in with quick steps, a smile on her face as her eyes twinkle she was ready for her lesson...oops...wrong room. There were definately not a lot of healer appys in here. "er...uh...sorry, took a wrong turn I guess." She says more to herself. She starts to turn, but something catches her eye...was that a firelizard egg that moved?? She slowly weaves around other people to see. Wow, real firelizard eggs!! Well...she supposed that the lesson could one would notice that she wasn't there...right?
"Eggs?" Kinecha mumbles to herself, and doesn't move an inch. Why not stay for a while then, and see if she might impress another of those lovely lizards. But yet she wonders if this was a hatching open for all. Taking one step forward, she peers at a glance at the eggs that have started rocking, and then glances at the others gathered here.
Cauldron of Conspiracy Egg twitches, shakes; beconed forth from it's shadowed domain by the voices that rattle it's halls. A froth of cracks bubble up and down upon it's bronze turned brown shards, bubbling with life beneath. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! What wicked deed shall spew forth soon?
Glenin slips into the room silently, curiosity drawing her closer to the crowd as steps in - thoughtless with arrogance - to eye the clutch on the floor: ooh! "Are those /firelizard/ eggs? I want one!" With that, she starts making her way through the crowd, usual primness temporarily passed over in favor of a spoiled brat's fiendish delight.
Inya scratches under her chin, eyeing the eggs curiously. Eyes unfocus for a second, though she appears to need little mental prodding from the blue without to remain within the room. " Aye," she murmurs to herself. " I'm sure th' others are lonely." Sidling to the side, she takes up a position near the pile of rocking eggs, fingers deftly dipping into the bowl of someone more prepared, and forewarned, than herself. They won't miss the meat. Honest.
Aztek hisses as a few grow too close to his fated clutch. Yes, his: Aekki just made 'em an all. And only half way at that! Tis his spawn that nest here. Back!
Aekki gives a hiss to rival Aztek's, and anxiously whirling eyes slide toward the bronze as well. His? Doubtful.. and all these.. all these /people/ about her eggs. Talons flex, digging themselves into the back of the chair she's made her perch.
Seael crawls and rambles his way closer to the front.. Not the front actually but a side with view that still has people in the way but at least now he can see. Digging into his pockets he draws forth something, it might be food, maybe it once was.. Shaking his head he digs in again grining in triumph when he finds a half eaten piece of meatroll mixed with a sort of sugary concoction.
Mosiah still can hardly resist the temptation to poke around. After all, this /is/ his mentor's personal and most private room that seems to be suddenly full of strangers and eggs and -Oh, look. Is that her clothes press? Maybe just a peek to answer the burning question. You know, what color are her- He abruptly stops the line of thought as an egg seems to burble. Those definitly aren't wherry eggs.
Shades of Light and Darkness Egg remains quite still, sitting silently in the shadows of others. Unseen, but watching.. waiting..
Kinecha kneels down, unto the floor, and spies the eggs a-hatching once more. "Wouldn't mind one more of these lovely creatures," she mumbles to herself, and rumages through the pouch attactched to her belt, to find some meat. She tilts her head, in a manner that says; could it be, could it be?
Salome smiles, mistaking her friends room sure was a blessing. Eyes brighten as she sees the egg twitch. It looks like a soup that's boiling over...interesting.. She finally decides to pluck a piece of wherry out of her bag and crouches down near to the eggs.
Cauldron of Conspiracy Egg boils and bubbles, sending sputters of cracks spilling down the sides. Heat makes the surface of the egg crack and splinter, and with a sudden shiver, shapes three split, falling to the sides as smoky shadows of guilt and deceit dance forward
Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling
Art thou not fatal indigo, sensible coils of steely silver entangling down a dagger of the mind? A false creation of murderous crimson languishes through sails of imperfection, doubt: Filaments of azure struggling betwixt untold heralds of black, black night. A rise to power holds ever so keenly within knife-points of somber blue ridges, which streak from between blood-drawing headnobs, towards tip of restless tail. The prophecies of a witches brew swirls deadly within caution filled, yellow-prone eyes. Behind the false simplicity of silver, sleek lined curves and lengthy limbs, darkens chin and belly with a certain, feminine finesse, icy blues dipped in the void of damnation.
Seael ignores the sticky sweet wetness that's now coated along his fingers as he inches around another leg to stare at the moving eggs.. Pausing he focuses on the recent 'lizzen that has arrived and grins "Good show there.. Nice entrance I might add though."
As casually as possible, Pia advances, feet padding lightly as she moves forward. One hand dips neatly into her beltpouch in search of some sort of sustinance when, clear-eyed, she spies the new hatchling. "Heh..." Knees bending into a crouch, the Vintner extends a hand draped librally with meatroll.
Kinecha ohhs, as the hatchling comes forth, and remembers to hold out a piece of meat from her pouch. "What a beauty you are," she tells the tiny things, and attempts to look it in the eye as it stumbles out of its egg. She makes her thoughts concentrate on the lizard to make it come to her, forgetting all about her other creatures resting on her shoulders.
Salome's entranced eyes watch the hatching flit. It takes a moment for her to realize that this flit will not come to her on it's own. She holds out her piece of wherry. That one could cause some 'toil and trouble', she thinks.
Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling is spilled into the spotlight of many eyes. Far too many watching his every move. The stage spreads before him, different props made obsticles to his advancement. He remains within the lower half of cracked, faulted eggshell, cowering beneath their gazes. Eep! Get away evil visions! *Sniff..Sniff* Mmm..Evil visions with sweet smells, and even sweeter meats!
Eleia jumped a bit as the hatchling suddenly rose up from it's egg. She smiled, this preformance maybe worth skipping her class. She looked around for a seat with a good view, but finding none, she sat down on the floor where she was and took out her wherry sandwich to munch on.
Shadows of Dreams Egg twitches, anxious energy spinning it around and toward its newly-hatched clutchmate before dodging in the other direction, back toward the dense safety of other eggs.
Seael stares at his hand contemplating licking the stickiness off but mind is changed as yet another egg rocks and he pays more attention trying to keep the hatchling and the eggs in sight at all times "I'm sure someone might like this.. I made it myself least the sweet part I mixed it together.."
