Turnday Scrubbing
Living Caverns
The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.
Tucked into a glowlit niche are Donnan, Searcher, Quenn, Tiramisu, Gyo, Heaven, Hunter, Kelpie, Aftiel, Nyumnyum, Ebb, Mamoru, Rude, Freak, Truro, Boingy, Tork, Spoingy, Boink, Endel, Spuds, Leviathan, Ashleigh, Lava, Oren, Wufei, Sociopathe, Heero, BronzeMaleFirelizard, Marp, Archimedes, Pyre, Rhiannon, Vincent, Kinky, Celta, Poldhu, Valor, Vsevolod, Fish, Elsie, Columbia, Rei, Ripper, and Ozu-Zarkh.
You see Old Auntie sit-by-the-fire, OOC NOTICE (look sign), Boots, Hobbes, Nimbus, Generic Sign-Up Sheet, Kageri, Gigi, and Rian here.
Sasha, Rauve, Oren, and Auri are here.
Obvious exits:
Bowl Kitchens Inner Caverns Crafting Area
Ah-hah! A person. Kinecha is hawk-eyed, and the hug-ready Rauve scampers toward the girl. "Hey. Do want a hug?" Eyes are very, very large, and mouth is pulled into a lopsided grin. He's attempting to be cutely charming, -really-.
Tyara arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Kinecha raises her eyebrows in surprise, "a hug?" why would he want to hug her.
Oren steps in front of Rauve, leering at Kinecha. "You don't need a hug from /him/," he proclaims boldly. "You just need a handsome lad to sweep you off your feet into his arms." He winks. "Can I be that lad?" He mutters under his breath at Rauve. "Take the other girl. this one likes me better."
Rauve sighs, smile wilting. "Yes. A -hug-. An embrace-- ...from Oren." Really. That's what he was going to say. "Can't hack Sasha, Oren?" he murmurs, grinning as he hinges toward the former healer. Tyara is speculatively glanced toward, but Sasha looks like a safer target.
Kinecha stares at Oren. Eyes growing cold, she says "you leave me alone, Oren," voice dripping ice in the summer warmth.
Hugging? What's this? Ah well, better than having them fighting, she supposes... Tyara's eyebrows raise slightly, though she doesn't say anything, merely strides past the candidates and towards Auri. "Is this your doing, Auri?" is asked in a drawl, nanny glaring at her former fellow candidate.
Oren blinks at Kinecha a couple of times, and shakes his head sadly. "Ah, the things denial will do to a girl," he says mournfully. "You'll realize how much you love me sooner or later," he says soothingly to Kinecha. "Ooh. Spicy," he chuckles, upon Tyara's entrance. "You wouldn't favor a poor lonely candidate with a hug, wouldja?"
Sasha might be completely unnerved by this bizarre turn of events but she is also a little perturbed that she is viewed so quickly as unhuggable by someone who makes a habit of chatting up all and sundry. Suddenly, without warning she blurts out "I'll hug anyone...I'm not afraid!"
Auri nods at Tyara. "Y...yes," she says hesitantly, noticing the glare. "I, um, well AWLM's um, well, Miravith said I should give the candidates more chores since it's my job and all, so I kind of...did. See, they're all like, huggin and nice stuff. Isn't that just speshul?" She smiles at her former nanny. "I'm sure you'd like a hug."
"Why should I?" Tyara asks of Oren, narrowing her eyes suspiciously as she waits for an answer from Auri. this /must/ be the work of that..... greenrider! "Ha! Chores? You couodn't make them change my diapers instead?" Snort.
Oren backs /away/ from Tyara. "Whoa. You wear diapers? Maybe you are a eggshard too old for me." Eyes swivel at Sasha's announcement. "That so? Well come on over here and I'll give ya one, then," he replies, smirking. Scrawny arms open in invitation, as the leer continues.
Rauve eyes Tyara strangely, but he voices no comment. "Sasha. Hug -me-?" A beam is aimed at the girl, as if she couldn't possible /not/ be aware of his innocence. He just wants a hug. And he's not dangerous. Too small.
"The /brats/ do," Tyara tells through gritted teeth, glaring at Oren. Well, now she knows who'll be on diaper-shift until the hatching. Hmpf. "Yes, hug Sasha instead." Faranth knows the healers could use some love, after seeing all those horrible green- and blueriders in labor.
Avoiding Oren, Kinecha wanders over to get a glass of redfruit juice. Another icy look is shot Oren-wise as he's passed on her way back to a table.
Auri blinks vacantly into space a few times. "Miravith says /she'll/ give you a hug, if you want, Rauveywauvey," Auri says, characteristically mouthing her words. She frowns sympathetically at Tyara. "Aww...having a hard time? I'll help with diapers if you want." She turns her blonde head to a side. "I think /you/ need a hug. Yupyup."
Sasha looks Oren straight in the eye and saunters over to Rauve who is at least polite about the request. "I'll hug you Rauve" Not knowing the first thing about how you should hug someone, she tentatively slips her arms around his waist.
"You think /I/ need a hug?" Tyara sends Auri a look of disbelief - well, not that she'd mind a hug, but still. Auri. Ugh. And Miravith. /Ugh/! The diapers, though... "Maybe I do," the nanny shrugs, noncommittally.
"Hug me, or disembowel me?" Rauve directs toward Auri, nose wrinkling. Eep. He's duely distracted by Sasha, pink arms curled loosely over her shoulders. Awww. He knows how to hug. Oren is raspberry'd toward. Scruples come in handy occasionally. "Now.. uh.. life's perfect because..." This'll be a strain.
Oren's arms fall. "Hmph," he mutters. "Don't know what they're missing..." His eyes fall upon Auri. "Um," he says, face lighting up again. "/You'll/ hug me, right Aurs-my-sweet?" He winks at the rasberry-leathered greenrider. "C'mon. I know you want to..."
Auri shakes her head regretfully. "'M real sorry Oren, but that'd be /cheating/ you know. Since I assigned the chore and all." She beams brightly, struck by a /wonderful/ idea. "You know who /does/ need a hug though? Tyara! You two should hug each other. Honest. I know you need one, Nantya. Go 'head," she urges. "Three reasons," she reminds Rauve and Sasha.
Judging from the look Tyara sends her former bratling, Auri's about to get into some real trouble - assistant weyrlingmaster or not. "But you were about to hug /me/, Auri," the nanny points out, smiling sweetly - ridiculous argument, of course, since she's not a candidate.
For the first time in years Sasha allows somebody to get close to her....very close. And yet the hug is not as threatening or as unpleasant as she had first imagined. her eyes dart up to Rauve's and she smiles weakly..."Uh...life is perfect because this kind of chore beats the pants off cleaning out the latrines? Or brat watching?"
Auri not only oos, Auri Ooh-oohs. "Ooh ooh!" she chirps, hopping up and down as if electrified. "Ooh ooh /ooh/! I have an idea. It's time for a....group hug!" And she waves her arms wildly in the air, gesturing for Sasha and Ravue to join in as well. "C'mon. We'll talk about why life is perfect together. Hee."
Rauve chuckles, draped arms remaining lightly stationary. "Agreed... and life is perfect because... I'm not hugging Oren." Eyes tilt downward a hair. "Your turn," he chirps, stifling a snicker stirred by Oren and Tyara. "Great." So much for a perfect life." Group hugs. Oi.
Kinecha is sitting at her table, sipping juice. She's /not/ having her Turnday destroyed by hugging Oren!
Auri grabs Rauve and Sasha merrily, pulling them over to Oren and Tyara. She slaps Rauve's arm over Oren's shoulder, and put her other arm around Oren as well, gesturing towards Tyara with her other arm. "C'mon Kinecha. Come join in! Tya n' Sasha will hug you!" She beams at T'lis. "Come join us! We're group-hugging."
Kinecha shakes her head. Icy eyes softening a bit, but she still refuses a group hug. "No, thanks," she says, just loud enough for Auri to hear.
Oren grins, satisfied, arm looped tightly around Auri's waist. "All-riight," he says, chortling. Rauve's arm is eyed. "Hope you don't think this makes me any less manly," he says, narrowing the green-blue optics. 'Cause then he may just have to act even /more/ macho to make up for it.
Aeuil walks in from the Central Bowl.
"Oh, alright," Tyara hisses, sliding her arm 'round the much smaller greenrider's shoulder. "But only because it's you, Auri." Aha! Seems she does have a soft spot for the ex-bratling after all.... "Come on, then," nanny beckons to Kinecha, her voice friendly for a change. "The more the merrier." Right.
Liuea walks in from the Central Bowl.
Sasha shakes her head and coming round to Rauves other side she slips in between him and Oren. She's not going to let Oren think he scares her!"don't worry guys...i'll save your dignity!"
Joy. Can you feel it? It's radiating from Rauve. "Thanks, Auri," he mutters edgily under his breath. "Manly... you mean like you were in your... /dress/?" he tosses Oren-ward over Sasha's head. No better place to start a quarrel than in a hug.
Silently watching the pack hug each other Necha sits drinking her juice. No way, she'll have no part in it.
Liuea walks in and smiles, "Hi."
"Shut up and hug each other!" Tyara snarls, her grip on Rauve's shoulder tightening slightly. Sheesh - /men/!
Auri giggles. "Whee. This is fun. Funfunfun. Hugs are fun. Okay, now we have to talk about why life is perfect. I'll start. #1, friends! #2, sunshine! #3, group hugs! Hee! Ok, now it's...Tya's turn. Tya, tell us 3 reasons why life is /perfect/."
