How to make an impression
Back out into the bustling world of the caverns you go.Narrow stone steps lead steeply upwards... but not too far.
Quiet Corners
Thick woolen tapestries dull the noise from the rest of the caverns, turning this well-lit little room into a welcome escape. The stairs up place it against the bowl wall somewhere above the living caverns, carpeted against the winters chill or left as cool stone floor in summer. Some high and narrow windows can be opened to the world outside, or secured with their heavy metal-sided shutters and blue-threaded curtains.
Glowlight gleams, brightening the well-cushioned stone couches and lighting the weyr residents half-finished projects: knitting undone, sewing only started, leathers being worked soft, and even a hide of sketches or half-finished Thread-chart spread out across one of the tables.
Reiko, Cristen, and Tyara are here.
Reiko clucks her tongue softly, shaking her head. Don't mind the evil glimmer in her eyes. Poor beleaguered Head Nanny. "I'm sure you're quite capable," she says mildly. So much for compassion. Quick little stitches close up the gaping seam, then she makes a quick knot, snaps the thread, and drops the item in the basket. On to the next... whatever it is.
Kinecha comes up the stairs, a pair of old sandals in one hand, and her little box of sewing equipment in the other. "Morning, Tya, Cristen," she says as she slumps into a chair, breaking out a needle sturdy enough to sew leather and a thick black thread. Reiko gets a sidelong look before the guard-candie starts the mending of the torn straps of the sandals.
Tyara makes an annoyed sound at Reiko's comment - sheesh, it's not like nannying is easy! Sweepriding and dragon-tending, her behind. They should all try having /fifty/ charges to care for instead of one. And they're small, they easily get away. A dragon doesn't get 'lost'. Pah. "Morning, Kinecha," she greets, a trifle more friendly. After all, the ex-guard surely must understand the responsibility she holds. "You done with your robe, then?"
Cristen is here. Slumped back on one of the couches, Cristen looks up to spy guard-candie Kinecha. "Hiya, 'Necha." is provided as a greeting as Cristen sits, hands empty of mending or robe for once. Cristen blinks for moments. "Usually not many people come up here." is declared with solemn nod.
Kinecha nods to the nanny, giving her a slight crooked smile, "aye, just need to mend these sandals," she says, jamming the needle through one darkblue strap with all the strengh of her fingers. "I don't intend to go barefoot out on the Sands..." She might have callused skin under her feet, but she didn't think it to be enough to protect them from the burning sand. Turning to Cristen, she shrug, "I usually like it here. More.. Private, than the living caverns."
Reiko scowls lightly at the familiar voice, the expression deepening as Tyara's greeting confirms her suspicion.. but by the time she glances up, she's schooled her features into an almost pleasant mask. "Morning, Kinecha," she says sweetly, pointedly speaking to the person who so pointedly ignored her. Emerald gaze flickers over the guard-candie and her current project before swinging back over to regard Cristen. Who apparently lives. Another casual once-over, and it's back to mending.
Tyara arches an eyebrow at Kinecha, her lips coiling into a slight sneer. "No barefoot, huh? I thought all you candidates were so daring..." They have to be to wanting to Impress /Cadgwith's/ children, for Faranth's sake. Noticing, but not really caring about, the interaction or lack thereof between the guard candidate and the infirmary candidate, the nanny just turns her attention back to Cristen. Outsiders. So... safe and unspoiled. Bwaha. "How do you like it at the Weyr?" Sweet smile.
Reiko doesn't even look up from her mending, or pause in the slightest, as she quietly remarks, "I'll be going barefoot." Cristen gets the barest glance - is she even awake enough to reply?
Kinecha curls her feet, boots and all, up under her body as she proceeds with the sandal mending. An icy look is shot toward the nanny as she ties off a knot, tugging at it to make it tight. "Nothing to do with being a coward," she says, glancing at Reiko again, "I'm just being sensible. I'd like to be able to walk without pain after the Hatching." Knife is brought out to cut the thread, and then she starts on another torn strap. "Might as well've sewn all new sandals," she mutters, as the needle is pushed though a thick leather strap.
Cristen is safe and unspoiled. Right... Anyways, Tyara gets a glance as well as the innocent lashbat, and Cristen beams towards the nanny. "I love it at the weyr. So many more -people- than there were back at the hall." Solemn not is proffered as Cristen leans back, crossing her legs. "Too many chores, though. But that'll soon be over when the eggs hatch. They're gonna hatch soon, aren't they?" Cock of head bearing pink and purple streaks it tilted towards Tyara. Meanwhile, Reiko gets a glance. "Barefoot? You must be really brave, Reiko." Google eyes.
Tyara just snorts at Kinecha. "No need to get all huffed up towards /me/, candidate." Her voice is icy cool to match the candidate's glance. "How daring of you," is shot towards Reiko, that sweet smile returning to her lips. And it widens ever so slightly at Cristen's reply. Hehe. Herders. "Why of course - this is a Weyr. Surely there're more attractions here than at the Herder hall." Like the dragons and the lovely nannies, not in prioritized mention. "Oh, not that soon." Still plenty of time for chores. Hehehe. "I'd say in around three sevendays."
Reiko eyes Cristen coolly. "Observing Tradition is not /brave/," she informs her fellow Candidate. Nevermind that things have obviously changed. Emerald gaze slides sidelong to Tyara, the sweet smile met with a twisted smirk. "Or daring," she continues, her tone considerably milder. She nods once at the time estimate, knotting her thread and snapping it with a quick tug. Another hole mended. Whee. A quick appraising glance at Cristen, and she adds, "I would have expected a Herder to be accustomed to a lot of chores."
Kinecha raises an eyebrow toward Tyara, then shrugs turning her attention to the sandal mending. Dark blue straps didn't matter as long as the robe was white, did it? Eyes roll slightly as Reiko brings up the Tradition argument again. In the guard-candie's opinion Tradition wasn't always a Good Thing.
Tyara walks out.