Inya idly twists the meat within her fingers, watching it spiral lazily from her grasp. Cool eyes train upon the newly hatched 'lizard, watching with the intensity of a spectator for a play... or a rider out for a new firelizard. Slowly her lips curve in a mocking smile, and she curls her hand, sending meat spinning from fingertips. A meal fit for one who would be king, through whatever means possible? Perhaps. One must eat, after all, to keep one's strength for conniving. Just ask Inya.
Do not be afraid, Kinecha’s, thoughts go out to the lizard. We will not hurt you little one, just come out on the stage of life and any one of us will care for you. Still holding out the piece of meat, she attempts to lure the tiny thing to come to her and accept it as a gift. "You'll be fine," she mumbles once again.
Pia goes home.
Mosiah's lower lip comes out in a bit of a pout. He simply cannot get into any mischief with all these people around here... not to mention hatching eggs. And exactly what nefarous purpose would his mentee have to hoard a small clutch in here? Eh? Serves her right to have a whole herd of strangers in her room... rumaging through her things. Nah, nobody would notice. His gaze sweeps over the newcomer hatchling with a scowl. Just as long as he keeps them all busy.
Salome continues to follow the little witchling flit as he overviews his surroundings. She holds out he meat, her face forming into a sinister grin, catching the mood of the hatchling. Well trained eyes catch a movement of the other eggs yet stays focused on the first.
Glenin eyes Inya and copies her motion - plucking meat from an unsuspecting person's bowl - without guilt. Settling herself down, she sets up her posture - shoulders back, head high, and the presence of her tiny form made known to all else as she stares with a tinge of disgust at the sticky meat in her hands, eyeing the little firelizard as if to decide whether or not it was worth the endeavor.
Tierza goes home.
Sudanna walks in from the Further Down the Journeymen and Masters Hall.
Magentica comes, with sparks of mystic magic, from ::Between::!
Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling has a certain weakness for things so sweet and soft to the touch...Ooo, cringe, who's shadow overbears him? Fresh gooo still hanging from his wings, he quickly shakes this horrendous evidence off! Though it stains his cheek and hide with embriotic 'blood', and he simply can't shake it all off. Eyes whirl their unfamilar, sickly hue, before he takes the plunge: Over the low side of sand-pot and onto the ground. Time to search for...something. (most likely food, but power has it's own special ring.)
Shades of Light and Darkness Egg shivers slightly, playing up to the crowd around. When in the spotlight, it can play its part. The egg slides slightly, tilting to better show the creamy coloring that spreads across the surface.
Magentica appears from ::Between:: and spots the hatching eggs where she takes up her perch to hum and welcome the hatchlings. Chirp.
Sudanna eyes the commotion, and sighs. She doesn't get much time at ista and had hoped to find Aerrin, not a lot of strangers and ..'eggs'???
Eleia carefully broke off a peice from the corner of her sandwich and popped it in her mouth. She thoughtfully chewed on it as she watched the others as well as the firelizard hatchling. She wondered if she should give up some of her sandwich to the wouldn't hurt of course, but would it become an alliance which she wished or didn't wish for? Something about this hatchling told her to be cautious.
Seael chuckles softly "There now little fellow all out here with the rest of the world" kneeling from his position he leans over to look around someone's leg in an attempt to see just where that little 'lizzen went." the meat or sweetmeat in his hand sticks just a little more and the youngling dives into his pocket to add something to the collection.. A piece of hard candy at least it used to be hard.. is produced and held out
Kinecha smiles broadly at the little thing, taking the plunge. "Be careful little one," she says, just loud enough for the lizards to hear. There's nothing here to hurt or harm you in any way. She rolls the meat she holding around in her hand, her eyes sternly dixed on the newly hatched. "This is what you want," she notes and holds out the treasure of the meat in her hand.
Inya's meat is neither sweet nor particularly soft... meat does not tend towards sugary texture, and this batch is far from fresh, and a touch overcooked. But still she wiggles it in blatant disregard of others attempts... The wants and needs of other people, or firelizards, do not apply when you have your own. Tuning out the commotion, she creeps forwards a touch, going down on one knee as she continues to offer the meat to the blue.
Shadows of Dreams Egg dances, surface shimmering in anticipation. It can't hide here forever.. there's a world to be had. A world to play in...
Here's the smell of blood still: All the perfumes of Arabia could not sweeten this little head. Salome notes this as the hatchling attempts to shake off the smudge of 'blood' on his face. She smiles at his attempts and continues to offer the food in her hand. She smiles at the small yet powerful seeming look to the little witchling that hatched.
Mosiah sort of sidles over to the side, only to blanch two shades as Sudanna walks through the door. "Faranth's talons..." he mutters under his breath. Giving up and giving in, the lad puts on his bestest best innocent face-farce, even allowing those nasty dimples to deepen and flash. "Impressive, isn't it, Sudanna." And he won't apologize for the pun.
The world is certainly a big place, Kinecha agrees. But come with me and no harm will come to you, and you'll see much of it. She moves a bit closer to the firelizard, still on her knees and offers the meat still. "I know what it is you want, little one." To eat and live. To see the the world and explore.
Shadows of Dreams Egg dips and twirls, movements increasing from a lazy, dream-like state to the vibrance of life. There is work to be done.. there is fun to be had.. there is /life/ to be lived..
Seael sends a slightly harried look at the person standing above him.. The leg he had been looking around stomped on the back of his calf and it had hurt.. That forgotten he switches his gaze from 'lizzen to pot and back again all the while little sentiments being muttered and the food dutifully offered of course
Glenin transfers the meat to one hand and uses her smallest finger - still clean, thankfully - to attempt to arrange her skirts in order to keep them from being stepped on. With both caramel orbs set upon the little blue, she extends her hand ever so slightly, softly uttering "Come here", with every hint of expecting the firelizard to comply.
Shadows of Dreams Egg shivers, sending a sparkling web spiraling across its surface. With a sudden lurch, it bursts into pieces, leaving the world of dreams behind for the reality of now.. or was that the other way round?
