Tunnelsnake Brunch
Back out into the bustling world of the caverns you go.Night or day, Klah can always be found warming on the High Reaches Hearth...
Living Caverns
The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.
Scattered about in various perches and niches are fifty-three firelizards.
You see OOC NOTICE (look sign), Look at Me Postcard to Tatia, White Clay Egg Pot, Jaeshri, Large Picnic Rug, Kageri, Chalea, Question Deck, Streak, the Candidate's Rumor Weed, Wanda, and 'What's in the box?!' crate here.
Kiharu, Hiliza, and Pyrene are here.
Hiliza is indeed idling about, and so when Pyrene strolls in Hiliza almost doesn't notice. How's that for nice? But the ex-many things-type does indeed hear, and so, cupping her klah and shivering considerably less, smiles and says, "Hello Pyrene... Juice, klah, or otherwise?"
Pyrene folds her arms on the table and buries her head in them, allowing her reply to float out from this hapless pose. "Juice of course! I never drink klah... Otherwise... a snack wouldn't go amiss. Something hot."
Slowly making her way across the floor, Kinecha dust off her tunic and pants, while holding a brace of tunnelsnakes in the other. Making her way to the hearth, she dumps her catch there, in order to fill a mug of klah.
Marianne arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Hiliza wiggles out of her chair, if she hasn't already, leaving her klah behind. Redfruit juice is poured into a cup and a plate of nice, fresh meatrolls is snagged. Ah, why only bring a few? "Here you are, Pyrene." She settles back into her chair, "How are you and Cadgwith today?" Kincheca gets a beam and a , "'Morning, 'Necha..." And the tunnelsnakes are eyed quite nervously.
Lylia walks in from the Central Bowl.
Pyrene glances up in approval at Kinecha. Somebody's been keeping busy. "On snake-duty?" she notes, only half-questioning. And there's Marianne. She'll get a wave. So will Lylia, because she's cute. "Cadge is fine," she answers Hiliza. "Enjoying the warmth immensely, although I think she's already wishing she could stretch her wings more often."
Pyrene also takes the juice and meatrolls gratefully. Hiliza's a lifesaver.
Mug filled, Kinecha picks up her tunnelsnakes carrying them to the nearest table where she drapes them across a chairback. Better wait with skinning them till she gets outside. Might not be that the drudges would be too happy with such a thing done smack in the middle of the living caverns. "Morning, Hi," she says, leaving the snakes behind to join her fellow candidate and Pyrene, giving the weyrwoman a nod as she does, "Aye, caught five of 'em.."
R'sli arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Lylia is cute indeed. Just look at those black, dictator-style leathers. Hail to the brownrider. But since Py is cute, she'll definitely be spared when the revolution comes. "Hey, Pyrene," Ly chipperly greets, her head giving a slight nod towards Hiliza, Kinecha, and Marianne. "How is everyone this /fine/ morning?"
Marianne walks into the caverns, suitably dried off and looking much more... High Reaches weather appropriate than when she arrived. Leaning against the doorframe, Marianne breathes out a long sigh. "The next time I see a dragon with a snow pile next to them, I plan to run in the other direction. Very, very quickly," she groans and pushes herself up off the doorframe to crawl into the nearest chair to the door and curl up in a ball, her long hair falling over her shoulders as she laughs wryly, and attempts to offer bows, but they come out quite.. jerking. At Lylia's question, she looks up through her falling down hair. "I'm always good on a fine morning. Does this qualify?"
R'sli is wheeled, rather haphazardly, through the entrance to the Inner Caverns by some burly-looking youth. "Take it easy, Burnz," the greenrider growls. "It's bloody uncomfortable caroming off of the stone walls." Spotting Pyrene, he points with the cane stuck in his chair. "Wheel me over there, and then go find Ganabe. He's got a much lighter touch than you do." There's a frosty, acidic tone to the weyrlingmaster's tone, though he doesn't seem to notice the flush in the lad's neck. "Well? Are we waitng for Turn's End?" That spurs the candidate to push the rider over to his indicated spot, and disappear rapidly. Lovely.