Cristen waves to Tyara's back as she departs down the stairwell, and attempts to look innocent at both fellow cnadidates. "But it's very brave and traditionlike of you because all us other candidates aren't going to. We're not -brave- enough." Goggling at Reiko in the meantime, Cristen attempts to flatter. Unfortunately, sleeplessness isn't making it easy to do. Kinecha is eyed. Reiko is shrugged at. "Well, there's -more- chores here. Plus the herder chores are fun, we get to take care of the -animals-." Yes.
Reiko hms noncommittally. "I think I'd rather sew." And this is the woman who'd never held a needle before Candidacy. She's ready to let the discussion of her relative bravery drop, thanks much. But she does eye Cristen with a finely arched eyebrow and a twisted halfsmile. "You don't seem to be busy just now," she points out, her voice deceptively sweet.
Kinecha snorts ever so slightly at Cristen's comments to Reiko, while shaking her head. Reiko traditional? Well now, there was certainly something she didn't know about the other candidate. One sandal done, she tests the straps by pulling violently at them, making sure they will hold when she walks out onto the Sands. "I wouldn't do it just to be different from the rest of us," she notes, looking up at Reiko, a defiant look in her eyes. People would probably be looking at the other Candidates with strangely colored hair and the dragonets, rather than certain Candidates with bare feet.
Squaln comes up the stairs.
Khory comes up the stairs.
Reiko could care less who might look at her, or what they might think if they did. Meeting Kinecha's eyes with an even, unruffled gaze, she coolly remarks, "'The rest of us'?" A twisted smirk curls her lips. "I didn't think you were a joiner." Curling back in her chair a bit, she rethreads her needle.
White robe drapped over one arm, (Hey look! It's finished.. though not quite shapely, it'll have to do) Khory enters the cozy room. "Well, it's done," he states to those gathered about, and then raises a brow when he sees the leather spread around. "What are we working on now? Sandals?" And here he thought that they all went barefoot on the sands.. Or in socks, like he's already done previously.
Cristen hasn't got strangely colored hair, it's beautiful, pretty, and original coloured hair! Said shaggy short locks are sweeped back in fingers as Cristen proffers a lopsided grin to Reiko. "Well, I got up, thought it was too early to do chores, and came up here. That's why I'm not doing anything." Bob of head is porffered, along with a tip of head and a wiggle of fingers towards newly entered guy-candies. "Hiya, Squaln an' Khory!" Beam.
Kinecha tilts her head. Ever so slightly, eyes never wavering from Reiko's. "I didn't think you were one for tradition?" The last word said with something akin to spite in her voice. "But then, you're just full of surprises, aren't you?" A hand goes up in a wave to the newcomers, though her eyes are still locked with Reiko's.
Squaln peers before shuffling towards the rest. He might as well ask now before someone starts another conversation.. "Can someone dye the tips of my hair green?" A smirk is shown as he takes a seat next to his fellow candidates. "I want to make a lasting impression before the Hatching day comes. Any takers?" Blue optics sparkle with mischief - he's notorious for that, eh?
Reiko glances up to give Khory a casual once-over as he enters, pausing her needle for just a moment. "Morning," she greets, her voice almost friendly. Almost. "/We/ are not working on sandals," she corrects. Reiko is mending. Cristen is loafing. Cough. At Kinecha's jab, she calmly turns her head to eye the guard-candie. "You might say that," she replies evenly, refusing to rise to the bait. Squaln's request is ignored; hair-dye is not a subject that particularly interests Reiko unless large quantities of wine are involved.
"Green? But why green?" the messenger-candie asks. "Why not blue?" Can't you just imagine the shaggy edges of Khor's blond locks dyed dark azure, or sapphire? They'd sap the color right up too, considering how bleached those tips are already... To Reiko and the others, he simply shrugs. "Well, it wouldn't really matter if we were, since I plan on going in socks.. If that's allowed.." Hey, he's done it once before.. why not again. "And if not that, then barefoot, I suppose.." Robe is tossed aside, (though gently) and hand roots around in his pocket for strips of dryed wherry meat, which are promptly shoved into the mouth of his newest firelizard.. Tearach, who's presently calm, but just watch out for those shifty eyes!
Marianne slips in from the little door.
Cristen blinks towards Khory, brow raising the slightest at last comment. "Socks? That's dangerous, Khory, they might catch on -fire-." is declared with short, solemn nod. Reiko and Kinecha get only a second glance at the conversation going on between them both before Cristen slides down the couch closer to the pair of boys. "Green, Squaln? Green's an ugly color. Pink is better." Nod.
Xaner comes up the stairs.
Kinecha gives Reiko one last icy stare, before turning to the two newcomers. "I really dunno why you'd wanna dye your hair, Squaln," she says, shaking her head, face set in a mock look of disbelief. She returns her attention to her sandal mending after inserting her firm opinion of the silliness of dying ones hair voluntarily.
"Because green is my favorite color and I need to be different from everyone else." Squaln replies, drawing his knees up to his chest and hugging them. Blinking, he stares at Cristen. "Pink? Nah.. no thanks." Shudder. Pink. Pink is bad for Squaly. "Anyways, I'm going barefoot on the Sands as well." Smirk. A wave is given to Marianne along with a grin.
"Pink hair on a boy, Cristen?" Marianne inquires as she walks slowly up the stairs, that being the first comment to reach her ears. "Well. It would be a statement, I suppose. Though /what/ statement would be very open to interpretation, I fear," she winks slightly and then walks over to a comfortable chair near Reiko, waving at candidates as she passes by, returning Squaln's wave/grin with a mock blown kiss before she grins to Reiko as she sits down again.
Up into the supposedly 'quiet' room Xaner goes..except for one small problem. He's got a rather loud, small, and blue lump on his shoulder. Look! It matches his blue and green hair! Gasp! And Squaln wants to dye his hair? Zoom! Neon candidate has dashed over to the other boy quickly. "Oh! Green is a great color!" Yes it is. See, half his head is that color!