Oren snorts huffily. "I'll have you know dresses are /very/ manly," he says indignantly to Rauve. "You're just jealous because you just end up lookin' sissy in them. A man," and he puffs up, clearly meaning himself, "Makes the dress manly."
Aeuil starts to think somepeople are weird.
Sigh. "I thought that was only for the candidates," Tyara states wryly, trying to edge her way around that question. "But, fine, I'll answer! #1 - all brats eventually grow up. #2 - they don't talk while they sleep. #3 - we have candidates to do the dirty work like /changing diapers/ or mucking the /stalls/ or cleaning the /ashpits/." Beam. There. That was her three overly positive things.
Rauve recoils from Tyara against Sasha's side. "/Whoa/." Do all nannies get crotchety in their old age? Poor Siannen. "Oren, you looked like an ugly wh--.." Tyara is tentatively eyed. "Cheery."
Auri shakes her blonde head. "No, no. It's all got to be love and happiness in the group hug of love and happiness." She peers inquisitively with dewy eyes at each of the people in the circle. "I'm not feeling love and happiness. Sasha, why don't you tell us why life is perfect for you?"
Kryll suddenly blinks in from ::between:: and let's out a strangled warble. Is it possible that he doesn't like that cold, black place any more then 'pets'?
Hrmf, Necha thinks, overhearing the conversation in the group hug. What love? What happiness? Today Necha is 20 Turns old, and all she has to show for it is a knot on her shoulder to appoint her a guard recruit.
P'rru marches with clipped steps in from the Central Bowl.
Sasha shrinks slightly between the two guys who have their arms around her, very aware of the warmth that each is radiating. Hearing her name called she answers almost defiantly to hide the very real feelings of being out of her depth.
"Um..Klah on a cold morning, Riding on a dragon, and seeing the planet stretched out underneath you is pretty good, and ..um..."she falters not sure whether this last one is a good idea or not..."finding out that hugging is not so bad after all....." her voice tails of to an uncharacteristic whisper.
Liuea looks at the group hug thing, "huh?"
Caylea arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Caylea steps just too the threshold and stops, eyes narrowed upon the large crowd, arms folded distrustfully across her chest.
P'rru has obviously walked in at the wrong time. So, clearing his throat, the brownrider heads for klah as usual. One familiar candidate- Caylea-is nodded and smiled at before he's sloshing the brew into a fresh mug.
Auri waves quickly to the other people in the room. "Come join us, if you want. we're hugging each other and telling each other why life is /so/ very beautiful and perfect and why nothing is ever wrong with it. Hee. It's fun. and happy." She nods at Oren. "Why don't you tell us why life is perfect for you, Oren?"
Liuea walks over to Caylea, "Hi Cay."
Aeuil follows Liuea.
Caylea arches a brow, blinking as she listens to Auri. "Life? Beautiful and perfect?" Only in some people's mind. Cay personally looks like she's just woken up: Or needs to go to sleep. She glances towards Liuea and the unfamilar and gives a slow nod. "Lo..."
Liuea smiles at Cay, "This is Aeuil, Cay."
P'rru takes a sip from his mug, body paused in stolid stance near the hearth. Hmmm. Life, beautiful? Maybe they should come back tomorrow. Stubbled chin is scratched as as hazel eyes peer at the odd High Reachers- so the rumours were true?
Rauve glances toward the others distractedly, eying Caylea in particular. She's a candidate. She should -have- to be subjected to this odd form of persecution, too.
Loren bounces violently, with pigtails bouncing and dumpling-buns still in place, in from the Central Bowl.
Loren calls to Wufei, who flies over and lands on her shoulder.
Caylea motions to Kryll, who chirples quietly and flaps over to her shoulder and wraps his tail around the neck.
Oren squints. "Why's life perfect? Um. that's easy. 1, Women, 2, wine, 3, puttin' the two together. Ya-ha. haha." He cackles evilly.
Cold eyes once again land on Oren. Kinecha definately did /not/ like that guy. He was just too much and made her happy that she was not attracted to men.
Sasha wonders how long this strange hug fest is going to last for...not entirely wanting it to stop, she glances at Auri, waiting to see what strange chores she will foist on them next.
Oh no, no subjecting candidates to strange forms of punishment: Wait..wasn't that the -definition- of candiehood? Bah. Caylea instead distracts herself and looks to Liuea and then to Aeuil, nodding her head in almost relunctant greeting. "Hello." She finally spots P'rru beyond them and gives a greeting to him as well, calling out 'lo'. She gives a tight smile towards the two before motioning to the tables and heading for them herself. She actually smiles towards Kinecha. "Evening, Necha." Before setting down. There were a bit to many people here, but she couldn't hide out forever.
Auri ee's at Loren. "Come join our circle! We're hugging and talking about the perfect things in life." She blinks back at Caylea. "Um...you kinda...have to do this, on account'a you're a candidate and this is a chore or something. Otherwise I'll have to assign you a not-fun chore and that would hurt both our feelings." She nods at Rauve. "Rauve, now you tell us why you love life."
Tyran walks in from the Central Bowl. Tyran steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.
Loren shuffles in, blinking as she gets ee'd at and, with a faint beam towards Auri, shuffling towards the greenrider. "Huggin' and talkin'? Oooh. Sounds fun." Does she get to eat cookies, too? That'd make it perfect. Yesitwould. "Hello, Cay," Kinecha says with a slight smile, that doesn't exactly portait happiness.
P'rru folds into a chair that just happens to be facing this odd love-in. Caylea is eyed briefly for a reaction before thin lips curve up into an amused smile. At least he doesn't have to do any hugging or sharing.
"I can't believe I almost hugged that," Rauve mumbles. Oh, for the love of.. "Um.. I love life because of... sleep, co-ed dorms, and... Loren?" Runner gets a squinted look. "Er. Yeah."
Caylea blinks as she glances over to Auri and frowns for a moment. Why would she want to join the hugathon? She barely knows those people, even if they had been candis together for a while. Not to mention she's not a real 'touchy feely' type of person. Sigh. Lid arches. "What kind of chore would I have to do?" Anything but latrine duty would be better then hugging. Shiver. She looks back to Kinecha and looks puzzled after a moment. "What's wrong?"
Auri giggles at Loren. "Loren, why do /you/ think life is perfect? /Besides/ cookies, Loren. Even if they are all yummy in your tummy and nummy to boot." She urges the runner to come and squish in between her and Oren. "c'mon. Hugging time." She blinks at Caylea. "Miravith says prolly latrine duty for the rest of candidacy. But c'mon. Hugging and being nice isn't bad at all."
Kinecha shrugs "nothing, really. I just wish I could get drunk today, but I'm on duty."
Loren continues to shuffle, squishing herself in her designated spot before shrugging as Auri inquires on why she thinks life is perfect. Besides cookies. "I.. uh.. I think life is perfect.. because.." Blink, blink. "I think life is cookies because of Bakers." Namely the ones who make the cookies. "An' you an' Fye an' ev'one. 'cause you're all really nice. And stuff. And stuff." And stuff. Beam.
Kinecha mutters, "... my turnday, today..." to Caylea.
Sasha throws her head back in laughter. "Just be grateful you aren't a candidate then....we aren't allowed to indulge in wine....."she grins wickedly at
Oren.."which also rather mucks up your reasons why life is perfect somewhat!"
Caylea frowns and shakes her head. "Doesn't sound like you. Something's up." Then again, what did the candie know about Necha. She didn't know much about anyone in this place, and suddenly it's beginning to sink in, beneath all the chores and work. With a drudged sigh, the ex-healer stands up and just starts towards the group before blinking at Kinecha's whisper. "Really?" She smiles and reaches out to pat the other on the shoulder amiably. "How old are you?" Maybe Auri would forget her part in the hugathon?
Auri waves frantically at Caylea. "C'mon, you /have/ to. It's fun. and happy. And...stuff. Hee." She beams gratefully at Loren. "Those are great reasons."
Though appreciating the pat on the shoulder, Kinecha says "20." Not that she's unhappy about being 20, just that this is her first turnday without family.
Caylea gives a nod. Twenty turns! "That's wonderful." Even if Necha doesn't think so. "Um..Be right back." Hopefully. The candidate shuffles over at her own pace and stands there, arms still crossed across her chest. "Okay, what do I do?" As if that wasn't obvious. But nope nope, she wasn't making this easy for the woman.
Vanyil arrives from deeper in the Weyr. Vanyil exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Loren beams, herself, now quite proud. She's smart. She came up with good reasons. "..do I gotta hug someone, now?" And does she get to pick? That's the important thing. She doesn't think she remembers any of these people. Well, except Auri, Rauve, and Sasha, of course.
Auri nods at Loren. "Um...yeah. Sure. Hugging is good. Hugging makes people happy. Why don't you hug...um..." Her eyes search the room for a hugless person. "P'rru? I'm sure he's a nicenice rider-man and won't mind. Right P'ruu?"
Hugging. And sharing. P'rru, while amused, is obviously terrified. So the brownrider finishes his klah and begins wandering towards the bowl entrance. If your quiet they don't notice you.
Loren now looks appropriately lost. If she knew who P'rru was, she'd give him a hug, but since she doesn't, she can't, and so the nicenice rider-man is spared. Until such time as Lo figures out exactly who Auri's talking about. "I.. uhm.. okay." Blink, blink. And hence the former runner goes meandering around the room, randomly inquiring innocents if they're the 'nicenice rider-man P'rru?' Beamglow. Innocence.
P'rru is unfortunately noticed. And he swivels on his heel, and drolly eyes Auri. "Ehm...excuse me?" maybe he didn't hear right.