Pyrene nods around a mouthful of meatroll. "Good going, Kinecha." She tips her head at Marianne. "That was the snowfight Cadge was telling me about?" Ris gets a bare nod of acknowledgment although she does offer him a meatroll. What more does he want?
Hiliza smiles widely at Marianne, Phea, and R'sli, and bobs her head a bit nervously at Lylia, "It is a rather nice morning, even if it is too cold for /me/..." She nods a couple more times and curls her entire body around her klah mug, which only a very small person could ever hope to do. Probably. Suddenly, she looks around, and heaves a sigh of relief, "Oh good.. Majorie wouldn't be up this early if there were a thousand men out here.. but she's even worse earlier on in the day." She sagenods, if that's possible on a Hiliza.
What fine morning, Kinecha wonders in respond to Lylia's question. "Dusty and drythroated," she mutters, pouring half a mug of klah into her throat, trying to get all the dust out of there. Well, at least she'd gotten herself some tunnelsnakes, right? "Anybody want a tunnelsnake dish?" she throws out to those gathered around her table, before she sees R'sli wheeled in, giving him a slight nod.. She'd heard he'd been injured.
"Snow fight?" Marianne asks wryly, hauling herself around to a more upright position, tossing hair out of her face. "That was more in the nature of a snow massacre. Think two large dragons. Think many teeny little candidates. See Dragons cackle. See canidates hide," Marianne laughs slightly over at Pyrene, shaking her head. "That was about the size of the whole matter..." She trails off, offering as wide a smile as she can manage to both Hiliza and Phea as they enter, as well as a half graceful bow from her seat to R'sil.
"A thousand men?" Lylia perks up. Squeak. "Where?" Not that she cares, really. But... it'd be a sight, wouldn't it? The brownrider's stare turns to Marianne, a thoughtful look flickering in her eyes. "Well... Yes. It's a fine morning." Or else. But the mention of a snow fight leads to an eviiiil cackle from the young woman. "Snow fights are fun. Especially if you're wearing clothes, then you aren't quite so cold."
Pyrene considers. "Dragons don't cackle," she says at length. "And if they did... it's not something you see." Details are important. "I'll have tunnelsnake if you don't mind? I like the stir-fry the cooks do sometimes..." Her mouth waters and is blotted with the meatroll.
R'sli has no time for bows, and Elehu won't let him have a meatroll. "Thanks, anyway, Pyrene. But I'm still on broth for another sevenday." He shifts as much as possible in the wheeled chair, and eyes the tables. "Although, I /could/ have some juice." The conversation about snowfights is attended, but he's gotten all the scoop from the odd brats who visit him. "My mother used to make a stew from those tunnelsnakes that live in the woody areas. That, and a little tuber and fingerroot, and we ate like Lord Holders." He smiles, the first real smile he's offered anyone other than his children all day.
Marianne offers a sweet smile to Lylia with a grin flickering around the edges of her mouth. "So the next time a dragon has one with us, we'll be sure to call you... Then we can /all/ share the fun together," her smile is unbelievably innocent before she turns it away and laughs over at Pyrene at her comment. "Well, no, that is true, Rider. But they would have if they could.... It was all in their expressions...." Stretching out her limbs, she yawns slightly, covering it almost guiltily with one hand.
"Stir-fry," Kinecha mutters, looking a bit lost at stir-frying tunnelsnakes. "We usually just skin 'em and cook 'em over the fire...." But that was when she was living on the road with her father. "But I s'pose I can have the cooks make it for ya, Pyrene.. R'sli," she continues. But she'd be skinning them herself. She had plans for those skins.
Surupa arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Hiliza wrinkles her nose at Kinecha and says, "Well, I'd rather not have a tunnelsnake, 'Necha... I'm not very fond of the taste," Which is to say she won't eat anything she's afriad of. R'sli is quipped, "Are you feeling alright? Sian was awfully worried when I saw her the other day." Ah, since Hiliza didn't participate in the snow fight nor will participate in the 'snake eating, she has to talk about something. She finishes off her klah but doesn't unwrap herself from the mug just yet. Warm=good. Or somesuch.