Khory simply shrugs again. "I still say blue would be better.." But then again, to each their own. Ugh.. As long as it's not pink. That's just.. wrong. And now, back to footwear. "Socks wouldn't catch fire," he replies to Cristen. "I know. I've worn them out there before.. They were actually comfortable.." Less likely to give you blisters like sandals, and less likely to burn your soles clear through like going barefoot. "Maybe I'll wear the tye dye ones, like the last time we had an egg touching...." Making himself comfortable on the couch, he blushes as a few of the girls make their way closer to him and Squaln. Umm.. No more girly talk, please!! However, he does offer a wave to them. He's shy yes, but polite, always... Blue flit upon his shoulder is fed more of the meat strips...
Squaln collects Marianne's blown kiss and smirks. Turning his attention back to Xaner, he nods and peers at his half green head. "Niiiice Xaner. Who did your hair?" he asks, hoping that the same person might be able to do his. Squaly runs a hand through his shortened, plain brown hair. Hmm. Maybe he could spike it as well..
Reiko greets Marianne with a twisted smile and a nod, settling in to ignore the open hostility from the direction of a certain guard-turned-candidate. She doesn't have to sink to that level, nope. Emerald gaze flickers around the room as it rapidly becomes much more full and much less quiet, sliding over each of her fellow candidates with the same casual appraisal. "There's something to be said for Tradition," she remarks mildly, although the look she favors Squaln and Khory with is definitely approving. She's still trying to ignore the hair dye topic... and the easiest way to do that is to keep her eyes on her mending. Mmmhmm.
The grin on Xaner's face seems to only brighten. "I had a little bit of help, but I did most of it by myself. I could help you with yours if ya want me to. Green's a good color, but it's fun to mix 'em up." Seeing as his other half of his head is quite brightly colored blue.
At Khory's blush.. oh, that's too much to resist, Marianne sends a purring greeting of, "How are /you/ this morning, Khory? Well rested?".. in his direction. So sue her... but she can't resist at all, before she returns Reiko's smile with a faintly rolled eyes and clucked tongue. "Well, ceremony and pomp are all very well and good.. but when you've got pain on the line, they can be dropped if they are unnecessary, yes? I say this is one case were practicality wins..." At Xaner's entrance, Marianne looks over with a faintly raised eyebrow. "You know.. I do believe I'm one of the only ones left without a brightly neon colored head.. I'll vanish on the sands, I fear.." Sigh. So tragic.
Being ignored, Kinecha decides to turn to the same tactics, right up until Reiko mentions Tradition. Again. "If I'd kept to /tradition/, I'd still be roaming the Holds and Halls of Pern with my father's brothers," she says, voice full of venom. Most certainly this candidate was firmly against upholding tradition, just for tradition's sake.
Cristen is over he dye topic, since she has not interest in dying her hair more different colors. Pink and purple stripes make themselves at home among short, shaggy bob-cut locks. Khory gets a slow shake of head, along with a disgusted grimace. "Socks would make your feet sticky and sweaty." is provided with a frown. Marianne gets a cheerful beam as well as a wave. Cristen slides down closer to fellow candidate. "Hiya, Mari! Are you looking forward to the hatching?" Conversation, yes.
"Good Faranth.." Squaln says as he sees the femmes approaching. Trying to tear his gaze from them he fails miserably. Ahem. Get a grip Squaly.. "Anyways.." he chokes. "Barefoot is the way to go and it'd give the crowd something to laugh at when they see me dance from the heat. I know my feet will be killing me by the end of that day.." Poor guy.
Being a once-messenger, Khory is used to having sticky, smelly feet... Running around does that to a person you know.. No matter what kind of air circulation your footwear may have. But anyhoo, since the discussion is changing to another topic, he just drops the idea of sock-wearing on the sands and then blushes more fiercely at Marianne. "Um. I slept fine, thanks... And.. ah.. Yourself?" Blond man scrunches down on the couch, as though trying to make himself less noticeable. Tearach, upon his shoulder, chirps at the movement, which then causes Nut and Lascia to awaken, adding their cry to the melee.. Oh great.. Now the whole herd is up and more than likely hungry. However, he's nearly out of wherry strips. "Um.. Is there any other food to be had up here? These guys (and gal) can get pretty loud if they don't have edibles shoved down their gullet soon..."
Oh, small talk! Well... if there's one thing a Harper can do... small talk with the best of them! And so Marianne turns to Cristen with a smile on her face, her fingers nimbly busy in her lap with one of the shirts she's brought to sew.. "Yeeeesh.. you'd think after the /first/ rip they'd throw this thing out. But nooo! Probably saved it just so us candies would have to stitch it...." She laughs to Cristen and sends her a teasing wink. "With this pile of laundry in my hands, Cris... I've never looked forward to it more..." Her eeys wander to Khory with an innocent look in them as she says wide-eyed.. "Why Khory.. you're all red. I do hope you're not coming down with something..." Innocence.
Reiko smirks at Marianne, emerald gaze sliding over the Harper again. "Whatever," she says indifferently. As one accustomed to doing as she pleases, she tends to leave others to their own devices as well. Including Kinecha, although the woman seems to insist on making that difficult. "I wouldn't expect that your father's brothers were the best example of Pernese Tradition," she remarks mildly, turning her attention - and a twisted halfsmile - to Khory instead. "Not usually... although anyone's welcome to bring food from downstairs." Reiko has taken to spending quite a bit of her time here - before it became so sharding /popular/ - so she'd know.
Xaner hms a bit, then grins and heads over to flop into a nice comfy position beside Khory, holding out a few different food tidbits normally given to his own fair. Of course...his firelizards don't seem too pleased with this, but hey, the neon candie doesn't care. He's X-man, after all. Gotta look after his fellow candidates. Yup. "Here ya go. You gonna dye your hair too at all?" Grin.
Cristen headshakes towards the boys and their firelizards. "Sharding flying stomachs. Mine have learned to bug the cooks for food." is declared smugly before Marianne gets a beam and a nod. "I bet. I bet they store up all the bad ripped clothes and really dirty ones so we have to do the harder mending and laundry." is snuffled, along with a nod and a half-grin. "I'm looking forward to it -too-. Except for the mauling dragons with very sharp claws." Shiver.