Rauve is becoming altogether too comfortable, hanging silently 'tween to candidates. He's two blinks shy of sleep, head already fallen forward.
Auri points at P'rru. "That's him, silly Loren." She peers back at the ignored candidates. "Oops! Sorry to forget about you. Um...you guys go hug P'rru too. Or something." The girl's desperately searching for tasks now.
Sasha feels Rauves' weight increasing on her shoulder and, shyly she tickles him a little with the arm around his waist. "hey...wake up!" Looking around the room at the people who have not already been roped in to this strange hugathon, she appreciates their discomfort with the situation. It is much easier once you have taken the plunge.....Maybe Auri was right to do this...
P'rru takes a few steps back. Oh no. He's not hugable. He's not squishable. He's a stuffy brownrider isn't he? Yeah that's right. So he simply shrugs further into his riding jacket "Oh Auri they really don't have to....."
Loren knew that. Really. Finally catching a glimpse of the elusive rider, new-Holdressie shuffles over, pausing every so often to glance back at the group she now realises as Candidates -- it became easier once she spotted Rauve. Mainly because she already knew he was a Candidate. P'rru gets a blink as he tries to avoid the hugs, and, tilting her head, Lo goes to make her way back to the group. And Rauve. "..do.. should I hug him? You don' wanna hug, do you, nicenice rider-man P'rru? So.. should.. I.. go sit down?" She's lost, now. And some might've thought moving to a new location would've fixed that.
Auri shakes her head. "Oh nono. Nice rider-man P'rru needs a hug. He really does! He just doesn't know it. Hugs are nice, P'rru. Ask Sasha. They're just fun things, really they are." She clasps her hands in front of her. "Pwease P'rru? I promise they'll be real nice to you and all. I mean, you wouldn't want to hurt our feelings, would you?" And big baby blue eyes already start tearing up.
Rauve blinks, grunting eloquently. "Hug.. who.. I don't wanna wake up.." Whine. He sways backward slightly, legs threatening to give. P'ruu is scowled at, sleepily. "Don't you want somebody hug?" Don't you -need- somebody to hug? "You better find somebody to hug."
Caylea arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
P'rru is a sucker for all things Auri of course. Even her evil-puffball of a lifemate (:P) "Alright Auri, If I must I can hug- but only for a moment" he husks back. And he hopes that it's not Rauve who does the hugging.
Sasha lost one hug partner to sleep and now Rauve is falling asleep as well....is it something that she is doing?
Auri simply waits patiently for the hugging to commence, looking the tiny, pink, authority figure, (who by the way, has a pretty nice figure). "C'mon everyone, hug P'rru. Make him happy. You too, Caylea."
P'rru? Oh, she can handle that. Blushing, Caylea shrugs and walks over to P'rru. "Forgive me later?" She says as she reaches out in a big bear hug like prose, facial features echoing her dislike in this act. But, her nose hates those latrines, so..
Having finished her juice Kinecha ponders going to get some more and risk the hugging party, or stay seated where she's safe from hugs and being thirsty. She opts for getting some juice, and ventures out to the floor, across it to the table that holds the juice pitcher.
Loren, having been reassured by Auri, shuffles back towards P'rru, attempting to beam innocently up at him while at the same time giving him a hug. Aaaw. Feel the love.
Feeling the love is something P'rru doesn't want to do with candidates. But Caylea gets a little wink and he hugs her back. Then Loren is grinned at and the brownrider hugs her aswell. "That enough hugging, Auri?" he asks the greenrider. It better be.
Loren isn't a Candidate, though, and hence, P'rru should be feeling the love. But Lo'll let him off the hook for the moment, and, with a beam towards the rider, she shuffles back towards Auri and Co. She hugged. Yaaay.
Caylea quickly pulls back as if burned. No, P'rru isn't on fire: Though the healer would rather not be hugging people. Wait, wasn't she supposed to announce how much she loved life? "Yay life. Woo hoo." She states in a dead-toned voice. Hey, it was an attempt, right? It's sad that Auri had caught the poor candie on a bad day. Otherwise Lea might have found this kind of fun. As it is, she's blushing strawberry red, and feeling fairly ackward.
Auri scratches her head, then trots up to P'rru, throwing her arms around his waist and adding her hug as well. "Ok. There. That should be enough. Hee. Now didn't that feel just /great/, P'rru? Hugs are nice."
Kinecha has decided to stay where she is - by the hearth - hoping no one is noticing her. Sipping from her juice between bites of a sweetroll, she's wondering just how this hugging got started.
Auri started it, of course.
P'rru looks down at Auri. "Ahem..well, yes it felt marvelous" he replies balefully. "But if you excuse me now..." Caylea's feeling awkward? But she's a girl! How do you think the brownrider feels? A smile breaks through the determined line of his mouth however, before this time he really does escape outside.
"Hugs are the best," Loren states, beaming as she flops back down on the floor, a cookie in hand. Finally. Random folk get a vague beam, and Lo begins to munch contentedly. 'Reaches Cookies. Mmmm.
Lips purse in thought before Caylea glances towards Kinecha. Someone getting away without being tortured? Why wouldn't Cay be that lucky? Watching P'rru disappear out the exit, she thinks what a wonderful idea that was. However, Necha looks like she needs some cheering up. Yes, definately. Sacrificing sanity and aloofhood, the candidate makes her way over to the woman. "Happy turnday, Necha." She states again before reaching down and attempting to hug the other. Mahaha, no one would escape the wrath that is Auri's creation.
Auri squeaks a bit. "Ooh, Caylea, did you ever finish the other part of your chore? You have to tell us why life is perfect. Three whole reasons. And you can't repeat any of the ones we already said. Kay?" She beams. "I know you'll do great. You're just a great person."
Oh, noo. Seems Necha hasn't escaped attention. The glass in her hand spills over as the hug from Cay comes, but somehow it is nice. After all, it's Cay and not Oren. A slight smile comes over her face, genuine at that "thanks, Cay."
Loren continues to innocently chomp on that delivious little cookie, and, sickeningly innocent, if not terribly bright-and-beaming, violet eyes flicker around the caverns, eventually settling on one particular person. Namely Rauve. Namely, the Rauve she hasn't seen in days and days and days and.. well, hopefully, the point is taken. But anyway. She hasn't seen Rauve, and, being a member (albeit a new member) of the hugfest, she decides to make some more people feel that love that nobody really feels like feeling. Which is why she frantically stands up, scrambles towards Rauve, and glomps him. If he was asleep, he'll certainly wake up, now. Unless he suddenly went into a coma or something. Eh.. heh.
Caylea eeps softly as she watches the glass spill over and shakes her head. "Sorry." She blushes, before chuckling and nodding her head. "No worries." Auri is given a glance before she blinks. Three whole, good reasons? Mm.. "I'm almost a journeyman... I found warm cloths... I'm not scheduled for latrine duties for another sevenday!" All perfectly geniune reasons in Cay's mind. Bah, now to get that juice cleaned up. She glances around the hearth before spotting a hanging wrag. Well.. it was just /hanging/ there, might as well put it to good use. Picking it off the hook, she turns to Necha. "Did it spill anywhere on you?" She says, looking to make sure.
P'rru exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Kinecha shakes her head "No, no it didn't." She's fine, looks like most landed on the floor if not Cay?
"Cripes," Rauve mutters, after being knocked to the floor by an overzealous, cookie-hording, (cute) psycho. "Loren." Glazed eyes flutter slightly as he pats the crown of her head. "It's nice to see you." Even though he -looks- cataleptic. "Where'd you go?"
Psycho being the key word. And Loren isn't cute. Former runner beams up at the resident-turned-Candidate, expression flickering into a slightly more.. calm and solemn one at an inquiry about her departure. "I.. uhm.. had to go down to the Master Sea Hold for a while," is a faint response, narrow shoulders shrugging. "Fam'ly stuff."
Caylea glances downwards and frowns, shaking her head as she kneels down. "Well, it's just a little." She wipes it up and only then notices the thin streak of juice staining her shirt. "Ew.. Mm. I'd better go change." She glances towards Auri and gives a strange little smile. "Have I passed?"
"Did you bother to tell anyone?" Rauve murmurs, gradually becoming more alert. "I didn't know what happened to you." A faintly parently expression is extracted from the foggy depths of the candidate's mind. Strain. "Are you alright?" And she is -too- cute.
Sasha gently detaches herself from Rauve feeling that this hugging has gone on quite enough. She wanders over to the table laden with food and chooses a cookie, nibbling at it as she turns back to view the others...still hugging.
Loren is /not/ cute. Simply because she isn't, and that's that. Odango'd one shakes her head a bit, and, once more shrugs her shoulders. "I.. uhm.. didn't really have any time t'go tell anyone, actu'ly.." A slightly innocent beam is once more directed towards Rauve, and, eventually, the girl begins to remove herself from a probably overly-violent glomp. "..I'm fine, yup, yup.. just fine." And the dumpling-head begins to bob in a nod.
Caylea takes the silence as an affirmative and winks in apology to Kinecha before diving out of the room to get different cloths on.
P'rru marches with clipped steps in from the Central Bowl.
Dallin walks in from the Central Bowl.
P'rru gingerly pokes his head into the caverns. Where's that greenrider? Still hugging? "Auri?" are there she is. P'rru approaches, weaving in and out of tables and chairs. "Are you still using all these lovely canidates?" he asks in a low voice in her ear. "Have they experienced the rigours of dragon washing yet?"
Sasha munches slowly on her cookie, taking occasional sips from her redfruit juice. Pushing back her long dark hair still streaked with blue, she settles into a high backed chair hoping that she will not be noticed. More chores? Oh no!