Mischevious Puck Hatchling
Sapphire blue dips in around around the wiry 'lizard's form, carressing here and dancing there as it struggles to remember every spot it must touch upon. Similar shades dip in here and there to make up for sapphire's lapse, offering a carefree filler that creeps into the crinkles of joints and over the edge of 'ridges in mischevious games. Color spirals outward to wrap a thin tail in blue, and this lizard's form, thought relatively tiny, burts with energy enough for a much larger shape. The undersides of thin wings are sprinkled with magic, and when spread in the right light, they glimmer and sparkle. Only when folded tight does the midnight shade take over, allowing the small blue to fade into the shadows, unobserved.
Sudanna says, "Did you see the /blue/, Mosiah? Where did these beauties come from?" Barely whispereed, she really doesn't need another little one.. "And have you any idea where Aerrin is? And what are /you/ doing here anyway?"
Seael blinks rapid fire at the apperance of yet another blue hatchling.. This one looked different however more... Well could it be this was a micheivious little devil? Seael just watched however content to let whatever or whichever decide their own fate. They had to live with it anyway and ones dreams or aspirations should always be gotten to as close as possible
Kinecha has no eyes for the new hatchling at the moment. She still concentrates on the one who will explore. So perfect for her own personality. "I know what it is to be new to a place," she mumbles, and relaxes her shoulders. No harm in being new, it is exiting and fun. Lots to be found out in the huge world that is out there.
Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling is certainly no witchling. He's but led by their hateful fate. Anyone got any eye of newt? Or 'snake? Either will do, really. What he really needs is somewhere to -hide-. The bluelet slinks along the ground, passing someone who /looked/ much like eye of newt, and someone else who could only be the evil snake as it lashes out with meaty paw. Wrinkles roll up and down his tiny form. A command? One he doesn't wish to listen to, but does he have a choice? The hatchling looks towards Glenin, though shies a few steps back.
Mischevious Puck Hatchling peeks his head out from the ruins of a shimmering shell, eyes whirling slowly to take in the gathered crowd. For him? Form inches a bit further, and a croon, echoing off the walls in gleeful giggles until it's no longer certain where the sound originated. Straightening his form, he gives a snap of his wings, undersides sparkling before he dances from shell shards. Now wasn't there something he was supposed to do?
Eleia suddenly sees the other hatchling. She blinked and frowned a seemed magic, or a dream. She didn't even see the new firelizard hatch. She grined, for this was a true trickster.
Eleia falls asleep.
Seael rolls his eyes a giggle escaping from him childishly "Lost?" comes the sardonic retort to the newest arrival as he did seem like he'd forgot that he was supposed to get around to choosing someone. Sticky sweet meatroll type thing and sorta soft candy is held out in candy coated fingers in an attempt at reminding him
Salome turns as another egg bursts. Spotting the newest hatchling she cocks her head as she looks it over. She smiles to Glenin then sighs slightly as she turns towards the puck hatchling thinking, what's done cannot be undone. She smiles at it's sparkly appearence and carefree expression.
"Who? Me? Well, I was... was... I was -uh /summoned/ here. Yeah, summoned." Moe's eyes dart from one side to the other as if looking for more answers, or perhaps excuses. "Sure, I was told to come here and so I did. Imagine my surprise at seeing all these strangers in /Aerrin's/ room. Its a disgrace it is." Palms run down either side of his shorts, drying them of the last vestiges of persperation, fingers waggling franticly hopefully hidden in anxiety. "But I suppose it is alright now that the hatchlings are here... and can be impressed."
Ahh, but there is power to be had, Kinecha projects to the first hatchling. And food, as any hatchling will have. No reason not to come to her, as she has a certain amount of power to command herself. "So come here my sweet, you will be well cared for by me," she mumbles once again to the lizard. You cannoy resist, can you?
Glenin's full skirts - a recent acquisition, no doubt - offer room enough for a small firelizard to hide from the prying eyes of the crowd, no doubt. Extending her hand a bit more, she dips her head forward and eyes the little firelizard. The evil snake? An accurate enough description. Failing to notice the newer hatchling, her lips curl with a slight smile - 'tis evil here, but are such evils not desired? The meat should be appetizing to a firelizard, after all, and there's more where that came from.
Seael eyes are still switched the youngling's head spinning as they go from blue to blue to eggs "You know this is like a gather everything happening at once.." each hatchling gets the offering motioned in it's direction with whole hearted determination of course he can't have them both but they deserve his best attention till they find their life partners
Inya considers the first blue, completely ignoring the emergance of the second. Pursing her lips, she changes the dance of her meat, sending it sliding back and forth, circling around in a slow spiral, much as a witch might stir her bubbling cauldron. Toil, toil... yes, indeed, does the bluerider work to gain the hatchling's favor. After all, one always has a choice, and her choice is to strive to Impress this child, for child he is, though born of an egg and not his mother's body.
Mischevious Puck Hatchling is quite sure he had something to do... Mischeviously whirling eyes speed ever faster as he creeps forward, tail flicking behind him. Oh /yes/! He must find someone. And this is one task he can't afford to mess up. Another step forward, and he pauses to consider. One of these is right.. and the others wrong. But which?
Honey of Love, Venom of Deceit Egg shivers in it's little 'niche' of duned sand. It's far far too cold here. (even with the hearth so near)
Seael brings his feet forward to cross them in front of him indian style. Barefeet don't even notice if it's cold as this child usually goes with out them. Toes wiggle enticingly and fingers are stuck into his mouth for a moment as that sweetness was just calling him.. Food is picked back up and held out with a wiggle or two as the boy grins at the hatchlings
Salome's eyes flick back to the first hatchling. She bites a lip then turns back to it, once again entranced. She grabs another piece of meat, ready incase it snaps up her first. She watches it, patiently holding out her wait of the hatchlings hopeful approach.
Kinecha does now notice the other blue hatchling, her eyes lingering on him for a bit, 'fore they return to the first blue again. Yes, you are the powerful one, are you not? Her handful of meat is still held out to him, as she beckons him to come to her and be with her to explore the world. Quite possible indeed, and exiting. Even if she has found a home in recent Turns.
Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling is, unfortunately, at whims beyond his control and power. He's weak, you see, a puppet with the strings cut. Eyes search those dark caves, a Night beconing him to hide within it's folds. And there's that tantilizing smell of -good- things to come. There's meat in them, 'der hills and witches brew or not he shall have it! Even if it's Glenin who's hands shall control his poppet-strings.
Eyes whirl with sinister beauty, reflections of Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling's soul. With a creel, he lifts anxious eyes to fix on Glenin in Impression, forever.
Glenin calls to Illusions to Destruction Macbeth Hatchling, who flies over and lands on her shoulder.
Honey of Love, Venom of Deceit Egg shivers some more. The heathens, they went before her/he/it! Soon...Oh so soon.
Sudanna eyes moe and hmmmms, "why do I have have a feeling there is more here then you are specifying, Mosiah? It's not like Aerrin to miss a meeting. /If/ you were told to be her, that is.
Salome smiles as the first one Impresses and nods to Glenin,"Congrats," she says. She turns back to the sparkling hatchling, hloding out a fresh piece of meatroll. She cocks her head as she watches it, considering it's cheerful attributes. Her head turns slightly as she notices a new shaking egg then looks back at the Puck hatchling.
Seael tosses a voice of congrats over towards Glenin as his attention is wholy taken by the remaining blue.. "Well looks as if you've the stage to yourself for awhile at least.." the other eggs are glanced at curiously
Kinecha tilts her head, a little disappointed, ideed. But there are other to be had, in this world of firelizards hatching. Her attention now is turned to the other blue hatchling. Might it be that this was one for her? A mischevious little one would fit will in her home in the north would he not?
Mischevious Puck Hatchling is easily distracted, and a thin head swings around with a playful bob. Now here's something of interest. The hatchling stalks forward, darting and feigning between feet of the gathered before fixing his gaze on.. toes. Indeed, not something often seen. They hold only a brief fascination, however, and soon his gaze is wandering elsewhere. There's a like mind in this room... one willing to risk what one must for the laughs..
Glenin's hands shall, indeed, control the strings - for she is, of course, the warden of the loom, correct? Ahem. Anyway. Frosted lips breaking into a full smile as the hatchling is lured into Impression - with a slight moment of dizziness at the first experience of Impression - she gathers the blue into her skirts, leaving her hand open to sate the firelizard's newborn hunger. Cackle.
Inya leans back, tucking her meat against her knee as she moves to watch the others ply their wares to the Puck hatchling. As they have already begun their courting of the hatchling, she sits back, loathe to interfere with something already started.
Seael chuckles softly at the little blue at least he was interesting to this one.. Sticky gooey fingers are still there waiting to offer whatever it is this one wants should he figure it out. Perhaps freedom is it and the chance to be out on the open sees with many friends causing all sorts of fun.. "Do you like water? I live on it. Isn't that fun? The ship is always rocking to a froe and Chandra is alwyas up for getting annoyed at you."
Salome chuckles at the mischievious hatchling as he stares at peoples toes for a moment. She holds her meatroll piece a bit lower to get the hatchling's attention. She smiles at the antics of the hatchling as ibobs around.
Mosiah abruptly sees the error of his ways. He must cover a vague untruth with yet more conspiracy. "Well, it wasn't exactly Aerrin who told me this. As a matter of fact," this is the point where the boy begins rubbing his chin, if only he had wiskers, as if in thought. "it was that one little wily apprentice kid who told me. You know, the one about ye' high with that hair. I'm sure you know the one." Head turns away as he appears to be most interested in those hatchlings, "Yes. Yes. You did say something about how homely they looked?" Fingers continue to wiggle at his sides, a silent entreaty to the Journeyman to talk about /other/ things.
Kinecha might be too serious for laughs, but she is in no way too serious for a little one like he. Her knees begin to hurt though, and she moves to sit crosslegged instead, still on the floor, close to where the hatchlings are. "Plenty of fun to be had at a Weyr, little one," she says, and stares. Oh, yes that is the place to be, for one who will have his fun and laughs.
Sudanna sighs and shakes her head, "No, I said something about how beautiful they were... And I suggest if you are going to tell 'untruths' Mosiah, you tell them straight. Now, isn't that little blue a wonder? Have you some meat for him?" Digs some out of her pouch and hands it to him. She always have some for her little ones.
Kurt stalks in from the Aerrin and Kurt's Room.
Magentica hums a bit still as the eggs hatch and look about for food. Eyes whirl slightly deep blue as she flaps green wings.
Mischevious Puck Hatchling stalks forward another step, nose inching up in the air as he goes. There's more to this mission! Like minds and /food/... Wings spread to give a shimmer of light, and a demanding creel rises forth. Mischeviousness buys no bread.. or does it? His head snaps forward, stealing a tiny bite before the owner even knows it's gone. Tail snaps behind him, whipping as more feet are dodged. What's this about untruths? And where is the /fun/? Surely work and fun don't need to be exclusive..
Kinecha then remembers a thing, she uncovers her head and reveals her bright-orange hair. No fun, you say, but this was no accident see? Just a little too much wine and ale. Which is why a Weyr is so much fun for you, mu friend. Things like this happen every day. The meat is still held out to the little one, to see if maybe the hair will do the trick.
Suddenly, one little forgotten egg in the pot cracks open and spills out: ComicRelief Pink Hatchling (Pink, Brown, there's a difference?) The tiny brown gives a shake of it's little duck-like tail before leaping forth from the basket and tobbling heels over head in front of Shakesperia. Impression and instant, and the two-left-footed girl stands up, clasping her new Joker in her hands tightly as she wobbles off to show her mom.
Mosiah just sorta blinks in astonishment as he is handed some slimy red stuff. "What is... meat? Meat!?" Fingers work the pliant stuff in the palm of his hand. Looking a bit bewildered, "Uh sure. Thanks, ma'am." *cringe* "I mean Sudanna. I'll... I suppose I'll cherish it always." What else is he supposed to say. Whatever you do, don't rise to any accusations, as possible as they might have been. Give him a moment... wait for it... "Ohhhhh. You mean for the hatchlings. D'oh."
Kurt walks into the room from the side door, yawning and stretching, dressed in his robe and slippers (decent, put those dirty minds away!), hair standing out in dreads and spikes. "*yawn* What's going on in here? Sounds like a herd of herdbeast..."