Squaln smirks and runs another hand through his short hair. Blue optics blink and he watches the rest of the candidates. "I finally scrubbed all of the paint off of Pyrene's weyr ledge." Snicker. "Yeah, I didn't realize that there was four coats of paint on it." Ahem. It was his own fault so he shouldn't be complaining..
Kinecha looks up from her sewing, eyes darting here and there at the others. All talk of hair-dying, foorwear (or not) on the Sands and all else forgotten as Reiko speaks up. "It just so happens that our family had their own traditions," she says, almost spitting as she glares at Reiko. Not that the guard-candie /liked/ those traditions at all, but she couldn't just allow such a remark to just slide. "And I never said they were Pernese Traditions, now did I?"
Khory turns to Xaner and takes the food. "Thanks," he replies, passing those tidbits off to his fair. Then, he shrugs. "I don't know.. Maybe I'll dye the tips blue, with silver streaks.. What do you think?" Though, in truth, his fair hair is already quite noticeable without any further coloring. The bleached, chunky highlights are a dead giveaway to who's underneath the ragged moptop. Though, in truth, dressed in his white robe, he may just dissapear out on the sands, blending in too well... Head then rears when he catches Necha and Reiko's conversation, and bottom lip juts out a little as he pouts over their displeasing conversation... And their harsh tones. "Hey Kinecha," he offers, "Wanna feed Nut for me? He's a hassle, since he tries to fool around too much.. Maybe you could try to keep him under control?" Well, she is a guard, isn't she? And maybe that will cause them too stop arguing...
Xaner hms a bit, poking slightly at the sunbleached locks of hair on Khory's head. "Hm..yeah, that'd look good. But don't if ya don't wanna." He grins widely, and suddenly has two firelizards on his head, each snuggling into the parts of his hair that match their colors of blue and green. "Hey! Excuse me but that's /not/ nesting are thank you very much. Off the hair!"
"They are /not/ flying stomachs.. or at least, mine aren't. I declare Cavalier is the pickiest little finicky thing I have ever seen in my life. It must be all just /so/ for him," Marianne rolls her eyes. Sew, sew.. one rip mended.. onto the next disaster up the side, sighing dramatically. "Ah, the things we put ourselves through for the Weyr... and of course they do, Cristen. Why do work that you can watch a candidate do as you have your morning klah?" She rolls her eyes and then looks over at her with twinkling eyes. "If they maul you, I promise I'll make a splendid song about it for the Harpers. Would that make you feel better?" Asked with a slightly teasing note.
Reiko doesn't bother to speak again, seeing as her opinion of Necha's family is only likely to cause further annoyance... and frankly, the guard-candie looks like she's on the verge of an aneurysm as it is. Maybe she'll allow herself to be distracted by Khory's firelizard? With a mental shrug, Reiko concentrates on her mending, letting the conversations go by until she hears the word 'maul'. She looks up at Marianne warily, quickly covering her concern with a light smirk. "If Cristen is quick enough on her feet, she'll save you the trouble," she remarks lightly. Surupa comes up the stairs.
"If they maul me and I die, you can write a song about it. But if I'm only crippled, I don't want a song about being mauled." is proffered with a solemn nod from Cristen as she cocks her head, listening with tilted head in the direction of Marianne. With a yawn, Cristen is suddenly reminded of the klah that is downstairs waiting for them in the early morning. As Surupa comes up the flight of stairs, Cristen perks up and proffers a wave. "Rupa! Did you bring us klah?"
Squaln goes to bed. Sweets dreams.
From Khory's shoulder, Nut warbles a funny note, his eyes swirling each in different directions... His lopsided coloring makes it seem as though he's forever grinning like a madman, and the head twists and wing flaps only make him more amusing looking. Ooh yes, someone try to feed /him/ when he's in this kinda mood!
Kinecha eyes Khory, then the bronze hatchling sprawled on her shoulder, sleeping and then the offered firelizard. "I'm kinda busy, Khor," she says, jamming the needle into the last strap needing mending. Probably her mood would even affect the firelizard and make him even more uncontrollable. Seeing as she's being ignored thouroughly be Reiko again, she takes her agression out on the poor sandal in her lap, jamming the needle though the leather harder than necessary. "And he'll prolly just wake up and demand attention as well," she continues, motioning to Samedi. Amazing that the bronze hadn't already woken already, with the angry emotions Necha's sending out.
"It's a deal, then, Cristen. But /do/ try not be be mauled.... messy, messy thing that," Marianne says, covering any friendly concern with one of her light banterings as usual as she reaches out to pat Cristen lightly on the arm as if offering faint comfort. "Yes, Reiko. That's what I'm hoping she will be so I won't have to do anything of the sort. Hours and hours at a desk... icky stuff that," she says with a faintly wrinkled nose as if in disgust, but the twinkle in her eye is teasing.. oh, as usual. Did you doubt it?
Meanwhile, Khory ignores his brown for the moment, concentrating on Marianne and Reiko's comment. "Mauled.." he repeats, sounding not to happy about the concept. A wave to Rupa as she joins them, and brow raises at the mention of klah. Now that would be nice to have... (Though wine would be more preferable) He wouldn't want a song written after him being chewed and cut up, that's for sure... At Necha's word, the blond man nods. "That's ok then. Reiko, you wanna give it a try?" Already the two others, Lascia and Tear, are climbing around his shoulders and neck, while Nut bobs on the apex of his head... Someone, please help?
Surupa caustiously comes up the stairs, her eyes roaming around those assembled already in the room. /Quiet/ corners, isn't it? She heaves a sigh, looking towards Cristen with a scrunched up nose. "Bring klah? No, of course not." Why would she? She simply walks towards a cough, nearing the other candidates that she can't seem to ignore around the Weyr. There are too many of them, aren't there? She finds herself a seat, pulling out from a little leather bag a meatroll to break up and feed the hungry little queen that has appeared from her jacket. She gives the others a wave and a nod, and not much else but that as she listens to what they have to say.