Rauve narrows his eyes as he topples effortlessly into a chair. Otherwise known as falling. She glomped the energy right out of him. "If you say so," he breathes, massaging at his temples bleakly.
Kinecha is suddenly glad that she's not a candi. Washing a dragon. Not a chore, she'd like to do. Making her way to a chair, she sits putting a plate of sweetrolls in front of her.
Loren does say so, and proves it by nodding a few more times. "Yup. ..sooo, how've you been? I haven' seen you in a /loong/ time." Energy-less though Rauve may be, Lo wants to ask him stuff. So she's going to. But just because he's concerned for his well-being. Or something like that.
P'rru clears his throat. "Dsalth perfers smaller hands it seems, to reach all those nobbles..." he explains, his own large hands splayed and peered at. And the brownrider makes it sounds like such a pleasant task aswell...hard to reach places? Ick. "Of course anyone's help would be appreciated- candidate or not" Ah so now he's caught Loren and Kinecha. Mwahahaha.
Rauve answers, mouth moving as slightly as possible. "I've been alright, I guess. Just tired." He's completing ignoring everyone who isn't named Loren. Because he's -such- a rebel. Hoo yea, that's him. "I need a sugar injection." Sounds pleasant, no?
Caylea comes back into the living caverns, glancing around. She's wearing a change of cloths, though these not much more fancy then her last. No need to get all dressed up for going into the living caverns. Her hair is loose, hanging softly against her shoulders, and she peers around the room.
Pemeron arrives from deeper in the Weyr. Pemeron loses control of Rasca, who leaps from his arms.
Impremo arrives from deeper in the Weyr.
Sasha shrugs down in her chair...she doesn't have time for this....There is no way she is going to impress so why do all the chores that go with being a candidate...she'd do much better to study for her healer tests....silently she wills P'rru not to notice her.
"Ooh, tha's good, tha's good." P'rru's comments about dragonwashing get a blink from Loren, and former runner attempts to make herself invisible. She's not here, she's not here. And besides, she's not done bothering Rauve. "..ooh, sugar? You wanna cookie? Cookies are good.. I've missed 'em a bunch. Th'.. th' cooks down at the Master Sea Hold don' make cookies as good as the ones at High Reaches." And beaming face dulls a bit more at the mention of cooks. Touchy topic. Don't ask.
Dragon-washing? On her turnday. Not exactly what Necha’d been picturing her first turnday in the weyr.
P'rru lets his hazel eyes sweep around the faces. "Ah Pemeron, Caylea and...what's your name lass?" Sasha is pointed out and noticed. "Do you feel like joining me at the beach?" now that sounds more inviting right?
Eep. Tagged, and she hadn't even been warned. The candidate blinks over to P'rru before shaking her head. "It's too cold outside right now." She states assuriedly. She wasn't about to go bathing a dragon -which is more then likely what would happen- again in the freezing cold water.
Sasha frrezes...knowing that she has been caught out..."Its Sasha"...she mumbles, as she reluctantly slides out of the chair and stands before the rider. "Dragon washing huh?" At least its something she has done before and ruefully she admits to herself that any excuse to be close to a dragon has to be a good one...
Rauve is haplessly ignored. Cheer. "I think I'm supposed to be serving you, actually," he notes to the runaway runner, an imploring look tilted her direction. "Maybe I could grab a sack and fill it up with cookies.. so it'll last you awhile?" Just a suggestion. Not that a sack would last her -quite- as long as he's assuming it would.
P'rru clucks his tongue, hands folding across his chest. "Now don't be ridiculous Caylea, it's Ista in summer how cold could the water possibly be?" he retorts. "Now as Candidates it would be a good experience, and Dsalth will get terse with me if you refuse to come" see? He's not all that stuffy, and lips spread into a cheeky grin.
Kinecha looks at the rider, then says "I'm sure you'll excuse me from dragon-washing, since it's my turnday," she says a little smile playing on her lips. No she's not flirting. Necha wouldn't flirt with a /man/.
Oh, it'd last. Only about half an hour, but it'd last. Loren shakes her head frantically, and attempts to pat Rauve's arm, though it's the chair that gets the reassurances, instead. "Noo, no, no. Don' worry about it. You've had'ta do all th' Candidate chores, an' stuff, you know? So you don' worry 'bout it. I'll get some when I leave." Another frantic nod of the head, and Lo continues to beam up at Rauve and pat the chair arm. Someone feel free to correct her; Faranth knows she'll never notice.
Caylea's expression suddenly alters. "-Ista-? Why didn't you say so in the first place? I'd love to go back there." Perminately. "When do we leave?" She glances around, her cheeks now flushed, but this time with far better humor. Hugging didn't make her comfortable, but warmth did. And she so couldn't wait to bask in the tropics again!
"Turnday?" P'rru catches the word with ease, and turns around. "Well every turnday calls for a scenic dragonride..." he inclines his head. No it's not a trap to get the turnday-girl into washing brown leathery hide at all. "Perhaps you'll let me do th honour of of taking you?" Oh he can be gracious when it calls for it. Eyes once more slide back to Caylea "Dsalth is eagerly waiting outside.."
Rauve eyes Loren's chair-patting, brow knitting. Erm. "I'm getting you that sack," he answers, obstinate as he wobbles toward the kitchens. A few hollers and pan-clatterings later, and he returns, mildly victorious. "Mom was in there, and she still thinks your my girlfriend. She let me have two sacks." And those to sacks are hefted Loren-ward. Beam.
Eyes widening Kinecha stammers "d-d-dragonride?" That's right folks she's never been on a dragon. Before coming to the weyr she'd never even been /near/ a dragon. "I-I'd love to," she manages to says, stunned at the offer.
Sasha puts her half finished glass of juice on the table and saunters dutifully towards the entrance leading to the bowl. "Better make a move then...before I change my mind..."
Sasha exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Pemeron sighs "Wish I could go, but I have to work in the kitchens today." He turns to the kitchens and waves the others off.
P'rru follows suit before the candidates run away...."Come along then..Kinecha that's your name?" hoping he got it right, he ducks out the doorway.
P'rru exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside.
Caylea exchanges the protection of stone for the bowl outside. out Bundle up 'gainst snow or sun! The bowl is open to seasons' wrath.
Central Bowl
Seven spindles brush the clouds -- quite literally -- overhead, a jagged, spired cotillion grey-stoned majesty. The bowl from here is expansively large, extending a full half mile in both directions, and although sometimes a bit of a stretch, most of the hubs of activity can be easily observed. Hard-packed ground shows the common pathways, all of them meandering about the craggy bunch of boulders that form a centerpiece: carven, hand-worn and foothold-full, it gives a bit of centerpoint to the otherwise vast emptiness of the area.
To the north lie the hatching grounds and leadership weyrs, while the lows of herdbeasts mark the feeding pens to the northeast. A flurry of ever-present activity marks the living caverns to the west, and another time-traveled path the ground weyrs just adjacent to the southwest. Southeast, a glint of blue shows the lake, glittering and cold.
It is a summer afternoon.
Clinging to footholds in the boulder-mound are Zhaneel, Gavin, Wilt, Archer, Beats, Persnickety, Reno, Immie, Sentanta, Mosfet, Gyahaahaa, Mistletoe, and P'lus.
Green Yshanth, green Miravith, brown Revnath, green Niamhyth, blue Rubyth, and Brown Dsalth are here.
You see a wagonmaster, Cattysaur, and Wagon One here.
Sasha, P'rru, and Caylea are here.
Ripper steps out from the Weyr's living caverns.
Caylea quickly comes hopping out. She's gonna be warm! She's gonna be /warm/! Toasty cozy! This is a very happy candidate. She chuckles as she watches Kinecha's incredious expression before nodding. "Yes, a dragonride. They're not that scary. Well, except for this one dragon...Druseth's his name I think. Otherwise they're alright." She's not helping matters.
Kinecha eyes Cay suspeciously. This is turning out to be a great turnday after all, and her mood is getting better by the minute. A dragonride! Whoa.
Dsalth whuffles in greeting to Caylea for it's the only one he recognises. Sasha and and Kinecha are peered at as the brown makes assessment of them. Hmmmm. Rider gets a familar tail slap against the back of his legs "Well ladies climb up and please strap yourselves in with the buckles" P'rru notes.Dsalth obediantly dips his sorrel shoulder and crooks a forepaw for a makeshift step.
Caylea wastes no time as she chuckles to Dsalth, heading over to his side. Hand rubbing gently down the warm neck, she then proceeds to pull herself up the strap buckles as she speaks. "Hey Dsalth. You know what? We're going to be /warm/!" She can't stress this enough. Was this the reason for her 'off' mood today? Once on top of the dragon, she simply sneezes and begins to buckle up. Caylea swings up to ease herself between defined neckridges
Sasha grins at the large brown and quietly murmurs, "Please to meet you D'salth." Admiring his size she takes a firm hold of the straps and begins to pull herself up.
Kinecha swallows a lump in her throat then says "Pleased to meet you Dsalth"
Sasha swings up to ease herself between defined neckridges
Having greeted the dragon Kinecha takes hold of the straps to get up on his neck. Nervously she climbs on to strap herself in.
With a helpful bolster from Dsalth's tail, you climb up to sit comfortable between geometric neckridges.