Seael rolls his eyes standing up only to bump into the person above him.. Apoligies are made as he finds yet another place to sit.. He ends up on a stack of is that books? getting a little better view in hopes figuring out just where this 'lizzen was headed.. Sticky icky snack is settled onto cupped hands so his clothes at least stay candy free
He goes, he goes; Look how he goes, Swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow. She smiles as Puck darts around the legs, looking like a comedian. Meatroll is held close to her feet as it seems that's what this one is paying a bit of attention to. Smile stays on her face as he conitnues to dart and dodge. (Salome)
Honey of Love, Venom of Deceit Egg wiggles, wobbles, it's on a roll. Litterally. It takes a slow dive down the slight slope of sand. Okay, nothing life-threatening, but.
Honey of Love, Venom of Deceit Egg slides to one side, begining a slow, sensuous twirl. A crack begins, splintering from the egg's crest and sliding down the side to follow the stain of blood before finally crumbling into dust. Honey of Love, Venom of Deceit Egg is no more.. there is only...
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling
As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gentle,-- sands of coppery russet milk their way into dunes of relaxed curves and plentiful demise. With his sharp teeth the intricate knot of life at once unties, unraveling beneath fangs of deceit. The wealth of the ancients unravels upon the slanted pyramids of ridges which trail from betwixt head, to the tip of timeless tail. No color but brown buries his softly wrinkled form, though the blackness of midnight's void threatens beneath the stonework of his plump belly. A sliver of darkness holds close with each intake of air, coiling it's tangled rope tightly around the babe's chest. The beauty of sun-burnt passion flows through ichor-filled sails, the calm deadliness of a desert swathing his eyes. A flick of softly hued tail sends a sharp flicker of metallic glint: Born of steel and desert, deceit and betrayal.
Seael snaps his attentino to the newest addition of wandering baby firelizards and smiles softly at the brown "Now what do we have here? Born into such a place are you going to go quick or take your time as the little blue is doing?"
Mischevious Puck Hatchling sends his head whipping around, sliding toward the back of the room. A like mind? Could be.. at least this one seems to be in trouble. To save a fellow mischeif-maker? Or to grab the nearest food and run? Indecisive eyes swirl around the room, and wings snap tight to his side. Perhaps he'll just sit here and disappear, waiting in the shadows of trees.. or are those people?.. for his chance. Only in the world of dreams can he make his move..
Aztek seems to have bred a raise of super-wrinkled hatchlings, which are either depressing or hyper-go-lucky. This, of course, makes the bronze flutter and croon towards his newest son, whirling eyes appraising the twist of snake-like pattern. Definately His spawn. The croon turns towards a hiss, and a snap, as the firelizard quickly lashes out towards the nearest person's meat and snatches it! Mmm..thanks for the food.
Inya goes home.
Sudanna says, "Mosiah? what are you /really/ doing here? And don't try and distract me with hatchlings..."
Kurt flops into a seat, with a big mug of klah. "Hatchlings? Oh great Faranth... Aerrin! Hatchlings!"
Kinecha still has eyes for the mischevious blue hatchling, smiling at him in a broad grin that befits this time. "You have a mind of your own, don'tcha," she calls to him. Even if he does seem indecivesive, he will find the one befitting him and his temper, she's sure. Only she's hoping it would be her, so that there would be some happiness and laughs, which might infect herself and her temper.
Salome turns her head to the next hatchling but stays at attention to the Puck hatchling. She turns back to the mischievous one and watches as he seems to shy into a shadow. She smiles and holds the food a bit closer to him, trying to bring him out to her. Grinning as his eyes twirl in indescisive colors she watches the hatchling. Nearly nodding in agreement with Kinecha she mutters,"Why yes you do." She is usually a silent one at hatchings...
Shades of Light and Darkness Egg lurches suddenly, shivering again as the protective shadows of his clutchmates fade one by one. Soon he'll be left in open light, nowhere to hide...
Seael falls asleep.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling 's first motions would suggest the latter, a slow lifting of shell-covered head. Where's the light? Wings hang limply by his side, and tail dashes out behind him, but that head's still covered safely beneath shell. No cringing and hiding for this proud soul. Instead, the Serpent immediately 'whistles' a high-pitched croon, and leaps aloft. See, he can fly! Though he's so hungry! And where /is/ everyone?
Mosiah most definitly cannot get into any stuff now that Kurt is around -the boy offers him a sort of half-wave in greeting complete with toothy smile. A glance askance to Sudanna and the boy is immediatly collapsing to the floor, legs liquifing underneath him to allow from some semblance of a sitting position. Meat is left upon his palm as he looks out to the hatchlings and remaining eggs, his words for Sudanna, "What? What was that? I couldn't hear you over all this ruckus... you know, elders like to use the word 'ruckus' alot. I think I got it from them. Why don't you try to impress one of these..." Stall. Thats it, boy.
Sudanna says, "She's not here Kurt, I was looking for ehr and stayed to protect her room against this mess of hatchlings and strangers."
Kurt blinks. "She's not here? Where is she? Doesn't she know her hatchlings are going off? Better find her...." he pushes himself from his chair and squishes through the crowd for the door.
Sudanna eyes Mosiah and shakes her head.. She doesn't trust him for a second alone, never mind any of his 'stories'.
Kinecha is distracted by a croon from yet another hatchling. Now where had this one come from? Her otherwise watchful eyes keep a-missing the ones that are hatched, and what would her commander say if she found this out? Blinking, she returns her gaze to the one who cannot find his mate.
Mischevious Puck Hatchling lifts his head in interest, wings unfolding abit. Stall? Puck is wonderful at stalling.. particularly when it means leaving trouble behind. He slides foward, fluttering toward Mosiah before snapping his head out to claim the meat. He's always willing to provide an excuse.. so long as the healer is willing to provide the laughs later.
Salome once again turns as yet another egg rocks. Though this one pulls her attention she stays to attend to the mischievious Puck hatchling. She idly glances at the brown hatchling, slightly surprised that noone is hovering over it. Though she has slight concern for the brown one still follows the mischievious blue with her hand of meat. I'll follow you, I'll lead you about a round, Through bog, through bush, through brake, through brier.