Reiko is not completely impervious to noticing angry emotions either.. she just has a little more self-control than a typical firelizard. And some humans as well, apparently. Marianne's remark gets a twisted halfsmile and a nod, as Reiko privately hopes she won't be the subject of a Mauling Ballad either. As Khory calls over to her, she turns the twisted smile to him instead, tossing her partly finished mending back into the basket. "I wouldn't mind a break," she says, her voice almost cheerful as she extends her hands to help. She's not afraid of a firelizard, nutty or not.
Xaner snuggles into where he sits comfortably, blue and green locks of hair falling into his eyes gently. Ah well. All's good for him. But he'll glady dye anyone's hair that wishes it. And if anyone wants to know where he got the knowledge to dye hair..don't ask. Really. That wasn't /him/ that dyed the Paradise runner's manes and tails. Honest. He grins a bit though and sends a wave at Rupa as she appears. "Heyla Rupa!"
Khory releases Nut, who launches into the air.
Nut gets shoo'd from his perch atop Khory's head, and flitters over towards Reiko. Landing on her shoulder, he then tilts his head in a near 180 degree turn, starring up at her upside down. Oooh.. Hello there. What have you got for me?
Cristen puts on a pouting face towards Marianne. "You mean you wouldn't take the time to write a beautiful song about me after I'd been mauled? You wouldn't enjoy it, if only for my sake?" Snuffling, Cristen attempts to look pathetic and pity-worthy. Meanwhile, bangs are sweeped back from her face as she sighs, leaning back into the couch back. At that moment, trio of firelizards pop in from between, alighting upon various perches around the room. With a grimace, Cristen attempts to shrink back into the couch. "I have no food." is mumbled, promptly shooing the firelizards to flit and between back to the kitchen. "See? Beutifully trained, them are. They never bother me." Smirk.
All done with mauling her sandals (and they've turned out alright), Kinecha packs out the sewing gear, slamming the lid of the box shut with more force than needed. Maybe she did have a short temper, but then you didn't know her before she came to the Weyr. She unfolds her legs, stretching them out in front of her, then suddenly notices all these people here. How'd they all come in here without her noticing?
Surupa gives Xaner and his dyed hair a quick glance, scrunching up her nose in disgust as well. "I don' know how you have all gotten the idea to dye your hair. It just... Isn't right." And that is Rupa's opinion for the day, her head bobbing from one to the other quietly. She eyes Cristen for a long time, but she can't be turning her head from one to the other at every moment. "Why do you even want to /think/ that you'll get mauled, Cris?" Will she even be alive to enjoy the song afterwards? Perhaps, of course, and that thought is given a quick shudder. "Now that is certainly goin' to be a strange song."
"Darling... I wouldn't enjoy writing about you being mauled, because I'd rather have you safe and whole and Impressing a dragon than being crippled by one," Marianne says with a mild look over at Crsiten, though her eyes are dancing over at her in teasing as she continues the folding of her clothese, watching the firelizard's antics and shifting her gaze over to Reiko with one raised eyebrow. Well. This should be interesting.
Reiko withdraws her hands, peering at the odd little firelizard on her shoulder with a bemused expression. "Um... who had that food? Xaner?" Since Khory didn't give her any, she'll assume he didn't have any?
Khory nearly forgets, and hands over the tidbits in his palm. "Here you go Reiko," he states. Tear had enough to eat, and is just beginning to settle back down, and as for Lascia.. Well, she's old enough to go and find more.. which she promptly does, flitting up and then dissapearing :between:. Nut, meanwhile, croons a love tune to his candie perch, though it's /very/ off key. And odd whistle-hum is what emits instead, and it's rather painful on the ears. His head is still twisted 'round, though now, wings are up and curved, making him look even /odder/...
Kinecha picks Samedi off her shoulder, arranging the bronze in her lap and, finding the small bottle she keeps with her at all times, begins to rub oil into his hide. Just to have something to do, something to keep her hands occupied.
Xaner slowly regains a smirk on his face and briefly sticks his tongue out towards Rupa. "You don't like it?" Eyes grow huge and watery, though utterly fake the tears might be. Immediately, the former stablehand turns where he sits next to Khory, grinning widely at his fellow candidate. "Khory! I know! Blue would look really good on you! Yes. Maybe with a touch of purple in it too. Just a little though."
Cristen eyes Reiko and her firelizard visitor, brow raising the slightest along with a lopsided grin at the predicament. "Reiko, you attract the weirdest things." is commented with an innocent nod. Marianne and Surupa recieve an innocent look as well as an explanation, "Well, you see, I'm supposing that we're gunna have to stand close to the eggs, right? Close so that that dragons'll see -me- first with my beautiful hair. So the dragons will think something that looks so pretty will taste pretty, and they'll eat me." What a way to go.
Reiko takes the bits of ... whatever it is, she's not really looking at it, her attention completely riveted by this bizarre firelizard. She holds her hand palm-up, letting him help himself, pausing to eye Cristen narrowly as she hears her name spoken. Then she smirks. "Cristen, you don't know the half of it." And we'll leave /that/ alone.
Surupa rolls her eyes at both Xaner and Cristen, as if that might say enough. But by now, she simply leans back with the satiated little gold and grunts. "Dying your hair doesn't make you look nice. I personally think that it is /ugly/ that you had changed your original hair color." Her eyes trail towards the others quickly before looking back towards the other Herder-candidate with her colorful hair. "An' getting close to the eggs might upset Cadgwith as well? I mean... You stand there, but don't get up close with the eggs, just wait for 'em to come to you?" Does that make sense?
Khory blinks at Xaner. "All blue? Um.. well.." See, he's older, and less prone to such acts of.. ah.. beautification? "What about just the tips dyed instead? And something dark.." Yes, that he could live with.. For a while, at least. "And it'll have to wash out sooner or later too, if you don't mind.." While they discuss it, the older candie keeps an eye on Nut and Reiko, making sure the brown doesn't pull anything /too/ weird with the girl. Like thinking her hair is food, and snacking on it.. or something of the sort. The crooning makes him cringe, but Reiko doesn't seem to mind, so he says nothing...