Dsalth [Central Bowl]
Restrained strands of sorrel and khaki overlap the lithe body of this dragon in a regimental pattern undermined by escaping tendrils of amber. Near enough in shade to blend with the design, they curl against it, flickering against the sharp line of his jaw before escaping down the geometric line of his neckridges. Ancient pale primrose -- the hue of old, forgotten books - curls down his spine in a uniformed march towards the similarly stained wingbones. Heavy ginger drapes, wing membrane made more substantial by its darkness, an abandoned blazer carefully hung from the long length of his wings. Mustard floats over his tail, musty mist lifting towards haunches reinforced by the strength of rusty iron.
Thick leather straps, fastidiously cared for wrap around Dsalth's neck, well worn and supple. Their deep chesnut colour appears almost part of the dragon's body, for they fit so snugly against his hide. Buckles, shiney and meticulously polished reflect the sun's rays, or the moon's mysterious hues while flaxen stiches are sewn firmly along the strap's length suiting practicality rather than decoration.
Positioned between the precise lines of Dsalth's neckridges are Caylea and Sasha.
Loaded onto Dsalth is Pot of Leather Oil.
Dsalth seems to be listening.
P'rru waits for the girls to board flight hrw-Dsalth airlines. "Caylea can you check their straps for me?" he trusts the candidate with the important task and too swings up, easing himself between geometric neckridges. Dsalth rumbles, hide riplling underneath him.
P'rru swings up to ease himself between defined neckridges
Dsalth clips carefully out towards the centre of the bowl, tail lashing behind him swirling up dust. Once free from other draconic bodies, the brown opens his blazer wings, muscles in his haunches coiling before he effortlessly pushes up into the air. See? Fly brown- first class flying! You take off.
Above the Bowl
The ocean's tranquil thermals settle within the center section of the bowl's airspace, unusually smooth and bouyant -- though oft to switch as the seasons shift. Lingering beneath spires' constant presence, the perpetual activity of the weyr can be observed from every direction: from the testing rustle of dragonet wings, to the playful games sent aloft.
It is a summer afternoon.
The lake beckons, chalky but inviting nonetheless.
Above the Lake
A panorama unfolds beneath: the bowl beaten flat as it curves out from the lake's chalky waters, dusky earth 'neath the endless stretch of sky above before the Weyr's spindles break the view. Milky blue-green waters swirl below, tempering the 'lizard filled air with gentle thermals that flow and eddy through the Walls' many cracks and crevices. Scattered ledges mark the nearby rocks, endless layers of Weyrs tucked into the wall as it sweeps right up to the Star Stones high above.
It is a summer afternoon.
Caylea braces herself as the dragon leaps into the air, her hands white nuckling against the ridge before her. She'd done this plenty of times now, or at least enough to be semi-used to it. However, one never got completely immune to the feeling of one's stomach being left in various places around Pern. And now, her's was still down in the bowl. She huddles as she knows what's coming next. Cold. Cold cold. And more cold. Between: The worst place not on Pern. She offers a weak smile to Kinecha.
Sasha gasped as the rush of air hit her face, from the powerful leap into the sky. Gazing downwards, she watches fascinated as the weyr spirals away beneath them at dizzying speed. Gripping tightly with her knees, instinctively, being more accustomed to riding a runner, than being on dragonback, her hands cling tightly to the firm and yet slightly wam neck ridge on which she is seated.
Her breath taken away by a view she's never seen before Kinecha can do nothing but stare, feeling her heart pump a rushing of blood through her veins. The only sound she hears is a rushing in her ears and she's uncertain whether it's the blood pumping or the wind from outside.
Dsalth wheels into ::between:: with a groan
You hang, senseless, in the dark nothingness of ::between::... absolute darkness surrounds you, and the profound cold stings you... you wait, and count...
Above Ista Hold
You wing your way over the Ista Hold complex. Below, the main hold's wide courtyard faces east, over the ocean. Just north of that lies the Hold's main beach, the white sands often crowded with holders enjoying the sun and surf. Turquoise waters from the hold cove roll up to lap on the shore. Just inland from the main beach are the Hold's main gather meadow and racetracks.
It is a summer afternoon. The sun sinks westward, across the deep blue of the sky. The south wind still blows, making the heat easily bearable. The puffs of clouds above clot the sky with their cheery plumes.
Dsalth drops in with careful measure from ::between::!
Dsalth wheels in from between, a triumphant bugle alerting not only closeby dragons but firelizards aswell. A few squawk and skitter out of his airspace. Lazily, as if enjoying the warm thermals, the brown cruises in a wide spiral over the hold. His rider gives a wary glance over his shoulder at the passengers, wind snapping his voice away. But he mouths "well done everyone".
Caylea coughs as she comes out from between, arms frozen stiff before her as she grips that kneckridge. The strange sensation of suddenly loosing a hold of /everything/ at once, being completely blinded, and deafened, is enough to unnerve anyone. Slowly feeling rushes back into her fingers as she unclinches her fingers from the ridge. That was the good thing about Between: No one could hear you scream. And she did so just about every single time.
In the Gather Meadow, Sirri strolls in from the Main Beach.
Letting out her breath in a whoosh, Kinecha almost screams from the sensation of Between. And she actually thought she's experienced the worst of the cold. No, this was, by far, worse than anything she'd ever felt before. By the first egg, is all she can think.
The freezing cold of between, now relatively familiar from all the flights Sasha has taken to lessons at the healer hall, still clings to her as she enters the warm thermals of Ista. She can't help but marvel at this method of transport....going between...who could explain how that worked? Nobody she knew! Unable to tear the look of sheer excitement and the feeling of exhilaration from her face, she gazes down at the panoramic views of Ista below her, enjoying the rythmic beating of the huge dragon's wings.
In the Gather Meadow, Kirana walks in from the valley.
In the Gather Meadow, Sirri catches a glimpse of the dragon, her eyes longingly following the graceful avien. More often then not she's heard tales in her childhood of non-weyrfolk /talking/ to dragons. She quietly considered, pausing to ask a question in her mind.. if only for the sake of trying...'hello?'
P'rru grins to himself, hand slapping in a whump against the brown neck in front of him. He'd tell them that you do get used to betweening, but they probably wouldn't listen. Gently, Dsalth spirals tighter towards the beach.
Main Beach
This long stretch of white sandy beach is one of the main gathering spots at Ista Hold. A large uprooted tree, felled in the big storm, makes for a great bench, for people or firelizards alike. To the east, the crystal blue waters of the Hold cove roll up in gentle waves onto the beach, hissing softly as they ebb and flow.
To the south, Ista Hold juts out of the cliff. Just west of here, a low bluff leads up to the grassy field that serves as the Hold's main gather grounds. Beaches stretch away to the north and south.
It is a summer afternoon. The sun sinks westward, across the deep blue of the sky. The south wind still blows, making the heat easily bearable. The puffs of clouds above clot the sky with their cheery plumes.
Sirri strolls in from the Gather Meadow.
Dsalth lands in the soft sand, virtually sending a rain of yellow grains towards anyone who happens to be around. With a smug snort, the dragon's wedged head snakes around to peer at his cargo. They look like great scritchers. Otherwise, he'll have to send his rider back for more.
Dsalth watches with interest as P'rru descends carefully
Dsalth watches with interest as Sasha descends carefully
Sirri is rather hesitent, she is no child, but her encounters with dragons were few and far past the present. Her gaze steadies on the soft hide as she tries to catch a glimpse of whirling eyes. Flopping to the ground, she sighs a bit whistfuly. Chrome flecked eyes peering intently at the creature. For once, the vintner is quite speechless.
Under a watchful eye you ease yourself down Dsalth's broad shoulders and plant your feet firmly on the ground.
From Dsalth's neck, Eyes blink a few soft times before glancing up at P'rru's back. He sounded awefully clear but for all the wind and rush of atmosphere around her ears. Almost...yes, definately soothing, yet -almost- smug, or confident. Caylea remains silent for a long moment, and her fingers don't clutch quite so hard at the ridges as they desend. As the others begin to dismount, the woman shakes her head and unbuckles the straps from around here before swinging her leg over the side and sliding down. Hand gently rubs the khaki neck in both gratitude and puzzlement. "Thanks Dsalth." She states before glancing around at her surroundings.
Dsalth watches with interest as Caylea descends carefully
Sasha feels the familiar crunch of soft sand beneath her feet. And suddenly realises how warm it is....shedding her long winter coat lined with fleece, she stands back to take a long look at the dragon who has transported them to this beautiful place. Wishing is not something she is prepared to do anymore....its fruitless. But she can still admire and enjoy somebody else's life mate......
Feeling firm ground beneath her feet Kinecha's knees start to shake. "Wow," is all she manages to say before her knees buckle completely under her and she sits in the sand.
Sirri glances at the myriad of riders descending from the born's(brown's back. Black strands shift betwixt delicate ears as she shifts positions, wondering briefly if all that weight would effect a dragon at all..
As lifemate's go, this one happens to be quite itchy and hot. He whuffles at the women, those almost age-old musky scents whispering around them with his warm breath. "Hold it, Dsalth- I'll have to take those straps off" P'rru reminds the brown, and begins unbuckling and lashing the tethers from around him. "Everyone feeling alright?" he tosses the question with mild concern over his shoulder.
Caylea finally shakes off both the freeze of between, and her bizarre thoughts -not to mention her Reaches cloak. She closes her eyes and stares up towards the low sun, closing her eyes to the warmth. Finally she almost giggles like a young holdbrat and nods. "Perfectly alright." She eyes those straps, and nods in her (pointless) approval before she looks over to Sasha and Kinecha. "After we ..well, me and Sasha.. scrub Dsalth, we /have/ to go look around Ista's shops! Haven't been here in at least..half a month?" Call it being desperately homesick.