Sudanna falls asleep.
Kinecha smiles, although the mischievous one finally found another rather than her. She /is/ happy for the tiny thing, and her attention is quickly turned to the other hatchling, also trying to find a mate. Holding out the meat, she projects positive thoughts; of food and comfort and warm (?) place to be. Well, in the summertime at least.
Mosiah is hardly down and getting comfortable before his offering is stolen. "Hey... /Hey/ Give that back. Sudanna gave that to me to give to a hatchling." Fingers extend as a mockery of pinchers to reclaim what is being gobbled down. "Aw, by the love of Timor, what are you-" After an afternoon of multiple speaking interruptions, this one takes the firelizard. "Oh! Ow! Will you please-
A soft, mischevious creel sounds from Mischevious Puck Hatchling, and widened eyes lift to fix with anticipation - and Impression - on Mosiah.
Magentica looks about a moment, eyes whirling in excitement. She flaps emerald wings for a moment before humming once again to the hatching eggs.
Mosiah calls to Mischevious Puck Hatchling, who flies over and lands on his shoulder.
Salome nods to Mosiah,"Congrats," she says this sincerely though dissappointed she bends down to the brown hatchling. She holds out a piece of meatroll towards it inspecting this one and trying to notice a personality.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling snaps his wings outward, stretching languorously as his eyes rake the crowd, calculating.. but loving. Oh /there/ they are. With a short, purring croon, he steps forward, surveying the crowd. Eyes settle here, there... where?
Shades of Light and Darkness Egg topples again, this time turning darkened shell to the top. Oh! Wait! You didn't see that.. with no hesitation, it rolls again, settling into the sand in relief as white again smooths over shadows.
"No, you see, I've already got one of these -haven't seen it since turn's end. Its got wings... small... looks alot like a dragon... even blue." Protest all you want, buddy, he is yours now and he'll start a nibbling on those fingers of your if you don't give him some more food. And the tape on the gauze is: "Shells, Aerrin is gonna kill me. I impressed one of /her/ 'lizen." *gulp* Just feed the blue and shaddup. Mosiah said.
Salome smiles as the brown one seems finally satisfied with attention. She holds out her meat to the hatchling. Once again she eyes to the side as another egg topples over but seeing no new hatchling she turns her gaze back to the Serpent Sonnet Hatchling.
Kinecha has found her place, and would happily show the brown his. The world certainly is a big place, but there are also places to be calm and settled. In the north is such a place, little one. A place to be happy and have no worries. "You're not lost now, are you little one?" she tells the brown hatchling, looking worryingly at him.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling isn't lost.. not at all. He's right where he should be, stepping forward into the limelight with all eyes upon him. /He/ is the rightful ruler here, and the only partner he'll take is one who recognizes that.. or overcomes that. Neck is craned regally, and his gaze rakes the room once again.
Glenin goes home.
Kinecha grins. Well, of course. What else would he be. Such a brave, mighty lizard would fit well into her world. Still, she cannot help but worry about these tiny little creatures, needing, at this time, someone to feed them. On the floor she sit carefully observing the lizard, holding out the meat, letting him come to her, rather than force him to obey.
Salome smiles as the hatchling almost seems to show off his royalty. Crouching down to his level she holds out her meatroll, submitting to his rule. She still smiles as he gazes over his 'kingdom'.
Shades of Light and Darkness Egg shivers once more as it feels eyes upon it.. no longer can it hide from the prying demands of the outside world.. it has no choice.
Shades of Light and Darkness Egg protests no longer. With a stab that begins near the top and bleeds downward, the purity of white shatters to reveal the darkness within.
Manipulative Iago Hatchling
Carefully painted tan brushes across sleek hide, spreading thin back and tops of wings with the safety of homogeneous color. Deeper shades lurk amoung the shadowed hide of legs and tail, slinking in uncontrolled spirals. Deep, nearly black color demands recognition, protesting against the lighter covering as it flashes in the crease of joints and under his chin, a betrayal of the demon inside. Darkened shadows spread beneath his wings before lurking into his every movement and action; thoughtful, planned, calculating.. and unnoticed.
Mosiah goes home.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling creels slowly, the sound rising in pitch. He is ruler of all he sees.. but one to share it with? One who promises not to leave? An equal for a ruler...
Manipulative Iago Hatchling straightens quickly, not daring to flinch from the light that breaks the darkness of his hiding. Now is the time for a show.. now is the time to twist and turn, bend and break all the rules of love and war. His eyes slide over the crowd, weighing each, one by one. Which have uses?
Kinecha's eyes flicker as she sees movement out of the corner of her eye. Ohh, one more hatchling has come forth, she slowly turns her gaze back to Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling though, as he creels. Tilting her head, slightly she may be willing to be rules by such a little thing? She sits quietly holding out the meat in her hand, waiting for someone to command her full attention. (as if it wasn't already so).
Salome eyes the unattended hatchling then decides she might have a better chance with a more thoughtful one...that also has no one else offering him food. She waddles, still in a crouch over to the manipulative hatchling. Watching the hatchling survey the candidates to his Impression she hopes to herself that she may be worthy.
Kurt glances down at the newborns and sniffs. "You two better not be making a mess on the floor." he admonishes, then points to the other two. "And no tossing food all over the place." grumble grumble. "Aerrin! Where are you! There's little lizards running around!" boy, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed...
Manipulative Iago Hatchling tilts his head toward Salome, regarding her thoughtfully. Offering food? He's never been one to turn down what's offered.. but perhaps prudence requires wariness. He takes where it's required.. where it's useful. His form slinks toward Kinecha, and he creels softly. Listen to him... he has news. Gossip. Delightful information.
Magentica keeps up her crooning and signs of encouragement to the petless hatchlings. She whirls eyes at the goo covered floor and glad she is perched off the floor.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling croons softly, the ruler sounded lost for a brief moment. They left him? Their attention went elsewhere? How can he trust one who's not truly his, for all time...?
Salome smiles as her food is snapped up and whips out some more. She frowns slightly as it walks over towards Kinecha. She follows slightly behind it, hand of meat still offering more to eat. As the hatchling regarded her she now regards the hatchling, eyeing it and thinking about his seeming traits.