Pyrene is flattered. A smile for them? She pours the weyrlingmaster some juice instead. "You're getting old, Ris... talking about 'My mother used to...'" she teases him. Marianne gets a thoughtful look. "Blue dragons, right?" she asks. That's certainly what she is visualising. "Please, Kinecha? I'd love a stir-fry... With those seasonings of Damia's..." And she's off in tunnelsnake inspired raptures again.
"No. It was the brown ones. Those two browns... Rides Ilare's and Shawn's dragons, I believe," Marianne remarks to Pyrene, and then s
Lylia just beams at Marianne, eyes lighting up. "Oh, could you? Druseth isn't fond of snowfights, but he's useful in 'em. And I do like running from the avalanches the blues create." Such fun! Especially when you end up coughing and sneezing in the infirmary the next day. Anything to get out of work...
Marianne says, "No. It was the brown ones. Those two browns... Rides Ilare's and Shawn's dragons, I believe," Marianne remarks to Pyrene, and then stands up from her chair with her own dancer's and harper's grace. "Well. While you all eat the.. deliciousness..." The word is hesitated slightly over, marking her opinion of tunnelsnake as a meal. "..of the tunnelsnake, I believe I'll take a walk outside. The numbness might help the feel of sores on my side.." She laughs slightly and grins to Lylia on her way out. "Perhaps one day we'll see how useful he is.." With that, she's gone."
Marianne exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Kinecha drains her klah then gets up to retrieve her catch, deciding to brave the wrath of the drudges, and skin the tunnelsnakes right here in the living caverns. "They're good, really, Hi," she tells her fellow candidate as she pulls out her knife, cutting up the belly of the first snake with deft movement. She's done this before, can't you see? In no time all five dead creatures are without skin, and the guard-candie brings them to the kitchens, trying to remember Pyrene's and R'sli's instructions for how they liked their meals prepared. Coming out a moment later, she comes back to her seat, nodding to Pyrene, "they'll be done soon.."
R'sli eases back into his chair with a glare for the goldrider. "Make any more cracks about my age, and I'll hit you with my cane," he remarks dryly, then smiles again. "I've never tried them stir-fried, he says to Kinecha. "Although, we did meet up with a trader caravan from Igen that ate them that way." That said, he tugs at the woolen blanket over his lap. "/Is/ there juice?" he asks hopefully.
Surupa wanders in caustiously, eyes darting around the caverns as she does so. Towards the familiar sight of a certain werywoman she huddles closer to her burdenbeast fur along the raised collar of her jacket, attempting to hide her multicolored self in the process. She drops down into her usual seat by the hearthe, attempting to wrap herself to be hidden from all those evil riders around her as well. And there is that other brownrider as well... Are they /all/ out there to get her? Towards the words of tunnelsnake, Rupa suddenly perks, not caring if the others see her or not. "'Snake?" She queries aloud, eyes darting from one candidate to the other and then back towards the riders.
Pyrene hmmphs after Marianne. "I'll bet they were blues too. H'llo, Surupa!" She's forgotten the incident even if Surupa hasn't. "Stir-fried is the /best/ way, Ris!" she assures the weyrlingmaster. "And you can't be that old if you've not tasted tunnel=snake stir-fry!" There. All better now?
Kinecha nods to Surupa, as she leans back in her chair, a somewhat proud look on her face. "Aye, I caught five tunnelsnakes this morning.. Havin' 'em prepared as we speak." Casting a glance at Pyrene, she shrugs tilting her head at the same time. "Never tried 'em stir-fried, Pyrene... Only cooked over the flames." Not a lot of time for exquisite cooking out on the roads.
Hiliza shakes her head, "I'll pass anyhow, 'Necha, but thank you.." Obviously she'll pass, the 'snakes have been given to the cooks already. Surupa is heard and so a joyful, "'Upa! G'morning!" Finds itself floating through the air to everyone's ears. Only more immediate than that.