Sasha reaches out and idly runs her fingers along part of the enormous expanse of hide in front of her. It is dusty and obviously in need of a good scrubbing. She laughs at Caylea's suggestion, a little scornfully..."Um cay...have you seen the size of this creature?" if we make the shops after this it will be a miracle...and if we have any energy left that will be a miracle too!"
Allright? Oh, yes she was allright, Necha thinks. That was absolutely amazing. Like nothing she'd ever done before. Seeing things from above was a whole new and different way of seeing things. An almost lifechanging experience. She now understands why people wants to be dragonriders.
Straps off, Dsalth rumbles in impatience. Can he go now? Caylea recieves a snort, definately in smugness, before forepaws send up sand spray and the brown heads quickly down to the water, waves crashing against his hide as he heads deeper. P'rru sighs, "He'll swim for sometime quite happily if you'd like to go to the shops now, Caylea" not a bad suggestion perhaps? "I'm quite sure Sasha and I can cope with that bag of bones for the time being?"
Caylea purses her lips and chuckles, shrugging her shoulders. "You'd be amazed at the amount of stanima I have when it comes to shopping." She often enough didn't have the marks to actually buy anything, but looking was always fun. "Hm?" She blinks, glancing over to P'rru and shugging her shoulders. "I don't think I'll miss the cold much... But a few of the people maybe." However, she's suddenly halted as a wall of sand is sent her way, nicely blanketing her. Sputtering a few times ironically, she just chuckles and shakes her head. "Gee, thanks." She watches the brown scramble to the water before looking back at P'rru again. "Great!"
Sirri is finding it rather impossible to stay alert in such weather, the pools of sunlight seeping into unwary senses and the light breeze only adding to the sounds of foam flecked waves. Blinking rapidly, the girl stretches, fingers flicking about the warm sands she is soon brought back to a state of curiousity at the rumbling of the brown. Oh to be a dragon, what fun... she considers, and pulls out a small leather bound book. Begining to scribble a few words within, a poetry of dragons. Hey, when inspiration hits..
Hyzen meekly steps in from the courtyard.
Finally regaining some of her senses Kinecha realizes that it's /hot/ here. She strips of the heavy green shirt she was wearing and is left with the rather dull gray one with short sleeves. Being on a beach, she decides that she can take off her boots and socks as well. "That was absolutely great," she says to no one in particular.
Sasha scans the sea, one hand over her eyes to shield them from the glare of the sun. A wistful smile touches her lips as she watches the great dragon's bulk slip effortlessly into the waves and, almost absently she undoes the buttons of her heavy shirt, shedding it to reveal a sleeveless vest top beneath. the shirt joins the heavy coat in a nead bundle on the sand and she sits down, her knees drawn up in front of her as she watches spellbound at the brown's actions in the water. "Oh I'm quite happy staying here...." she smiles.
P'rru follows suit, shrugging out of jacket and overshirt. Boots too are discarded along with socks and trouser cuffs rolled up to the knee. "I think he has the right idea somehow" the brownrider notes of his lifemate who has now spread his wings and bobs out past the waves. "He tells me that the water is awfully warm, and there is a school of fish tickling his belly" a dry chuckle passes the rider's lips before he heads down towards the water.
Sirri reflects quietly, wondering briefly if any of the dragon-rode appearences know Pia. Letting the thought idle she watches the brown with a tinge of envy. The water looks terribly inviting.
Hyzen shuffles her feet in the sands, grimacing as the warmth spreads speedily about her body. Too hot! Way too hot. She knows this area though, and skirts towards a rock with her small bundle. A few moments later she steps out... fully... or is it un-fully? clothed in a swimming suit. She had been prepared, so she had. Smiling at the others, she heads towards the water after P'rru, anticipating a great time... times she's missed since re-becoming a candidate and drudge.
Caylea doesn't seem to notice the heat as much as the others. She's already shead her cloak and left it on the sands, now partially burried by Dsalth's movements, and so she's perfectly fine. It doesn't help that she didn't think to bring anything cooler to wear beneath her warm dress... The healer glances around the familar lands, smiling pleasantly. She's even in a good enough mood to wave. "Anyone want to come raid the shops with me?"
Sirri rises, slowly, and begins to brush away her accumulations of soft sand. She watches Hyzen make for the water, the girl looks around her age and that puts her in mild ease. She advances upon the appeal of the shallows, sinking down once more to de-latch her sandals and roll her pant legs. Slipping out with a cordial smile and wave to the two and the dragon. "Hallo there!"
Sasha glances at the others and then grinning sheds her trousers too, revealing shorts underneath. Following the rider into the water she revels in it's cool caress as she hops through the waves and hovers just out of range of the dragon's happily flailing tail. "Just tell me which bit you want me to scrub."she calls, matter of factly, showing no sign of fear for the huge creature. turning back to face her friend on the beach she waves..."You go ahead Caylea.....See you later!"
Khalila walks in from the courtyard.
P'rru takes the plunge and dives through a wave. Drenched but happy he surfaces near a blazed wing. "Sasha, you can float on his wing if you'd like but be careful of the wingtip and the spars, love" he suggests, and anchors himself on a headknob. Dsalth bugles in greeting, tail splashing a wall of water towards those already immersed in the sea.
Shops? Who had time to go look at shops when you could stay here and watch a dragon bathe. No, Kinecha opts for rolling up her pantlegs and going to the waters edge to stand there, letting the water lap over her feet.
Sirri immersed up to her shoulders, slowly shortening the distance to the brown, quite possibly the most delighted girl in all of Pern at the moment. She tries to speak loudly enough for the dragon to hear, and riders alike. "I wondered if you might like a hand in scrubbing?" She drifts a bit closer, before adding with a sardonic smile. "The name is Sirri, by the way."
Hyzen pauses before entering the water, gazing towards Caylea for a moment. "You're not joining us, Cay?" Confused is she. -This- one always found that bathing a dragon was interetesting no matter how many times it was done. Dragons were always finding different ways to make things fun... so she's found. Splashing into the water, she sighs softly in relief. This was great! Moving towards Dsalth, she beams up at him and 'rider before gazing at Sirri. Hrm.. never met her before.
Sasha grins, nodding a little nervously as she climbs carefully onto the wing. As the wall of water crashes over her, drenching her, she gasps at the sudden chill but rather than annoyance only laughter dances in her eyes. Reaching up to scritch D'salth's hide she gladly takes a scrub brush from P'rru and begins to vigorously use it on the dragons's shoulder. In her element she waves at Hyzen who is approaching with a certain amount of trepidation, but obvious enjoyment.
Caylea shrugs her shoulders before remarking. "okay, no one wants to go: Anyone got any spare marks?" She's joking, really! She hears Hyzen and gives a shrug of her shoulders. "Dsalth's wonderful, but there's a /lot/ of him to wash. I'll be back in time to do the head section." She laughs before jogging off for her old home.
Caylea silently, suavely, glides off the beach towards the courtyard.
Kryll bobs up and down in a strange flitting motion as he tries to remain in the air. in from the courtyard.
P'rru inclines his head, hand waving over Sirri. "Sure, lass, helpers are always appreciated with this bulk of hide to scrub" Dsalth, happy as...well a dragon in the surf (oocly can't ya tell I'm aussie)...snorts in the water, bubbles churning to the surface. Wings and tail fully extended, he floats easily while his rider scrabbles up onto a shoulder, legs to the knee still immersed in the water.
Sirri inclines her head gratiously to P'rru, floating closer the klah hued hide and with a tentative hand, presses it upon the dragon's side. She grins, rather humorously from ear to ear, and begins to scrub as dilligently as she can, though she has no experiance.
Hyzen rests one hand on the dragon's soft hide, watching her healerite friend depart towards the hold proper, surprise in her eyes before she turns those same optics back up to the 'rider. "Hey, P'rru, could I wash his back for him?" Hrm, now why ask something like that? Well, everyone always gets a dragon's sides... but the firelizards are stuck with the back! And it'd be fun, besides, being out of the water and on his back instead. Hah. Sly one. Sasha is given a wink before a wet hand is flung about in a wave towards Sirri. "'lo!"
Sirri bobs about in the dragon wake as she continues to scrub, a curious gaze passed over Hyzen with a light wave. "Well met, I'm Sirri.." She hopes thats enough prompt to perhaps get a name from atleast one of the party she's taken to scrubbing with.
Dsalth dips in the water, bobbing down so that the water laps up to his neckridges. Rumbling constantly now, the brown inspects each scrubber in turn, a snort or whuffle seeming to approve each one. And of course you can scritch any place you like. P'rru passes on the sentiment with a "sure, Hyzen, settle yourself up there if you'd like"
Sasha keeps on scrubbing, watching for any reaction of the dragon. with a friendly wave she greets the girl who has introduced herself to Hyzen as Sirri. "Hi! I'm Sasha by the way....he's big isn't he! We are glad of your help!"
Kinecha stands quietly at the waters edge. Not being able to swim she settles for watching the others wash the brown. Besides she's enjoying the feeling of water lapping over her feet.
Sirri takes to scritching just behind the fore leg, raven tresses plastered to her tanned features at the dragon's ocean excurison. giggle giggle.
Where's that frothy splash coming from? Happens to be brown-tail-sized, but other than that and a smug snort, who can tell?
Hyzen's eyes shine with gratitude as she scrambles upwards onto the great brown bulk of dragon, patting him heartily. "Thanks P'rru and Dsalth!" Giggling, she takes a scrub-brush and situates herself betwixt neckridges. "Okay, that's were I'll start." Eh? Bending to her work, she gives another glance to Sirri. "Glad to have met you, Sirri. My name's Hyzen."