Kinecha blinks as the newest lizard slinks toward, her having seen slight movement, or maybe felt it more. Tilting her head, her eyes focus on him and she nods toward him, forgetting the other for a spell. She smiles and hold the meat toward him, as he may take the offered gift and come to her, for the remainder of his life?
Manipulative Iago Hatchling snaps at the meat, claiming his prize before slinking backward a step. For the remainder of his life? He intends that to be quite long, and Kinecha hints otherwise. Ah, but there's another.. one who follows diligently. One he can control? One he can use, manipulate? One he can blame, when all else fails?
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling croons again, this time more loudly. Where is his love? His one, his only? Eyes whirl in loss, and meat is forsaken as eyes scan the room. Cleopatra had an asp.. but the healer's room promises no such release. Is life alone the only option?
Kurt waves his arms. "C'mon, move it along, this isn't a gather y'know. Harpers work to do..."
Salome blinks as she watches the Iago hatchling. She's not being manipulated and never will be...Her will is her own and no one elses. This may be doubted when it comes to the Iago hatchling. Seeing the Cleopatra's forlorn croon she steps over to be inbetween the flits, holding food out to both. She almost wants to reach out and comfort the Serpent Sonnet with a pat yet refrains from doing so.
Kinecha finds the meat in her hand gone and quickly searcher another piece in her pouch. Plenty more where that came from, little one, and plenty more at home to be had. Her attention is now divided between the two and she searches the pouch for more meat to have in her other hand. One hand for each of the two tiny ones.
Manipulative Iago Hatchling makes another snap at the meat. Her will is her own? Never, when it comes to this brown.. he controls, he pulls the strings.. he moves the chess pieces. And only when the shades of innocence are brushed away might one catch a glimpse of the darkness lurking within. His eyes lift to Salome, slowly challenging her. /He/ will be the leader in this partnership. He will take what he wants, offer only what he chooses to give. And she will follow.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling raises his voice in a wail. The world is too lonely.. too cold. Love is, evidently, no where to be found for Cleopatra, but some strength of will resists the urge.. the urge to shrivel and die. He is regal.. he is strong. But strength requires strength to bolster it..
Salome slowly glances down at the Iago hatchling. She narrows her eyes slightly, seeing the want to manipulate her. She cocks her head, slowly realizing that maybe her will shall not be her own if she is blessed with Impressing this brown. Her arm still holds out food to a forgotten Serpent Sonnet hatchling, her gaze now entirely focused on Iago.
Manipulative Iago Hatchling captures Salome's will, twisting it to his. So deftly, of course, that she never need know.. until, perhaps, some future betrayl. But that's another story...
Shadows dance before Manipulative Iago Hatchling as he slinks forward, finally lifting eyes to fix on Salome. Manipulation? Deceit? Impression.
Kinecha loses control of her jaw as the poor lizard starts to wail. Her hand comes quickly and calmly to him and offers him a piece of meat to help him out of his misery. She will love him, with all of her heart, if only he will come to her and accept her gift for what it is. A declaration of love!
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling slides eyes toward Kinecha. Love? Promises? Is it worth the risk? Is Kinecha one worth trusting.. one worth risking for?
Kinecha is forever to be trusted. Makes she a promise, she keeps it. And forever will she love this little creature as she does all other to whom that declaration has been made. Never would she lie.
Salome smiles as she Impresses the will bending Iago hatchling. She glances over at the extra still egg, wondering what will happen to it.
Salome calls to Iago, who flies over and lands on her shoulder.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling has no choice.. it is love or loneliness, and there's really no option. With a regal arch of his head, he fixes his gaze upon Kinecha. Promise?
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling's cries turn joyous, and he turns towards Kinecha, creeling piteously.
Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling looks at you with whirling eyes. You have Impressed him.
Kurt grumbles and starts cleaning up the mess on the floor. "All right, all right. Out out out! Messy people...and don't tromp through the bedroom on your way out!" sheesh, give this guy some more klah. He's usually such a nice little guy, except when he's awakened by creeling lizards and squealing people.
Salome smiles to Kinecha as she Impresses,"Congrats." She looks at Kurt and blinks...rude.
Rude? Rude? This is his home, and he was just awakened by stomping people. "Goo! Yeeeeeuck!"
"I promise," she whispers as the lizard comes to her, picking him up and feeds him meat from her pouch. Looking at Salome, she smiles and nods "you too."
Magentica looks at the squealling Kurt, and chittergiggles. She flaps her wings as she goes to take flight knowing that this hatching is /over/!
You call to Cleopatra's Serpent Sonnet Hatchling, who flies over and lands on your shoulder.
Salome walks to the Out.
Magentica ,on sparks of mystic magic, goes ::Between::!
Kinecha blinks and looks up at the harper as he chases them out. Standing carefully she holds the lizard gently in her arms and walks out her mind only on hum at the moment.
As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gentle,-- sands of coppery russet milk their way into dunes of relaxed curves and plentiful demise. With his sharp teeth the intricate knot of life at once unties, unraveling beneath fangs of deceit. The wealth of the ancients unravels upon the slanted pyramids of ridges which trail from betwixt head, to the tip of timeless tail. No color but brown buries his softly wrinkled form, though the blackness of midnight's void threatens beneath the stonework of his plump belly. A sliver of darkness holds close with each intake of air, coiling it's tangled rope tightly around the babe's chest. The beauty of sun-burnt passion flows through ichor-filled sails, the calm deadliness of a desert swathing his eyes. A flick of softly hued tail sends a sharp flicker of metallic glint: Born of steel and desert, deceit and betrayal.
Shango is 4 hours, 5 minutes, and 12 seconds old.
Shango is awake and seems alert.
And Back To The Weyr…
Living Caverns
The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.
Scattered about in various perches and niches are thirty-six firelizards.
You see Old Auntie sit-by-the-fire, OOC NOTICE (look sign), Hobbes, Generic Sign-Up Sheet, and Kageri here.
Reiko is here.
Shango notices Reiko looking at him.