R'sli stops his queries for juice as Ganabe appears, and slides the cup Pyrene offered earlier wordlessly toward the greenrider. "'Bout time," he scowls at the boy. "Just hang tight and get something to eat," the injured rider instructs the candidate. "I don't know how long the Healers will let me go missing." That slipped out, obviously, as the weyrlingmaster casts a quick, guilty look at the others, then clears his throat. "Thank you, Ganabe," he mutters. The slight youth offers a shy wave to the other candidates, and slips off to find food, though he's never out of view.
Surupa waves a hand over towards the weyrwoman, dipping her head down in respect as she does so. However, towards her other words she gives a sudden look of disgust. "/Tunnelsnake/? You wouldn't dare eat one of 'em, would you? I mean, they are just helpless 'beasts..." Yes, Rupa has an affection with the poisonous creatures, but still even the thought of hurting an animal is bad enough. Even behind her mask of red and purple, she turns a clear shade of green as she looks towards
Kinecha and the other candidates. "Oh, how horrible," she whines while hiding once again, greetings ignored. Just the thought of the helpless 'snakes now in her mind.
Pyrene snorts at Ris. "You're a terrible example to these candidates, Weyrlingmaster," she notes dryly. "Rupa... have you ever asked Lyri about Toodles, by any chance?" comes her innocent addition.
"And herdbeasts aren't helpless?" Kinecha queries as she gets up from her seat again. Those cooks ought to be done by now. "'sides that, they taste great.. When cooked right," she says, giving Pyrene a wink as she passes the goldrider on her way to the kitchens. Coming back a few minutes later the guard-candie is laden with a large tray filled with several plates of differently prepared tunnelsnakes. "There ya go.. Help yourselves," she says setting it down in the middle of the table, picking out a plate for Pyrene and one for R'sli. "There's one here with with tubers and fingerroots, for you, R'sli... If you can keep it from the Healers," she whispers to the rider, as she puts the bowl in front of him.
R'sli eyes the plates mournfully. "That's just cruel, Kinecha," he says, and sips at his juice. Maybe that delicious smell isn't nearly representative of the flavor.
Surupa is grumbling and muttering under her breath, more about all those people who make 'snakes suffer. However, as the weyrwoman calls her she lifts her head with a kind look upon her face. How can she turn on a dragonrider about the abuse of those creatures? "Toodles?" She questions, head tilted to one side as she listens to what there might be to say about that. Towards Kinecha she juts out her chin and mumbles something yet again.
Hiliza gives Surupa a look and says, "Well I wouldn't ever eat a tunnelsnake, no matter how much these people seem to think they're tasty..." The woman shudders and looks distasefully toward the food dishes, and then shudders at Pyrene, "You really don't want to know, do you Surupa? They left that thing in the Barracks long enough for it to be there during my first candidcay." It's icky, trust her.
Pyrene is waited on. Bliss. "Toodles," she nods to Surupa. "A good friend of Lyri's." Her redfruit juice is suddenly very interesting, but once she's recovered her composure, she gives Hiliza the most innocent of looks. So?
Cruel? Necha cruel? Nooo, she was just trying to be friendly. Reaching out to grab her own plate with those grilled 'snakes, she sits in her chair again, picking at it with her knife. Just like she used to do, "mmm, haven't had this since I came to the Weyr," she mutters, bringing the first piece to her nose for a sniff, before gobbling it down. "Not bad.."
Surupa arches both of her 'brows, still unsure of what to say about this Toodles or anything else. Amber eyes watch the goldrider carefully, still not really understanding. "But Toodles is a feline? Or a canine?" Yes, a Herder she will always be. Crossing her arms against her chest and glaring over towards 'Necha, she simply mumbles something once again. "That is truely sick, yknow. I would never dare eat one of 'em... Just to think, it could be my old Ocay!" Whine.