Xaner waves a hand slightly, sending another pitiful look towards Rupa. Sniff. That hurts, Rupa. And after he was so nice to her about the muck incidents! Oh well. Eyes of cerulean blue fasten again on Khory, grin just as bright as ever. Can we say..mood swings? He nods quickly, and pokes at Khory's hair a few more times, nodding. "I didn't mean the /whole/ thing. Just give it a bit of color. Tips is good. Oo! We could get the very tips in one color, and then a little further up could be another color. Layers of color!"
"If it doesn't wash out, it'll grow out," Kinecha notes idly to Khory, hands moving slowly across the little bronze body. She speaks from experience, see. A glance at Reiko and then back to Khory, giving the messenger-candie a halfsmile. "But if I were you, I'd stay far away from any kind of dye.." Especially the kind you put in your hair. She'd had to wear a bandana for months after having her hair dyed orange. Can't have a Reaches guard with orange hair, right?
Marianne gets up from where she sits on her perch and stretches about, yawning slightly as she places the last of her shirts into a basket, jumping to her feet to bounce once and twice and then again, looking about at the goings on with an amused look in her eye. "Well. Everyone... enjoy yourselves.. but I have to be off and deliver these shirts, or I'll have a temperamental bluerider pounding on the door tonight at midnight.. and I'm sure you all woulnd' tlike that," she says with a small laugh before she blows a kiss, waves, and disappears.
Marianne goes home.
Now that would depend entirely on which bluerider, in Reiko's opinion, but Marianne is gone before she can comment. "Black hair doesn't dye," she remarks idly, to nobody in particular. And don't ask, she's tried it. The only thing that had turned orange was her hands. Ahem. She watches patiently, holding her hand quite still, as Nut helps himself, not minding the bizarre crooning in the least. Go figure.
Cristen just proffers a slow shake of her head towards those still discussing hair color, as she's fine with loafing and lounging on this nice, comfortable couch. Tugging up her legs into a tucked up position, Cristen hugs her shins her her chest, peeking over knees towards Surupa and Marianne who still protest to the idea of her getting mauled. "But of -course- it's pretty! And creative and original, too." is provided towards Surupa in protest along with a snort and a nod. "The people who have ordinary colored hair on the sands won't be even -noticed-. But atleast you won't get mauled. I suppose that's the good part." Marianne gets a cheerful wave as she departs from the scene, toting clothes back to that bluerider who is prone to knock on doors in the middle of the night. With a shake of her head, Cristen just starts to relax when brown firelizard *pops* out from between, landing happily upon her knee. At the scratch and scrabble of talons searching for purchase upon her provided knee perch, Cristen pouts. "Go awaaaay." is grumbled towards the brown, only to have him perk up and pull his talons from her trousers, leaving tiny holes, and transfer to a seat atop her head. Whine.
Khory nods to Xaner, and then to Kinecha, before waving to the departing Marianne. "Well, then maybe just the tips, and that's it," he decides. But for now, he'd better go off and find himself something to eat, or else risk letting the others laugh at his gurgling stomach. And speaking of stomach, the flying one, Nut, is actually being good... eating almost delicately-like from Reiko's palm. Blinking, the blond candie just stares. "Wow. He must like you..." And with that, he gets off from the couch, promising Xan that he'll meet him later to get his hair colored. "I'll see you all later.."
Surupa wiggles her fingers as Marianne leaves, glancing over towards the others. Scare her off, did they? She isn't about to leave as well, though she does keep quiet most often, perhaps attempting to hide behind a small pillow. "It's still all ugly. Don't even consider to do it, Khory... You will get noticed either way. I happen to know many people who didn't dye their hair and did Impress an' all. I've been to hatchings before, watching from the stands that is." She juts her chin out towards Cristen, 'brows furrowing. "An' I'll get noticed as well, unlike you. They'll pass you up 'cause everyone else has dyed their hair as well. I'm the one of the only people that actually will be able to stand out from the other multicolored people." And she grunts. She'll prove her theory someday.
Xaner grins, wiggling his fingers in a wave to Khory. "Right. I'll find some good colors for ya Khory!" Isn't he nice? Of course he is. But with the candidate gone, he promptly flops over, taking up both spaces on the couch now, grinning happily. Look! He can lay down now! Yay! Just not stretch. Oh whell. Snuggle. He points at Rupa a little. "How many times do I have to say that I'm /not/ coloring my hair for the dragonet's to look at? It's for me to look at." And all the people that adore him, of course. Don't you adore him? He's cute, after all. Cuddly cute. Hug him?
Kezenex slips in from the little door.
Kinecha didn't /need/ to dye her hair anyway, as it more or less matched the robe she'd be wearing. So if the only reason people dyed their hair, was to get noticed, the guard-candie has everyone beat with her near-white blond hair. And for once she agreed with Surupa, eyes falling on the herder-candidate, giving her a crooked grin. "No need at all to dye ones hair," she notes, shrugging.
Hiliza comes up the stairs.
Khory goes home.
Kezenex bounces up the stairs and makes an entrance..whatever that may be. "Ah-ha...You all /are/ up here." Apperantly, he was wonderign where everyone had gone and heard they they were all holed up somewhere, like here. The Herder pauses at the doorway again. Dye? "You folks are still talking about dying your hair?" Apperantly no one listened to him.
Surupa shrugs a shoulder at Xaner, bringing her legs up upon the couch as well in order to try and hide herself completely. Look, she's gone! Well, not really, her amber eyes still peek out from behind the pillows. "Fine, you're not doin' it for the dragonet's attention, which is good, but I still think that it looks rather ugly on most people. Hair should be black, brown, or red... Not blue, green, and pink." She bobs her head in agreement with Kinecha, at last able to agree with the Guard, right? She sends a finger-wave towards Kezenex. "Apparently, they are."