Sirri smiles, turning to Sasha with a mirrored greeting. "Well met, Sasha.." In an attempt to draw up conversation she presses. "Are you a rider, as well?"
P'rru dives down and returns moments later with a handful of sand. It's slapped against the brown's neck, and heartily scrubbed into the hide. Dsalth croons gratefully at all the attention he's recieving. But more unheard conversation goes on between lifemates until P'rru swims back towards shore.
Sasha shakes her head, ducking as a splash from the dragons tail threatens to sweep her off the wing she is perched on. "Nah....I'm a healer. but some dragons thought I might impress if I go onto the sands....I can't say I share their faith....Still! This is fun while it lasts!"
Caylea silently, suavely, glides in from the courtyard.
Sirri grins. chuckling as she is swept rather abruptly to the upper portion of Dsalth, the sweep of his twitching tail causing quite a sweep. "A candidate?" She seems genuinely amused at the young woman's statement. "I'm sure you'll impress, don't you think, Dsalth?" She had picked up the name at bits and fragments of conversation, and directed the question formally as she generously applied sand to his slippery hide.
"Can you swim, love?" P'rru asks, water shaked from his hair as he approaches Kinecha. "If you'd like to, it's not too deep, and Dsalth assures me he won't let you drown" brownrider offers on behalf of his lifemate who rolls slightly in playfully attempt to tip any of those clinging too him off. Ok that will boost the woman's confidence. Sigh.
Hyzen listens silently to the conversation between Sasha and Sirri, a grin still sweeping her pale rosen lips as she leans into the scrubbing... she's learned how to handle things like this. And the voice before... it finally dawns on her. Pausing, she stares contemplatively towards the brown's head. She hadn't put it together, used to hearing Jhiateshyrth's voice. Another grin replaces the first, this one a bit shy but full of warmth. And then... "Dsal--!" *splash!* Coming up sputtering and laughing, the Candidate gazes up at the dragon and wags her finger at him. "Now, do you want those 'ridges scrubbed 'er not, silly?"
Caylea strides back onto the beach, quickly stuffing something creamy into her satchel. She glances out towards the ocean and smiles at the scene. "Having fun?" She calls out as she strides closer to the beach. Yet she doesn't get in the water yet.
Sirri blinks away drops of water as she peers to Caylea, chuckling quietly before she is swept under, popping up with a rather accusing glance at the dragon before chuckling and going back to scrubbing and scritching.
Sirri Salt scents, glancing quietly about as she clings to Dsalth, wondering what it would be like to be around dragons, to have your own lifemate. Her eyes harden slightly, but within reflects a subtle detirmination. She does not take to heart things for which she years(yearns, and with a slight smile, continues to scrub the topaz hued creature.
Dsalth settles obediantly, eyes whirring fluidly as he watches with interest those scrubbing at his hide. A primrose pinstriped wing stretches out taut under Sasha, holding her afloat with little effort. And as for the one on his back, mustard neckridges almost bristle as his itches are found.
Caylea stops in her tracks as P'rru's voice meets her once more, but it's not P'rru's voice, is it? It's too...salty and musty: Not to mention the fact that P'rru would /not/ be saying those words. "Um.." She, unlike Hyzen, has never had something like that happen to her, and is fairly sure she's losing her mind.
She'll just..ignore it. Yep. She's heard voices before, mostly those telling her to paint Aerrin's room neon pink, but this was almost as bad. Or not. The healer crosses the rest of the distance before shaking her head again, not so able to just dismiss the words. "Itchy?" She states before turning and looking for someone. "Kinecha!" as she spots the woman and smiles. "I've got a little something for you."
Kinecha shakes her head "no I can't swim. Been on dry land all my life, so I never learned," she starts to ramble. Catching herself she smiles at the rider, "as long as he'll take care of me, I guess I wont mind helping out..." What a great turnday this is turning out to be. "What's that, Cay," she says to the other.
Chasez soars onto the Main Beach from Ista's Courtyard, looking about at the large gathering of people, then at the huge brown dragon laying in the sands. The young blue flit, flies about, spiralling in several circles before finding the perfect spot in the sands to situate himself. He makes several clicking noises, then silences himself to look about at the others.
Sasha moves slowly up the long sinuous neck scrubbing every little patch within her reach. As D'salth rolls a little, Sasha smiles, grimly holding on to whatever hand hold she can find, refusing to be dislodged. Seeing Caylea arrive she waves and shouts over to her friend. "Come on you chicken! the water is wonderful and D'salth is extremely well behaved" Famous last words as the large brown dragon lurches under her and Sasha slips, falling headlong into the water.
Hyzen tries to get the taste of the ocean out of her mouth as she remounts the brown one, rubbing both hands at her face. "Ugh... that's nasty tasting." Shaking her salt-inbibed locks, she gazes around... and sighs softly. The brush. Where'd it go? Leaping off Dsalth's back and into the water, she searches the bottom and finally resurfaces with it. Again, she climbs the dragon's back and gets back to her work, happily scrubbing away. Well, one good thing: the brush now had grainy sand in it to help out!
Sirri seems quite detirmined to scrub that motion-happy tail. And gliding through the azulian waves, she approaches, carefuly. Sand in hand and her ready to pounce when the chance arises. THat tail shall be clean yet! Mwha!
Caylea looks slightly pensive, now for more then one reason. She crosses the rest of the distance between she and the woman and coughs, digging around in her satchel. "I..don't know if you'll like her.. but." She pulls out something almost completely white.
Caylea hands you Aya.
P'rru inclines his head. "Come along then Kinecha, I'll have him pick you up when the water gets too deep to stand comfortably in" thought the rider didn't notice Caylea pass the other an object and now halts. Meanwhile Dsalth rumbles loudly, his tail now a game as it flickers just in and out of Sirri's reach, occasionally slapping up drenching splashes at her.
Sirri darts after the tail a moment, the next she is scrambling out of the way. Dripping and jovial with laughter she manages to cling about halfway down, and scrub furiously should the playful Dsalth decide to de-cling her. Before the scrubbing is remotely done.
Eyes widening Necha stares at Cay, "Oh, Cay, thank you so much." She throws her arms around Cay, giving her a hug without even thinking about it. Hearing the rider say her name she says to him "One minute, if you don't mind." Her eyes return to Cay. "This is really too much."
Caylea flushes immediately and nods, shrugging her shoulders and trying to appear casually. "You're welcome.. And it's not to much. I wish I had more marks to get the other one, but this she's all I could afford. The keeper said her name is Aya." She says, motioning to the plushie. Coughing once more, trying to clear her throat -weither from the blush or from her rising cold- Cay glances towards the brown. "Somehow I get the impression that he needs a good scrubbing, and that three people just aren't enough to do the job."
A puppy plushie lies before you, soft, silky, non-colorful -- Ivory falls, a milky frost, across slender cream shoulders of the softest down. A coat unkissed by the blemishes of the burgundy yellows common to its kind. Claws freshly pink, holding no pigment, no color beyond the light snowy hues. Soles as well float the pup upon clouds of creamy peach. Scrupulous pelt etches its scruffy way delicately over baby-tender ears, melting against wrinkly neck, and down over each rolling tundra of baby chub. Customary ember painted muzzle-lips are instead pictured pink with creamy orange overtones. Long, gleefully fickle pink tongue rests securely between toothless gums. Radiant roses dapple within whitened orbs, a fire born within the snowy soul. [8'in x 5in]
"Finished!" Holding up her scrub-brush, Hyzen grins down towards all her friends before glancing behind her and drawing deep breath. She's never looked back before. That's a -lot- of dragon back to clean! Shaking her head, she clings to a 'ridge and leans as far out as she dares to try and catch Dsalth's eye. "You know, why didn't you stop growing at... oh, around half this size? You are -huge-!" But she's teasing him and turns about on the neck to gaze back. Work, work, work. At least this was -fun- work! And she was getting a tan and many living so farth north couldn't claim.
Dsalth does indeed need a good scrubbing. Not that those already at work aren't doing a marvelous job at it. Just there's a lot to get to. Sirri isn't dislodged from his tail yet it continues fanning along the top of the water in attempt to drag her with it. Geometric neckridges are shaken while a large wedged head snakes around to peer back at Hyzen. Totally innocent. Well, until water is somehow squirted through that open maw, tongue pink as it lolls in comically out the side.
Spluttering from her sudden ducking, Sasha surfaces and swims a few strokes to orientate herself before attempting to clamber back onto the dragon's wing. Unsuccessful she floats back in the water enjoying its lapping caress around her and watching the others for aminute while she catches her breath.
Chasez suddenly disappears ::between::!
Giving Cay one more hug Kinecha turns to P'rru and says "Ok, I'm ready now," her voice holding some emotion from Cay's unexpected gift.
P'rru smiles, "alright, come along then" the brownrider offers his hand to Kinecha. "How about you give her some extra support on the other side Caylea?" he suggests, feet shucking in the sand as he marches towards the water.
Sirri squeaks in triumph as that portion of the tail is finished. Looking about to see if anyone noticed her accomplishment she seems to be.. moving.. those about her, infact, everything about her is slowly wagging side to side. Dsalth is certainly doing a good job of keeping the girl on her toes, but she's strong enough to scrabble downward on the tail where it is a bit skinnier, and renew her scrubbing efforts, calling up to the dragon with mirth clouded eyes. "You know, you could make this easier."
Caylea laughs and starts out for the water, dress and all: Fards, she's used to getting all wet. At least these were /warm/ waters. And, though she was a few marks lighter in the pockets, she was glad to have found something for Kinecha's turnday. Hearing P'rru, she gives a quick nod, starting to wade out to the other side. "Mind a wing-up, Dsalth?" It would be far more comfortable then being burried /under/ the wing, at this point.