R'sli eyes the bowl of broth that Ganabe sets in front of him, and scowls at the boy. "Aha. I see you've been listening to Elehu," he mutters sourly, and looks at the steaming liquid. And he was just about to sneak a piece of snake, too. "Surupa, you should give it a try," he comments, one former herder to herder. "Some of those poisonous variety have the best flavor to their meat. Tastes like wherry."
Marianne sweeps confidently, with just the slightest hint of a whisper in from the Central Bowl.
Kryz walks in from the Central Bowl.
Pyrene rolls her eyes. "Everything tastes like wherry," she observes to Ris. "And just ask Lyri about Toodles, Surupa. She'll be /happy/ to fill you in." More than Surupa could imagine. "Back again, Marianne?" she wonders. "Oh! Who's your friend?"
"I'll trade you, Rupa," Necha says, playing with fire as she does. "Anything you want - well, that I have to give - in return for you trying just a bite of this." She waves around a piece of the tunnelsnake, speared on the tip of her knife.
Kryz looks around nervously at the large crowd. His hands tighten on his bag as he slowly starts to thaw out from the cold that he's obviousl ynot use to.
Hiliza finds that her empty klah mug has lost all semblance of warmth and so desposits it on the table, eyeing the 'snake eating warily. "No, Toodles wasn't alive, I don't think..." It didn't smell alive anyway. Hiliza sends her gaze to Lyri with a quirked eyebrow and waves toward Marianne and Kryz, not that she knows the other. Kinecha is given a second, highly distasetful look and doesn't comment.
Bowing grandly, Marianne sweeps herself to the side to reveal the nervous Kryz, and pushes him forward slightly, peeking over his shoulder with dancing eyes. "This is Kryz. Everyone, meet the best little painter you ever will see," she grins mischeviously. "Sent to us from my darling craft down at Ista... he's still adjusting a bit to everything. The weather is rather a shocker..."
Surupa looks as if she is about to be really sick, nose scrunched up and eyes rolling upwards. "Oh, dear Faranth, no." She gasps towards R'sli, her head shaking quickly and a hand waving towards the rider. "I would /never/ even dare to eat a poor tunnelsnake! I... I'll dind a poor defenseless 'snake and be sure to give it to Cay right away! She knows how to heal 'em well..." Ugh. She still seems green from all the 'snake eating. "Sick, /really/ sick." Thoughts about this Toodles? Gone.
Shawn walks in from the Central Bowl.
Shawn comes in from the bowl looking not-cold and not-muddy for once... unfortunately she's got a scowl on her face and muttering something about being expected to be up all night and then not being able to sleep...and for that matter she looks like she hasn't slept in a couple of days... looking up as she removes her gloves, she does quirk a smile for familiar faces and heads over to the sideboard to get her post-breakfast, pre-lunch, pre-midmorning snack...
Kinecha shrugs, grinning as she puts the 'snake into her own mouth chewing it slow and easy. "Suit yourself.. Though, I must say that tunnelsnakes are hardly defenseless!" Turning, she gives a nod to the newcomer, frowning slightly at the color of his hair. Oh well, nothing /that/ out of the ordinary when you'd been living in a Weyr for more than two turns.
"Shawn!" Pyrene greets, ignoring all aspects of grumpiness attending her friend. "Come and try some tunnelsnake! We're just sharing our favourite recipes with Surupa who's never tasted it before." And is practically drooling at the opportunity, if you look carefully--cross your eyes and squint a little, it's there!
Kryz is pushes forward by Marianne. He glances around again and offers a quick smile and a quiet "hi," to anyone who was paying attention. He then sidesteps away from the push hoping to blend back into the wall. He looks down, then realizes he still has his back. Turning back to Marianne he asks quietly, "do you know where I'll be staying. I wanna put my stuff down."
Hiliza bites her lip, "Oh 'Necha don't make 'Upa ill." She waves again at Kryz, but doesn't move. "Just don't listen to them, 'Upa, I'm sure they'll leave you alone after awhile." And everyone else is rewarded with a raspberrie, which, while rude, at least gives a good, solid opinion on torture.