Cristen sticks out her tongue towards Surupa, and along with a snort of contempt to the candidate who has plain, ordinary hair. "Aw, no way. They'll see me specially because nobody else has pink and purple dyed hair. I'm original. I don't have green hair." Pointed look is shot towards Xaner before she continues with her nonsense babbling towards the only one left who seems to be even sort of listening. "Hair is meant to be colored. With all the boring colors around on pern, I have to be at least in part original. I mean, nobody would notice you out of a crowd, a lot of people have the same color hair as you." is urged to Surupa with a solemn nod along with a smirk and a wave to Khory's departing back as he slips down the stairs. As Hiliza and Kezenex come on up the stairs as well, Cristen has nothing else to do but shake her head in disbelief. "Hey. Hiza, Kezzy. I wonder why there's -so- many people up here? I didn't think that many people wanted to be somewhere quiet." Goggling at all the candidates lounged about the room, most of them mending or sewing up robes, Cristen tucks her legs closer to her chest, arms clutched about her shins protectively. With a wince, Cristen attempts to glare at firelizard atop her head, pulling hair and stabbing claws not exactly that comfortable. Cristen snuffles. "Why do I have the bad firelizards? Everybody else's are well behaved." is complained from herder turned candidate.
Xaner sniffles and crawls around on the couch to peer at Rupa with those big, teary, blue eyes. "I look /ugly/?" Oh no! Rupa's being mean. Don't call the poor guy ugly! Pout.
Cavalier blinks in from ::between::!
Reiko is apparently liked by what is quite possibly the oddest firelizard ever hatched. Interesting. Let's not wonder what that says about her, shall we? Erk. Even after the last morsel of food is gone, Nut remains firmly perched on her shoulder. With a sigh and a shrug, she gets to her feet, ducking a little as brown wings fan out for balance and wincing inwardly at the pinch of talons in her shoulder... but still Nut hangs on. She gathers her basket together and sidles toward the door, weaving through the crowd of Candidates. "See you later," she murmurs, again to no one in particular, since the conversations have gone on without her. No matter. She could use a quiet corner to hide in at this point anyhow.
Loren comes up the stairs.
Hiliza sniffles around, and then stops, balking a the number of people up here. "H..hi, guys." She mentally curses whomever recommened she come up here. Quiet place to get away indeed. Bundle of papers is shoved back into her carry-on pouch, which sags oddly against her side. Shuffling toward a seat, she mumbles greetings and quirks an eyebrow at Xaner, "Who called you ugly? I don't think you're ugly. Nobody's ugly." She continues to rant before Cristen's words catch her ears, and shrugs, settling into a nice, comfy spot. "It all depends on how you like your hair. Hi Loren, bye Reiko..."
Reiko heads back down the inner stairs.
Loren scuttles in, stuffing a few socks in her pockets all nice and innocent like. Stuff, stuff. "Huh?" A blink at Hiliza, and then the Candi flaps a hand in greeting to all present. "Hello, hello." And such.
The quiet corners /can't/ be quiet when Cristen's around, since all she does is ramble on about dyed hair. Surupa roll sher eyes again, waving a hand over at her. "Purple and pink hair... /Hah./ I had purple an' pink hair just awhile ago, ask Kez if you wish. He was there. He had purple and pink hair as well." And see, all this talk about coloring your hair is scaring away all the other candidates. She waggles a few fingers towards the departing Reiko, head slowly turning back to glance over at the Herder who seems to love dyed hair. "I'm not sure what others think, but that color is /really/ bad. Why not black? Or just plain yellow? Red... But /purple and pink/." Shudder. "An' you're not ugly, Xaner, if you try and ignore the hair at the moment." She glances over at the arrival of Hiliza, waving a hand at her as well.
Kinecha agreeing with Rupa about something. Fear! Shaking her head, she finishes the oiling of Samedi, by rubbing a large amount of sweetsmelling oil into his belly, the bronze crooning happily at the treatment. Casting a glance at Cristen she blinks, grinning a little. The guard-candie was probably the one with the haircolor which stood out the most. And it wasn't one that could be dyed. Mwhaa.
Kezenex just shakes his head, ploping himself down next to the Herder. "They just don't pay us any heed, do they Rupa? I still say it's pointless." But no one listens to to him, who knows that this is not a good thing. His hairs was pink for awhile, he knows..."See!" He gestures, "Purple and pink hair! It wasn't pretty!" Oh well. He leans back. They can just doom their hair if they want.
Cristen snuffles pitifully towards Rupa as hands sweep back through her purple and pink (cough) pretty colored hair, in attempt to remove the firelizard intent on living in it. Pulling hard on firelizard body, flapping wings make it hard to remove brown firelizard. "Ow. Stoppit, Kalb! Ow. Ouch." is complained as she finally removes the firelizard, chunk of purple hair clutched within his tiny talons. Cristen snuffles pitifully, rubbing her head where said hair was pulled out. Hands flap in attempt to shoo the firelizard, only sending him off in flight towards the other side of the room, wingtip clipping her in the face. Rubbing her jaw while glaring towards firelizard perching on the railing by the stairwell, Cristen attempts to finish her plea. "Oh well. I don't -care- if you impress a dragon or not, Rupa." is snuffled. Kinecha is given a frown as well as Kezenex, as they're both against coloring your hair. "Pfft." is provided with a snuff as she lets her feet slide off of the couch onto the floor with a thump, still gently rubbing her jaw. Kalb, brown firelizard perched across the room, attempts to look all innocent like, tail flicking back and fourth cutely. Cristen glares, still shaking her head with a sigh. Hiliza gets a cheerful waggle of fingers, however. "Hiya, Hiza! Come sit."
Surupa sighs sadly, head shaking from one side to the other before she glances over to the Herder at her side. "Exactly.. It is pointless an' they'll have to learn that the hard way, most likely." And she sends a rather dry glare over towards Cristen, a shrug that follows. "Perhaps those 'lizards have more sense and are telling you to change that color of hair?" That is just disgusting, but as the brown leaves with a chunk of hair she can't keep back the chuckle which quickly turns into a cough. "'Nyways, I don' care if a dragon Impresses to you either. I'll just be glad to leave back home once this happens." As if she actually believes that she will Impress, right? Hiliza is regarded curiously, head tilted to one side before she goes back to hiding behind her pillows, only a little goldren form soon popping out to perch upon her lifemate's head and give a proud chirp.
Xaner just makes a sad face at Rupe, his blue and green firelizards up in the respective color sections of his hair. "Well../they/ like it." He points at his firelizards. "And I like it too." Tongue is stuck out for a moment, before he smirks. "Rupa, I think that a few deep streaks of red in your hair would look rather pretty, actually." He sits up straight on the couch again, stretching his arms over his head.