Kinecha walks swiftly to the counter and picks out several pieces of meat, putting them on a plate, and manages to fill a mug with klah for herself. Walking back to a table she sees Reiko and beams the woman a smile. "Hiya," she says and comes to take a seat across the table from her, putting the brown hatchling in her lap, feeding him the meat she brought.
Reiko peeks over the table to have a look at the hatchling. "Lovely, Kinecha. Where'd you find him?"
Kinecha grins, looking up at Reiko, while still shoving little pieces of meat down the throat of the lizard. "I was down at the Healer Hall. Apparently someone wanted to see that cut of mine, and I walked into the wrong room, where a hatching was taking place." Maybe she shouldn't have stayed, but she did, and now she has one more lizard to care for..
Reiko lounges back in her chair and takes a long sip of juice from her mug. "You do get around, don't you?" A wry halfsmile curls the corners of her mouth. "I don't know when I've seen you so happy... and sober at the same time," she remarks teasingly.
Kinecha grins, and nods. She had been pretty depressed since, probably before, Reiko had come to the Weyr. "I don't have that many worries anymore," she says, and looks down at the lizard. She really does like these little creatures. No matter what other people say about them.
Elehu arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Elehu calls to Klee, who flies over and lands on her shoulder.
Kinecha is at her table, looking down at her recently hatched brown lizard. On the table her klah is getting cold, but what does she care, when she has a hatchling to care for?
Elehu slowly walks in, a quick whistle given her firelizard who flutters down to the Healer's shoulders to join the blue already there. She nods to Reiko and Kinecha as she takes a small pouch from her belt and walks over to the kitchen tables, stuffing some bread and meatrolls inside the pouch.
Reiko looks up at Ele with a smile before returning her attention to Kinecha. "Glad to hear it," she says, with uncharacteristic warmth.
Kinecha nods and manages to takes a sip of her cooling klah. She notices Elehu come in, and gives her a smile, "hiya, Ele," she calls out to the healer, then returns her attention to the hatchling.
Elehu smiles faintly as she walks back over to the other two. "New hatchling?" she asks quietly, reattaching the now filled pouch to her belt.
Kinecha nods slowly, "Yeah, he's wonderful, isn't he?" The guard gets uncharateristicly soft, whenever she had a baby firelizard in her arms. The brown seems to have had enough meat for the time being and has fallen asleep.
Reiko's expression is vaguely amused. For someone who professes to hate children, Kinecha certainly has a soft spot for baby 'lizards. "Have you named him?"
Elehu grins at Reiko as she asks the question before the Healer can. She just shifts her rucksack slightly, eyes darting towards the bowl.
Kinecha smiles broadly looking from the hatchling to Reiko, and then to Elehu. "His name is Shango.. You're leaving, Ele," she says, noticing that the healer is looking toward the bowl.
Reiko smiles approvingly, then looks at Ele also. "Are you, Ele? I'd wanted to speak to you... when you've time."
Elehu nods slowly to Kinecha and smiles. "Aye... in a little while. My brother was supposed to come to get me. He's running a little late though." She takes a seat and raises a hand to steady the blue at her shoulder as she turns to Reiko. "Sure, Reiko. I have time now..."
Kinecha leans back in her chair, careful not to disturb the brown in his slumber. "You're going back to the ship then?" She was a little sorry to see the healer leave already.
"Maybe you're not the right person to ask," Reiko begins hesitantly, "but as a Healer, I thought you'd probably know, even if you're not actually posted here?" She shifts a bit in her seat. "Ilare suggested that I might be able to make myself useful as a healer's assistant... do I need special training for that, or are willing hands enough?"
Elehu nods to Kinecha, a rather gloomy light in her eyes. "Yes, the ship is done. We'll be leaving port in the morning so I need to make sure all the supplies I requested have been taking aboard." She then turns back to Reiko and smiles thoughtfully. "You would need some basic training, but as long as you didn't try to do any more than the Healer in charge tells you... helping hands are always useful."
Reiko nods thoughtfully. "I'll speak to the weyrhealer then... Kariel, is it?" Then she takes another look at Ele. "Thanks. I'm sorry to see you go, as well."
"Think you'll come back, Ele," Kinecha says to the healer, hoping that she will, and almost knowing that she wants to.
Elehu nods quickly to Reiko. "Aye, that would be Kariel," she replies with a smile. "And I was only here to visit. I had to leave eventually, duty calling and all that," she adds with a disheartened wave of her hand. She gives Kinecha a soft smile and nods. "Aye, I have too much here for me to leave permanently," she answers, vague though that may be.
Kinecha smiles lopsidedly, "well, then I s'pose it'll be 'see you', rather than 'goodbye', eh?" She nods to the healer, while gently scratching the hatchlings eyeridge. "And thanks again for fixing that wound..."
Elehu shrugs slightly, still smiling at the guard before she glances down at the little brown hatchling. "Hey, anytime Kinecha. I'll be sure to see how it's healed when I'm back," she adds, winking at the guard. "Progress reports are a Healer's best friend in knowing how well we're actually doing. Too often we only see patients when they're hurt, and we never get to find out if or how they healed."
Reiko smiles. That hadn't occurred to her. "Well. Safe journey, Ele, and I hope we'll see you again soon."
Kinecha nods, "it's actually much better now," she notes. So much better that she's taken the bandage off, which was probably annoying her more than the wound itself.
Elehu nods to both women and pauses a moment before standing. "Thank you Reiko... I might need it," she says, then lifts a hand to wave reluctantly. "I'd better see if I can find my brother. Or maybe I'll just find another rider to give me a lift down to the hold. /Anything/ but that wagon. They haven't fixed the roads yet since this spring," she rambles on, giving a faint wince. "Well... enjoy yourselves," she adds softly, then heads towards the bowl.
Elehu exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Kinecha gets up from her comfortable chair and drains the rest of her cold klah, wincing. "I should get going too, so I'll see ya?"
Reiko nods. "Sure." She drains her juice and sets the mug down on the table with a soft thud. "Take care of that little fellow." The wry halfsmile flickers across her face and disappears.
Kinecha grins, and nods while walking carefully, with fluent steps as not to jar the little thing. "You can be sure I will," she says and dissapeard into the bowl.