Surupa juts her chin out towards Kinecha once again, shaking her head quickly. "No, they are defenseless. They will only kill you if you bother 'em, and I should know." She looks back towards Pyrene, eyes wide and surprised. "They aren't sharin' 'nything with me! Just a lot of sick people who are eating /tunnelsnakes/. I mean, how could you! It'll be like me eating my Ocay. I save 'em tunnelsnakes from people like /you/." Gasp. Evil 'Reachians. She bobs her head quickly towards Hiliza, though her eyes remain on those... evil people.
Did someone say /tunnelsnake/... "Ooooh..." Shawn can smell it now and her mouth starts to water, "Which recipe?" she turns and saunters over to the table where her long-time friends is sitting and plops down on a nearby bench, "I hope you saved me some..." she eyes the delicacy spread on the table, "Why didn't someone come get me?" she asks indignent as she starts dishing up a plate
Pyrene laughs, and suddenly stands up. "Alright... I'm going to head back to the Sands. Cadge wants an oiling--I swear it's a wonder she's not fried herself yet."
Pyrene exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Marianne , her attention wavering from their.. enthusiasm over the tunnelsnake is grateful for any excuse to turn away, and uses Kryz's, linking her arm through his and walking him a bit away from Surupa and from the frying tunnelsnakes, though she secretly agrees with Rupa in her heart. "Don't mind the frying... I promise they won't fry you.. Unless their dragons get really hungry," she grins rougishly to him and her eyes give away the teasing. "If you'd like to put your things on a chair for now, I'm sure one of the riders will be able to tell you.."
Stumbling from the inner caverns comes a vision of grace and beauty, or rather the opposite. Majorie clings to the entrance, sending a groggy glare about the Caverns. "Shards, I'm still at the weyr?" She slips, and supports herself in the doorway. The smell of klah hits her nostrils and the tall, annoying candidate drags herself on the ground, half-standing to pour herself some klah and then sitting to down the whole mug. "It's too early, you all know that." She grumbles, eyes not focusing enough to /see/ anyone in the caverns.
Kinecha hms, glancing sideways at Surupa, an indifferent look in her eyes. "Doncha eat herdbeast, Rupa? Or wherry? I'd say those are more defenceless than tunnelsnakes." The guard-candie, jabs the point of her knife into another piece of grilled 'snake meat as she word 'tunnelsnakes'. "And when there's nothing else to eat, you'll eat anything!" She knew /that/ from experience.
"There you are!" an imperious voice rings through the Living Caverns, and an imperious healer strides in, her nostrils flaring in irritation. Stopping in front of the weyrlingmaster, she places her hands on her hips. "Burnz has confessed," she says simply. "Back to the Infirmary with you." Despite R'sli's objections, she grabs the handles of the chair, and pushes him toward the Inner Caverns. "Honestly," the healer frets. "I don't know why you put up such a struggle. Most people would be happy for some rest after what's happened to you."
Kryz watches everyone dig in to the meal then quickly looks away. "I'll pass on food right now. I'm just happy to have my feet back on the ground," he tells Mari with a slight grin as he taps his foot on the solid floor. He pulls his coat closed again already startin gto get homesick for warm weather.
R'sli steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Shawn has already eaten half a plate before she looks up and notices that Pyrene is gone... Hrmph she half-snorts, swallowing her bite, "Hey tunnlesnake is awesome... specially if you cook it with a lot of pepper..." this is not cooked with a lot of pepper but from Shawn's enthusiasm, the recipe obviously has merit.
Marianne suddenly swoons as if into a dream...
Surupa frowns towards Kinecha, bobbing her head before she gives the caverns a quick glance around. "Yes, herdbeasts and wherry were meant for us to eat 'em, as well as porcine and ovine and in some places I heard that they eat burdenbeast." Gasp! Aren't /those/ places just sickening when they eat the poor llamas? "But I head burdenbeasts tastes really good, actually." Another frown towards Shawn and she looks back towards the other candidate. "But tunnelsnake is absolutely /not/ necessary. We kill 'em, and that is 'nough. But /eating/ 'em? I would never."