Loren blinks, frowning at Kezenex and Surupa. "What's wrong with purple? I like purple." Her hair's purple. "And pink, too. It's not ... icky. I like it." Blink, blink. Not that Lo' has any idea what they're talking about -- she's sort of preoccupied with digging through some random Candidate's mending basket. Ahem.
Hiliza pouts toward Kez and Upa for Cristen and says, "I think it's very pretty." But then, she also likes her yellow and pink combination, so is probably partial. A blink, "Of course, on you, Kezenex, it prob'bly just looked weird.." She winks and giggles, curling up and cuddling with herself in the Comfy Chair (tm) she's picked out, "And it's not pointless, not anymore then getting a tunic with with... a runner stitched on it or something. You don't /need/ the extra bit, but you want it so you get it..." She opens her mouth and narrows her eyes at Cristen, "That's a terrible, awful, nasty thing to say. And you too, 'Upa. It's just hair, we don't need to get in a big huffy 'I don't care' fight." She huffs herself, and sits, stewing about things and muttering, "/I/ care if people Impress. It's... it's important!" But she's talking to her firelizards now, chin quivering. "Really..."
Kinecha gets rid of the small bottle of oil by shoving it into a pocket, then settles back to watch the others discuss hair colors. "You really think the dragonet care what color your /hair/ is?" she asks, looking around at the color-loving people. "Far as I heard all dragonets care about is food." So obviously it wasn't the dragonets they were intent on impressing (no pun intended), but the audience that would show up for Hatching.
Kezenex waves his hand around, not looking at Cristen but speaking ot her. "Do what you want, it's your hair," he says maturly, and then proceeds to stick his tongue out at her. Thbbbt! "Hmm? Oh yes. We learned the hard way, but it seems they'll have to too. Too bad they can't just learn from other's mistakes," he comments none too quietly to Rupa and shakes his head saddly. "Ahh...Home. I miss the hayloft. Even bringing some of it with me, doesn't help much." There's nothing wrong with their hair, or the colors. Except it all looks like a accident instead of willing dying. The candie frowns and snorts at Hil, but doesn't deney it. He /did/ look weird.
Surupa frowns over towards Xaner, 'brows furrowing quickly. "I'm not changing anything in my hair. No red or pink, purple, gold, yellow, blue or green." And she names off all the colors that she did have in her hair before, is that it? "An' don't even think 'bout it, 'cause I would never /ever/ change my hair color. I'm happy with how it is already." She shrugs her shoulders towards Loren and Hiliza, head shaking carefully. "Yes, do what you wish with your hair, not my problem 'nymore. But you'll see your mistakes soon 'nough." Her head nods over towards Kinecha, agreeing with her just as well before slumping back into silence and listening to anything else that they have to say.
"And I will do what I want because you can't stop me." is provided to Kezenex from Cristen as she settles herself back into her couch, not intent on the whole arguing bit. Meanwhile, Cristen leans back, eyes twinkleshining like they often do as she alights gaze upon Rupa. "I bet you'll impress a green dragon and go proddy." Beam.
Kinecha eyes the herder again, giving her another grin, still not believing that she and her was agreeing on something. "Stay away from ale and wine, and orange dye, is all I have to say." That was how Necha's hair had ended up with Ista-color last time she'd dyed it. The only time she'd dyed it. Learning from mistakes, she would never dye her hair again. Took too well to the dye.
"Well /I/ never said I thought it would help anyone Impress..." She responds to the others but sits, staring into the confused eyes of he oldest 'lizard, "I.. dinna even dye my hair for the Hatching, I dyed it 'cause I thought it would be... be.. cute." Hiliza sniffles loudly, and curls up in the chair with her face away from everyone else, lips drawn in a thin line and shoulders hunched, "Such a big fuss over other people's hair, and then bringing dragons into the.. the... fight like they aren't a big deal and like it isn't /special/ to get to Stand, to even get to.. to try." The blue chirps in concern and headbutts Hiliza's chin, crooning. Evil other people, making his humanpet all sad-like.
Kezenex just rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, eyeing the dye-ees with something like parental patience. Fools. Ignorant fools. He's not tryign ot make a show of himself. And for that matter, neither is Rupa of Necha. They're the smart ones here. But he keeps silent. He's said what he has to say. They didn't listen. They're doomed. The Herder shivers at the green comment, "Now Cristen, that's not nice." It really isn't in his opinion. "Err.../Right/ Hiliza...," He's jsut not gonna touch that.
Xaner drifts quietly into slumber.
Hiliza drags herself to her feet, grumbling, and moving toward the exit. She doesn't say anything, and cuddles Kishuku close to her, eyes sort of lackluster. She's not being cheerful or angry or anything so she isn't any fun. So she'll just pad away and curl up in her cot or something.
Hiliza heads back down the inner stairs.
Kezenex sighs again and stands up, arms still folded. "I refuse to have anythign further to do with this. Dyign you hair is silly and foolish and a waste of time. I've got...more important things to do." With that, he turns on his heel to strut out the door, mumblign sometihng about 'dragonets eating hair'.
Kezenex wanders out through the little door all but hidden off to the side.
Surupa sighs and frowns towards all the people and their hair-talk, even if they had did it s doing it to attract a dragonet's attention or look nice. "Everyone just looks fine with their hair colored or not, I must say." She grunts and shrugs her shoulders, appearing from the mess of pillows and standing up at last, removing the gold 'lizard from her head as well. "'Nyways, should get back to doin' chores 'fore I get into 'nother argument or something." And she bobs her head to each of them that are left before leaving.
Surupa wanders out through the little door all but hidden off to the side.
Cristen heaves herself up from the couch, still rubbing her cheek and glaring potently at the brown firelizard perched on the railing. Proffering a slow wave to teh rest of the candidates, Cristen hops down the stairs, mumbling about there're chores the be done.
Cristen wanders out through the little door all but hidden off to the side.
Back down into the caverns you go...