Not scared of the water Kinecha bravely walks straight for the water between her helpers. "This is not so bad," she manages to say as she tentatively tries to swim, but only splashing her arms about.
Dsalth is certainly obediant when he wants to be, wing bending to Caylea's request. His tail, however, continues it's lazy waving- it'd be no fun if he was still, might aswell be a firelizard! And Genreth is no firelizard (hehe).
Sirri vhelkmently repeats the scrubbing process, and with a very smug expression at her triumph detatches from the weaving tail. Sinking beneath soft waves before she surfaces a little further away, frackles becoming more pronounced on her pert nose as the sun continues it's pleasent assult.
Hyzen slowly and shakily stands up as she ponders the broad expanse before her. This was testing her skill, so it was. "You're welcome," comes the chirp as she hesitantly walks down the backside of great brown beast. "Now... how to start and whatnot." Tapping the brush 'gainst her chin, she gives the back a mock-dirty look before turning about. "Someone help me, please? This is more than I can do alone, you know." Hah, isn't that a fact? But she asked for it!
Nope: But Eowyn still suffered from clausterphobia (sp) do to 'Genreth's' actions. Carefully climbing up onto the wing, careful of tips and sails as she does so. Somehow, yes somehow, she suddenly brandishes a scrubbrush and a small lot of sand which she begins to spread over her 'portion' of the wing. Brush begins to scrubscrubscrubscrub over the wing and towards the body, carefully of course. She chuckles as she glances back over Kinecha. "Nope, not bad at all."
Sirri sadly floats into the shallows, noting that as the sun sinks, her lessons approach. She waves to those she met, smiling warmly before she scuttles onto the sands. "Take care! Especially to you, Dsalth." The g'bye to the dragon was rather soft and she relizes with mild dismay that he probably barely noticed. With another wave she begins to trudge up the sands.
"I'll help you," Kinecha says, swallowing a mouthfull of water. Sputtering she hangs onto whatever is nearest, which is a neckridge. "Somebody help me up, so I don't drown," she says between coughs.
Sasha waves to Sirri "bye!"
P'rru waves over to Sirri as Dsalth croons. "Thank you, Sirri" he calls out to her. Yep, his lifemate heard. Then, paddling gently, he heads over to Kinecha "I'll give you a boost up..."he suggests and hands grip at her waist "Just keep a hold of a neckridge, Kinecha!"
Dsalth dips into the water, now a bobbing bag of bones isn't he? And luckily there's been enough help around to scrub him down well- one rider just doesn't do!
Holding on tight to that neckridge Necha waits for the boost. As the dragon dips under water she follows and comes up sputtering again. "This is not the way I wanted to learn how to swim she says." But now she's on the dragon's back and out of the water.
Sasha finally finishes scrubbing...stepping back with satisfaction she admires her handiwork before throwing the scrubbing brush onto the beach and diving into the steeply shelving blue water. Surfacing a little way away she begins to stride out of the water onto the beach.
ScrubScrubScrubScrub: This kind of work should be made into a craft. Sure, the DragonCaring Craft! That way neither riders nor candidates... -especially- candidates would have to do all this. They could have little ol' Caring apprentices come and scrub each dragon lovingly. Pern would be a far far better place! World peace (as if they didn't have that already) Happy riders! Happy dragons! Crooon. Needless to say, Caylea continues scrubbing, now scrambling over his long back.
Dsalth bugles, wings pulled back slightly towards his body. Probably be best if you hang on from here on in really. Maw snaps shut over a rolling wave, a silver fish wiggling between blunted teeth.
Hyzen watches Kinecha as she scrambles upon dragon-hide, hurrying... as best she can on slippy wet dragon, to help the other. "Thanks! It'll get done faster with two of us to do it!" Smiling, she studies the other. "Got a brush?" Hopefully... but if not, Hy can fetch one. Letting out a cry of alarm emitting as she drops down onto the back and hangs on. "Necha, drop and grab this 'ridge!" Didn't need the other sliding off. That'd be bad. The others might not be affected, but standing a dragon while he was wet and moving was 'dangerous' business.
Kinecha shuts her mouth tight. 'Oh, no what's he doing now' she thinks, eyes wide with a feeling close to terror. Hands grabbing the ridge tightly, she manages to stay on top of the dragon and not fall of. She eyes P'rru, who'd told that Dsalth had promised to keep her from drowing.
P'rru loses his grip and paddles around to his lifemate's head. "Now be careful, Kinecha can't swim" he tells him levelly, a finger wagged. The dragon snorts smugly, rider's don't know a thing. And of course, worried, P'rru makes his slippery way up onto the sorrel 'n'khaki back aswell. "Hold on...he's up to something" Not confidence boosting when the rider's got a good grip on a neckridge too isn't it?
Caylea eeps softly as the dragon shifts and latches onto one of the nearby ridges instinctively. "What in the world.." She mutters before stopping in her scrubbing to look towards Dsalth's head. "Is he catching fish or somethin?" Heck, for all she knew he'd be eating dolphins up there and she'd be clueless.
Forgetting all about scrubbing Kinecha puts all her energy into just holding on. She'd no intention of falling of a dragon and landing underneath him in the water. Definately not the way she'd thought she'd learn how to swim.
Dsalth holds his tail out of the water, and a huge lungful of air is sucked through his nostrils...then *splash glug glug* he dives, carrying those attached to him under aswell. P'rru yips in suprise and his lifemate resurfaces after a mere milisecond and begins paddling towards the beach once more. They thought they'd stay dry...
Sasha swings up to ease herself between defined neckridges
With a helpful bolster from Dsalth's tail, you climb up to sit comfortable between geometric neckridges.
Hyzen swings up to ease herself between defined neckridges
P'rru swings up to ease himself between defined neckridges
Caylea suddenly goes *swoosh*, being carried down with the dragon in the backwash. Suddenly she's /very/ wet. When she comes back up, there's no dragon under her, and she's peddling to stay afloat. Laughing, she shakes her head and heads back for shore. "Evil!" She calls out behind Dsalth before glancing around. Well, everyone else is mounting up, so time must have passed without her, so Caylea quickly runs and clammers up.
Caylea swings up to ease herself between defined neckridges
Drenched. Oh poor, poor Hyzen. After gulping a basin-full of water, she climbs the rides and offers help towards Kinecha as she settles between two of those neck 'ridges, still gasping. "Thanks Dsalth. We all needed that." Wryly said, but she doesn't blame the dragon. He makes life interesting.
Caylea would probably blame the dragon, but she's too busy scrambling back down to pick up her cloak, wrapping it around her, and then scrambling back up.
Shaking water out of her ears Kinecha tries not to blame the dragon for getting her wet. She did volounteer to help, didn't she.
Wet and soggy but shiny and clean, Dsalth pads with his passengers onto the sand, launching into the air immediately....don't ask about straps. P'rru swings down, grabbing up his clothes before it's back onto his lifemate. "He'll be much steadier in the air, girls, hold on" and dsalth is in the air in moments. You jump into the sea breeze and unfurl your wings to fly!
Dsalth wheels into ::between:: with a groan
You hang, senseless, in the dark nothingness of ::between::... absolute darkness surrounds you, and the profound cold stings you... you wait, and count...
Above High Reaches
Quite, quite high, nothing braves these heights but stone and dragon and cloud; the Star Stones jut dutifully above the Weyr proper, flayed by the mountain winds that are consistant at this altitude whilst the rest spreads below, protected by its crown of jagged stone spires'-teeth.
It is a summer afternoon.
Dsalth drops in with careful measure from ::between::!
You abandon the view from high above the bowl and circle lower, passing the Spires and Star Stones on the way down.
Above the Bowl
Wings tired? Or you just want to feel solid earth beneath your paws...
Dsalth watches with interest as Hyzen descends carefully
From Dsalth's neck, P'rru shakes his head, water splashing. "Sorry about that...he tends to get overexcited in the water" blame dragon not rider please :)
Time passes, everyone gets home and unfreezes (or in Cay's case, remains frozen for another month) and everyone's happy (Yes, even Cay)
Sasha turns to P'rru and smiles gratefully. "well apart from the bizzare nature of the hugathon earlier...that was the best chore i have had to do all candidacy. Thankyou"
Teeth clattering, "that's allright, thanks for a great Turnday, P'rru," Kinecha says.
Dsalth rumbles in approval, water droplets still flecking off his hide.
Hyzen waves, shivering in her swimming suit, towards the 'rider. "Cold!" comes her comment before she skitters towards the Weyr and warmth! "Come on guys! It's too cold out here... and going ::between::..." They might all get sick. mwahahaha. A horde of sick candies. How's that?
Givning Cay a hug once more Necha says "and thank you, Cay"
Caylea beams and nods to Necha and all the rest. "I hope you like her, Kin." With that, she turns and quickly scurries back to the tunnels.
Hyzen meekly steps to the Caverns.
Dsalth takes off.
Above, Dsalth circles leisurely towards the lake.
Kinecha jumps up and down in place, "well, I'm going to get under the covers for a while," she says and heads for the Head Quarters.
Guards Headquarters
Set aside from the main caverns of the Weyr, this room is rarely silent. It's dominated by the public area near the wide arch of a doorway, where there are chairs and tables set in little groups, availible as work desks and chatting spots. Further back into the mountain is several curtained alcoves, used for such things as a private office for the Captain, storage for paperwork, records and miscellanea. Continueing into the rock, the last section is sheilded by heavy curtains that, when pushed aside to let someone pass, shows the cots for the Guards to sleep.