Kryz releases Lu-nar, who silently glides into the air, hunting for the closest shadow to hide in.
Lu-nar steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Kryz steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
"That's just..." Kinecha says, searching for the right word. "Double-standards. Herdbeast were /meant/ for us to eat? And why kill something and not eat it? That's just a waste of good food! Trust me, I /know/!" Sighing, she shakes her head, piling up another heap of grilled tunnelsnake on her plate. Wasn't every day you got something delicious like this. Let's not waste it..
Shawn peers across the table at Kinecha... a kindred spirit... obviously, "Shawn..." she says by way of introduction, simple and yet, its a name isn't it? "Good stuff isn't it?" she drawls, putting another bite in her mouth...
Surupa rolls her eyes, shoulders rolling back in a shrug. "That's why I don' kill 'em, 'Necha. They are just horrible if they want to go hunt tunnelsnakes. I say let the creatures live in peace, since we can survive well on herdbeasts and wherry." She spreads out her hands towards the grilled 'snake that everyone seems to be eating. "But you know, I can't make you or any of the others stop that, so I'll just be happy if you would quit attempting for me to try it. I save 'em 'snakes, like my old Ocay." Who most likely was shredded to pieces when the courtyard blew up, but she doesn't dare mention that at all.
Hiliza stiffens as she hears Majorie enter, silenting hoping it was someone else. But as a long arm is wrapped about her head, her heart sinks. "Mm, Morning, 'Liza..." Hiliza looks upward but mostly sees nostrils, "You're chipper for the morning, 'Jorie." The older woman slides around and onto a chair nearby, letting go of Hiliza, and chirruping, "Well, I had my klah, and then I found my favorite person." Well, favorite female person, "So why shouldn't I? What /are/ you talking about with theese," Majorie swings her not-klah holding hands around, "/people/, anyway?" She peers at Kinecha, grinning. "Is that tunnelsnake?" She's prepared to be nice for tunnelsnake. Hiliza squirms, silent now.
Kinecha nods at Shawn, a smile spreading across her face, "certainly.. 'specially when they're selfcaught." Nothing more satisfying than eating food you caught yourself. Even if you /had/ had the cooks prepare it for you. "Necha," she notes, slightly belatedly, rolling her eyes slightly at Rupa's comments, before turning to Majorie giving the girl a nod. "Yup, go ahead and have some.. Plenty left."
Shawn finishes her second helping and now, /maybe/ with a full stomach she can get some sleep, "Well, I'm gonna head back to bed and see if a full stomach doesn't help me sleep..>" not as if that isn't Shawn's 5th meal of the day already and it not even being lunch... "Thanks for the snake Necha... next time you get trappin' duty look me up, I've got some awesome traps that Cal and I used to use..." And with that... the rider heads out the way she came...
Shawn exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Majorie grins kindly at Kinecha, reaching to get herself a bit of the tunnelsnake to eat. "Thank you very kindly, 'Necha." She quriks her lips and sets about eating the tunnelsnake, albeit very very neatly. Hiliza shudders and rolls her eyes, "Nice for a bit of food, mm?" Majorie raises an eyebrow and Hiliza shakes her head, "Nevermind, 'Jorie." Hiliza sighs and leans foreward, resting her head on her hands. "'Upa, how long do we have extra kitchen duty, again?"
Treneere walks in from the Central Bowl.
Treneere descends like a whirlwind, bearing a squalling pair of firelizards, and a few inches of grime. Boo.
Kinecha chuckles in the direction of Shawns disappearing back, giving the rider a wave she probably doesn't see anyway. Traps could be used and was, of course, but Necha found it more challenging to use her knife and throwing technique. Done with her second plate, she leans back patting her stomach, full even with 'snake left on the table. "I better go take care of them skins," she says, leaving her chair to pick up her collection of 'snakeskins. "Feel free to eat the rest of that," she says motioning to the remaining tunnelsnake dishes, and leaves the cavern with a wink toward Rupa.
Deeper, darker, narrower... passages kink and twist into the Weyr.